International Journal of Biological Macromolecules: Sougata Jana, Arijit Gandhi, Subrata Sheet, Kalyan Kumar Sen

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International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 72 (2015) 47–53

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Metal ion-induced alginate–locust bean gum IPN microspheres for

sustained oral delivery of aceclofenac
Sougata Jana ∗ , Arijit Gandhi, Subrata Sheet, Kalyan Kumar Sen
Department of Pharmaceutics, Gupta College of Technological Sciences, Asansol 713301, W.B., India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The alginate microspheres represent a useful tool for sustained oral delivery of drugs but exhibit sev-
Received 5 June 2014 eral problems associated with the stability and rapid release of drugs at higher pH values. To overcome
Received in revised form 25 July 2014 these drawbacks, alginate–locust bean gum (LBG) interpenetrating microspheres were prepared by cal-
Accepted 31 July 2014
cium ion (Ca+2 ) induced ionotropic gelation technique for prolonged release of aceclofenac. The drug
Available online 9 August 2014
entrapment efficiency of these microspheres was found to be 59–93%. The microspheres lied in the size
range of 406–684 ␮m. Scanning electron microscopy revealed spherical shape of the microspheres. No
drug–polymer interaction was evident after infrared spectroscopy analysis. The microspheres provided
Locust bean gum
sustained release of aceclofenac in phosphate buffer solution (pH 6.8) over a period of 8 h. The drug release
Microspheres data were fitted into the Korsmeyer–Peppas model and the drug release was found to follow anomalous
Sustained drug delivery (non-Fickian) diffusion mechanism. Pharmacodynamic study of the microspheres showed a prolonged
Anti-inflammatory activity anti-inflammatory activity in carrageenan-induced rat paw model following oral administration.
© 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V.

1. Introduction their extensive application as food additives and their recognized

lack of toxicity. It can be tailored made to suit the demands of appli-
Microspheres refer to the micro-particulate polymer-based
cants in both the pharmaceutical and biomedical areas. This group
carrier systems for drug delivery applications. They offer advan- of polymers possesses a number of characteristics that makes it
tages such as limited fluctuation of drug–plasma profile within a
useful as a formulation aid, both as a conventional excipient and
therapeutic range, reduction in side effects, decreased dosing fre- more specifically as a tool in polymeric controlled drug delivery. It
quency and improved patient compliance [1,2]. Over the past few
consists mainly of a neutral galactomanan polymer made up of 1,
decades, several research papers have been published on micro- 4-linked d-mannopyronosyl units and every fourth or fifth chain
spheres, composed of naturally occurring biodegradable polymers
unit is substituted on C6 with a d-galactopyranosyl unit [9].
[3]. Among naturally occurring biodegradable polymers, sodium Sodium alginate have ability to undergo ionotropic gelation
alginate and locust bean gum (LBG) are widely used polymer can-
in aqueous solution in presence of multivalent cations like Ca2+ ,
didates for the designing and development of various drug delivery Zn2+ , Pb2+ , Cd2+ , Al3+ , etc. [10]. On the other hand, LBG also able
systems. Sodium alginate, a linear anionic polysaccharide obtained to undergo ionotropic gelation in aqueous solution in presence of
from brown algae is known to biodegradable and non-toxic [4].
cations like Al3+ [11,12]. The mechanical stability of the ionotrop-
Sodium alginate, the sodium salt of alginic acid, belongs to a
ically cross-linked gel systems is provided by multivalent cations.
family of linear copolymer composed of two monomeric units, ␤- In literatures, the combination of alginate and LBG as drug delivery
d-mannuronic acid residue, ␣-l-guluronic acid residue and regions carrier was not found. Though drug loaded alginate microspheres
of interspersed both the residues [5,6]. Alginates have been used represent a useful tool for sustained oral drug delivery but show
as matrix forming material in the design of various drug deliv- several problems, mainly related to the stability, and rapid drug
ery systems to achieve sustained drug release over a prolonged release at higher pH values. To overcome these drawbacks, the
period due to its hydro-gel forming properties [7]. On the other present investigation was undertaken to design IPN microspheres
hand, locust bean gum is also derived from the endosperm of the using a dual combination of alginate and LBG for sustained drug
seeds of Ceretonia siliqua Linn belonging to the family Fabaceae [8]. delivery.
Locust bean gum has a wide potential in drug formulation due to Aceclofenac is chemically 2-[(2 ,6 -dichlorophenyl) amino]
phenylacetoxyacetic acid, as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 9434896683. drug (NSAID) with short half-life (4 h) indicated for the symp-
E-mail address: (S. Jana). tomatic treatment of pain and inflammation [13]. It is also used in
0141-8130/© 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V.
48 S. Jana et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 72 (2015) 47–53

