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The educational system of the Philippines was patterned both from the

educational systems of Spain and United States. However, after the liberation of the

Philippines in 1946, the system change radically.

The Department of Education (or DepEd) administers the entire educational

system, especially the curriculum, along with the utilization of given funds for school

services, equipment, recruitment of teachers (for public schools only), etc.

The former educational system of the Philippines was composed of 6 years of

elementary education starting at the age of 6, and 4 years of high school education

starting at the age of 12. With this system, compulsory education is not enforced.

However, 2011 signaled the start of the implementation of a new educational

system, which is the K-12 educational system, which includes the new curricula for all

schools (see 2010s and the K-12 program). With this system, education will be now

compulsory. All private and public schools in the Philippines must start from a date

mandated by the Department of Education (usually every first Monday of June for public

schools only), and must end after each school completes the mandated 200-day school

calendar of DepEd (usually around the third week of March to second week of April).
2010s and the K-12 program

2010s saw the major improvement in the Philippine education system. In 2011 DepEd

started to implement the new K-12 educational system, which includes the new curricula

for all schools. In this system education is now cumpusory. The implementation of the K-

12 program is “phased”.

1. Phase I: Laying the Foundation

Its goal is to finally implement the universal kindergarten (offered since on S.Y.

2011-2012), and the “development of the entire program”.

2. Phase II: Modeling and Migration

Its goal is to promote the enactment of the basic education law, to finally start of

the phased implementation of the new curriculum for grades 1 to 4 and 7 to 10,

and for the modeling of the senior high school.

3. Phase III: Complete Migration

Its goal is to finally implement the grades 11 to 12 or the senior high school, and

to signal the end of migration to the new educational system.

4. Phase IV: Completion of the Reform

Its goal is to complete the implementation of the K-12 education system.

However, during the new educational cycle, from 2016-2018, college enrollment

could slow because of the entrance of the low to lower-year students the new

educational system.

School Former system Other names Age

(used until June 15, 2011)
Kindergarten is not compulsory

Grade 1 6-7

Grade 2 Primary 7-8

Grade 3 8-9

Elementary school Grade 4 9-10

Grade 5 Intermediate 10-11

Grade 6 11-12

First Year Freshman 12-13

Second Year Sophomore 13-14

High school Third Year Junior 14-15

Fourth Year Senior 15-16


Elementary school, sometimes called primary school or grade school (Filipino:

paaralang elementarya, sometimes mababang paaralan), is the first part of the educational

system, and it includes the first 6 years of compulsory education (grades 1-6). These

grades are farther grouped (informally) accordingly into: primary level which includes

the first three grades (grades 1-3), and intermediate level, which includes the last three

grades (grades 4-6).

The elementary school education covers a smaller but wider than the junior and

senior high school because of the spiral approach education technique.

In public schools, the core/major subjects that is introduced starting grade 1

include Mathematics, Filipino, and Makabayan (until grade 3, this subject is synonymous

to social studies, but also incorporate values education and the fundamentals of political

science). English is only introduced after the 2nd semester of grade 1. Science is only

introduced starting grade 3. Heograpiya (geography), kasysayan (history), and sibika

(civics) (abbreviated as HEKASI), is only introduced starting grade 4 (similar also to

social studies but focuses more on the subjects earlier started). Minor subjects then

include music, arts, physical education, and health (abbreviated as MAPEH). In private

schools, subjects in public schools also include those of the public schools, with the

additional subjects including: computer education and HELE (stands for home economics

and livelihood education); while in Christian schools, religious education. International

schools also have their own subjects in their own language and culture.
From grades 1-3, students will be taught using their mother tongue, meaning the

regional languages of the Philippines will be used in some subjects (except Filipino and

English) as a medium of instruction. It may be incorporated as a separated subject. But

from grade 4, Filipino and English as medium of instruction will then be used.

On December 2007, Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo announced

that Spanish is to make a return as a mandatory subject in all Filipino schools starting in

2008 but it didn’t come into effect. DECS Bilingual Policy is for the medium of

instruction to be Filipino for: Filipino, Araling Panlipunan, Edukasyong Pangkatawan,

Kalusagan at Musika; and English for: English, Science and Technology, Home

Economics and Livelihood Education. Article XIV, Section 7 of the 1987 Philippine

constitution mandates that regional languages are the auxiliary official languages in the

regions and shall serve as auxiliary media of instruction therein. As a result, the language

actually used in teaching is often a polygot of Filipino and English with the regional

language as the foundation, or rarely the local language. Filipino is based on Tagalog, so

in Tagalog areas (including Manila), Filipino is the foundational language used.

