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Blackwell Science, LtdOxford, UKTRFTransfusion0041-11322004 American Association of Blood BanksDecember 200444Supplement58S62SOriginal ArticleHEMOSTATIC AGENTSLEVY

Hemostatic agents

Jerrold H. Levy

emostasis is defined as “the stoppage of bleed- APROTININ
ing, hemorrhage, or blood flow through a
blood vessel or body part.” Hemostatic agents Aprotinin is a serine proteinase inhibitor that inhibits a
improve hemostasis by improving primary broad spectrum of proteases including plasmin, trypsin,
hemostasis, stimulating fibrin formation, or inhibiting kallikrein, chymotrypsin, activated protein C, and throm-
fibrinolysis.1 Although transfusion of platelets (PLTs) and bin.3-5 Aprotinin has been studied extensively in cardiac
surgery and has been reported in other studies including
hemostatic factors are mainstays of therapy, pharmaco-
orthopedic surgery and hepatic transplantation. Aproti-
logic agents are important adjuncts as blood products
nin is the only Food and Drug Association-approved phar-
become increasingly in short supply, and alternative ther-
macologic treatment to reduce blood transfusion in
apies need to be considered. Multiple pharmacologic
coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) associated with
approaches with hemostatic agents to treat or prevent
cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). Multiple studies have
bleeding are based on either preventing or reversing the
reported aprotinin’s efficacy that includes nearly 45 stud-
defects associated with preexisting or acquired coagulop-
ies involving 7000 patients.2,5 Other agents have been
athy, with patients often presenting with multiple prob-
lems. The increasing use of drugs in cardiovascular reported in the literature from smaller, not always well-
medicine that inhibit PLT function or thrombin including designed, studies of variable design that have been con-
clopidogrel, low-molecular-weight heparins, fonda- sidered in meta-analysis. In higher-risk, repeat CABG
parinux, and melagatran present the clinician with agents patients, multiple studies reported that aprotinin was
that may not be readily reversible with standard thera- effective in decreasing blood loss and blood transfusion
pies.2 Therapeutic approaches for pharmacologic man- requirements. Although a retrospective analysis of an
early study suggested a higher risk for myocardial infarc-
agement with hemostatic agents are listed in Table 1.
tion (MI) and graft closure, two additional prospective
Newer therapies including the potential use of recombi-
studies reported by Levy and colleagues6 in repeat CABG
nant activated factor (F) VIIa as a therapy for refractory
bleeding will also be considered. patients and by Alderman and colleagues7 in primary
CABG patients did not support earlier reports. In one
study of repeat CABG surgery in 287 patients, there was
a significant difference in total blood product exposures
among treatment groups (high-dose aprotinin,
2.2 ± 0.4 U; low-dose aprotinin, 3.4 ± 0.9 U; pump-prime
only, 5.1 ± 0.9 U; placebo, 10.3 ± 1.4 U). There were no dif-
ABBREVIATIONS: CABG = coronary artery bypass grafting; CPB
ferences among treatment groups for the incidence of
= cardiopulmonary bypass; DDAVP = 1-desamino-8-D-arginine
perioperative MI.6 Further, a meta-analysis of pharmaco-
vasopressin; DVT = deep vein thrombosis; EACA = epsilon-
logic strategies in cardiac surgery reported treatment with
aminocaproic acid; MI = myocardial infarction; rFVIIa =
aprotinin decreased mortality almost twofold (odds ratio
recombinant activated factor VIIa; TA = tranexamic acid; TF =
[OR], 0.55; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.34-0.90) com-
tissue factor.
pared to placebo and decreased the frequency of surgical
From the Department of Anesthesiology, Emory University reexploration (OR, 0.37; 95% CI, 0.25-0.55). Any hemo-
School of Medicine, Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology and Critical static agent that decreases bleeding and transfusion
Care, Emory Healthcare, Atlanta, Georgia. requirements has the potential to affect graft patency.
Address correspondence to: Jerrold H. Levy, MD, Aprotinin is the only agent examined in multiple studies.
Department of Anesthesiology, Emory University Hospital, Three studies found no significant difference in the
1364 Clifton Road, NE, Atlanta, GA 30322; e-mail: patency of grafted vessels when examined postopera-
Jerrold_levy@emoryhealthcare. org. tively.8-10 The effects of aprotinin on graft patency, MI, and
TRANSFUSION 2004;44:58S-62S. blood loss in patients undergoing primary CABG with CPB

