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Florida Gulf Coast University

Student Percep on of Instruc on Fall 2018 (201808)

Course: ENC1102-CRN82550-Virtual-201808: ENC 1102 - CRN 82550 - Composi on II-201808-82550-1 : Bolduc-

Simpson, Sheila
Instructor: Sheila Bolduc-Simpson *
Response Rate: 19/24 (79.17 %)

1 - Think about how much out-of-class time you devoted to this class to complete readings, assignments, participate in study groups, etc. On average,
approximately how many hours did you devote to this class per week?

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

0-1 hours (1) 1 5.26%
1-2 hours (2) 0 0.00%
2-3 hours (3) 8 42.11%
3-4 hours (4) 4 21.05%
5-6 hours (5) 6 31.58%
7-9 hours (6) 0 0.00%
10 – 15 hours (7) 0 0.00%
16+ hours (8) 0 0.00%
0 25 50 100
Response Rate
19/24 (79.17%)

2 - Think about how the instructor presented and explained information. Discuss how the teaching was as a whole. Please explain.

Sheila Bolduc-Simpson
Response Rate 19/24 (79.17%)

• The instructor always provided several different examples which was very helpful.
• The teaching was wonderful. I loved how she was very clear with her instructions and they came in a variety of forms - videos, readings, etc. It was very helpful.
• Professor Bolduc-Simpson is a wonderful and kind professor. She really cares about you learning. Sometimes, I think she expects too much but I think her class is just at the right level. Overall,
she's a good teacher.
• She’s take the time to make instructional videos and give multiple assignments to practice the material.
• Professor Bolduc Simpson was thorough and helpful with her instructions and feedback and returned her feedback and comments or emails very fast and was very helpful through her advice and
• I think the information about the papers where explained well, but sometimes it was hard to understand exactly what was wanted from the paper.
• Professor Bolduc-Simpson presented many of her ideas and teachings through power points and websites. She also allowed students to interact with each other through discussions and peer
• Teaching overall was great. Presentation of material and clear instructions.
• Mostly the course was completing assingments related to the paper we were in the process of or were about to write.
• She was a great teacher and made everything very easy to understand and comprehend.
• The instructor provided content and materials in the modules that were relevant and aided my understanding of the content.
• I believe the teaching for an all online class was amazing. Mrs. Bolduc-Simpson made the class exciting but also very informative. I've truly am walking away from this class with a better knowledge
of my writing and English tools.
• Good
• The handouts, papers, and consistent participation assignments were very thorough and helped me learn how to write better.
• Explanation of different writing techniques and processes were helpful.
• I think that her instructions were very detailed but also at times overwhelming and confusing.
• The teaching as a whole was done very well. Since this is an online class a lot of the information can be interpreted wrong so you'll have to teach yourself some of it, which can sometimes confuse
a student, like myself. Although, being able to go into her office hour can help any student who is struggling with confusion of an explanation of an assignment.
• The teaching of professor Bolduc-Simpson helped me to become not only a better writer, but a better student in any and all classes that involve writing components. Not only was she helpful online,
but going into her office hours helped me to understand the course material as well as assignments.
• great teacher and truly cares about the students and their success.

Page 1 of 8
Florida Gulf Coast University
Student Percep on of Instruc on Fall 2018 (201808)

Course: ENC1102-CRN82550-Virtual-201808: ENC 1102 - CRN 82550 - Composi on II-201808-82550-1 : Bolduc-

Simpson, Sheila
Instructor: Sheila Bolduc-Simpson *
Response Rate: 19/24 (79.17 %)

3 - What has the instructor done in class that has helped you learn the course content effectively (e.g. Power Points, demonstrations, exercises, ways to apply
concepts, real life examples, videos, etc.)? Please explain.