Table 1 weighing balance (Dhona 160 D, Dhona Instrument Pvt. Ltd.,

The percentage of polymers, drug (aceclofenac) and cross-linker for the preparation
India.) and the theoretical weight was calculated by taking into
of different aceclofenac-loaded microspheres.
consideration the weight of the drug and polymer employed
Formulation Sodium alginate LBG (% Aceclofenac CaCl2 (% during the preparation of microspheres. The percentage yields
code (% w/v) w/v) (% w/v) w/v)
of these microspheres were calculated using this following
F1 1 1 1 2 formula:
F2 1 1 1 4
F3 1 2 1 2 Percentage yield = (Weight of microspheres recovered/
F4 1 2 1 4
F5 1 3 1 2 Total weight of drug and polymers) × 100
F6 1 3 1 4
F7 2 1 1 2
F8 2 1 1 4
F9 3 1 1 2
F10 3 1 1 4 2.4. Estimation of drug entrapment efficiency
F11 2 2 1 2
F12 2 2 1 4
Accurately weighed 100 mg of prepared aceclofenac-loaded
microspheres from each batch were taken separately and were
the treatment of arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and placed in 500 ml of phosphate buffer, pH 6.8, and kept it
ankylosing spondylitis [14]. Aceclofenac is reported to produce side overnight followed by sonication for 15 min in a sonicator
effects like gastric irritation, ulcer, particularly diarrhoea, nausea, (Frontline sonicator, FS-600, Frontline electronics and machinery
abdominal pain and flatulence, etc. as result of prolong treatment Pvt. Ltd., India). The polymer debris formed after disintegra-
[15,16]. Due to its short half-life, its recommended dose is consid- tion of beads was removed filtering through Whatman® filter
ered as 200 mg daily in divided doses. To reduce dosing frequency paper (No.40). The drug content in the filtrate was determined
and adverse effects during prolong treatment, sustained release using a UV–vis spectrophotometer (Shimadzu, Japan) by mea-
dosage of aceclofenac to deliver aceclofenac at a slow release rate suring absorbance at max of 274 nm. The drug entrapment
over an extended period of time is essential. Therefore, aceclofenac efficiency of microspheres was calculated using this following
was used as model drug in this investigation. formula:

2. Materials and methods Drug entrapment efficiency(%)

2.1. Materials = (Actual drug content in microspheres/

Aceclofenac was received as a gift sample from Cipla Pharma- Theoretical drug content in microspheres) × 100
ceuticals, India; Sodium alginate was commercially purchased from
Merck Specialities Pvt. Ltd., India; LBG was procured from Hi-Media,
India; Calcium chloride was purchased from S.D. Fine chemicals Ltd,
India; all other reagents and chemicals used in this study were of 2.5. Particle size determination
analytical grade.
The size of the prepared microspheres was measured by using
2.2. Preparation of microspheres digital slide callipers (CD-6 CS, Mitutoyo Corporation, Japan). Hun-
dred particles were taken and inserted in between the space of two
The aceclofenac-loaded microspheres made of alginate–LBG metallic plates. Diameters of resultant particles were displayed in
were prepared through interfacial ionotropic gelation technique. the digital screen of the previously calibrated equipment.
Briefly, required amounts of sodium alginate and LBG were dis-
solved in deionized water (100 ml) using magnetic stirring of
2.6. Surface morphology analysis
300 rpm for 30 min separately. Both the polymer solution was
mixed with continuous magnetic stirring of 300 rpm for 30 min
The surface morphology of this formulated microsphere was
again. Afterwards, aceclofenac was added to the mixture gels
analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM) (JEOL, JSM-6360,
of sodium alginate and LBG. Aceclofenac containing polymeric
Japan). Microsphere were gold coated by mounted on a brass stub
gels were stirred using magnetic stirring of 300 rpm until they
using double-sided adhesive tape and under vacuum in an ion sput-
became bubble free. The prepared homogeneous bubble-free drug-
ter with a thin layer of gold (3–5 nm) for 75 s and at 15 kV to make
polymeric solutions were extruded drop wise into counter-ion
them electrically conductive and their morphology was examined.
solutions using a 25 ml hypodermic syringe (1 mm diameter) with
constant stirring. The counter-ion solutions contain different con-
centrations of calcium chloride. Added droplets were retained in 2.7. Swelling behaviour measurement
the counter-ion solutions for 5 min to complete the curing reaction
and to produce rigid microspheres. The wet microspheres were col- Swelling behaviour measurements of prepared microspheres
lected by decantation, and washed two times with distilled water were carried out in 0.1 N HCL (pH 1.2) and phosphate buffer of
and dried in room temperature for overnight. The dried micro- pH 6.8. 100 mg microspheres were placed in vessels of dissolution
spheres containing aceclofenac were stored in a desiccator until apparatus (Campbell Electronics, India) containing 500 ml respec-
used. Different microsphere formulations along with percentage tive media. The experiment was carried out at 37 ± 1 ◦ C under
of polymers, drug (aceclofenac) and cross-linker are enlisted in 50 rpm paddle speed. The swelled microspheres were removed at
Table 1. predetermined time interval and weighed after drying the surface
by using tissue paper. Swelling index was determined using the
2.3. Determination of percentage yield following formula:

