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I just spent fifteen minutes trying to give you a live link to the latest DCTV video. All I got
after putting the live link into my browser was this:

For YouTube to risk this kind of hacking, I must be more than viral. Here is the
introduction and a couple of comments to give you a flavor:

Ignore these numbers. They are not accurate, as we have known for a long time:

The Banking Cartel has already lost. Reality is reality and we are living in a new reality
without the Banking Cartel. All that remains is for us to realize where we are. We are all
here in reality, watching the dominoes fall on the BankingCcartel. I say that the
dominoes are falling, because the National War College's model was tested in 30
countries, in 275 cases, and has an accuracy over 90%. This model predicts that there is
a coalition stronger than the Banking Cartel.

After all the years I have been the lawyer for the world's wealth in the Global Debt
Facility, I am able to remain calm in difficult situations because I know how much help I
am getting.

I have answered questions from Andy (not his real name) and his group in this segment.
Here is the first part of Andy's email:

The newbies being introduced to the truth of the reality in which we live are
probably astounded by that information and, hopefully, will be curious and intent
on learning more details (both historically and currently) about what is really
going on in the world and in their respective countries. It is up to all of us as
individuals to follow through and delve further into the documents and
information. It is my sincere hope that everyone does so and can further utilize
that knowledge to contribute to the efforts of the coalition for the rule of law and
the implementation of the global currency reset via the global debt facility. For
we are all in this together as you have pointed out to us on many occasions.

So with that in mind, i'd like to submit the latest batch of questions everyone has
for you, now that they are becoming better informed about how all this affects
each and every one of us both in our everyday lives as well as for our respective
countries, and the world itself, now and for the future.


Nestor B. Aguilar2 days ago
@Charles Marquardt Karen has already answered this question many times. Please see
link below at Page 1:

Karen Hudes3 weeks ago Yes, I did, most recently on July 16, 2017. I said that you would be in
league with the Banking Cartel when you tried to access the SSN.Bank. The Banking Cartel
broke the link to my comment. Here is the link again, which I just retweeted for good
measure. (p 3 link below) The
Banking Cartel's tactic was to try and bribe people with fiat currency by forgiving debt. This is
a non-bargain, because the Banking Cartel then traps the unwary person who accepted their
bargain by rescinding the deal. The Banking Cartel broke the tweet that documents this. So
the person who thought they were going to get something for free ends up at the mercy of
the Banking Cartel. They are not making any friends with the rest of us fighting the Banking
Cartel. We are too busy to rescue them from their stupidity and greed. (p 2 of the link below)

Karen Hudes1 day ago
Here are some links on local currencies.:

During the transition we are going to have to work together to make sure that people who are in a
vulnerable situation do not fall through the cracks. We are not going to dismantle social security and
other support to people until there are viable alternatives. There is no rush, and we are going to learn
from each other how to set things right.

There were over 500 comments on the February 10 PressTV video

Here is a tweet that asks the same question about country debt, and then I will give you the
teleprompter for the latest DCTV video:


The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan
-----Original Message-----
From: Karen Hudes
To: Ryan Harris
Sent: Fri, Mar 1, 2019 8:10 am
Subject: US national debt

Dear Ryan Harris,

I have already responded to this article about

US National Debt. This is a scam. There is
no national debt, either for the United States
or for any other country. The central banks
are the ones in debt.

Please see my interview where I responded to

PressTV's questions about US National Debt.

Your questions all concern debt expressed in fractional reserve fiat currencies issued by the central bank
members of the private Bank for International Settlements. But the BIS members owe over 2 quadrillion
dollars from compounded interest due under Treaty of Versailles Bonds issued by the Federal Reserve Bank.

I am showing you links to two files concerning these bonds, which offset country debt:

The private central banks are insolvent when their debt of 2 quadrillion, held by the Global Debt Facility, is
taken into account. I am the Overseer Mandate Trustee of the Global Debt Facility which holds the 2
quadrillion in Treaty of Versailles bonds issued in the 1930's. It is my responsibility to address the debt owed
by the central banks as well as other debt.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

The National debt and the Federal deficit are skyrocketing. How it affects you

Ryan Harris
Wed 2/27/2019 11:03 AM

Hi Karen,

Thought you might find this really interesting:

The National debt and the Federal deficit are

skyrocketing. How it affects you.

Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes. This show is a Series that has been coming
to you from DCTV since 2015 in a weekly program called the Network of Global
Corporate Control. Today’s program is called “Q and A”. Thank you to DCTV, Carmen
Stanley, Program Director; Maurice Jackson, Studio Director, and Krushae Starnes,
Audio and Prompter. Today's segment was pre-recorded and is in response to your
questions and questions from Andy's group.

It means a lot when the Banking Cartel is trying to stop

people from breaking through and they cannot

Let me read you from Andy's email to me. Andy is not his real name. Andy is very real.
Andy lives in the US, but he is from a European country, and he had to go back there
due to his father's health problems. Both Andy and Tye have been having problems with
their computers.
As a matter of fact, Tye wrote me an email where he said he was going to have to cut off
his internet and stop using credit cards because of the fraud on his cards and the way
the Banking Cartel was spoofing his internet account and flying over his house. You
may remember Tye, it was Tye who told me about the military oaths of office.

I gave you the link describing the Banking Cartel's attacks on Andy and Tye. The
Banking Cartel has also been attacking me and my family members and my friends and
the families of my friends. Is that helping the Banking Cartel win? No. This is because

the Banking Cartel has already lost. Reality is reality and we are living in a new reality
without the Banking Cartel. All that remains is for us to realize where we are. We are all
here in reality, watching the dominoes fall on the Banking Cartel.

My job as Overseer Mandate Trustee of the Global Debt Facility is to remind you of this.
People want to know how come I keep my sang froid.

