Vany Ahmad Arifuddin

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Desa Sumari 06/02, Kec Duduk Sampeyan

Gresik 61121
November 10, 2019

Human Resources Departemen
PT. Sentrifugal Prima Pratama
Jl. Ahmad Yani no 10c
Surabaya, Jawa Timur 65151

Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing to you respone to your advertisment about job application part the
Staff Teknisi Office in website the company
on Monday 14 November 2019. I hope you read a job application that i sent because i
would i love to be accepted in this postion.
My name is Vany Ahmad Arifuddin i am 18 years old, i am a fresh graduated
from the Automotive on SMK PGRI 1 Gresik Mei this year, i have on in a car repair
shop for three month after on intership in the car repair shop. I also had an intership in a
motorcycle repair shop for over three month, six month my intership in the industrial
world make me understand about the saventy of the industrialized world, rith expance it
makes sense of responsibility i am getting strong and form a more of i am a person who
likes new things. I am ready to be technicians that can be pride by the company and i
am ready to take the punishment if break the low in this company.
Thank you for your time and consideration i look forward to the apportyity to
personality discus why i am particulary sulzed for this postion. To sugagest a time we
may meet i can be reched via phone numer 031-7368721 or by email as


Vany Ahmad. A

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