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VAN DIJK El discurso como estructura y proceso Estudios sobre el discurso I: | | Una introduecién multidiseiplinaria | | | | | “Titulo det orginal en nals: Discourse as Stractare as Process Discourse Sis: A Maliicipley leroducion. Yume 1 Pubiicado por Sage Publications of London, Thousand Oaks and New Det (© Prefacio y Capitulo, Teun A. van Dijk 197 © Capitulo 2, Raber de Beaurande, 1997 {© Capito 3, Ruse Trin, Lind Fre, Ming Ming Poy Myung Hee Kim, 1997 ‘© Capitulo 4, Susana Cumming y Tsuyeahi Ono, 1997 (© Capitulo 5, Barbra Sanding y Margret Seling, 1997 {© Capito 6, Ann Gilly Karen Whedbee, 1997 {© Capitulo 7 elinor Ochs, 1997 (© Capitulo 8, Frans Van Femeren, Rob Grootendorst, Sally Jackson 1 Set Jacobs, 1997 {© Capital 9, fim Martin y Suzanne Pins, 1997 {© Capital 10, Gumher Crees, Reg (© Capitulo 11, Anhur Graeser, Merton Gernsbache y San Gildan, 1997 (© Capitulo 12, Cares Ama y Sasan Condor, 1997 Rovsin Téenca: Jost Angel Alvarez Iustacibn de cubirtga: Sebastin Pigg Primera edicin: marzo de 2000, Barelona Primera reimpesia: abil de 2001, Barcelona Segunda reimpesion: marzo de 2003, Barcelona ‘Tercera reimpresin: junio de 2008, Barcelona Derechos reservados para todas las eisiones en cst © Biol Goi, 5.4, ‘Avda Tibdabo, 12,3" (8022 Baeclona (Espa) “Tel.93 253 09 04 Fax 95253 09 05 Correo electnico:gedisn@godisa com Intpsesegedisn cae ISBN: 978-84-7432.714b Depdsto legal: B25 468.2008 Impreso por: Sagafic Inmpeso en Esp Pine in Spin Quad poibida represen o pal por umguier meio depres, fa dtc, exaan 0 mie, en eset oe ugar 0 ara Teite-Garciay Theo van Lecuwen, 1997 rey Indice ‘Covanomsnonss soc 9 Prerac. sone IT 1. Blestudio del diseurso, Teun A. can Dijk. 2 2 Lag del anise del diseurso, Robert de Beougrende... 67 3. Semantica del diccarso,Rusell 8. Tomlin, Linda Forrest, Ming Ming Pay Myung Hee Kim et 4. El diseurso ylagraméticn, Susanna Cumming y Truyouhi Ono vo TL 5, Estilos del discarce, Barbora Sandig y Margret Selting 207 8. Retires, Ann AC Gilly Karen Whedon 258, 7. Narrativa, Blinor Ochs. an 8. Angumentacin, Frans Hf. van Bameren,Iob Grootendorst, Salty Jackson y Scott Facobs 308, 9. Genero y ropistrus del diseurs, Suzanne Bazine IER, Martin 335, 10, Semidtica diecursiva, Gunther Kress, Regina Leite Garcla Theo van Leeuwen: 373 11. Cognicién, Arthur ©: Gracser, Morton A. Gernsbacher 1y Susan B Goldman sod 12, Cognicin social ydiscurs, Susan Condor Charles AMAR sae nnn $83 boc ne sous. oe rene AB sores ence os sr 7 Naliyama, . Ky Keigek, RL. (1908) “Witenes: stratgie ret Quarry Journal of Speech, 8 (292908 [Nothing W.L Mar, y Copland, C. (1994) Oritia!QuestionsFntendon, Creativity ad the Cntctom of Disoura and Mesa: Nueva York 9 Mort's ‘teen, KM. y Goodigh, G, , (1906) “Entanglement of ensue, ‘ly, privacy, and fasion th seca contevveray over ar Quay, siourna of Speech, 80 (3) 24078, (stor, M1867) "Archetypa metaphors in etre thei dark family, (Quarterly dournal of Speech 5 (2 125.26 Reese, SD. y Buckalen B 1685) "The alarm of local television: he Toutine fuming ofthe Persian Gull Wart Cred Studies Ino, Communication, 12 (17 0°50, Segre Fe (1986) Course in Genera Linguistic (compe. C. Bal Sechehave, tad. R. Harish La Sal, TL: Open Cour (Care de ge ‘ica general Madd, iichnes Akal, 0003 eds Cure de lingeteg ‘generat Madrid, Alana, 1908, 6 08; Cura de lingusice Sena Bareclona, lancia-De Agostini, 193) Slagl, AR. (1901) “Anatomy ef @ masterpice lose textual anal af “Abrahams Linens second inaugural advee”, Communication Stace porissn. ‘Spence, G. 1998) Transcripein dels slegatos Gals, Beads Unis Weaver, Caso "C92 O80-N-EIL, Tena de Datta los BUA og Boise abo. ‘iskers (1980) Djnce of Reto. Oxfnd Clarendon, Wander, P (81) “Calruraleticen, on DD. Nine y K. R. Senders comps) Handbook f Political Communication Bevery ila CA Saga, pp.a2628 Waniee,P. (980 “The thitd persona: an Sealgieal turnin eto they’, Contral Sete Spach deurmal 38 (4) 197 218. Warnick. (1962) "at canter: what he xt vole, Quaroty ‘Jounal of Speck, 18 (2: 7 ‘Whately (1969 Btements of Rctoricomp.D. hinge). Carbondale Ms ‘Southern Iii University Proxy 270 Narrativa’ Elinor Ochs Ambitos narrativos teen ee ens rr ste otitis so aie rseetarscri ree tenaaiaceer rca 1 cise auras St eco saan hoo pt eee re ante mdz pieneyacaioane eee Soom cues aeemrare io mmeieeinrtae cae ee — ee cieimnianhe ctiearsateeers aes Ecol itanesietnyen mace Someta cient Eenopateeer teense Sih Geiuageten aware See aeietaeeeeenanos Ec Gictedine Manat wine nciuaae aor saaearnaie arcs nicWagsiae ine treo ‘trades por Alera Bini 2m

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