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Florida Gulf Coast University

Student Percep on of Instruc on Fall 2018 (201808)

Course: IDS3304&4901-CRN83431&83547-XLIST-201808: IDS 3304 & 4901 - CRN 83431 & 83547 - Issues in
Ecology & Environ. & DIS: Living the Ea - See More on Last Page
Instructor: Sheila Bolduc-Simpson *
Response Rate: 28/35 (80.00 %)

1 - Think about how much out-of-class time you devoted to this class to complete readings, assignments, participate in study groups, etc. On average,
approximately how many hours did you devote to this class per week?

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

0-1 hours (1) 0 0.00%
1-2 hours (2) 1 3.70%
2-3 hours (3) 5 18.52%
3-4 hours (4) 7 25.93%
5-6 hours (5) 8 29.63%
7-9 hours (6) 4 14.81%
10 – 15 hours (7) 1 3.70%
16+ hours (8) 1 3.70%
0 25 50 100
Response Rate
27/35 (77.14%)

2 - Think about how the instructor presented and explained information. Discuss how the teaching was as a whole. Please explain.

Sheila Bolduc-Simpson
Response Rate 24/35 (68.57%)

• I love SBS! Her method of using various resources to teach the class is great.
• It is ok. She gave us 80 assignment for this class. She kept them locked so no one can work ahead. The teaching was really not much. It was a hot mess of useless busy assignments.
• The instructor presented the information in a well organized manner and everything was clear and precise.
• Professor Bolduc-Simpson presented and explained information using a variety of tools and programs. A lot of learning came from doing assignments through interacting with other websites and
resources. She uses discussion boards, videos, papers, has students create posters and games to understand the material.She also made the outlook of the whole course into a "game" by using
experience points as your grade.
• I think that some of the assignments were not too clear due to the new material it required us to know. The grading system was also kind of confusing.
• I didn't like how the class was basically a game. This made it very difficult to track points, and was very confusing.
• The information was presented in an interesting and creative way. The instructor was extremely involved in discussions and was clear in her explanations of assignments and of the material. As a
whole, the teaching was clear and understandable.
• Professor SBS, presented this information through XPs, main quests, and side quests.
• Gave a lot of information, and provided us with in-depth description of projects.
• Every assignment was thourougly explained. I did not have to email the professor to get a "better understanding" about an assignment like I usually have done in the past with other courses.
Professor SBS is a great professor and I look forward to looking for other courses that she teaches.
• Information was provided through video lectures discussions and quizzes.
• I the information was presented and explained very well, she took lots of time to write out the numerous assignments
• This class was very interactive and very visually appealing. As a visual learner, it was nice to have an instructor care so much about the way the class was presented virtually.
• good
• She did a great job explaining everything. Each week she took the time to explain each assignment and what was expected.
• Very detailed directions and would message us quickly with answers if we had any trouble.
• Exceptional!! The personal video of SBS explain the upcoming weeks was helpful for staying on task.
• The instructor presented information very well and was very thorough with her instructions.
• I loved the presentation of the gaming aspect to how we gained points and out grades in the class.
• She was very thorough and made sure we always understood what was going on.
• I love how she did the grading in points it makes it easier to see how much you need to get to a certain grade that you want. The side quest are pretty cool as well. They are really fun and helpful to
understand the pillars.
• Wonderful. Really enjoyed the structure of the class and how I was able to apply the information into my own life.
• It was presented as a game with XP and sidequests which made the whole class confusing and harder than it needed to be. It was hard to understand your grade and the requirements when the
whole thing has ridiculous points and structure.
• Professor Bolduc-Simpson presented and explained all of the information in this course extremely well making it easy to understand what was expected.

Page 1 of 12
Florida Gulf Coast University
Student Percep on of Instruc on Fall 2018 (201808)

Course: IDS3304&4901-CRN83431&83547-XLIST-201808: IDS 3304 & 4901 - CRN 83431 & 83547 - Issues in
Ecology & Environ. & DIS: Living the Ea - See More on Last Page
Instructor: Sheila Bolduc-Simpson *
Response Rate: 28/35 (80.00 %)

3 - What has the instructor done in class that has helped you learn the course content effectively (e.g. Power Points, demonstrations, exercises, ways to apply
concepts, real life examples, videos, etc.)? Please explain.