Sheila Bolduc-Simpson
Response Rate 18/24 (75%)

• The videos of her explaining each week really helped get my mind in the right place each week and to feel organized and not overwhelmed. I loved that she was clear in her instruction, gave
reminders, yet left some of the course to be up to the student (for example the optional one on one meetings and feedback).
• I believe the peer reviews, optional draft reviews she herself has done, and the PA helped me learn the most throughout the class.
• Her constant interaction with the students, always sending messages and reminders to her students.
• she used interactive videos and included multiple helpful sources including websites or handouts to help us understand the material better
• I found the interactive videos to be very helpful.
• She always allowed a chance to come into her office and go over my paper before submitting. She gave straight-to-the-point advice and helped me better develop my ideas.
• The class was online. Videos were helpful.
• The interactive videos made the course content each week clear and understandable.
• She used interactive videos
• Varied materials were provided in the modules which each benefited my understanding of the content in a different way.
• I really liked how my professor used the interactive videos to teach us. I enjoyed watching them and answering questions at checkpoints to understand what I am learning. That truly helped me the
most. As well as, the peer reviews of essays. Seeing how others critique my essays truly helped make me a better writer.
• Yes content related to activities
• Interactive videos were the most helpful in aiding my learning.
• The instructor has given useful feedback.
• The small videos with the quizzes in them were very helpful.
• Powerpoints and videos used to explain rules of writing and basic concepts helped a lot. I find it a lot easier to learn from a video that explains the information rather than reading a summary of the
information and expecting to know it from that.
• Videos as well as exercises helped me most in learning course content as I felt they were the most interactive ways in learning the material presented.
• Kept up with us using her email and announcements.

4 - Which of the course materials (e.g. readings, textbook, handouts, discussion boards, lab manual, study guides, ) were most useful to you? Please explain.
Response Rate 18/24 (75%)

• the one on one meetings were amazing as well as the revised drafts for papers. I really learned a lot about my writing.
• I think out of everything, Professor Bolduc-Simpson's personal reviews on my essays really helped me grasp what I was struggling with the most.
• Videos were easy enough to get some points, but forces you to focus a pay attention to the video.
• the most useful source were the interactive videos, it made the course a little easier to understand immediately because we were able to answer questions that helped us fully understand the
material being presented almost as if we were in a classroom
• I found the videos most useful.
• The handouts were most useful in this class because it allowed me to go back and reiterate a topic I may have not understood. Moreover, she usually proved multiple handouts for one topic for the
chance to go over the topic from slightly different views.
• Videos.
• The weekly reminders were useful because sometimes it is hard to keep track of everything with multiple class assigments due.
• modules
• Outlines if essays and previous examples of essays were most useful to me throughout the course and provided me with a guide as to how my essays should look.
• Once again the interactive videos helped me the most because of the way they were set up and presented to relate to college students.
• the readings
• The handouts and readings were useful in helping me write my papers, and overall improve my writing style.
• What I found most useful in this course was instructor and classmate feedback on papers.
• How to site things.
• The most useful thing in this course was the video quizzes, it gave you a chance to not only learn the information but also go back and review your answers before submitting the quiz to ensure you
have a good understanding on the information.
• The course discussion boards were most useful to me due to their ability to explain assignments and modules. I read the discussion boards and information presented in the modules weekly in
order to fully understand how to complete assignments.
• the interactive videos

Page 2 of 8
Florida Gulf Coast University
Student Percep on of Instruc on Fall 2018 (201808)

Course: ENC1102-CRN82550-Virtual-201808: ENC 1102 - CRN 82550 - Composi on II-201808-82550-1 : Bolduc-

Simpson, Sheila
Instructor: Sheila Bolduc-Simpson *
Response Rate: 19/24 (79.17 %)

5 - Which of the course materials (e.g. readings, textbook, handouts, discussion boards, lab manual, study guides, ) were least useful to you? Please explain.
Response Rate 17/24 (70.83%)