(sɒŋ frwɑ ) also sangfroid

That is French, for " a person's ability to remain calm in a dangerous or difficult
situation. "
It is because after all these years of having this job I know how much help I am getting.
I will give you a for instance. I usually write these recorded segments early on the
mornings that I record them, because I need to keep relevant for the days that the
recordings are going to be played. So just now, when I was getting the documents that
showed you what Tye and Andy wrote to me, I found the link to the study that tells you
how accurate the National War College's power transition model is. And of course, I had
to reboot my computer several times to avoid the Banking Cartel's hackers. It is very
satisfying to see the Banking Cartel's hackers getting frustrated by the coalition. I keep
telling you to get yourselves into small groups and you will see exactly what I am telling
you about our job to claim our new world and our new reality, that is here waiting for us
to claim it. So now I am going to read you about the accuracy of the power transition
model, and going to give you the link for you to read this yourself. Reality is reality.
Accuracy of the power transition model is discussed by Randolph M. Siverson, "A Glass
Half-Full? No, but Perhaps a Glass Filling: The Contributions of International Politics
Research to Policy" PS: Political Science and Politics, Vol. 33, No. 1 (Mar., 2000), pp. 59-64
Published by: American Political Science Association Article DOI: 10.2307/420776 Stable

"Without going into detail about the actual construction of the model or how it
may be noted that it generates forecasts about policy outcomes using information on how
stakeholders (i.e., those with both an interest in an issue and an ability to affect its outcome)
are positioned on an issue, how important the issue is to them, and how much power each
stakeholder has. How does the model fair? Quite well, in fact. To return to Feder's account,
he noted that the model was used "to analyze scores of policy issues in over 30 countries"
(275). He reports the model's rate of accuracy was about 90%, and when the forecasts of the
model and CIA analysts differed, the model's forecast was correct in every case."

Back to Andy's email: Good morning Ms. Hudes, I watched your latest installment of
"The Network of Global Corporate Control" on DCTV last night. Another great show.
I'm sure that those of us who have been diligently following your work and efforts were
able to glean much valuable information from it as we all walk this path together
towards clarity and understanding of the true reality that is being manifested more and
more every day. It is evident also from the many supportive comments sent to you how
much you are appreciated.

The newbies being introduced to the truth of the reality in which we live are probably
astounded by that information and, hopefully, will be curious and intent
on learning more details (both historically and currently) about what is really going on
in the world and in their respective countries. It is up to all of us as individuals to follow
through and delve further into the documents and information. It is my sincere hope
that everyone does so and can further utilize that knowledge to contribute to the efforts
of the Coalition for the Rule of Law and the implementation of the Global Currency
Reset via the Global Debt Facility. For we are all in this together as you have pointed
out to us on many occasions.

So with that in mind, I'd like to submit the latest batch of questions everyone has for
you, now that they are becoming better informed about how all this affects each and
every one of us both in our everyday lives as well as for our respective countries, and the
world itself, now and for the future:
* Are there protocols or guidelines that we should be aware of if we choose to engage
the various government, state, local officials/"responsible"ones with our questions so as
to not become counterproductive to the goals of the Coalition for the Rule of Law?

Keep in mind that there are mind control weapons. If your group meets regularly if
that is possible, then you can help the group work its way loose by pointing out when
your friends are not reacting characteristically; with a small group of people it is not
so hard to try and counteract those weapons.

Since the dissemination of the information, as well as the energy and momentum that is
going to be with the people from the grass roots up instead of from the top down, who
should people reach out to first?

Just do whatever the group is inclined to do, your instincts are going to help.

* Could you provide further details on how the Global Debt Facility will safeguard the
pensions that seemingly are starting to come under pressure in various places?

The local currencies that retain purchasing power should offer sufficient protection,
together with the national currencies. Full employment is also going to protect the
value of the pensions.

*. Is the liquidity shortage/ dollar shortage forecasted by many in the financial circles an
impediment to the GCR or will it compel the " responsible ones" in government to act on
behalf of it?

The fact that there are valuable currencies, both national and local, and the full
employment generated in the local communities are going to keep the economies on an
even keel. The fact that we know these things, via a critical mass of people, and in our
collective unconscious helps.

* Are the proposed changes to the military justice system related to the GCR, seeing as it
also relates to Admiralty/Maritime Law?

I have already answered this question on the new rules for courts martial. It was
Chuck Hagel who started the ball rolling, when a Lieutenant overruled a court martial
on his own, misusing his authority. But now these new rules that were just issued are
a way of trying to intimidate the troops and keep them worried and to try and slow
down the way the US military is working together with the rest of us in the US to take
back the United States from the corrupt bankers. At the same time, all of the military
powers in the world are on notice that we are not starting WWIII and they have to be
on their guard for any attempted first strike or false flag attack. The military powers
all know that their people and the peoples in each and every country in the world are
carefully reestablishing their proper governments as they see fit, and without outside

Any power grab is not legitimate. The Bankers like to provoke people and throw them
off guard. The Global Currency Reset is peaceful, and we are all going to take our
time. Our first order of business is to look inside ourselves and realize who we are, and
that we are good and kind. Some of us are going to need a little hand-holding as we
adjust. These people are going to realize that they are surrounded by an ocean of
good, kind people. You get right away the flavor of what is happening. This is our

The people in the military know that we are in a new ballgame, because the brass are
traitors who intended to surrender the countries to the bankers. NOT HAPPENING.

Of course the powers that were had a different intention, but they are not getting their
way. Their attempt to influence us has backfired, and the more they try the more it

* Is the GDF and the GCR a way to prevent an inordinate amount of power that
countries who have consistently been buying and hoarding gold (China, Russia, India,
etc.) might possibly have in dominating the future pricing of gold and/or affecting
currency valuations in the various countries?

There is more than enough gold to go around. The challenge is going to be to

introduce sufficient liquidity to match economic growth without inflation. We are
going to work hard to coordinate.

* Is the slowdown in asset purchases by the Central Banks (including the Federal
Reserve) a reflection of the cutting off of interest flow to them? As well as the "paper"
assets that they hold?

The Global Debt Facility owns the central banks and is managed by all of humanity.
We are going to work together in a coordinated, peaceful effort.

* Are there active elements/persons in offices of responsibility (e.g. the Governors

Council, County Executives, etc.) that are engaging the corruption within their ranks
similar to what is occurring within the World Bank/IMF?

With transparent feedback things should "hang together." Of course it is going to be a

challenge when we are not used to working together. Hopefully we will learn through
our mistakes.

* Is there some way to map out a visual "tree" or map that maps out and links all the
factors and entities in the past and recent goings-on by the Cartel? That is the question.

We will have to assess our efforts so far. These questions are extremely helpful to this
end, and the fact that you have posed them augurs well for the future of our common

* Besides buying gold and silver to safeguard people's wealth as a store of value, should
we also stock up on the necessities of daily life in case of possible unforeseen disruptions
in the supply chains brought about by possible currency disruptions?

Why not? Hopefully it will not be necessary, but precautions are wise.

* Who should people contact in their respective states with questions regarding where
the true titles to homes and property are being held?