Swelling index = [(Weight of microspheres after swelling

The total amount of microspheres for each formulation batch
was obtained by weighing these prepared microspheres in a − Dry weight of microspheres)/Dry weight of beads] × 100
S. Jana et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 72 (2015) 47–53 49

2.8. Fourier transform-infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy aceclofenac microspheres [20]. Male Sprague Dawley rats (weights,
130–210 g) were used in the study in accordance with a protocol
Samples were reduced to powder and analyzed as KBr pellets approved by Institutional Animal house Ethics Committee (IAEC)
by using a Fourier transform-infrared (FTIR) spectroscope (Perkin (Registration number 955/A/06/CPCSEA).
Elmer Spectrum RX I, USA). The pellet was placed in the sam- The acclimatized rats were kept fasting for 24 h with water ad
ple holder. Spectral scanning was taken in the wavelength region libitum. The fasted animals were divided into 3 groups (n = 6) and
between 4000 and 400 cm−1 at a resolution of 4 cm−1 with scan treated as follows:
speed of 2 mm/s. Group 1 (standard group): pure aceclofenac drug (10 mg/kg
body weight) with 0.5% sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (Na CMC)
2.9. In vitro release study aqueous solution;
Group 2 (test group): aceclofenac-loaded microspheres (equiv-
In vitro drug release from these prepared microspheres was alent to aceclofenac 10 mg/kg body weight) with 0.5% Na CMC
evaluated using dialysis bag diffusion technique. Accurately aqueous solution; and
weighed quantities of microsphere containing aceclofenac equiva- Group 3 (control group): 2.5 ml of 0.5% Na CMC aqueous solu-
lent to 100 mg aceclofenac were placed in one end of dialysis bag tion.
(Cellophane membrane, molecular cut off 10,000–12,000 Da, Hi- After oral administration of samples using feeding needles, rats
Media, India) containing 5 ml of phosphate buffer, pH 6.8. After that, of all groups were challenged by subcutaneous injection of 0.05 ml
order side of the dialysis bag was tied and immersed in phosphate of 1% (w/v) solution of carrageenean in saline into plantar site of the
buffer (pH 6.8) contained in the USP type II dissolution appara- right hind paw. Oedema paw volumes were measured before and
tus (Veego VDA-6D, Veego Instruments Co-operation, India). The after carrageenan administration at different time intervals with a
system was maintained at 37 ± 1 ◦ C under 50 rpm speed. The dialy- plethysmometer (INCO, India). Mean increase in paw volume and
sis bag acted as a donor compartment. The vessel of dissolution % inhibition was calculated for all time intervals by using following
apparatus acted as the receptor compartment. 5 ml of aliquots formula:
was collected at regular time intervals, and the same amount of
fresh dissolution medium was replaced into dissolution vessel to %Inhibition = (1 − Dt /Dc ) × 100
maintain the sink condition throughout the experiment. The col-
where Dt is the difference in paw volume in drug treated group;
lected aliquots were filtered, and suitably diluted to determine the
Dc is the difference in paw volume in control animals.
absorbance using a UV–vis spectrophotometer (Thermo Spectronic
UV-1, USA) by measuring absorbance at max of 274 nm.
2.12. Statistical analysis
2.10. Analysis of in vitro drug release kinetics and mechanism
All measured data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation
(S.D.). The simple statistical analyses were conducted using Med-
In order to predict and correlate the in vitro drug release
Calc software version