Sheila Bolduc-Simpson
Response Rate 23/35 (65.71%)

• I love the interactive TED Talk videos and neat side quests. They helped me learn the content in a fun way.
• none. Just a tone of stupid useless assignments. Most of them didn't mean anything or even go along with the class.
• The course was online but she provided the tools that allowed for everyone to succeed.
• I learned the most through interactive videos and attending talks on campus. These methods kept me very engaged.
• She has been very supportive of our progress in the class.
• The various interactive activities were very helpful, and made the class feel more hands on.
• I enjoyed the varied methods of presentation for the material such as the readings, the TED talk videos, and discussions. All the different methods made it easier to learn the material since it was
being taught in different ways.
• Professor SBS, used MANY examples and made the course fun by using quests instead of assignments
• Sent us weekly emails about updates, projects coming up, and scores.
• I actually really enjoyed the side quests. It was easy but fun. It related to all of the Earth Charters and gave real life examples.
• The videos she did explaining were good! she also emailed weekly and more to let everyone the progress they were at
• Posting a weekly video going over the module was a big help. That way we could hear it from her voice instead of just reading instructions.
• good
• Her personal videos of what to do on each assignment.
• Videos, ways to apply concepts, exercises and real life examples. She used many different activities to help us learn. My favorites were the videos and the games online.
• The personal video explaining her grading, expectations, and the coursework was better than some classes where I sit in a classroom. SBS shows passion about this subject and that shows
through the assignments.
• The side quests and assignments were fun and educational and taught me a lot.
• All of the videos and different examples. It put the concept of Earth Charter in the real world as to things that are happening around us even though we cannot see it happening. It was interesting
learning about what us going on around the world and even in my community to help save the Earth. This course makes you want to do more to help the community
• She made the class fun and engaging by making our projects and side work enjoyable.
• Side quest which are fun interactive and informative assignments that are very helpful. This is my favorite part of the class.
• The activities, side quests, and videos.
• Having us to actual projects allowed us to used the things we been studying and apply them in real life situation.
• The additional extra credit assignments, "side quests", that Professor Bolduc-Simpson provided were very informative and interesting. They really made me think and embrace what other people
endure which made me understand the purpose of the Earth Charter.

Page 2 of 12
Florida Gulf Coast University
Student Percep on of Instruc on Fall 2018 (201808)

Course: IDS3304&4901-CRN83431&83547-XLIST-201808: IDS 3304 & 4901 - CRN 83431 & 83547 - Issues in
Ecology & Environ. & DIS: Living the Ea - See More on Last Page
Instructor: Sheila Bolduc-Simpson *
Response Rate: 28/35 (80.00 %)

4 - Which of the course materials (e.g. readings, textbook, handouts, discussion boards, lab manual, study guides, ) were most useful to you? Please explain.
Response Rate 23/35 (65.71%)

• All the resources provided were useful.

• None. I have no idea what this was all about. Just needed a class for credit. I get we need to love the earth, but after this class.. F it all!
• I felt that the main quests really made you think about life in a new and positive aspect.
• I am very thankful that this course did not require a textbook because I learned a lot of new online resources that I was snare of prior to this course. The discussion boards were most useful
because even though it is an online class, I really felt connected with my classmates through replying on discussion boards. The progress reports helped me stay on task for the final project.
• I enjoyed the articles on human behavior and sociology.
• The most useful were the interactive video quizzes. Often, these videos were very helpful and entertaining.
• The TED talk videos were my favorite course materials because of the knowledgeable individuals they featured. These talks were captivating and thought-invoking.
• discussion boards because I am able to compare my ideas with my peers
• Interactive video quizzes. These were provided on a weekly basis, and all related to the different topics which we were studying for the week which made it seem as though it was an interactive
• Discussion boards- The discussion boards pertain to every day life situations. Some of which I didnt know where happening and found out through the discussions.
• the earth charter itself , the assignments each had info that pertained to them
• The modules were most useful being a virtual class.
• good
• Discussion boards to help interact with other students in this online course and SIDE QUESTS
• Discussion boards and videos.
• N/A
• The Earth Charter discussions because we had to do some research and write about our opinions and thoughts. it was very introspective.
• The different quests, side quests, videos, and activities throughout the course. They each had their own different learning aspect and there was really new information to take away, even when
information was presented in the same modules. I am a visual learner, so the visual aids were most helpful in learning and retaining the informaiton
• The discussions were very useful.
• Videos, side request, and project.
• Interactive videos and ted talks.
• interactive videos
• The Interactive Videos were most useful to me because they were informative and also interesting. There were even times when I would research the topic for my own personal knowledge after
viewing a video.