I suggest that the local communities coordinate and work together in order to find this

* The other frequent questions that come up are the most common ones that you have
addressed many times and have referred to the pertinent documents that have been
posted many times also. Self motivation to search for and read those documents for
one's self has both been pointed out by you and is being reinforced by all of us who have
travelled that part of our collective path and can indicate to the newbies where to look.
Well, that seems to be it for now. We will continue to digest the ongoing information
and follow up with further questions as they arise.
As always, thank you for all the work that you are doing on behalf of humanity and our
continued best wishes for progress with the implementation of the Global Currency
Reset. We too will continue working to assist those efforts.
Best wishes from all of us.

All of humanity has to act together to withdraw anything from

the Global Debt Facility.

This morning on my Twitter account, another person asked Donald Trump to respond
to me. It is of course there for anyone to see, how Donald Trump is unable to respond.
That is what the sock puppets who try and raise questions in YouTube are for. To try
and continue to dupe people. This confusion is all that the Banking Cartel has now to
try and remain in power. We are now seeing whether humanity can untangle itself from
military scalar technology. That is what the Global Currency Reset is about now, and
that is all that remains of the Banking Cartel. I am going to use the remaining time to
help restore your reason. Of course, when you do not know me in person, and I am left
to try and get through on your screen, I am not nearly as effective as you will be in
person, with your loved ones. That is what we are going to continue to be doing now in
the Global Currency Reset. You will also see some screenshots in the teleprompter.

I will respond to your other questions without using the teleprompter.

The rest of the supporting documents are at the end of the teleprompter. I have also put
some documents that were tweeted recently. This is simply a snapshot of our discussion.
We are all in this together, and we are proceeding peacefully. Mistakes will be made, but

they will also be corrected, and we will learn from them. The main point is to "own" the

As we proceed, the way that we know that we are on track, is the way we acknowledge
openly what is wrong and discuss how to correct it. This is the thing that has been most
lacking in our current monetary system. How did I know what this "monitorable
indicator" of the Global Currency Reset should be? I have lived in the current system,
and I know what made it hard to fix.

It is important for me to
repeat Will Rogers' advice,
so that people understand
my role as Overseer
Mandate Trustee of the
Global Debt Facility.

OUTTRO I say that we are

all in this together. I am not
about pulling rank. This is a
job that I am doing on behalf
of all of us, and even though
part of my job is to tell it like
it is to the world's muckety-
mucks, I understand that
each and every person who
is fed up with the Banking
Cartel is just as good as
anybody else.

If you get to thinking you're

a person of influence, try
ordering somebody else's
dog around.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel,
International Bank for
Reconstruction and
Overseer Mandate Trustee,
Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666


Merkel is a mere agent of the Banking Cartel and heads a company named Germany - Meanwhile
Germany's monetary gold reserves are held by the World Bank and IMF in the Global Debt Facility.
On behalf of the Board of Governors of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, I have
informed Germany and Japan that the monetary gold reserves of the United States in the Global Debt
Facility are being deployed to enable the United States to fulfill its treaty obligations in the defense
Germany and Japan.
translation at

Whistleblowerin fordert Reformen bei der
Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten | Veröffentlicht: 17.09.13, 00:22 Uhr

Karen Hudes war Juristin bei der Weltbank. Als sie die USA darauf hinwies, dass die Weltbank ihre
Bilanzen manipuliert, wurde sie gefeuert. Als Whistleblowerin beschreibt sie, wie die Eliten einander
erpressen. Sie vertritt die Ansicht, dass die gigantische Korruption im Finanzsystem die Welt in den
Abgrund reißen wird. Die rätselhaften Entwicklungen des Goldpreises sind für Hudes ein Beleg, dass
das System bereits im Crash-Modus läuft.

Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten: Sie haben als Anwältin für die Weltbank gearbeitet.
Nun werfen Sie dieser als Whistle-Blower massives Fehlverhalten vor. Was stimmt nicht mit
der Weltbank?

Karen Hudes: Bei der Weltbank ist dasselbe passiert wie beim Energieriesen Enron. Der
Konzern ist wegen massiver Bilanz-Manipulationen am Ende kollabiert. Die Weltbank hat an
den Kapitalmärkten mehr als 180 Milliarden Dollar in Anleihen ausgegeben, doch ihre
Bilanzen sind nicht korrekt. Dem US-Kongress ist es nicht gelungen, dieses Problem zu
lösen. Dabei war dieses Problem seit 2005 bekannt – als es erstmals durch das Joint Economic
Committee aufgezeigt wurde.

Ich habe meine beruflichen Pflichten als Anwalt der Weltbank erfüllt, um die Weltbank in
Übereinstimmung mit den geltenden Vorschriften zu bringen

Ich war von 1986 bis 2007 oberste Beraterin in der Rechtsabteilung der Weltbank.
Am 25. Mai 2011 sagte ich bei einer Anhörung vor dem Ausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
für Haushaltskontrolle und Whistleblowing aus. Die Rechtsabteilung des Europäischen
Parlaments empfahl, dass das Europäische Parlament die Weltbank über das brisante Material

informieren solle. Alle Mitglieder des Parlaments, die an der Anhörung teilnahmen, sollten diese
Chronologie des Versagens der Kontrolle der Weltbank erhalten.

Doch statt zu kontrollieren, haben sich die Amerikaner plötzlich das Privatleben zweier
Aufdecker vorgenommen: Betroffen waren die Vertreter der Niederlande im Direktorium der
Weltbank, Wijffels und Melkert. Ihr Privatleben wurde untersucht, um diplomatische
Druckmittel zu erhalten. Andere Exekutivdirektoren der Weltbank wurden auf ähnliche Weise
eingeschüchtert, so Wijffels. Wijffels war erzürnt über das „Wühlen“ in seiner Vergangenheit.

Herman Wijffels hat bei der Weltbank den Ausschuss geleitet, der sich mit einem besonders
krassen Fall von Nepotismus an der Spitze der Weltbank beschäftigte.

Weltbank-Präsident Paul Wolfowitz musste nach Wijffels‘ Untersuchungen zurücktreten.

Wolfowitz hatte seiner Freundin, die auch für die Bank arbeitete, eine sehr markante
Gehaltserhöhung verschafft.

Nach Angaben von Wijffels versuchten „Dritte“, Angelegenheiten aus seiner Vergangenheit an
die Oberfläche zu bringen, die ihn diskreditieren könnten. Wijffels sagte, dass das Weiße Haus
eine große Rolle im Kampf um die Führung bei der Weltbank gespielt habe: „In meinem Fall
war nichts zu finden, doch meine Kollegen im Direktorium der Weltbank waren bestürzt.

Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten: Wie arbeiten die großen internationalen

Organisationen zusammen – die Bank für Internationalen Zahlungsausgleich, die Weltbank
und der Internationale Währungsfonds?

Karen Hudes: Die Bank für Internationalen Zahlungsausgleich ist die älteste
internationale Finanzorganisation. Sie wurde 1930 von den Zentralbanken Belgiens,
Frankreichs, Deutschlands, Italiens, Japans und der Vereinigten Staaten gegründet, um
Deutschlands Reparationszahlung aus dem Ersten Weltkrieg zu verwalten. Heute besteht die
BIZ aus den Zentralbanken von 60 Staaten und konzentriert sich auf zwei Hauptziele:
internationale geldpolitische und finanzielle Zusammenarbeit, und geldpolitische und
finanzielle Stabilität.

Die Weltbank und der Internationale Währungsfonds teilen denselben Gouverneursrat

aus 188 Mitgliedsstaaten. Der ursprüngliche Zweck der Weltbank bestand darin, den
Wiederaufbau des kriegszerstörten Europas zu finanzieren. Nachdem dies erreicht war, wurde
die Weltbank der primäre Geldgeber für Entwicklungsprojekte.

Der Zweck des Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) bestand darin, den Zugang zu den
internationalen Währungsreserven innerhalb des Systems der Nennbeträge (gesetzter Goldwert
der Währung jedes Mitglieds), den Umtausch der Währungen der Mitglieder und feste und
variable Wechselkurse bereitzustellen.

Während der Finanzkrise arbeitet die Bank für Internationalen Zahlungsausgleich mit dem
Internationalen Währungsfonds zusammen, um die Geld- und Finanzmärkte zu stabilisieren.
Der Internationalen Währungsfonds verhandelt mit den Regierungen über die Bedingungen
und stellt langfristige Kredite zur Verfügung. Die Bank für Internationalen Zahlungsausgleich
koordiniert die Finanzierung durch die Zentralbanken und beaufsichtigt das Bankensystem der
Nationen. Es ist ein engmaschiges Geflecht – bei dem sich alle Beteiligten selbst kontrollieren.

Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten: Diese Institutionen versuchen mit allen Mitteln, das
Fiat-Geldsystem zu erhalten. Wird ihnen das gelingen?

Karen Hudes: Es wäre gut, wenn es ihnen nicht gelingt. In den frühen 60er Jahren wurde der
feste Dollarwert gegenüber Gold als überbewertet angesehen. Erhöhte Staatsausgaben für
Konjunktur-Programme und die Militärausgaben im Vietnamkrieg verschlechterten die
Überbewertung des Dollars weiter. Im Jahr 1971 informierten die USA den Internationalen
Währungsfonds darüber, dass sie kein Gold mehr kaufen oder verkaufen, um internationale
Überweisungen auszugleichen.

Dies führte 1973 zu der Entscheidung der Europäischen Gemeinschaft und der Vereinigten
Staaten, einen gemeinsamen Wechselkurs der europäischen Währungen gegenüber dem US-
Dollar einzuführen. Dennoch behielt der US-Dollar seine Rolle als „internationales Geld“. Die
Rolle des IWF wurde weniger gut definiert, doch im Prinzip wandelte sie sich zu einer Rolle
der Aufsicht und der Währungsstützung, indem sie eine stabile Verbindung zwischen den
großen Währungen aufrechterhielt.

Das Bankensystem steht unter enormem Stress, da es die Risiken einer andauernden
Backwardation erfahren hat: Diese tritt ein, wenn alle Gebote, Gold für Dollar zu verkaufen,
zurückgezogen werden – unabhängig davon, welchen Preis die Käufer zu zahlen bereit sind. Die
Goldbasis – der Unterschied zwischen Terminpreisen in naher Zukunft und dem Gold-Spotpreis
– wurde negativ. Dies zeigt einen Mangel an lieferbarem Gold und das Horten von
Gold an.

Ohne die Wiederherstellung des Vertrauens in die internationalen Währungen beginnt auf diese
Weise eine Kettenreaktion, die zum Tauschhandel führt und einer Reihe von Pleiten,

unvorstellbar hoher Arbeitslosigkeit und einem Mangel an Lebensmitteln, Treibstoff und

Dies kann zu Hungersnöten, Seuchen und einem Zusammenbruch der

öffentlichen Ordnung führen. Wenn der Wert der US-Staatsanleihen fällt, wird die Federal
Reserve nicht in der Lage sein, genug Anleihen zu kaufen, um den Zusammenbruch des Fiat-
Dollars aufzuhalten. Die Geldreserven der Weltwährung werden ausgelöscht, was die größte
Zerstörung von Finanzwerten in der gesamten Geschichte sein wird. Viel hängt davon ab, wie
das Bankensystem sich halten wird, während die neue Gold-Strategie umgesetzt wird.

Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten: Wie wird die Krise enden? Gibt es eine Lösung ohne
einen Crash?

Karen Hudes: Es gibt ganz sicherlich eine Lösung ohne einen Crash: Die Rückkehr zu Recht
und Gesetz (rule of law). Die Wahrscheinlichkeit beträgt 95 Prozent, dass die Vertuschung
der Korruption, über die ich seit 2000 berichtet habe, aufgebrochen werden wird.

Diese Vorhersage gründe ich auf ein Modell der Spieltheorie in der Politikwissenschaft.

Dieses Modell sagte 2004 voraus, dass die USA das ungeschriebene Privileg verlieren werden,
den Präsidenten der Weltbank zu nominieren, und dass die NATO aufgelöst wird, wenn die
USA die von der Federal Reserve ausgehende Korruption nicht beenden. Nach dem Modell der
Spieltheorie müssen die Vereinigten Staaten sich weiter mit der EU verbünden und versuchen,
Russland in die Koalition einzubinden. Ich weiß, dass diese mathematische Theorie im
Verteidigungsministerium sehr ernst genommen wird.

Einseitige Aktionen der Vereinigten Staaten, ob im Irak oder in Syrien oder die unwillkommene
Überwachung der Verbündeten, untergraben die westliche Allianz und stärken die Staaten in
Asien, wie Jacek Kugler, Ron Tammen und Brian Efird hier bewiesen haben.

Wenn die Weltbank nicht ordentlich geführt wird, ist dies ein Sicherheitsrisiko für die
Weltordnung. Und die Spieltheorie hat Recht behalten: Im Jahr 2010 verloren die USA den
Vorsitz in der Weltbank.

Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten: Sie haben als Whistleblowerin die Weltbank

erfolgreich gezwungen, Sie wieder anzustellen. Aber der Sicherheitsdienst der Bank hat Ihre
Wiederbeschäftigung verhindert…

Karen Hudes: Ich kaufte eine Weltbank-Anleihe. Damit erhielt ich das Recht auf sachlich
richtige Bilanzen der Weltbank. Daraufhin schloss der Gouverneursrat der Weltbank mit mir
einen Vergleich. Doch meine Rechte als Mitarbeiterin der Weltbank wurden von der
Sicherheits-Firma der Weltbank ausgehebelt: Die Firma Allied Barton, die zu demselben
„Supergebilde“ wie die Fed gehört, verweigerte mir die Ausstellung eines Sicherheits-Ausweises.
Der US- Generalbundesanwalt Eric Holder klagte mich wegen kriminellen Hausfriedensbruchs
an, nachdem ich mich am 13. Mai 2013 bei der Weltbank zur Arbeit meldete. Das Washingtoner
Kammergericht wies die Anklage wegen Hausfriedensbruchs am 19. Juli 2013 ab.

Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten: Was ist die Rolle der Politiker in diesem Spiel? Sind
sie nur Marionetten?

Karen Hudes: Die US-Politiker lehnten es ab, in meinem Fall für mich Partei zu ergreifen. Die
Europäer haben sich dagegen damit beschäftigt. Die Rechtsabteilung des Europäischen
Parlaments hat die Weltbank über meine Aussage zur Korruption in der Weltbank informiert.
Jetzt sind die Politiker irritiert, weil die Wähler über ihre Mitschuld bei der Geiselnahme des
Staats und der Korruption erfahren. Die Zensur in den Massenmedien, die den Aktionären
der Federal Reserve gehören, hilft garantiert nicht dabei, Politiker zur Verantwortung zu ziehen.

Eine Netzwerk-Analyse der Direktorien der zehn großen Medienorganisationen in den USA hat
ergeben, dass nur 118 Leute in den Direktorien der zehn großen Mediengiganten sitzen. Acht
von zehn großen Mediengiganten teilen gemeinsame Mitglieder in den Direktorien, und diese
Leute sind auch im Direktorium des „Supergebildes“.

Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten: Manchmal hat man den Eindruck, dass die
Zentralbanken die Kontrolle verloren haben. Ist das möglich?

Karen Hudes: Das Ende des Gold-Leasings ist nur die Spitze des Eisbergs. Es gibt einen
allmählichen Wandel bei der Kontrolle des internationalen Finanzsystems. Eine Analyse der
Finanzmärkte zeigt, dass die Finanzen der Welt in den Händen von nur wenigen
Investmentfonds, Banken und Konzernen sind. Die acht größten US-Finanzinstitute (JP
Morgan, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, U.S. Bancorp, Bank of New
York Mellon und Morgan Stanley) werden zu 100 Prozent von zehn Aktionäre kontrolliert. Vier
Unternehmen sind bei allen Entscheidungen immer dabei: BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard
und Fidelity. Zudem besteht die Federal Reserve aus zwölf Banken, die von einem Direktorium
aus sieben Leuten repräsentiert werden, und die aus den Vertretern der „Großen Vier“ bestehen,
die wiederum in allen anderen Institutionen vertreten sind. Kurz gesagt: Die Federal Reserve
wird von vier Konzernen kontrolliert: BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard und Fidelity.

Diese Konzerne verlieren gerade die Kontrolle im Verhältnis zur wirtschaftlichen Stärke
der BRICS-Nationen: Brasilien, Russland, Indien, China und Südafrika und bald auch
Indonesien und der Irak.

Diese Nationen machen mehr als 25 Prozent des internationalen Handels aus und haben sich
nun darauf geeinigt, den Handel durch ein Tauschsystem zu finanzieren. Sie verwenden Gold,
um die Unterschiede auszugleichen, die nach Gegenbuchungen verbleiben. Sie haben sich
darauf geeinigt, eine neue Entwicklungsbank zu gründen, die einen Ausweg aus dem
ungeliebten Dollar bieten wird. Nun stellt sich für die Finanz-Elite die Frage: Kann der Dollar
unter diesen Umständen als internationale Reservewährung überhaupt weiterbestehen?

Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten: In Deutschland scheinen die Leute den Eindruck zu

haben, das gehe sie nichts an. Sollten die Deutschen sich Sorgen machen?

Karen Hudes: Man kann eindeutige Zeichen eines drohenden Währungskriegs erkennen,
wenn die Federal Reserve die Forderung Deutschlands nach Rückführung der 300 Tonnen Gold
um sieben Jahre verzögert. Es gibt die Schwierigkeit, Gold zur sofortigen Lieferung
aufzutreiben. Es gibt eine massive Abwertung in Japan. Außerdem beobachten wir die
Gesetzgebung in einem Dutzend Staaten, physisches Gold und Silber als offizielles
Zahlungsmittel anzuerkennen.

Die Deutschen machen sich ganz offensichtlich bereits ernste Sorgen. Der Überflug eines
Helikopters über das US-Konsulat in Frankfurt am 9. September 2013 ist mit Sicherheit
Ausdruck von tiefem Misstrauen. Ein anonymer deutscher Beamter informierte den Spiegel:
„Das ist ein Schuss vor den Bug der Amerikaner.“ Die Amerikaner sind sehr nervös wegen der
Kritik aus Deutschland.

Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten: Erwarten Sie, dass der Währungskrieg sich

verschärfen wird – und wenn ja, wer wird ihn gewinnen? Sie betonen, dass der
Rechtsstaatlichkeit wieder zum Durchbruch verholfen werden muss. Ist es dafür nicht zu spät?

Karen Hudes: Wenn es einen Währungskrieg gibt, dann verlieren alle. Letztlich aber wird
China dominant aus diesem Krieg hervorgehen, weil die gesamt Weltwirtschaft sehr
geschwächt sein wird. Ich erwarte, dass die Welt einen Währungskrieg durch die Besinnung auf
Recht und Gesetz vermeiden kann. Die Bretton-Woods-Institutionen wurden schließlich als ein
Verpflichtungsmechanismus im internationalen Finanzsystem geschaffen.

Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten: Sie arbeiten mit britischen Whistle-Blowern
zusammen. Wie haben die Abgeordneten reagiert?