Philippine regional languages are used in the provinces in the teaching of Makabayan.

International English language schools use in English as the foundational language.

Chinese schools add two language subjects, such as Min Nan Chinese and Mandarin

Chinese and may use English or Chinese as the foundation language. The constitution

mandates that Spanish and Arabic shall be promoted on a voluntary and optional basis.

Following on this, a few private schools mainly catering to the elite include Spanish in

their curriculum. Arabic is taught in Islamic schools.

Until 2004, primary students traditionally sat for the National Elementary

Achievement Test (NEAT) administered by the Department of Education, Culture and

Sports (DECS). It was intended as a measure of a school’s competence, and not as a

predictor of student aptitude or success in Secondary school. Hence, the scores obtained

by students in the NEAT were not used as a basis for their admission into Secondary

school. During 2004, when DECS was officially converted into the Department of

Education (DepEd), and also, as a result of some reorganization, the NEAT was change

to National Achievement Test (NAT) by the Department of Education (DepEd). Both

public and private elementary schools take this exam to measure a school’s competency.

As of 2006, only private schools have entrance examinations for Secondary school.

The DepEd expects over 13.1 million elementary students to be enrolled in public

elementary schools for school year 2009-2010.

Though elementary schooling is compulsory, latest official figures show 27.82%

of Filipino elementary-aged children either never attend or never complete elementary

schooling, usually due to the absence of any school on their area, education being offered

in a language that is foreign to them, or financial distress. In July 2009 DepEd acted to

overcome the foreign language problem by ordering all elementary schools to move

towards mother-tongue based learning initially. The order allows two alternative three-

year bridging plan adopted, the Filipino and English languages are to be phased in as the

language of instruction for other subjects beginning in the third and fourth grades.

Secondary school in the Philippines, more commonly known as “high school”

(Filipino: paaralang sekundarya, sometimes mataas na paaralan), consists of four levels

largely based on the American schooling system as it was until the advent of the

comprehensive high schools in the US in the middle of the century. The Philippine high

school system has not moved much from where it was when the Philippines achieved

independence from the US in 1946. It still consist of only four levels with each level

partially compartmentalized, focusing on a particular theme or content.

DepEd specifies a compulsory curriculum for all high schooling, public and

private, the first year of high school has five core subjects Algebra I, Integrated Science,

English I, Filipino I, and the Philippine History. Second year has Algebra II, Biology,

English II, Filipino II, and Asian History. Third year has Geometry, Trigonometry,

Chemistry, Filipino III, and World History and Geography. Fourth year has calculus,

Advance Algebra, Physics, Filipino IV, Literature, and Economics. Minor subjects may

include Health, Music, Arts, Technology and Home Economics, and Physical Education.

In selective schools, various languages may be offered as electives, as well as

other subjects such as computer programming and literary writing. Chinese schools have

language and cultural electives. Preparatory schools usually add some business and

accountancy courses, while science high schools have biology, chemistry, and physics at

every level.

Secondary students used to sit for the National Secondary Achievement Test

(NSAT), which was based on the American SAT, and was administered by DepEd. Like
its primary school counterpart, NSAT was phased-out after major reorganizations in the

education department. Now the National Achievement Test is administered to second

year students. Higher education institutions, both public and private, administer their own

College Entrance Examinations (CEE). Vocational colleges usually do not have entrance

examinations, simply accepting the form 138 record of studies from high school, and

enrollment payment.


Technical and vocational education is offered to enhance students’ practical skills

at institutions usually accredited and approved by TESDA. Institutions may be

government operated, often by provincial government, or private. The vast majority are

privately operated and most call themselves colleges. They may offer programs ranging

in duration from a couple of weeks to two-year diploma courses. Programs can be

technology courses like automotive technology courses like automotive technology,

computer technology, and electronic technology; service courses such as caregiver,

nursing aide, hotel and restaurant management; and trades courses such as electrician,

plumber, welder, automotive mechanic, heavy vehicle operator & practical nursing. Upon

graduating from most of these courses, students may be taken an examination from

TESDA to obtain the relevant certificate or diploma.