Page 3 of 12
Florida Gulf Coast University
Student Percep on of Instruc on Fall 2018 (201808)

Course: IDS3304&4901-CRN83431&83547-XLIST-201808: IDS 3304 & 4901 - CRN 83431 & 83547 - Issues in
Ecology & Environ. & DIS: Living the Ea - See More on Last Page
Instructor: Sheila Bolduc-Simpson *
Response Rate: 28/35 (80.00 %)

5 - Which of the course materials (e.g. readings, textbook, handouts, discussion boards, lab manual, study guides, ) were least useful to you? Please explain.
Response Rate 22/35 (62.86%)

• The 80 assignment and then a week to make a video on a project for "non service learning hours"
• The side quests were a little to much and took away to much time from other courses.
• They were all interesting and helpful learning materials.
• I can't think of any. They were all relevant in one way or another.
• The least helpful were the games we played, they tended to be frustrating and too time consuming.
• Some of the side quest had tasks that were not that beneficial in increasing learning.
• N/A
• Nothing
• I dont think any of the material was least useful. EVERYTHING pertains to the Earth Charter and was enjoyable. I would say the one thing I did not want to do was write papers, but that is a given
with any class and my own personal dislike.
• Im not sure
• There weren't any.
• good
• Interactive videos
• We did not use textbooks which was nice!
• N/A
• n/A
• The discussion boards I felt as though the things we were required to respond to was very scripted and was sufficient enough for me to retain the info discussed.
• None of them were not useful.
• Discussion board post
• Discussion boards
• discussion boards
• There wasn't really anything that was least useful.

Page 4 of 12
Florida Gulf Coast University
Student Percep on of Instruc on Fall 2018 (201808)

Course: IDS3304&4901-CRN83431&83547-XLIST-201808: IDS 3304 & 4901 - CRN 83431 & 83547 - Issues in
Ecology & Environ. & DIS: Living the Ea - See More on Last Page
Instructor: Sheila Bolduc-Simpson *
Response Rate: 28/35 (80.00 %)

6 - Which assignments (paper, project, homework, things you turned in, etc.) supported your learning most? Please explain.
Response Rate 23/35 (65.71%)

• I think the provided videos helped my learning the most.

• Nothing
• The main quests related to the earth charter.
• The final project presentation was the main focus throughout the whole semester. This really supported the learning outcome of applying the Earth Charter. We were able to plan and take action
and apply it to a principle. This was successful.
• The earth charter project/presentation definitely supported my learning the most.
• The interactive quizzes helped my learning the most. They forced me to pay close attention to the videos.
• The discussions and weekly assignments were the tasks that best supported learning for me. They held tons of diverse material that dove into the Earth Charter pillars and demonstrated its
• The Earth Charter Project helped connect the entire course together
• Interactive video quizzes. I liked listening to all of the different videos. Also, since the questions were in the middle of the video I was required to listen to them instead of just guess on the quiz at
the end. I enjoyed all of the Ted Talks the most.
• The quizzes through out the ted talks. I have not seen any of the ted talks that were shown in the course. I thought that was a great idea to have students watch and listen to the videos and take
quizzes on them to make sure that it was done.
• Im not sure
• Doing the weekly modules helped me dive deeper into the subject of the Earth charter and helped me see all of the pillars in a new way.
• good
• Discussion forums
• Papers, projects and most assignments.
• The service project at the end supported learning the most. All assignments were very appropriate to the material taught.
• The interactive videos were really interesting and taught me a lot.
• the side quest because they are extra supplemental information that goes into depth or presents information in a different way than presented in the course. It allows a more hands on approach
• The final project because we had to work very hard on it.
• The project I did really help me learned more about sustainability, the side request helped me the most with each of the pillars.
• The Florida Panther activity as it really made me view new perspectives in an open manor.
• The final project was the most interesting and made us think how to apply the Earth Charter in an actual way.
• The Earth Charter Presentation supported my learning the most because it made me go out and talk to people allowing me to engage and teach them things.

Page 5 of 12
Florida Gulf Coast University
Student Percep on of Instruc on Fall 2018 (201808)

Course: IDS3304&4901-CRN83431&83547-XLIST-201808: IDS 3304 & 4901 - CRN 83431 & 83547 - Issues in
Ecology & Environ. & DIS: Living the Ea - See More on Last Page
Instructor: Sheila Bolduc-Simpson *
Response Rate: 28/35 (80.00 %)

7 - Which assignments (paper, project, homework, things you turned in, etc.) were most troublesome? Please explain.

