M.A. English, M.A. Theatre Arts, M.S. Multicultural/Multilingual Education

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IDS 3332 Issues in Culture & Society

Digital Storytelling: What’s Your Story?

CRN 12593
Policy Statement and Course Syllabus Spring 2018

Instructor: Sheila Bolduc-Simpson

M.A. English, M.A. Theatre Arts, M.S. Multicultural/Multilingual Education

Course Days/Time: online

Email: sbolduc@fgcu.edu Location: Reed Hall 216

Mailbox: Reed Hall, Room 225

Office: Reed Hall Room 216

Office Phone: 239 590-7810
Office Hours: M/W 2-4 pm or by appt. Reed
Hall Room 216
Cell Phone: 239-272-2727
Required Text and Materials

No Textbook Required

Technical Requirements
1. High speed internet access with a standard up-to-date browser, either Chrome or
Firefox. Opera and Safari are NOT compatible with Canvas.
2. Consistent and reliable access to Canvas as it is the official method of
communication for this course.
3. Hardware: digital video camera, computer, phone camera, or other device capable
of capturing audio, images, and video.
4. Adobe Flash Player

General Course Requirements

General Course Description:

IDS 3332 Issues in Culture & Society 3 credits

Examines selected contemporary cultural/social issues and problems
and their intellectual histories through a variety of interdisciplinary
perspectives and methods. Stresses critical, creative, and
collaborative thinking and application of communication,
information, and technological skills.

Prerequisites: IDS 3300 for level UG with min. grade of C

Course Overview:
Storytelling has always been a vital part of every community, it is how we understand who we are
in relationship to others. Through story we are taught all the important lessons in life. Story
preserves our history, our language, and our culture. Story is how we connect generations within
communities. Without story we are lost. We are without connection. Digital is a tool that we can
use to cross those bridges and reconnect community.

Everyone has a story to tell and with the telling of the story comes connection to people,
communities, and an interest in new subjects. Everyone remembers the teacher that through story
made a subject come alive before our eyes. Through story that teacher gave us meaning,
understanding, and connection to unknown worlds.

Learning Outcomes (LOs):

Students who complete this course will be able to

1. describe the development of storytelling from its oral tradition to written tradition to
digital production
2. identify and incorporate the 7 elements involved in building compelling and meaningful
3. research digital topic stories
4. plan, write, and edit digital stories
5. select or create images and music that match their digital stories
6. use their text, images and music to create their storyboards
7. edit their storyboards and produce their digital stories
8. evaluate digital stories of their peers
9. use different types of free Web tools to create digital stories
10. write a written reflection on the final produced digital stories.

Class Community: Use your time and effort in this class as positively and productively as
possible. All of us, including me, are here to learn from one another. All members of the class are
entitled to their own opinions; however, we need to consider various arguments, to respect
individual perspectives, and communicate our points of view effectively while being considerate
of all members of the class.

Attendance Policy: It is important that you regularly participate in ALL online class sessions
because these courses are structured in such a way that if you do not participate, you cannot pass.
This means that you need to log into Canvas a minimum of THREE days a week and access the
modules to do the readings, watch the videos and do the assignments. In order to earn a passing
score (a grade of C or higher, you may miss no more than 4 online sessions. Missing more than
those 4 sessions may result in failure of the course. The final decision will be made at the
discretion of the instructor.

over the 15 weeks of the course and will be worth 20 points each. You cannot make up these

Verification of Attendance Assignment: As of fall 2015, all faculty members are required to use
Canvas to confirm a student’s attendance for each course by the end of the first week of classes.
Failure to do so will result in a delay in the disbursement of financial aid. The confirmation of
attendance is required for all students, not only those receiving financial aid.

Assignments: In this course, in addition to a number of required shorter writing assignments,

which may include proposals, storyboard assignments, reflection assignments, etc. you will create
two digital stories between 3 and 5 minutes. Each of these video assignments will be the result of
a planning, proposing, writing, and editing process.

Please note: To fulfill the requirements for this course, turning in all assignments (including
proposals, storyboards, drafts, peer reviews, and quizzes is a minimum requirement—but
not a guarantee—for passing IDS 3332.

