Anubhava (Experience) - It Is She Who Gives Knowledge or Jnana, For She Is Herself That

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In Kundalini Yoga the creating and sustaining Sakti of the whole body is actually and truly

united with Lord Siva. The Yogi goads Her to introduce him to Her Lord. The rousing of
Sakti and Her Union with Lord Siva effects the state of Samadhi (Ecstatic union) and spiritual
Anubhava (experience). It is She who gives Knowledge or Jnana, for She is Herself That.
Herself, when awakened by the Yogins, achieves for them the Jnana (illumination).
Kundalini can be awakened by various means and these different methods are called by
different names, viz., Raja Yoga, Hatha Yoga, etc. The practitioner of this Kundalini Yoga
that it is higher than any other process and that Samadhi attained thereby is more perfect. The

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