Karen Hudes: Das ist ein weiterer Grund für meinen Optimismus. Am 20. Juli 2013 hat das
britische Unterhaus die Aussagen von Elaine Colville, einer schottischen Whistle-Blowerin,
zusammen mit meinem Statement auf der Webseite des britischen Parlaments veröffentlicht.
Am 5. September 2013 informierte der Parlamentsausschuss für öffentliche Verwaltung Elaine
Colville, dass sie ein zusätzliches Statement für Teil II ihrer Untersuchung veröffentlichen
würden: „Beschwerden: Machen sie einen Unterschied?“ Dies zeigt, dass das britische
Parlament einen anderen Umgang mit Whistleblowern wünscht – und unsere Anschuldigungen
sehr ernst nimmt.

Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten: Wie können die Manipulationen auf den

Finanzmärkten gestoppt werden – wenn überhaupt?

Karen Hudes: Davon hängt unsere Zukunft ab. Ich habe die anderen Weltbank-Whistle-
Blower gefragt, ob es möglich ist, die Weltbank und das internationale Finanzsystem zu
reformieren. Wir sind uns einig, dass Korruption und Marktmanipulation beendet werden
müssen – nach den Lektionen, die wir lernen mussten.

Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten: Sollten die Leute sich erheben – oder sind sie zu
schwach, um dieses System zu ändern?

Karen Hudes: Ich denke, diese Frage sollten Sie ihren Lesern stellen und nicht mir.

Enron at the World Bank

Here are our questions:

You worked as a lawyer for the World Bank. Now you accuse them as a whistleblower
of massive wrongdoing. What’s wrong with the Bank?

Think of the World Bank as Enron. The World Bank has issued over $180 billion in
bonds on the world's capital markets, but its financial statements are not accurate. The
US Congress has been unsuccessful in resolving this problem, first identified by the
Joint Economic Committee in 2005.1 The World Bank stonewalled Senator Lugar's
and Congressman Van Hollen's four requests for the advice of the executive search
firm following my disclosure of internal control lapses during my interview for General
Counsel.2 I have been fulfilling my professional responsibilities as the World Bank's
lawyer to bring the World Bank into compliance. 3

On October 3, 2007, I informed Kenneth Peel in the US Treasury Department that

"Senator Lugar's office suggested that I contact you about an escalating perception
that the US does not respect rule of law in its oversight of the World Bank. Now the
members of the World Bank's Board are subjected to intimidation for trying to restore
rule of law at the Bank.”

Earlier that day, I had informed Keith Luse and Nilmini Rubin in Senator Lugar's
office, Jay Branegan on the staff of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Jim
Greene in then Senator Biden's office, Tom Crohan in Senator Kennedy's office, and
Jayme Roth in Senator Bayh's office:

"I have just returned from Holland, and learned there that Messrs. Wijffels and
Melkert [the representatives of the Dutch on the World Bank's Board of

Letters dated April 18, 2007 and June 12, 2007 from Keith Luse,
content/uploads/2012/10/1101.pdf and letter dated November 17, 2008 from Congressman Chris Van
Hollen to the World Bank
I was Senior Counsel in the World Bank Legal Department from 1986-2007. On May 25, 2011 I testified
before a hearing of the European Parliament's Committee on Budgetary Control on whistleblowing. The
European Parliament's Legal Department recommended for the European Parliament to inform the World
Bank about the material to be used at the hearing and that all Members of the European Parliament
attending the hearing receive a full version of my written contribution, including this chronology of internal
control lapses.

Directors] have informed the Dutch public that they were subjected
to investigations of their private lives as a form of diplomatic blackmail.
According to Mr. Wijffels, other executive directors on the World Bank's Board
have been similarly intimidated. This does not augur well for the upcoming
Annual Meetings that will start October 20th. I attach translations and links to the
stories in Dutch.

Of course, the Volcker Panel report has not dealt with [the Department of
Institutional Integrity's] record of whistleblower harassment, and only serves to
discredit US probity in its oversight of the World Bank.

I would like to speak with you about my discussions with Pieter Stek [former
Dutch Executive Director] on September 25 and 26 and with Riny Bus in the
Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs on September 24th."

Wijffels angered at “digging” into his past (Novum)

9/22/2007 Herman Wijffels says that his past was delved into “in a shocking manner”
this year. According to the man who formed the current Dutch cabinet, this took place
during his work at the World Bank, where he chaired the committee that looked into the
controversial dealings of Bank President Paul Wolfowitz.

Wolfowitz had to step down following Wijffels’ inquiry into Wolfowitz’ possible conflicts
of interest. Wolfowitz had given his girlfriend, who also worked at the bank, a very
large raise.

According to Wijffels, “third parties” tried to surface issues from his past which might
have discredited him. The former head of the Rabobank did not want to provide
details. But Wijffels said that the White House had played a large role in the struggle
over the leadership at the World Bank.

“In my case, there was nothing to find, but my colleagues on the Board of the World
Bank were dismayed. There were definite attempts at disqualification,” said Wijffels.

Television Interview with Ad Melkert 9/29/07 VPRO Buitenhof 'Politics on the World

Ad Melkert, Deputy Director of the United Nations Development Program,

and former Dutch Executive Director at the World Bank, confirmed during a
fifteen minute interview with Clairy Polak on this Dutch Public Broadcast program
that Herman Wijffels’ private life and bank accounts were subjected to
investigation. Mr. Melkert added that 'very aggravating attempts' were also made
to discredit him. These attempts were especially intense during the period of
May through July, 2007."

The World Bank stonewalled Senator Lugar's and Congressman Van Hollen's four requests for
the advice of the executive search firm following my disclosure of internal control lapses during

my interview for IBRD's General Counsel position.4 The World Bank refused to cooperate with
an inquiry of the US Government Accounting Office into corruption commissioned by three
Senators.5 The World Bank will not qualify for the US contribution to its capital increase until it
has eliminated the effects of retaliation against its whistleblowers.6

How do the big international organizations interact – Bank for International

Settlements, World Bank, International Monetary Fund?

The Bank for International Settlements is the oldest international financial organization.
It was established by the central banks of Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and
the United States in 1930 to manage Germany's reparation payments following World
War I. Now consisting of the central banks of 60 countries, the BIS focuses on two
main goals: (1) international monetary and financial cooperation; and (2) monetary and
financial stability.