behaviour from these microspheres containing aceclofenac, it is
necessary to fit into a suitable mathematical model. The in vitro
drug release data were evaluated kinetically using various impor- 3. Results and discussion
tant mathematical models like zero order, first order, Higuchi and
Korsmeyer–Peppas models [17,18]. The aceclofenac-loaded microspheres made of alginate–LBG
Zero-order model: Q = kt + Q0 ; where Q represents the drug were prepared through ionotropic gelation technique. Due to short
released amount in time t, and Q0 is the start value of Q; k is the half-life of aceclofenac, sustained release dosage of aceclofenac
rate constant. over an extended period is essential for reduction of dosing fre-
First-order model: Q = Q0 ekt ; where Q represents the drug quency and minimization of various adverse effects during prolong
released amount in time t, and Q0 is the start value of Q; k is the treatment. In this context, aceclofenac-loaded microspheres made
rate constant. of alginate–LBG for prolonged aceclofenac release were aimed.
Higuchi model: Q = kt0.5 ; where Q represents the drug released
amount in time t, and k is the rate constant. 3.1. Yield and drug entrapment efficiency
Hixson–Crowell model: Q1/3 = kt + Q0 1/3 ; where Q represents the
drug released amount in time t, and Q0 is the start value of Q; k is The percent yield and drug entrapment efficiency of vari-
the rate constant. ous aceclofenac microspheres were measured and presented in
Korsmeyer–Peppas model: Q = ktn ; where Q represents the Table 2. The yield was found to be in the range of 64.44 ± 2.18 to
drug released amount in time t, k is the rate constant and n 91.64 ± 2.49% of total solid content employed during the formula-
is the diffusional exponent, indicative of drug release mech- tion of beads. The maximum amount of yield could be due to the
anism. Again, The Korsmeyer–Peppas model was employed in insolubility of alginate and locust bean gum in calcium chloride
the in vitro drug release behaviour analysis of these formu- solution and might result in minimal loss of the dispersion. It was
lations to distinguish between competing release mechanisms: possible that the polymeric system became cross-linked with diva-
Fickian release (diffusion-controlled release), non-Fickian release lent calcium ions, present in the gelation medium and resulted in
(anomalous transport) and case-II transport (relaxation-controlled higher yield of the microspheres. Increasing the concentration of
release). LBG actually led to higher drug content in the microspheres due
When n is ≤0.43, it is Fickian release. The n value between 0.43 to formation of thick surface and decreases loss of drug in the cur-
and 0.85 is defined as non-Fickian release. When n ≥ 0.85, it is case- ing medium. The drug entrapment efficiency was found to in the
II transport [19]. range 59.64 ± 2.60 to 93.25 ± 1.09%. The higher entrapment effi-
ciency was based on both the concentration of sodium alginate and
2.11. Anti-inflammatory activity evaluation the ability of the calcium ions to cross link with sodium alginate.
The degree of cross linking is depending upon both the concen-
The carrageenan-induced rat-paw oedema model was per- tration of the calcium chloride solution and the time of contact of
formed to assess anti-inflammatory activity evaluation of the beads with this solution. The microspheres prepared using sodium
50 S. Jana et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 72 (2015) 47–53

Table 2
Results of the percentage yield, drug entrapment efficiency, mean particle size and swelling index of the prepared formulations.