Sheila Bolduc-Simpson
Response Rate 23/35 (65.71%)

• The discussion forms.

• keeping up with the class.. so most of it. We had 4-5 assignments a week.
• The side quests being to much busy work as students have other courses, work and activities.
• Honestly the whole set up of the class is confusing and troublesome. Each assignment is worth thousands of points which makes it really hard to keep track. I was diving my grade up throughout
the semester and thought I had an A and then realized I actually had a low C. By the time I realized, I did not have much time to do extra assignments. There would not have been any confusion if
the assignments were worth a normal amount of points based on a 100 pt scale like all my other classes. It is difficult to keep track of mandatory versus options assignments. I would prefer only
mandatory. It all seems like trickery.
• I thought that the assignments on the case studies were troublesome.
• The interactive games were the hardest because they were frustrating and not useful.
• The project was the most troublesome for me because of the amount of extra time is took outside of the time I had set aside for class/school.
• The Earth Charter Project was a lot of work, time-consuming, and hard.
• Side quests. A lot of us took it at these were 'optional.' However, nothing is optional about only receiving a 70% in the course if these are not completed. Even though these were meant to be fun,
easy, and interactive, some were actually very challenging and confusing because they did not all align with the pillars.
• I did the Earth Charter Project as a group with another person. I would say if I could go back and do it again I would decline the invitation to do it as a group. I think that something like that is best
done individually. I felt that I carried most of the work load and had resentment toward my partner.
• The Earth charter project
• The final project was most troublesome for me.
• good
• Interactive videos
• None.
• I just wish the module for the end project would've been open sooner.
• Replying to peers because i would forget to or they would post late.
• N/A
• The side quests are hard to get done with all of the main work.
• discussion board post
• Final project.
• The sidequest which were not mandatory and the discussion boards since she changed the dates responses were due, just to make people submit earlier which didn't change anything.
• The additional and "optional" side quests were most troublesome because if they aren't completed then the highest grade possible is a C but only if the student were to score perfectly on all of the
main quests. As a mother, wife, and student with a full time job I do not have time to pick and choose what assignments I should do. I need deadlines instead of being allowed to complete
assignments that will increase my grade when the highest grade I can receive without doing the side quests is a C. Just make the side quests mandatory and allow for some extra credit opportunities
if the student needs or wants to increase their grade. I have never been in a class before that grades like this and I was not a fan.

Page 6 of 12
Florida Gulf Coast University
Student Percep on of Instruc on Fall 2018 (201808)

Course: IDS3304&4901-CRN83431&83547-XLIST-201808: IDS 3304 & 4901 - CRN 83431 & 83547 - Issues in
Ecology & Environ. & DIS: Living the Ea - See More on Last Page
Instructor: Sheila Bolduc-Simpson *
Response Rate: 28/35 (80.00 %)

8 - Would you recommend this class to others? Please explain.

Sheila Bolduc-Simpson
Response Rate 22/35 (62.86%)

• Yes, its a great class and lots of fun.

• HELL NO! I am telling people NOT to take her or anything she offers. She needs to retire and stop teaching.
• I would reccomend this class to other students that are interested in making a more sustainable lifestyle for our future generations.
• No, although the material is interesting and worth while, there are WAY too many assignments and points to keep track of that end up getting so confusing. The course is all over the place with
what the professor wants of you.
• I would recommend this class. It is a new perspective and it inspires change in an individual.
• I did recommend this course to a few students. I recommended it because it actually teaches you how to be a better person and I think that is one of the most useful things we can learn.
• I would definitely recommend this course to others because it's fun and interesting.
• Yes. SBS is a great professor!
• Yes, Its a great course and I learned what Earth Charter is. The course work was engaging and really fun. I will recommend SBS to other students as well.
• sure , its an online class that is good for someone who has a hectic schedule which I did this semester taking 7 classes
• Yes I would, this was a fun class and I liked the information I learnt from it.
• good
• yes professor bolduc simpson has been amazing
• Yes!
• YES!! Very interesting class. It is easy but the work must be put in.
• Yes. it was extremely fun and i learned a lot about the planet and the Earth Charter, which i had never even heard of.
• YES! I think this is a better alternative to colloquim pr any mandatory sustainability class. It presents the same aspects that we learn during that class and more besides going on the field trip. This
class allowed me to explore a small passionate a bit more and what I can do to start saving the world in my community.
• Yes, absolutely. It was a fun class.
• Yes, she is an amazing teacher and has a teaching style that truly helps me learn the material.
• Yes highly recommend. The course material was fantastic and so were the assignments. This class was challenging, but was a challenge that I enjoyed. I feel my mind, compassion, and empathy
have grown because of this class.
• No I would recommend this class to anyone because the whole class set up is confusing and very frustrating. This "gaming" set up is not fun or easy it just makes think the professor think me
wanting to know what I have to do and when I have to turn it in as a joke.
• Yes because it was interesting and I did learn things that I was not aware of.