58S TRANSFUSION Volume 44, December 2004 Supplement


patients receiving a transfusion, or perioperative MI) in

TABLE 1. Hemostatic agents addition to perioperative blood loss. In addition, a sepa-
Aprotinin rate meta-analysis was performed for studies on compli-
FEIBA (FVIII inhibitor bypassing activity) cated cardiac surgery. They identified 72 trials (8409
Fibrin glue patients) that met the inclusion criteria. Treatment with
rFVIIa aprotinin decreased mortality almost twofold (OR, 0.55;
Lysine analog antifibrinolytics (EACA, TA)
95% CI, 0.34-0.90) compared to placebo. Treatment with
aprotinin and with lysine analogs decreased the frequency
of surgical reexploration (OR, 0.37; 95% CI, 0.25-0.55;
were reported by Alderman and coworkers.7 Patients were and OR, 0.44; 95% CI, 0.22-0.90, respectively). These two
randomly assigned to receive aprotinin (n = 436) or pla- treatments also significantly decreased the proportion of
cebo (n = 434). Graft angiography was obtained a mean of patients receiving any allogeneic blood transfusion. Apro-
10.8 days after the operation. Electrocardiograms, cardiac tinin did not increase the risk of perioperative MI. Levi and
enzymes, and blood loss and replacement were evaluated. coworkers5 suggest that pharmacologic strategies that
In 796 assessable patients, aprotinin reduced thoracic decrease perioperative blood loss in cardiac surgery, in
drainage volume by 43 percent (p < 0.0001) and require- particular aprotinin and lysine analogs, also decrease
ment for red blood cell (RBC) administration by mortality, the need for rethoracotomy, and the proportion
49 percent (p < 0.0001). Among 703 patients with assess- of patients receiving a blood transfusion. Aprotinin’s abil-
able saphenous vein grafts, occlusions occurred in ity to reduce the need for allogeneic blood transfusion in
15.4 percent of aprotinin-treated patients and cardiac surgery was confirmed in the recent International
10.9 percent of patients receiving placebo (p = 0.03). After Study of Peri-Operative Transfusion (ISPOT) meta-analy-
adjusting risk factors associated with vein graft occlusion, sis, which included 45 trials with 5805 patients.2 Combin-
the aprotinin versus placebo risk ratio decreased from 1.7 ing all doses of aprotinin, the overall OR was 0.31 (range,
to 1.05 (90% CI, 0.6-1.8). These factors included female 0.25-0.39; p = 0.0006).12
sex, lack of prior aspirin therapy, and distal vessel quality. Aprotinin has been extensively evaluated in multiple
At US sites, there were no differences in graft patency, and double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter studies in
occlusions occurred in 9.4 percent of the aprotinin group cardiac surgery and orthopedic surgery and is currently
and 9.5 percent of the placebo group (p = 0.72). At Danish the only agent approved in the US for reducing bleeding
and Israeli sites, where patients had more adverse charac- in CABG surgery. Aprotinin has not been associated with
teristics, occlusions occurred in 23.0 percent of aprotinin- an increased risk of MI, graft closure, stroke, or renal dys-
treated and 12.4 percent of placebo-treated patients function from US studies and may in fact be associated
(p = 0.01). Aprotinin did not affect the occurrence of MI with a decreased risk of stroke. The mechanism of action
(aprotinin, 2.9%; placebo, 3.8%) or mortality (aprotinin, is complex, but aprotinin displays anti-inflammatory
1.4%; placebo, 1.6%).7 properties because of its complex array of protease inhi-
bition. As with any polypeptide, there is a risk of anaphy-
laxis that is influenced not only by prior exposure but also
by time since prior exposure. Aprotinin has also been
Miller and associates11 reported the hemostatic and eco- shown to be safe and effective in reducing blood loss in
nomic effects of aprotinin in children undergoing reoper- many orthopedic procedures.13-19 Because tissue injury
ative cardiac procedures with CPB. Decreased blood and contact activation can occur with major orthopedic
product transfusions, shortened skin closure times, and surgery, multiple studies have examined the efficacy and
shortened durations of intensive care unit and hospital safety of aprotinin. Further, because orthopedic surgical
stays were found in the aprotinin groups, most signifi- patients are a potential risk for prothrombotic complica-
cantly in the high-dose group with a resulting average tions, including deep venous thrombosis, the patients
decrease of nearly $2,500 in patient charges. represent an important model to evaluate adverse effects
of hemostatic agents.
Levi and associates5 reported a meta-analysis of all ran-
domized, controlled trials of the three most often used
pharmacologic strategies to decrease perioperative blood Epsilon-aminocaproic acid (EACA) and tranexamic acid
loss (aprotinin, lysine analogs [aminocaproic acid and (TA) are synthetic lysine analogs that inhibit plasmino-
tranexamic acid], and desmopressin). Studies were gen- and/or plasmin-mediated fibrinolysis. TA is 10
included if they reported at least one clinically relevant times more potent than EACA. The lysine analog antifi-
outcome (mortality, rethoracotomy, proportion of brinolytics have been studied mostly prophylactically to