• some of the interactive videos were not very helpful to me

• I believe the videos to be the least useful part of the class. I often found them to be simplistic and irritating. The system that asks questions in the videos also has glitches sometimes, too.
• Discussions, may have been helpful to others but didn’t offer any benefit too me.
• the weekly overview of assignments weren't too helpful because everything was already included in our modules so i found it kind of repetitive and also the discussion board wasn't personally
helpful to me because i rarely used it but i can definitely see as to how it could be helpful to someone else
• I found the discussion boards to be the least helpful.
• The videos were not useful when it came to learning more about writing. Most of the subjects presented were common sense, and many of the questions were worded in a way that confused me.
• Some videos were not clear and few of the assignments did not provide clear instructions.
• Everything was useful
• Videos explaining a walkthough of the course content.
• I believed some of the website links were too vague. I felt like I was just reading the page and becoming bored. Then when it came time for tests, the wording of the question was different or the
information wasn't specific on the websites, which resulted in me becoming confused with the question.
• videos
• The discussion board, because I never used it much.
• The interactive videos were slightly helpful, but easily forgotten.
• How to tell if an ad is good or not.
• The least useful information in this class was the information explained just by reading the syllabus or rubric. It is difficult to understand a professors expectations when taking an online course if it
is not explained as lengthy as possible.
• I did not use study guides or textbooks throughout the course. They were not required and were therefore not useful in succeeding in the assignments.
• the readings

6 - Which assignments (paper, project, homework, things you turned in, etc.) supported your learning most? Please explain.
Response Rate 18/24 (75%)

• the papers helped my learning most. I was engaged and improved my writing skills immensely.
• I really enjoyed the interactive experiences, like the Movie Theatre PA and the Skunk Ape news locator hunt. I'm more of a learn by doing person, so it was nice to see stuff like that in a virtual
• Videos and the small quizzes that follow them.
• the papers because we were very interactive and were given clear deadlines that helped us stay on track if we kept up with the checkpoints which made it easier to create a more sound and
complete paper by its final deadline
• I think some of the homework was very helpful with learning the material.
• The final drafts supported my learning the most because it makes me go through multiple steps such as setting a paper up, finding support, and writing a well'established essay. Overall, it helped
improve my writing.
• optional paper revised
• The papers helped me learn the most because I gain more and more insight about my writing each time I do it.
• All of our papers
• Optional revised drafts were the most useful because they gave me the opportunity to correct my work before turning it in to ensure a good grade on the assignment.
• The papers supported my work the most because it forced me to research information, create ideas and made me focus on my writing.
• papers
• Papers, and the interactive videos were helpful in helping me practice and understand certain aspects of writing.
• Instructor feedback and peer reviews affected my learning the most.
• The paper writings.
• The papers in this class supported my learning the most because it taught me better skills in writing them.
• I believe the papers (1, 2, and 3) most supported my learning in that actually writing papers helped me to most accurately put the writing methods to use.
• all of them were helpful

Page 3 of 8
Florida Gulf Coast University
Student Percep on of Instruc on Fall 2018 (201808)

Course: ENC1102-CRN82550-Virtual-201808: ENC 1102 - CRN 82550 - Composi on II-201808-82550-1 : Bolduc-

Simpson, Sheila
Instructor: Sheila Bolduc-Simpson *
Response Rate: 19/24 (79.17 %)

7 - Which assignments (paper, project, homework, things you turned in, etc.) were most troublesome? Please explain.

Sheila Bolduc-Simpson
Response Rate 17/24 (70.83%)

• The first major paper was most difficult for me but helped me the most once I was finished!!
• The most troublesome papers were probably the peer reviews. I always was unsure if the comments I was making were "useful" or not and it just always gave me anxiety.
• Most troublesome thing for me, wasn’t a specific assignment. But maybe the wording of an assignmen, I missed very important points by not doing something specifically.
• the visual advertisement paper only because i did not know how to further explain a visual element and felt as if the paper became very repetitive
• The interactive videos were most troublesome because the questions were confusing. Some questions seemed like they could even have two answers.
• video assignments.
• The quizzes were a bit tricky. Some of the questions were repetitive, like the ones about ads beig effective or not.
• None were hard but the longest one was the paper 2
• Assignments that were not useful to further modules and took a long time to complete, like the Skunk Ape Tutorial.
• The most troublesome were quizzes. On somethings I felt the wording was either too specific, too broad or open to opinion which would confuse me when answering.
• the quizzes
• Papers were the most troublesome, and were where I devoted most of my time.
• Everything was equally challenging.
• The tests with multiply choice answers they just were never good nor did they help me learn anything.
• The most troublesome assignments was also the papers even though as I said above they benefited my learning skills a lot because it takes more than one try to ensure that you are writing a
paper in the best way possible. After writing so many papers, there is always more you can do to improve them and sometimes I think that I would improve what I missed on the previous paper but
my grade would show differently.
• The interactive videos were most troublesome as technology and I do not get along. I felt that they were difficult to access, but I understand that assignments such as these are necessary in an
online course.
• The paper 3 was hard because it was supposed to talk about an ad and I still am unsure about what an ad has to do with writing.

