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J. THOMLINSON. [CONCRETE) Temperature Variations and Consequent Stresses Produced by Daily and Seasonal Temperature Cycles in Concrete Slabs.* By J. THOMLINSON, Ph.D., B.Se. (CoosusicateD FRow Tite Roap Reseancit LABORATORY, DEPARTMENT oF ScIENTIFIC ‘Axb InpuSTRIAL RESEARCH.) . ANY mass of concrete that is exposed to the daily and scasonal fluctuations of atmospheric temperature is subjected to a complex system of stress, which in many instances may produce cracking. The presence of these temperature stresses is well known, but an accurate estimation of their value is difficult to obtain. The object of the work here described was to develop a rational theory by which these stresses may be evaluated and to present it in a form that can be applied directly to practical problems. The theory was originally developed to determine the temperature stresses in concrete road slabs, but it can be modified and extended to include concrete roof slabs, retaining walls, etc. - If the temperature is uniform on any plane parallel to the exposed surface, then the stresses can be divided into three parts, due to (x) Non-linear variation of temperature in a direction normal to the exposed surface ; (2) An overall temperature change, where the consequent change in length is resisted, and (3) A mean, uniform temperature gradient normal to the exposed surface, where the resulting warping is resisted. ‘The successful application of the theory depends essentially upon two conditions : (a) The accuracy with which the degree of restraint can be estimated, consequently this point should receive careful consideration in any particular problem ; and (8) The accuracy of the assumed distribution and variation of temperature normal to the exposed surface. ° The theory should, strictly, be applied only to plain concrete, but it has been shown that the presence of reinforcement, in quantities comparable with present standard practice, does not seriously affect the application of the theory to problems of reinforced concrete. Law of Temperature Distribution. Assume that the heat supplied to a concrete slab is such as to produce a simple harmonic variation of temperature at the exposed surface. Observa- tions 4, 2 have shown that this is approximately true, especially during hot clear days. If the heat supplied to a semi-infinite solid is such that the surface tempera- ture varies according to a simple harmonic law, where the temperature of the surface is given by _, 2H 0, sin * Crown copyright reserved. @) 298 June, 1949. EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE VARIATIONS, @) where @ denotes the temperature on a plane distant x from the surface, at a time ¢ ; “0, denotes the amplitude of the temperature cycle at the exposed surface ; 4 denotes the diffusivity of the material, thermal conductivity that is, heat capacity per unit volume and Figs, x and 2 illustrate graphically the variation of temperature on planes | T denotes the period of the temperature cycle. | at any depth, as given by equation (2). Assuming that 4? equals 0-009 (C.G.S. °o 8 Terenatuae = x0. 2 z 28 daw Tae Sor Ger Rew ‘ariation of Temperature with Time at Various Depths. June, 1940. 299 J. THOMLINSON, [CONCRETE units*) ® and T equals one day or one year (corresponding to the daily and seasonal temperature cycles respectively), then the temperature at any depth and at any instant is given in terms of 0,. It has been found by observation (4, ®) that in the case of the daily cycle, t = 0 at about 8.30 a.m., and it is suggested that in the case of the yearly cycle ¢ = 0 at about the end of April. From Fig. 2 it is clear that the temperature variation due to the daily cycle diminishes very rapidly with increase of depth ; for example, the amplitude of the daily tempera- ture cycle at a depth of 14 in. is only ro per cent. of the amplitude of the surface * temperature cycle. When the yearly cycle is operative, a similar reduction is only achieved at a depth of 22 ft. TeMeeRATUDE ne, os ek 9? ok otk % ze” KL “ Y ¥ ! 1 : z h 5 i «3 - Fig. 2.Variation of Temperature with Depths at Various Times. In the case of a concrete slab resting on earth (for instance, a concrete road slab) equation (2) is still applicable, since the diffusivities of earth and concrete are approximately equal. In the case of a suspended slab, such as a concreto roof slab, equation (2) can only be approximate, the accuracy increasing with increase of the slab thickness, Internal Temperature Stresses. Having established a law for the distribution of temperature through a slab it is now possible to determine the resulting stresses. * Note: A from formal isthe only symbol used in this paper that is normally measur is Important therefore to make the necessary conversion to E' in CGS, units, In calculating values unit. 300 June, 1940. ad

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