Formulation code Percentage yield (%)a Drug entrapment efficiency (%)a Average particle size(␮m)b Swelling index (%)a

In pH 1.2 In pH 6.8

F1 64.44 ± 2.18 59.64 ± 2.60 426 ± 12.26 30 ± 2.5 190 ± 2.8

F2 67.12 ± 1.69 63.22 ± 2.05 406 ± 10.18 26 ± 1.2 168 ± 4.6
F3 71.16 ± 2.20 70.16 ± 1.69 511 ± 22.34 32 ± 2.6 210 ± 3.2
F4 73.24 ± 2.17 78.24 ± 2.16 448 ± 18.74 28 ± 3.6 192 ± 3.7
F5 74.56 ± 1.81 82.22 ± 2.39 544 ± 15.26 33 ± 4.0 228 ± 1.4
F6 76.21 ± 2.04 83.92 ± 2.51 508 ± 19.28 30 ± 3.5 206 ± 2.6
F7 75.33 ± 1.06 70.28 ± 1.18 572 ± 21.74 38 ± 1.2 254 ± 4.3
F8 78.44 ± 2.78 72.28 ± 2.26 536 ± 20.16 34 ± 3.4 212 ± 4.8
F9 83.51 ± 1.74 80.56 ± 1.02 684 ± 23.36 44 ± 3.2 288 ± 1.6
F10 84.66 ± 1.56 86.21 ± 2.14 610 ± 24.14 41 ± 2.8 262 ± 2.2
F11 88.33 ± 2.16 89.59 ± 1.81 625 ± 16.28 42 ± 5.4 272 ± 4.8
F12 91.64 ± 2.49 93.25 ± 1.09 588 ± 18.74 39 ± 2.6 250 ± 2.8
Mean ± S.D.; n = 3.
Mean ± S.D.; n = 100.

alginate:LBG of 1:1 showed low entrapment of aceclofenac. This followed by complete entrapment of drug into interior polymer
was due to the insufficient cross linking and large pore size per- network.
mitting the drug to diffuse out during and after gelation. From
the results, it was also observed that increasing calcium chlo- 3.4. Swelling behaviour
ride concentration produced beads with higher levels of Ca2+ ions.
Consequently, the cross-linking of the polymer and compactness The swelling behaviour of microspheress of alginate–LBG con-
of the formed insoluble dense matrices also increased, resulting taining aceclofenac was evaluated in acidic buffer of pH 1.2 and
in more drug entrapment in the microspheres. Increasing in the phosphate buffer of pH 6.8 up to 4 h, and presented in Fig. 2.
concentrations of LBG in formulations, the drug entrapment effi- The Swelling index values of beads in pH 1.2 were within the
ciency progressively increased. It may be due to the formation of range between 26 ± 1.2 to 44 ± 3.2% and in pH 7.4 was 168 ± 4.6
dense matrix and uniform encapsulation of insoluble aceclofenac to 288 ± 1.6%. The Swelling index of microspheres containing ace-
within alginate-LBG interpenetrating network. The highest yield clofenac was lower in 0.1N HCl (pH 1.2) in comparison with that
(91.64 ± 2.49%) and drug entrapment efficiency (93.25 ± 1.09%) of in phosphate buffer (pH 6.8). Under acidic conditions swelling of
were observed for the microspheres of formulation F12, prepared calcium alginate beads occurs scarcely. The low swelling in acidic
using 2% (w/v) of sodium alginate, 2% (w/v) of LBG, 1% (w/v) ace- media pH 1.2 was probably due to proton-calcium ion exchange
clofenac and 4% (w/v) of CaCl2 . forming insoluble alginic acid regions and followed by solvent
penetration into the gel network. Being a polyelectrolyte, alginate
3.2. Particle size analysis can exhibit swelling properties that are sensitive to the pH, ionic
strength and ionic composition of the medium. The equilibrium
The particle size of aceclofenac-loaded alginate–LBG micro- swelling studies showed, with increase in the alginate concentra-
spheres were measured and found within the range of 406 ± 10.18 tion, swelling of beads was significantly increased in pH 6.8 at the
to 684 ± 23.36 ␮m (Table 1). It was found that the particle size dis- end of 4 h. It has been reported that the swelling can be enhanced
tribution was within a narrow size but the mean particle size was by the presence of phosphate ions in higher pH which displaces the
different among the formulations. The results indicated that the Ca2+ ions within the beads. The swelling behaviour of the formu-
mean particle size of microsphere increased proportionally with lations also indicated that if concentration of calcium chloride was
the increase in the amount of sodium alginate in the formula- increased, the swelling of the beads became reduced. The overall
tions. This could be attributed to an increase in relative viscosity
at higher concentration of alginate and formation of large droplets
during addition of polymer solution to the gelling agent. Fur-
ther, an increase in concentration of calcium chloride significantly
decreased the mean particle size of microspheres. It has been stated
that when a drop of alginate solution comes in contact with calcium
ions, gelation occurs instantaneously. As Ca+2 ions, penetrates into
interior of droplets, water is squeezed out of the interior of droplets
resulting in contraction of beads.