Volume 44, December 2004 Supplement TRANSFUSION 59S


prevent blood loss and decrease bleeding in cardiac sur- patients do not conform to the rigorous evaluation of
gery with CPB. A recent meta-analysis of 12 randomized FDA-sponsored clinical studies to evaluate safety issues
trials in patients undergoing cardiac surgery showed with aprotinin.
that TA decreased the proportion of patients receiving
allogeneic RBC transfusions.12 In the same meta-analy-
sis, only three studies of EACA (118 patients) were eligi-
ble, and the OR was not significant.20 Unfortunately, Desmopressin is used for the prevention and treatment of
there are little prospectively analyzed safety data regard- bleeding in patients with von Willebrand disease (VWD)
ing the use of these agents. In the ISPOT meta-analysis, or mild hemophilia A and further in patients with an
which included 12 cardiac trials, there was no increased impaired function of primary hemostasis, such as in
risk of MI, but these are retrospective analyses of studies patients with uremia, liver cirrhosis, or aspirin-associated
not designed to carefully evaluate specific safety issues. bleeding. 1-Desamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin (DDAVP)
Although the data from randomized controlled trials are is an analog of the hormone arginine vasopressin that is
much more limited for EACA, the pooled analysis of four mainly a V2 agonist. The V1 receptor-mediated effects
trials in cardiac surgery (total of 548 patients) shows a produce vasoconstriction. Although DDAVP administra-
significant increase in perioperative MI (OR, 2.5; 95% CI, tion at 0.3 mg per kg is the recommended dose, this will
1.06-5.86; p = 0.035).20 In noncardiac surgery, three ran- increase FVIII levels, von Willebrand factor (VWF) levels
domized controlled trials have evaluated TA in orthope- (especially the high-molecular-weight multimers), and
dic surgery.21-23 All showed a significant decrease in tissue plasminogen activator levels by 2- to 20-fold.
transfusion requirements. None showed any increase in DDAVP has not been consistently proven to be effective in
deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or pulmonary embolus; decreasing in perioperative blood loss and was not asso-
there were 6 of 97 (6.2%) events in the TA patients ver- ciated with a favorable effect on other clinical outcomes;
sus 9 of 94 (9.6%) events in the placebo patients (OR, rather, it was associated with a 2.4-fold increase in the risk
0.71; 95% CI, 0.26-1.96; p = 0.51). Three trials in patients of MI.28 A recent meta-analysis of 12 randomized con-
undergoing liver transplantation used TA prophylacti- trolled trials with DDAVP in cardiac surgery reported an
cally to reduce blood loss; there were no thrombotic incidence of MI of 4.4 percent in the DDAVP-treated
complications in the TA or control groups.24,25 Although group versus 1.6 percent in the placebo-treated group
thrombosis in major vessels is not uncommon in (OR, 2.07; 95% CI, 0.74-5.85; p = 0.19).2 Cattaneo and
patients with liver disease, there have remained con- Mannucci28 pooled data from double-blind placebo-
cerns that EACA may exaggerate this tendency, because controlled trials that evaluated the hemostatic efficacy of
the fibrinolytic state in liver transplantation is usually DDAVP in cardiac, vascular, and orthopedic surgery. Total