Plagiarism & Intellectual Honesty: Plagiarism is a form of intellectual theft and occurs when
students present the words or ideas of another without giving credit to the original source. The
University’s definition of plagiarism can be found in the Student Code of Conduct, which also
outlines the University’s policies and procedures regarding academic dishonesty/cheating (of
which plagiarism is one form), students’ responsibilities, and the consequences for violating this

In this course, those who plagiarize, regardless of intent, will be required to meet in conference
with the instructor and may be referred to the Dean of Students Office for a hearing before the
Academic Integrity Committee. In all cases, an adjudication form will be filed with the Dean of
Students Office. The Adjudication form can be found at

Based on these meetings and/or hearings, students found guilty of plagiarism are subject to
penalties including—but not limited to—receiving a failing grade for the assignment and/or
course, or even suspension or expulsion from the University. It is ultimately the student’s
responsibility to understand and avoid plagiarism.

On-line Peer Critiques: You will be required to share your digital stories with the class. Although
most students feel uncomfortable sharing their work with others, and maybe even more so
critiquing the work of their peers, it is a necessary part of the digital storytelling process.
Learning how to constructively evaluate another’s work and your own will take time and practice.
The more you do so, the easier it becomes and the more efficient your digital storytelling will be.

Digital Storytelling Process

University Nondiscrimination Statement
Florida Gulf Coast University is committed to ensuring equity and fairness for all University
employees, students, visitors, vendors, contractors and other third parties. As such, the University
prohibits discrimination on the bases of race, color, national origin, ethnicity, religion, age,
disability, sex (including sexual harassment/assault), gender identity/expression, marital status,
sexual orientation, veteran status or genetic predisposition with regard to admissions,
employment, programs or other activities operated by the University. This prohibition extends to
enforcement of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Questions or complaints should
be directed to the Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance (OIEC). The OIEC’s phone
number is (239)745-4366; the OIEC email address is OIEC@fgcu.edu.

Attendance Verification: As of fall 2015, all faculty members are required to confirm a student's
attendance for each course by the end of the first week of classes. Failure to do so will result in a
delay in the disbursement of your financial aid. The confirmation of attendance is required for all
students, not only those receiving financial aid.

Office of Adaptive Services
Disability Accommodations Services: Florida Gulf Coast University, in accordance with the
Americans with Disabilities Act and the university’s guiding principles, will provide classroom
and academic accommodations to students with documented disabilities. If you need to request an
accommodation in this class due to a disability, or you suspect that your academic performance is
affected by a disability, please see me or contact the Office of Adaptive Services. The Office of
Adaptive Services is located in the Wellness Building. The phone number is 239-590-7956 or
Video Phone (VP) 239-243-9453. In addition to classroom and campus accommodations,
individuals with disabilities are encouraged to create their personal emergency evacuation plan
and FGCU is committed to providing information on emergency notification procedures. You can
find information on the emergency exits and Areas of Rescue Assistance for each building, as
well as other emergency preparedness materials on the Environmental Health and Safety and
University Police Department websites. If you will need assistance in the event of an emergency
due to a disability, please contact Adaptive Services for available services and information.

The following is a list of the main technologies used in this course. Accessibility
statements for each can be found on the Technology Accessibility Policies page.
The link to an interfaith calendar is at http://www.interfaithcalendar.org

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) provides free counseling and therapy services
(including psychiatry) to all FGCU students. Please walk in to the second floor Howard Hall
office any week day between 8:30 and 4:30 to schedule an initial contact appointment. Visit the
CAPS website at www.fgcu.edu/caps for more information. CAPS offers a 24/7 Helpline at (239)
745-3277 (EARS).

Grading Policy

Assignments: Some assignments will be turned in as a Word doc (.doc or docx) or Rich Text
format (.rft) document. These files must be labeled to include the name of the submitter and the
name of the assignment (e.g., JaneDoeDigitalStory1Proposal).

Microsoft Works files (.wps) will NOT be accepted. To convert your .wps files to .doc files, go
to the free online file conversion program Zamzar.

Other assignments will be submitted as LINKS to a digital video or as TEXT in a

discussion forum. Please read the assignment directions and follow them to the letter.

Assignments must meet all criteria for a “good” or “satisfactory” to receive a C. Grading rubrics
will be provided for each of the assignments.

ALL assignments are due in Canvas by 11:55 p.m. on

Monday on the due date listed in Canvas. Assignments must be
submitted online and on time; late assignments will be downgraded one half letter grade
per 24 hours late. I will grant extended deadlines if you communicate with me at least 24
hours before the assignment is due and provide justification for why you need the extension
and when you plan to turn in the assignment.Extensions cannot go for more than ONE
week after the assignment is due.