8 - Would you recommend this class to others? Please explain.

Sheila Bolduc-Simpson
Response Rate 18/24 (75%)

• 100% YES!!!!! awesome professor who understands the life and struggles of a student and CARES about their grade. awesome awesome awesome lady!!!!!!!!!!!
• In a heartbeat. Every problem I had was solved by visiting professor Bolduc-Simpson. It's simplistic (in a good way) and wonderful.
• Yes, the professor is very helpful and cares about her students and their grade.
• yes i would because Professor Simpson was very helpful and easy to get in contact with and very understanding and made the course easy to follow and do well in
• I would recommend this class to others. I really enjoyed taking this class.
• Yes, but I would highly recommend going to office hours. Professor Bolduc-Simpson's class can be an easy A if you actually speak with her face-to-face.
• Absolutely!
• Yes, Professor is easy to get in touch with and communicates the assignments very well.
• Yes. i enjoyed learning from professor simpson
• Yes, this class is effective in learning argumentative writing skills and helps to further master MLA format.
• I would recommend this class to others because it didn't feel like a hassle. This class was very organized and precise with assignments. I didn't ever feel too lost and it kept me focused.
• yea
• Yes, it helped me learn a lot on how to organize my papers, and better portray my ideas.
• I would recommend this class if someone is wanting to learn how to write a good argumentative paper.
• It's comp 2 everyone has to take it but this exact one I would just because I think taking it online was good and she was a good teacher.
• Yes I would recommend this class to others, the professor is super helpful and available to any questions you may have, you as the student just have to make sure you are taking advantage of her
office hours.
• I would recommend beginning modules as soon as they open up in order to maximize the potential of completed the assignments to the best of one's ability. Beginning the modules late caused me
to rush through assignments and therefore not complete them as well as I could have; in order to avoid problems such as these, I believe it is crucial to start one's work as early as possible.
• yes

Page 4 of 8
Florida Gulf Coast University
Student Percep on of Instruc on Fall 2018 (201808)

Course: ENC1102-CRN82550-Virtual-201808: ENC 1102 - CRN 82550 - Composi on II-201808-82550-1 : Bolduc-

Simpson, Sheila
Instructor: Sheila Bolduc-Simpson *
Response Rate: 19/24 (79.17 %)

9 - The instructor seems concerned with whether I learned the course content.

Sheila Bolduc-Simpson

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Strongly Agree (1) 15 78.95%
Agree (2) 3 15.79%
Neutral (3) 0 0.00%
Disagree (4) 0 0.00%
Strongly Disagree (5) 0 0.00%
Not Applicable (0) 1 5.26%
0 25 50 100
Response Rate
19/24 (79.17%)

10 - The instruction helped me understand the course content.

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Strongly Agree (1) 15 78.95%
Agree (2) 4 21.05%
Neutral (3) 0 0.00%
Disagree (4) 0 0.00%
Strongly Disagree (5) 0 0.00%
Not Applicable (0) 0 0.00%
0 25 50 100
Response Rate
19/24 (79.17%)

11 - The instruction generated interest in the course.

Sheila Bolduc-Simpson

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Strongly Agree (1) 9 56.25%
Agree (2) 4 25.00%
Neutral (3) 3 18.75%
Disagree (4) 0 0.00%
Strongly Disagree (5) 0 0.00%
Not Applicable (0) 0 0.00%
0 25 50 100
Response Rate
16/24 (66.67%)

12 - Overall this course was effective in improving my knowledge of course content.

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Strongly Agree (1) 15 78.95%
Agree (2) 3 15.79%
Neutral (3) 1 5.26%
Disagree (4) 0 0.00%
Strongly Disagree (5) 0 0.00%
Not Applicable (0) 0 0.00%
0 25 50 100
Response Rate
19/24 (79.17%)

Page 5 of 8
Florida Gulf Coast University
Student Percep on of Instruc on Fall 2018 (201808)

Course: ENC1102-CRN82550-Virtual-201808: ENC 1102 - CRN 82550 - Composi on II-201808-82550-1 : Bolduc-

Simpson, Sheila
Instructor: Sheila Bolduc-Simpson *
Response Rate: 19/24 (79.17 %)

13 - Overall this course was effective in improving my critical thinking.