The World Bank and International Monetary Fund share the same Board of Governors
from 188 member countries. The initial purpose of the World Bank was to finance the
reconstruction of war-torn Europe. After this was accomplished, the World Bank
became the primary financier of development projects. The purpose of the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) was to allocate access to international currency
reserves within the system of par values (set values for each member's currency in
terms of gold), convertibility of members' currencies, and fixed but adjustable exchange
rates. After World War II, the U.S. dollar became the main currency for international
capital flows outside of Europe.
The Bank for International Settlements has one-third the member countries of the
Bretton Woods institutions.7 The Board of Governors of the Bank for International
Settlements consists of the presidents of the central banks, while the Board of
Governors of the Bretton Woods institutions consists of Ministers of Finance or
Development. During financial crises, the Bank for International Settlements works
with the International Monetary Fund to stabilize monetary and financial markets. The
International Monetary Fund negotiates the conditionality with the governments in need
and provides short term loans, and the Bank for International Settlements coordinates
funding from central banks and oversees the nation's banking system.

They all desperately try to save the FIAT money system. Will they prevail?

Letters dated April 18, 2007 and June 12, 2007 from Keith Luse,
content/uploads/2012/10/1101.pdf and letter dated November 17, 2008 from Congressman
Chris Van Hollen to the World Bank
In March 2009 GAO stated that it could not commence the Government Accountability Office inquiry
requested by Senators Lugar, Leahy and Bayh "because of challenges we recently faced in gaining
access to World Bank officials." (see p. 24) Senator Lugar asked about the delay in the
GAO review during hearings on the IBRD capital increase
§ 7082 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012 (Pub. L. 112-74). available here:
The World Bank and International Monetary Fund are named after the Bretton Woods ski resort in New
Hampshire where the founding conference of forty-four nations was held in 1944.

I doubt it, and this is a good thing. By the early 1960s, the U.S. dollar's fixed value
against gold was considered to be overvalued. Increased domestic spending on Great
Society programs and military spending on the Vietnam War gradually worsened the
overvaluation of the dollar. In 1971 the United States informed the International
Monetary Fund that it would no longer buy and sell gold to settle international
transactions. This resulted in the 1973 decision of the European Community countries
and the United States to introduce a joint float of European currencies against the U.S.
dollar. Nevertheless, the U.S. dollar maintained its role as "international money." The
role of the International Monetary Fund became less well-defined but in principle turned
into one of surveillance and support for currencies in maintaining a stable link with
major currencies.
The banking system is under enormous stress as witnessed by the risk of permanent
gold backwardation: when all offers to sell gold for dollars are withdrawn regardless
how high the bid price may go. On July 7, 2013, gold leasing ended when "GOFO"
(the difference between the rate offered for future leases and the rate that applies to
leases already in force) became negative. The gold basis (the difference between the
nearby futures price and the spot price of gold) also became negative. This indicates a
shortage of deliverable gold and gold hoarding.
Just like in 1971, negative GOFO indicates the risk of permanent backwardation.
Without restored confidence in international currencies, a chain-reaction leading to a
barter economy commences, bringing serial bankruptcies, unprecedented
unemployment, and shortages of food, fuel, and medicine. This would result in famine,
pestilence, and a break-down of law and order. When the value of US Treasury paper
erodes, no amount of bond buying by the US Federal Reserve will be able to stop the
collapse of the fiat dollar. The monetary reserves of the world’s currencies will be
extinguished, representing the largest destruction of fiduciary values in all history. Much
depends on how the banking system will hold up while the new gold strategy is being

How is the crisis going to end? Is there a solution without a crash?

There most certainly is a solution without a crash: the rule of law. There is a 90-95%
likelihood that the cover-up of corruption that I have been reporting since 2000 will end.
I am basing this prediction on political science game theory modeling, discussed in my
interview with Lars Schall.8 This model predicted in 2004 that the US would lose the
gentlemen's agreement for naming the World Bank president, and that NATO would be
dissolved unless the US ended the corruption emanating from the Federal Reserve. In
2006 I wrote to Senator Richard Lugar, "Mr. Eckhard Deutscher, Dean of the Board

order/ Asia Times refused to run this article.

[and Germany's Executive Director], has informed me that World Bank Board is treated
like a mushroom . .. kept in the and covered with fertilizer".9

In 2008 I discussed this model with Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel when he
represented Nebraska in the Senate. I mentioned this in an April 21, 2013 letter to
Julia Pierson, Director of the US Secret Service, which I cleared with the member
countries of the World Bank:

"Playing cat and mouse with these serious governance issues at the World Bank
is also a security risk to the world order, as I informed Chuck Hagel when he
autographed his book, "America Our Next Chapter," for me. When you get a
chance for serious bedtime reading, in addition to Senator Hagel's book, take a
look at "The War Presidency". This is by the group which predicted four years
ago that the Gentleman's Agreement [for the US to appoint the president of the
World Bank] would end if the US did not stop its hegemony at the World Bank.

In 2010 the US lost the Gentlemen's Agreement.10 I bought a World Bank bond, and
the World Bank's Board of Governors settled my bondholder litigation in December,
2012.11 But Allied Barton, part of the same "super entity" that owns the Federal
Reserve,12 employs the World Bank's security personnel, and is refusing to issue me a
security badge. The members of the World Bank issued me a security badge for
attendance at the Spring Meetings of the World Bank and IMF. The US Attorney
General, Eric Holder, charged me with criminal trespass after I reported to work at the
World Bank on May 13, 2013.
thinly-veiled-threats-against-world-bank-whistleblower-karen-hudes-2/ The DC
Superior Court dismissed the trespass charges on July 19, 2013.

I am continuing to remind the Department of Defense of the risk of losing NATO, and
the Attorneys General of the 50 states, the 50 governors, and the National Association
of Counties of their responsibilities to protect World Bank bondholders in their
respective states. In order to avoid the crash of the fiat currencies, we need to exhume
the gold and other treasure that has been buried in the Vatican vaults, the Philippines,
Indonesia, and other Asian nations.

What is the role of the politicians in this game? Are they just muppets?

US politicians refused to engage when the European Parliament's legal department

informed the World Bank of my testimony on May 25, 2011 about the corruption. Now
politicians are in disarray as voters learn about their complicity in the state capture and


corruption.13 The censorship in mainstream media, owned by the shareholders of the
Federal Reserve,14 certainly does not help in holding the politicians accountable.

Sometimes one gets the impression that the central banks have lost control. Could this

The end of gold leasing is just the tip of the iceberg. There is a gradual shift in the
control of the international financial system. An analysis of the financial markets
reveals that the world's finances are in the hands of just a few mutual funds, banks,
and corporations. The eight largest U.S. financial companies (JP Morgan, Wells
Fargo, Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, U.S. Bancorp, Bank of New York
Mellon and Morgan Stanley) are 100% controlled by ten shareholders and we have
four companies always present in all decisions: BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard and
Fidelity. In addition, the Federal Reserve is comprised of 12 banks, represented by a
board of seven people, which comprises representatives of the “big four,” which in turn
are present in all other entities. In short, the Federal Reserve is controlled by four large
private companies: BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard and Fidelity.