3.3. Morphological analysis

The morphological analysis of aceclofenac-loaded microspheres

made of alginate–LBG was visualized by SEM and is presented in
Fig. 1. They were found almost spherical in shape and dense with
thick polymer coat. Concentration of alginate influences the surface
morphology of particles. At higher concentration alginate formed
discrete and spherical shape with a rough outer surface and visible
large wrinkles has a sandy appearance because of the surface-
associated crystals of drug. Addition of LBG alters morphological
regularity due to formation of smooth surface; uniform sphericity
and formation of thick coat on outer surface of the alginate beads Fig. 1. SEM photograph of aceclofenac loaded alginate–LBG microsphere (F12).
S. Jana et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 72 (2015) 47–53 51

peaks were also appeared clearly in the FTIR spectra of aceclofenac-

loaded microspheres of alginate–LBG (F12) without any significant
shifting of peaks. This observation confirmed that there was no drug
excipient interaction.

3.6. In vitro drug release

The in vitro drug (here, aceclofenac) release studies were car-

ried out for various microspheres of alginate–LBG containing
aceclofenac in phosphate buffer, pH 6.8. The cumulative per-
centage drug release from aceclofenac-loaded microspheres was
found sustained over a period of 8 h (Fig. 4). The percentage drug
released from aceclofenac-loaded alginate-LBG microsphere in 8 h
was within the range of 71.78 ± 2.14% to 89.12 ± 2.24%. As the poly-
mer concentration was increased, the release rate of aceclofenac
Fig. 2. Comparison of the swelling behaviour of microspheres of alginate–LBG con- sodium from the microspheres decreased. The slower in the release
taining aceclofenac in pH 1.2 and 6.8. rate can be explained by the increase in the extent for swelling and
the gel layer thickness that acted as a barrier for the penetration
results suggested that the dried beads swelled slightly in the acidic medium thereby retarding the diffusion of drug from the swollen
medium. When they were subsequently transferred to alkaline alginate beads. The results also explained that the initial burst
medium, the particles began to swell to an appreciable level and release of alginate was reduced by increasing the concentration of
formed a thick diffusion layer surrounding the particles, thereby LBG as a result of formation of diffusional bridges due to swelling
sustaining the release of incorporated drug. of hydrophilic linkage in pH 6.8 buffer. It was found that rate and
extent of drug release decreased significantly with increase of con-
3.5. FTIR analysis centration of calcium chloride, because sodium alginate as a linear
copolymer consisting of ␤ (1→4) mannuronic acid and ␣ (1→4)
FTIR spectra analysis of pure aceclofenac, sodium alginate, l-guluronic acid residues; a tight junction is formed between the
LBG and aceclofenac-loaded microspheres made of alginate-LBG, residues of alginate with calcium ions. However, in case of higher
is shown in Fig. 3. The FTIR spectra of sodium alginate showed calcium chloride concentration due to increased surface roughness
the characteristic peak at 3606 cm−1 due to stretching of OH, and porosity and also poor entry of dissolution medium into the
1614 cm−1 due to the stretching of COO (asymmetric), 1417 cm−1 polymer matrix may be delayed drug release.
due to the stretching of COO (symmetric) and 1032 cm−1 due to In vitro drug release data from various aceclofenac-loaded
the stretching of C O C, respectively. In the FTIR spectrum of LBG alginate–LBG microsphere were evaluated kinetically using vari-
showed characteristic band around 3186 cm−1 due to stretching of ous important mathematical models like zero order, first order,
OH, band at 2915 cm−1 due to C H stretching, 1705 cm−1 indi- Higuchi, Hixson-Crowell and Korsmeyer–Peppas models. The R2
cating C O stretching. The FTIR spectra of aceclofenac showed values of these models were determined for evaluation of accuracy.
that principal peaks at 3028 cm−1 due to aromatic C H stretching The result of the curve fitting into various mathematical models
vibrations and 2937 cm−1 due to aliphatic C H stretching vibra- is given in Table 3. When the respective R2 of these aceclofenac-
tions, a band at 1717 cm−1 due to C O stretching, a sharp band loaded alginate–LBG microsphere were compared, it was found to
at 1772 cm−1 due to C O stretching of carboxylic acid, band at follow the Korsmeyer–Peppas model (R2 = 0.9808 − 0.9876) over
3320 cm−1 due to secondary N H rocking vibrations, and two sharp a period of 8 h. The value of release exponent (n) determined
peaks at 716 cm−1 due to 1,2 di-substituted C Cl stretching. These from in vitro aceclofenac release data of various aceclofenac-loaded