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Strongly Agree (1) 13 68.42%
Agree (2) 3 15.79%
Neutral (3) 3 15.79%
Disagree (4) 0 0.00%
Strongly Disagree (5) 0 0.00%
Not Applicable (0) 0 0.00%
0 25 50 100
Response Rate
19/24 (79.17%)

14 - Overall this course was effective in improving my quantitative reasoning.

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Strongly Agree (1) 9 47.37%
Agree (2) 7 36.84%
Neutral (3) 3 15.79%
Disagree (4) 0 0.00%
Strongly Disagree (5) 0 0.00%
Not Applicable (0) 0 0.00%
0 25 50 100
Response Rate
19/24 (79.17%)

15 - Overall this course was effective in improving my intercultural knowledge.

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Strongly Agree (1) 12 63.16%
Agree (2) 2 10.53%
Neutral (3) 5 26.32%
Disagree (4) 0 0.00%
Strongly Disagree (5) 0 0.00%
Not Applicable (0) 0 0.00%
0 25 50 100
Response Rate
19/24 (79.17%)

16 - How the course was organized.

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Very helpful (1) 17 89.47%
Somewhat helpful (2) 2 10.53%
Not helpful at all (3) 0 0.00%
Not applicable (0) 0 0.00%
0 25 50 100
Response Rate
19/24 (79.17%)

• Her organization skills are amazing!

Page 6 of 8
Florida Gulf Coast University
Student Percep on of Instruc on Fall 2018 (201808)

Course: ENC1102-CRN82550-Virtual-201808: ENC 1102 - CRN 82550 - Composi on II-201808-82550-1 : Bolduc-

Simpson, Sheila
Instructor: Sheila Bolduc-Simpson *
Response Rate: 19/24 (79.17 %)

17 - How the course content was delivered

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Very helpful (1) 17 89.47%
Somewhat helpful (2) 2 10.53%
Not helpful at all (3) 0 0.00%
Not applicable (0) 0 0.00%
0 25 50 100
Response Rate
19/24 (79.17%)

18 - Interactions between the instructor and the students.

Sheila Bolduc-Simpson

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Very helpful (1) 17 94.44%
Somewhat helpful (2) 1 5.56%
Not helpful at all (3) 0 0.00%
Not applicable (0) 0 0.00%
0 25 50 100
Response Rate
18/24 (75.00%)

• My instructor really does her best to help the students. I always felt that I would get a speedy response back whenever I had a question or problem.

19 - Availability of the instructor out-of -class

Sheila Bolduc-Simpson

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Very helpful (1) 15 78.95%
Somewhat helpful (2) 2 10.53%
Not helpful at all (3) 0 0.00%
Not applicable (0) 2 10.53%
0 25 50 100
Response Rate
19/24 (79.17%)

• Always in her office when you need her :)

20 - Purchased materials (e.g. books & publications)

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Very helpful (1) 5 26.32%
Somewhat helpful (2) 1 5.26%
Not helpful at all (3) 1 5.26%
Not applicable (0) 12 63.16%
0 25 50 100
Response Rate
19/24 (79.17%)

Page 7 of 8
Florida Gulf Coast University
Student Percep on of Instruc on Fall 2018 (201808)

Course: ENC1102-CRN82550-Virtual-201808: ENC 1102 - CRN 82550 - Composi on II-201808-82550-1 : Bolduc-

Simpson, Sheila
Instructor: Sheila Bolduc-Simpson *
Response Rate: 19/24 (79.17 %)

21 - Utilization of technology

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Very helpful (1) 16 84.21%
Somewhat helpful (2) 3 15.79%
Not helpful at all (3) 0 0.00%
Not applicable (0) 0 0.00%
0 25 50 100
Response Rate
19/24 (79.17%)

22 - For Service Learning Course Only.Are the service-learning activities you completed as a component of this course related to the content of this course? If
so, how?
Response Rate 1/24 (4.17%)

• N/A

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