These companies are losing their grip in relation to the economic strength of the
BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, soon to be joined by
Indonesia and Iraq). These nations account for more than 25% of international trade,
and have now agreed to finance trade through a barter system, using gold to settle
differences remaining after offsets. They have also agreed to establish a new
Development Bank, that will provide an outlet for unwanted dollars. Will the dollar
continue as international reserve currency under these circumstances?

In Germany people seem to live under the impression: This is not our cup of tea.
Should the Germans be concerned?

You can see definite signs of an impending currency war by the Federal Reserve's
seven year delay in complying with Germany's request to repatriate 300 tons of gold;
the difficulty in obtaining gold for immediate delivery; Japan's devaluation; and
legislation in a dozen states to recognize gold and silver bullion as legal tender. I
elaborated on this in a May 5, 2013 interview with gold and precious metals expert,


A network analysis of the boards of directors of the ten big media organizations in the US revealed that
only 118 people are on the boards of directors of the ten big media giants. Eight out of ten big media
giants share common memberships on boards of directors with each other, and these people are also on
the boards of the "super entity".

Tekoa Da Silva.15 The September 9, 2013 helicopter flyover of the US Consulate in
Frankfurt is certainly reason for concern.16

Do you expect the currency war to intensify – and if so, who will be the winner? You
emphasize that the rule of law needs to be reinstated. Isn’t it too late?

If there is a currency war, everyone will be losers, but ultimately China will emerge as
dominant in a much diminished world economy. I expect that the world will succeed in
avoiding a currency war through rule of law. The Bretton Woods institutions were
created as a commitment mechanism in the international financial system.17 The
World Bank's Board of Governors has settled my bondholder litigation. The next item
on the agenda is for me and the rest of the World Bank's whistleblowers to be

You are collaborating with UK whistleblowers. How did the MPs react?

This is another reason for my optimism. On July 20, 2013 the UK House of Commons
published testimony of Elaine Colville, a Scottish whistleblower, together with my third
statement on the UK Parliament's website.18 On September 5, 2013 the Public
Administration Select Committee informed Elaine Colville they would publish an
additional statement for Part II of their inquiry into: Complaints: do they make a

Spiegel Online, September 9, 2013, NSA Affair: Germans Conduct Helicopter Flyover of US Consulate
Kathryn M. Dominguez, The Role of International Organizations in the Bretton Woods System in A
MONETARY REFORM 357-404, (Michael D. Bordo et al. eds., 1993). available: (Last visited July 18, 2013)

House of Commons Public Administration Committee, Written Evidence for the inquiry into Complaints
Do They Make A Difference, published July 20, 2013, pages 186-7 (Elaine Colville, another World Bank
Whistleblower's testimony is on Page 178) available here

House of Commons International Development Committee, Written Evidence for the inquiry into The work
of the Independent Commission for Aid Impact, published July 7, 2012 available here:

House of Commons Public Administration Committee, Written Evidence for the inquiry into Public
engagement in policy making, published November 2, 2012 available here:

How can the manipulations in the financial markets be stopped – if at all?

Our future depends on this. I have asked the other World Bank whistleblowers whether
it is possible to reform the World Bank and the international financial system. We are
in agreement that corruption and market manipulation can end, based on the lessons
we have learned.

Should the people stand up – or are they too weak for changing this system?

I think that this is a question which you should be asking your readers instead of me.

The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan
Thursday, August 16, 2018

Dear People,

Sequencing is important, and I am rushing to get this posted without including

screenshots of the following links that also appeared in my Twitter account this
morning. The Banking Cartel has been trying to "sucker" me into dealing with their
religion agenda through some emails in my inbox and through radio announcements.

We, humanity, know what is sacred, and this is intrinsic to who we are. We will get
around to religion. It is important. But we will wind down the Banking Cartel and the
corruption in the world's money first. You say this is a "chicken and egg" proposition.
No, it is not, because as I said, we, humanity, know what is sacred. Intrinsically. Figure
it out.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel,
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

The Network of Global Corporate Control (identified by Vitali, Glattfelder, and Battiston
of ETH Zurich ) is in total
disarray. Many are now switching sides. Josh Tolley has reported the Japanese shift to
gold. The United States minus the Federal Reserve is also making this shift.

Josh Tolley is still a globalist media source:

As Overseer Mandate Trustee of the Global Debt Facility, I can reassure you that the
coalition for the rule of law remains intact and will implement the Global Currency
Reset. Federal Reserve Notes are going to be replaced by aurum and local
currencies. Because the Network of Global Corporate Control is unable to cope, I cannot
tell you exactly how the exchange of currencies is going to take place. Rest assured that
the power transition model remains to guide us on the way forward:

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

Another Futile Attempt to Steal

Karen Hudes Thu, May 14, 2015 at 6:22



The World Bank 1818 H Street N.W. (202) 473-1000


May 14, 2015

Committee of 300

c/o The Royal Institute of International Affairs

10 St James's Square

London SW1Y 4LE

Dear Sirs,

The Global Debt Facility and the Board of Governors of the Bretton Woods institutions
(which administer the Global Debt Facility on behalf of member countries and the
beneficiaries of the Global Debt Facility pursuant to paragraph 6 of the Bilateral
Minesfield Breakthrough Successor Agreement have undertaken the following:

 decided to replace fractional reserve fiat currencies with currencies

minted from the gold in the Global Debt Facility

 lodged a notarial protest with the UPU

 placed the insolvent Bank for International Settlements and 60 member

central banks into receivership in the Global Debt Facility and advised the
legal officers of State Street, Vanguard, Fidelity, and BlackRock

 defended the valid UCC-1's that were filed with the Secretaries of State
where the Federal Reserve Banks are located

 voided the invalid notice of 21.4.15 by the International Court of Justice

The Committee of 300's invitation to the Board of Governors of the World Bank and
IMF to the Philippines in a transparent maneuver to rescind these actions is yet
another doomed attempt to steal the world's gold from the world's people. The
Committee of 300 has no authority to convene such a Conference. The authority of
Tiburcio Villamor Marcos Tallano has not been duly authenticated; his colluding with
the Committee of 300 is corrupt and of no legal force and effect.


Acting General Counsel

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Legal Counsel Global Debt Facility TVM-LSM-666

for the invitation:


On Tuesdays at 7:00 pm EST
censored videos on military, gold, and secret societies are


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