There are NO extensions for the submission of the interactive video quizzes.

Grading Scale: Grade distribution will be as follows:

Attendance Verification Assignment 20 pts.

Syllabus Quiz

Discussion Forums (LO3) 80 pts.

Introductions & Getting Acquainted 20
(LO1) History of Storytelling 20
(LO1) Introduction to Digital Storytelling 20
(LO2)(LO3) Exploring Topics Discussion Forum 20

Interactive Video Quizzes (LO1)(LO2)(LO3) 100 pts.

Digital Storytelling Tool Practice Assignments (5) 100 100 pts.

Digital Story Assignments 700 pts.

(LO3)(LO4)Digital Story 1 Proposal 25
(LO4)Digital Story 1 Script 50
(LO5)(LO6)Digital Story 1 Storyboard 50
(LO8)(LO9)Digital Story 1 Draft & Peer Review 25
(LO4)(LO5)(LO6)(LO7)(LO8)(LO9)Digital Story 1 Final 100
(LO10)Digital Story 1 Reflection 50
(LO4)Digital Story 2 Proposal 25
(LO4)Digital Story 2 Script 50
(LO5)(LO6)Digital Story 2 Storyboard 50
(LO8)(LO9)Digital Story 2 Draft & Peer Review 25
(LO4)(LO5)(LO6)(LO7)(LO8)(LO9)Digital Story 2 Final 200
(LO10)Digital Story 2 Reflection 50

TOTAL: 1000 pts.

Your coursework and final course grade are determined using the following scale:
90-100 A Excellent Work
86-89 B+
80-85 B Above Average Work
76-79 C+
70-75 C Average Work
69-60 D Below Average Work
59-0 F

As you can see, I use plus grades only. In this way, you will experience the benefit of a full grade
or a plus grade.


Last day to Drop/Withdraw via Gulfline (100% refund): Friday, August 24
Last day to Drop/Withdraw without academic penalty: Friday, October 19

IDS 3322/FALL 2018

Tentative Schedule

Please note: The schedule below, while as complete as possible, is subject to revision to meet
class needs. All revisions to the schedule will be announced on Canvas.

ALL ASSIGNMENTS will be due by 11:55 p.m. every Monday.

Week 1 August 20 – August 27 Getting Acquainted with Each Other and the Course
● Introduction to Course
● Discussion Forum 1: Introducing One Another and Responding
● Syllabus Quiz

Week 2 August 27 - September 3 Introduction to Storytelling

● Interactive Video 1 (IV1) Quiz
● Discussion Forum 2: Why We Are Storytelling Animals

Week 3: September 3 - September 10 Introduction to Digital Storytelling I

● Interactive Video 2 (IV2)
● Interactive Video 3 (IV3)
● Digital Storytelling Tool Practice 1

Week 4: September 10 - September 17 Introduction to Digital Storytelling II

● Interactive Video 4 (IV4)
● Discussion Forum 3: Exploring Topics

Week 5: September 17 - September 24 Choosing & Proposing Topic for Digital Story 1
● Interactive Video 4 (IV4)
● Interactive Video 5 (IV5)
● Interactive Video 6 (IV6)
● Digital Story 1 Proposal
● Digital Storytelling Tool Practice 2

Week 6: September 24 - October 1 Writing a Script

● Interactive Video 8 (IV8)
● Interactive Video 9 (IV9)
● Digital Story 1 Script

Week 7: October 1 - October 8 Creating a Storyboard

● Digital Story 1 Storyboard
● Digital Storytelling Tool Practice 3

Week 8: October 8 - October 15 Digital Story 2 Draft Video & Revised Script & Midterm
● Digital Story 2 Draft Video
● Digital Story 2 Revised Script
● Midterm Evaluation

Week 9: October 15 - October 22

● Digital Story 2 Peer Reviews

Week 10: October 22 - October 29 Digital Story Final Video & Reflection
● Digital Story Final Video
● Digital Story 1 Reflection

Week 11: October 29 - November 5 Digital Story 2 Proposal

● Digital Story 2 Proposal
● Interactive Video 10 (IV10)
● Digital Storytelling Tool Practice 4

Week 12: November 5 - November 12 Digital Story 2 Script and Storyboard

● Digital Story 2 Script
● Digital Story 2 Storyboard

Week 13: November 12 - November 19 Digital Story 2 Video Draft & Peer Reviews
● Digital Story 2 Video Draft
● Digital Story 2 Video Peer Reviews

Week 14: November 19 - November 26 Digital Story 2 Final Video

● Digital Story 2 Final Video
● Digital Storytelling Tool Practice Tool 5

Week 15: November 26 - December 3 Reflection

● Digital Story 2 Reflection


It is expected that each student will take personal responsibility for developing the skills
necessary to use basic computing applications. Please complete the FGCU Self-assessment
survey to measure your skill level.