Fig. 3. FTIR spectra analysis of pure aceclofenac, sodium alginate, LBG and aceclofenac loaded alginate–LBG microspheres.
52 S. Jana et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 72 (2015) 47–53

Fig. 4. The in vitro drug release from aceclofenac-loaded alginate–LBG microspheres in phosphate buffer of pH 6.8 (mean ± S.D.; n = 3) of all formulations (a) for F1 to F6 and
(b) for F7 to F12.

Table 3
Results of curve fitting of the in vitro drug release profile of various alginate-LBG microparticles containing aceclofenac.

Formulation code Zero order model (R2 ) 1st order model (R2 ) Higuchi model (R2 ) Hixson–Crowell model (R2 ) Korsmeyer-Peppas model

R2 n

F1 0.8422 0.9226 0.9276 0.8468 0.9864 0.68

F2 0.8756 0.8744 0.9268 0.9694 0.9808 0.53
F3 0.9264 0.9346 0.8774 0.9674 0.9832 0.63
F4 0.8634 0.9428 0.9254 0.9588 0.9828 0.75
F5 0.8766 0.9567 0.9456 0.8732 0.9823 0.66
F6 0.9145 0.9345 0.9742 0.9248 0.9826 0.74
F7 0.8746 0.8784 0.9124 0.9658 0.9816 0.58
F8 0.8560 0.8956 0.9411 0.9564 0.9876 0.64
F9 0.8720 0.9122 0.9724 0.9684 0.9866 0.56
F10 0.8314 0.8568 0.9132 0.8846 0.9854 0.62
F11 0.9194 0.9342 0.9466 0.8962 0.9838 0.69
F12 0.9126 0.9386 0.9762 0.9172 0.9872 0.72

alginate–LBG microsphere ranged from 0.53 to 0.75, indicating

anomalous (non-Fickian) diffusion mechanism for drug release. The
anomalous diffusion mechanism of drug release demonstrates both
diffusion controlled, and swelling controlled drug release.

3.7. Anti-inflammatory activity

Anti-inflammatory effect of the F12 microspheres composed

of alginate–LBG containing aceclofenac was evaluated using
carrageenan-induced rat-paw oedema model. After oral adminis-
tration of pure aceclofenac at a dose of 10 mg/kg body weight and
F12 microspheres containing aceclofenac at a dose of equivalent
to aceclofenac 10 mg/kg body weight, rats of all groups (control,
standard and test) were challenged by a subcutaneous injection of
0.05 ml of 1% (w/v) solution of carrageenan in saline into the plan- Fig. 5. The percentages inhibition of paw oedema swelling for the standard (pure
aceclofenac) and the test (F12 microspheres containing aceclofenac) at various time
tar site of left hind paw. The percentages inhibition of paw oedema
swelling for the standard (pure aceclofenac) and the test (F12
microspheres containing aceclofenac) were calculated from mean
paw oedema volumes (ml) at various time intervals were calculated 4. Conclusion
and presented (Fig. 5). The pure aceclofenac (standard) exhibited
comparatively rapid inhibition of paw oedema swelling than that Aceclofenac-loaded alginate–LBG microspheres for prolonged
of the F12 microspheres tested indicating rapid anti-inflammatory aceclofenac release were prepared through ionotropic gelation
activity up to 3rd hour and after that, this was decreased. The F12 technique and evaluated. The drug entrapment efficiency of
microspheres containing aceclofenac (test) showed slower inhibi- these microspheres was found 59.64 ± 2.60% to 93.25 ± 1.09% and
tion of paw oedema swelling and maintained increasing inhibition their average particle sizes were 406 ± 10.18 to 684 ± 23.36 ␮m.
of paw oedema over 5 h after oral administration indicating slower FTIR analysis confirmed the compatibility of the aceclofenac
and sustained action of aceclofenac. with the polymer blend used to prepare microspheres of
S. Jana et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 72 (2015) 47–53 53

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