9 - The instructor seems concerned with whether I learned the course content.

Sheila Bolduc-Simpson

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Strongly Agree (1) 18 69.23%
Agree (2) 7 26.92%
Neutral (3) 1 3.85%
Disagree (4) 0 0.00%
Strongly Disagree (5) 0 0.00%
Not Applicable (0) 0 0.00%
0 25 50 100
Response Rate
26/35 (74.29%)

• The instructor took time to leave meaningful comments on graded assignments and send out many announcements and emails concerning the class.
• Definitely

Page 7 of 12
Florida Gulf Coast University
Student Percep on of Instruc on Fall 2018 (201808)

Course: IDS3304&4901-CRN83431&83547-XLIST-201808: IDS 3304 & 4901 - CRN 83431 & 83547 - Issues in
Ecology & Environ. & DIS: Living the Ea - See More on Last Page
Instructor: Sheila Bolduc-Simpson *
Response Rate: 28/35 (80.00 %)

10 - The instruction helped me understand the course content.

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Strongly Agree (1) 16 64.00%
Agree (2) 7 28.00%
Neutral (3) 1 4.00%
Disagree (4) 1 4.00%
Strongly Disagree (5) 0 0.00%
Not Applicable (0) 0 0.00%
0 25 50 100
Response Rate
25/35 (71.43%)

• Sure!

11 - The instruction generated interest in the course.

Sheila Bolduc-Simpson

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Strongly Agree (1) 18 69.23%
Agree (2) 7 26.92%
Neutral (3) 1 3.85%
Disagree (4) 0 0.00%
Strongly Disagree (5) 0 0.00%
Not Applicable (0) 0 0.00%
0 25 50 100
Response Rate
26/35 (74.29%)

• Definitely

12 - Overall this course was effective in improving my knowledge of course content.

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Strongly Agree (1) 16 64.00%
Agree (2) 6 24.00%
Neutral (3) 2 8.00%
Disagree (4) 0 0.00%
Strongly Disagree (5) 1 4.00%
Not Applicable (0) 0 0.00%
0 25 50 100
Response Rate
25/35 (71.43%)

• Yes!

Page 8 of 12
Florida Gulf Coast University
Student Percep on of Instruc on Fall 2018 (201808)

Course: IDS3304&4901-CRN83431&83547-XLIST-201808: IDS 3304 & 4901 - CRN 83431 & 83547 - Issues in
Ecology & Environ. & DIS: Living the Ea - See More on Last Page
Instructor: Sheila Bolduc-Simpson *
Response Rate: 28/35 (80.00 %)

13 - Overall this course was effective in improving my critical thinking.

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Strongly Agree (1) 14 53.85%
Agree (2) 7 26.92%
Neutral (3) 4 15.38%
Disagree (4) 0 0.00%
Strongly Disagree (5) 1 3.85%
Not Applicable (0) 0 0.00%
0 25 50 100
Response Rate
26/35 (74.29%)

• I'm not sure

14 - Overall this course was effective in improving my quantitative reasoning.

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Strongly Agree (1) 12 46.15%
Agree (2) 5 19.23%
Neutral (3) 3 11.54%
Disagree (4) 4 15.38%
Strongly Disagree (5) 0 0.00%
Not Applicable (0) 2 7.69%
0 25 50 100
Response Rate
26/35 (74.29%)

• Probably not! but still good

15 - Overall this course was effective in improving my intercultural knowledge.

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Strongly Agree (1) 17 68.00%
Agree (2) 6 24.00%
Neutral (3) 1 4.00%
Disagree (4) 0 0.00%
Strongly Disagree (5) 0 0.00%
Not Applicable (0) 1 4.00%
0 25 50 100
Response Rate
25/35 (71.43%)

• This course does help in the understanding of intercultural relationships and interconnection between all living species.
• Yes , I wouldn't know about the earth charter !