self-limited. Kang and coworkers26 gave EACA to 20 thrombotic events (i.e., MI, stroke, arterial thrombosis,
patients undergoing liver transplantation; no thrombotic venous thromboembolism) were reported in 3.4 percent
episodes were noted in this study compared with three of the DDAVP-treated patients and 2.7 percent of the pla-
events in 77 (3.9%) control patients. Munoz and cebo-treated patients (p = 0.38). The authors pooled data
associates27 performed a meta-analysis from 52 random- from 17 randomized controlled trials in cardiac (n = 15)
ized clinical trials published between 1985 and 1998 and vascular (n = 2) surgery that specifically mentioned
involving the use of EACA (n = 9) or aprotinin (n = 46) in the presence or absence of thrombotic events. The inci-
cardiac surgery. The primary outcomes were total blood dence of MI was 3.9 percent (28 of 716 patients) in the
loss, RBC transfusion rates and amounts, reexploration, DDAVP-treated group and 3.1 percent (20 of 646 patients)
stroke, MI, and mortality. Unfortunately, there were five in the placebo group for an OR of 1.25 (95% CI, 0.72-2.14;
times as many aprotinin studies as there were EACA p = 0.43). In orthopedic surgery, only three of the five pub-
studies, and most of the EACA studies report primary lished randomized controlled trials were assessed for
CABG patients who do not bleed excessively. The DVT. There were four cases of DVT and/or pulmonary
authors report identical decreases in total postoperative embolism in the DDAVP group (3.7%) and five in the pla-
transfusions with EACA (61% reduction vs. placebo) and cebo group (4.3%), for an OR of 0.82 (95% CI, 0.24-2.78;
high-dose aprotinin (62% reduction). In these studies, p = 0.75).30-32
the data from the aprotinin-treated patients involve a Recombinant coagulation products. Coagulation
series of repeat sternotomy, valvular surgeries, and more products used to manage bleeding in patients with hemo-
complex patients compared to the small number of philia, VWD, or acquired inhibitors to antihemophilic
EACA-treated primary CABG surgery patients. Although factor include antihemophilic factor concentrates, F IX
both drugs reduced rates of reexploration to similar concentrates, FVIIa, and F IX.4 Although these agents are
degrees, this effect was significant only with high-dose specifically approved for patients with hematologic disor-
aprotinin. Finally, most of the methods used to study ders, they are also used to manage acute bleeding epi-
the incidence of adverse events in the EACA-treated sodes in patients during cardiac and noncardiac surgery.

60S TRANSFUSION Volume 44, December 2004 Supplement


Currently, the agent most often reported is recombinant threatening hemorrhage in uncontrolled clinical studies
activated FVIIa (rFVIIa; NovoSeven, Novo Nordisk, Princ- with severe and complicated coagulation defects. At
eton, New Jersey), which is approved in the treatment of present, a more general use of this agent for bleeding
patients with hemophilia with inhibitors who are bleeding patients without an apparent coagulation defect is the
and to facilitate hemostasis in life-threatening, refractory subject of current clinical trials.
bleeding in complex clinical situations. The prohemo-
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62S TRANSFUSION Volume 44, December 2004 Supplement

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