Vocational education (education based on occupation or employment) (also

known as vocational education and training or VET) is education that prepares people for

specific trades, crafts and careers at various levels from a trade, a craft, technician, or a

professional position in engineering, accountancy, nursing, medicine, architecture,

pharmacy, law etc. Craft vocations are usually based on manual or practical activities,
traditionally non-academic, related to a specific trade, occupation, or vocation. It is

sometimes referred to as technical education as the trainee directly develops expertise in

a particular group of techniques. In the UK some higher technician engineering positions

that require 4-5 year apprenticeship require academic study to HNC / HND / or higher

City & Guilds level.

Vocational education can be classified as teaching procedural knowledge. This

can be contrasted with declarative knowledge, as in education in a usually broader

scientific field, which might concentrate on theory and abstract conceptual knowledge,

characteristics of tertiary education. Vocational education can be at the secondary, post-

secondary level, further education level and can interact with the apprenticeship system.

Increasingly, vocational education can be recognized in terms of recognition of prior

learning and partial academic credit towards tertiary education (e.g., at a university) as a

credit; however it is rarely considered in its own form to fall under the traditional

definition of higher education

Vocational education is related to the age-old apprenticeship system of learning.

Apprenticeships are designed for many levels of work from manual trades to high

knowledge work.

However, as the labor market becomes more specialized and economies demand

higher levels of skill, governments and business are increasingly investing in the future of

vocational education is typically provided by an institute of technology, university, or by

a local community college.

Vocational education has diversified over the 20th century and now exists in

industries such as retail, tourism, information technology, funeral services and cosmetics,

as well as in the traditional crafts and cottage industries.


The K to 12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (six

years of primary education, four years of junior high school, and two years of

Senior High School [SHS] to provide sufficient time of mastery of concepts and skills,

develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills

development, employment, and entrepreneurship.

The Philippines is undergoing a major overhaul to bring to it in line with

education systems worldwide, staring with the K-12 sector. This change to domestic

educational institutions to consider when looking for potential new student recruitment


With the new 12-year curriculum in place, future Filipino students will be ready

and better equipped to join overseas universities at the undergraduated level. And with a

K-12 student population of 20.67 million, which will only increase over the next 20 years

(see ICEF Monitor’s article “New 2035 enrolment forecast place East Asia and the

Pacific in the lead”), the Philippines is shaping up to be an attractive recruitment

destination. Changes to basic education.

The K-12 Basic Education Program aims to provide every Filipino child with the

education s/he needs to compete in a global context.

In May, President Benigno Aquino of the Philippines signed into law a basic

education curriculum that will see a mandatory kindergarten year and two additional

senior high school years. The program has been adopted not only in schools in the

Philippines, but also in Filipino schools abroad that follow the department’s curriculum.

The goal of the new curriculum is to give Filipino students enough time to master

skills and concepts so that they are ready for tertiary education when the time comes.

Kindergarten was previously optional, and advocates of the K-12 program argue

that students who went to kindergarten are better prepared for primary education than

those who did not. In addition, the K-12 program “provides for the use of the ‘mother

tongue’ language as the medium of instruction for students in the basic and lower years to

facilitate and expedite learning”.

This fabulous interactive map of all public schools in the country could be a

useful tool in planning a recruitment strategy. It contains data on the school’s budget,

enrollment statistics, education indicators, number of teaching personnel, furniture,

textbooks, classroom, plus the water and power supply of some 45,000 schools


10 Point Education Agenda

The move to the K-12 policy comes as part of the 10 Point Education Agenda

which was set out by the current government administration. The K-12 Basic Education

Program, universal kindergarten and instruction in mother-tongue languages are but the

overall quality of education in Filipino schools.

The other seven points include:

 Establish the Madaris Education as a sub-system in the current education system;

 Make every child a reader by Grade 1;

 Improve science and mathematics;

 Expand government assistance to private education;

 Better textbooks;

 Build more schools in cooperation with local government units (LGUs);

 Re-introduced technical and vocational education in public high schools.

Australia extends a helping hand

Australia has long been a friend to the Philippines – donating time, funding and

other resources, as well as working with the nation to develop and ensure quality. Last

month, the country granted PHP 8.4 billion (nearly US $193 million) “to address basic

education issues and support the implementation of the K-12 program”.

They have also funded a project to “enhance the skills of school officials in

managing school processes and turn schools into learner-centered institutions that

continually improve and build on its best practices.”

In return, Australia is surely hoping Filipino schools and students will select Oz as

their destination of choice for partnership and study. As ICEF Monitor reported in

February, the Philippines is one of the top ten student markets for Australian schools,

colleges and university.

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