Page 9 of 12
Florida Gulf Coast University
Student Percep on of Instruc on Fall 2018 (201808)

Course: IDS3304&4901-CRN83431&83547-XLIST-201808: IDS 3304 & 4901 - CRN 83431 & 83547 - Issues in
Ecology & Environ. & DIS: Living the Ea - See More on Last Page
Instructor: Sheila Bolduc-Simpson *
Response Rate: 28/35 (80.00 %)

16 - How the course was organized.

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Very helpful (1) 14 56.00%
Somewhat helpful (2) 8 32.00%
Not helpful at all (3) 3 12.00%
Not applicable (0) 0 0.00%
0 25 50 100
Response Rate
25/35 (71.43%)

• The course was organized well between main quest and side quest. I would have liked if all the material was added from the beginning of the course (i.e progress reports due and the projects due
date, etc).
• Good
• The optional side quests and differing due dates was confusing.

17 - How the course content was delivered

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Very helpful (1) 15 60.00%
Somewhat helpful (2) 9 36.00%
Not helpful at all (3) 1 4.00%
Not applicable (0) 0 0.00%
0 25 50 100
Response Rate
25/35 (71.43%)

• Having the course be in the format of a game was a unique experience that gave the student full control over learning the material and the grade earned.
• Very Good
• Extremely helpful

18 - Interactions between the instructor and the students.

Sheila Bolduc-Simpson

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Very helpful (1) 23 88.46%
Somewhat helpful (2) 3 11.54%
Not helpful at all (3) 0 0.00%
Not applicable (0) 0 0.00%
0 25 50 100
Response Rate
26/35 (74.29%)

• The instructor was very open to interactions and commented often on discussion. Professor Bolduc-Simpson also gave useful feedback when grading assignments.
• She was amazing ! great teacher
• Personable professor that cares for every students' sucess!

Page 10 of 12
Florida Gulf Coast University
Student Percep on of Instruc on Fall 2018 (201808)

Course: IDS3304&4901-CRN83431&83547-XLIST-201808: IDS 3304 & 4901 - CRN 83431 & 83547 - Issues in
Ecology & Environ. & DIS: Living the Ea - See More on Last Page
Instructor: Sheila Bolduc-Simpson *
Response Rate: 28/35 (80.00 %)

19 - Availability of the instructor out-of -class

Sheila Bolduc-Simpson

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Very helpful (1) 19 73.08%
Somewhat helpful (2) 4 15.38%
Not helpful at all (3) 0 0.00%
Not applicable (0) 3 11.54%
0 25 50 100
Response Rate
26/35 (74.29%)

• Although I never took advantage of out-of-class assistance, the professor did make it known that she was available for students and when those days/times were.
• I didn't need to see her but I'm sure she would have always been there
• She was always available when I needed help.

20 - Purchased materials (e.g. books & publications)

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Very helpful (1) 4 16.67%
Somewhat helpful (2) 1 4.17%
Not helpful at all (3) 1 4.17%
Not applicable (0) 18 75.00%
0 25 50 100
Response Rate
24/35 (68.57%)

• There was no book assigned for this class.

• Not sure

21 - Utilization of technology

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Very helpful (1) 21 84.00%
Somewhat helpful (2) 3 12.00%
Not helpful at all (3) 0 0.00%
Not applicable (0) 1 4.00%
0 25 50 100
Response Rate
25/35 (71.43%)

• Was good

22 - For Service Learning Course Only.Are the service-learning activities you completed as a component of this course related to the content of this course? If
so, how?
Response Rate 7/35 (20%)

• we had a project but no service learning hours granted.

• N/A
• Yes my final project doubled as a service learning project
• N/A
• YES! Living the Earth Charter and recognizing ways we can help sustain Earth.
• Not applicable to my project.
• Yes the only service-learning of this whole project was the only fun and non-confusing thing of the course and made me understand what I was supposed to do.

Page 11 of 12
Florida Gulf Coast University
Student Percep on of Instruc on Fall 2018 (201808)

Course: IDS3304&4901-CRN83431&83547-XLIST-201808: IDS 3304 & 4901 - CRN 83431 & 83547 - Issues in
Ecology & Environ. & DIS: Living the Ea - See More on Last Page
Instructor: Sheila Bolduc-Simpson *
Response Rate: 28/35 (80.00 %)

Course Info

IDS3304&4901-CRN83431&83547-XLIST-201808: IDS 3304 & 4901 - CRN 83431 & 83547 - Issues in Ecology & Environ. & DIS: Living the
Earth Charter : Bolduc-Simpson, Sheila

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