Please read the FGCU Minimum Technology Requirements.

These are the privacy policies for external links.
Canvas - https://www.canvaslms.com/policies/privacy (Links to an external site.)Links to an
external site.
Kaltura - https://corp.kaltura.com/privacy-policy (Links to an external site.)Links to an external
Connect -
http://connect.mheducation.com/connectweb/branding/en_US/default/html/privacy.html (Links to
an external site.)Links to an external site.
Adobe Connect - http://www.adobe.com/privacy/policy-linkfree.html (Links to an external
site.)Links to an external site.
Respondus - https://www.respondus.com/about/privacy.shtml (Links to an external site.)Links to
an external site.

Technology Problems
If you experience problems with Canvas, please contact 590-7100 for tech support.

Live support is available at 239-590-7100:

o Monday through Thursday, 8 am - 11 pm
o Friday, 8 am - 6 pm
o Saturday, 8 am - 5 pm
Logging into the Canvas server indicates that you agree to abide by the policies and procedures
set forth in Florida Gulf Coast University's Acceptable Computer and Network Use
Policy. Further, Canvas mail is governed by FGCU email policies set forth in documentation
found at http://eagle.fgcu.edu/policies.html.
If your problems are computer related , please contact the IT staff at 590-1188.


If you want to be able to access your files ANYWHERE and anytime, install DROPBOX on your
computer or install DROPBOX on your Smartphone. To access DROPBOX, go to

Alternatively, you can back up your files using Google Drive. You will have to create a gmail
account. Create a folder for each of your courses for organizational purposes.

Office of Student Conduct



All students are expected to demonstrate honesty in their academic pursuits. The university
policies regarding issues of honesty can be found in the FGCU Student Guidebook under the
Student Code of Conduct and Policies and Procedures sections. All students are expected to
study this document which outlines their responsibilities and consequences for violations of the
policy. The FGCU Student Guidebook is available online at


For general matters, if you wish to correspond with me and/or your fellow classmates, use the
Inbox tab in Canvas.
1. Inbox tab to send correspondence

Try to avoid using my faculty email address noted above as I like to keep all course-related
correspondence in the course itself.

You should expect feedback on any correspondence within 24 hours and feedback
on your assignments within 7 days of your submission.


All students at Florida Gulf Coast University have a right to expect that the University will
reasonably accommodate their religious observances, practices, and beliefs. Students, upon prior
notification to their instructors, shall be excused from class or other scheduled academic activity
to observe a religious holy day of their faith. Students shall be permitted a reasonable amount of
time to make up the material or activities covered in their absence. Students shall not be penalized
due to absence from class or other scheduled academic activity because of religious observances.
Where practicable, major examinations, major assignments, and University ceremonies will not
be scheduled on a major religious holy day. A student who is to be excused from class for a
religious observance is not required to provide a second party certification of the reason for the
The link to an interfaith calendar is at http://www.interfaithcalendar.org

A list of the FGCU student services can be located by clicking on the “resources” button in
the blue ribbon on the left-hand side of the browser window.


Incompletes will only be granted when a student has a documented and unavoidable emergency
situation and has completed all course work except for a final project, paper, or exam
(approximately 75% of course work). In cases where students have not finished most of the
course assignments, they will be given the grade earned. In these cases, an "I" is NOT an
appropriate option.

3/2 Withdrawal Rule: This rule is designed to help students stay on track for timely graduation.
Beginning Fall 2017, FGCU students will be allowed to withdraw from a maximum of three (3)
lower-level courses (numbered 1000-2999) and two (2) upper-level courses (numbered 3000-
4999) without academic penalty after the drop/add dates. Any W’s that students acquired prior to
Fall 2017 do not count toward this limit. An appeal process will be in place. Withdrawals for
approved extenuating circumstances such as medical reasons and active duty military service will
not count toward this limit.

NOTE: The last day to drop/withdraw from this course without academic penalty is by
Friday, October 19th.


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