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"~:C::Manila: 4th Fir. A~adeta' Bfdg. 891 Galicia Sl cor;-esp/ipa Ave. SJrnpalOc Manll~ (Tel. 742-56-00)
.~;, :"~Cebu: 4TH Fir. Villacatnpa-Capuras Bldg.• Sanciaj1gcxrSt ~b9\ CItY (Tel If. 25+33-84)
.~': • !" .J!' ,

t\lIACHI~E DE~IGN!...! ~.~Y 2 ." ',"

,SHARI j_ .. ><.- 1-! ""',

-;,~, ""' !
. 1, ;

. - a rotating member that is- used to.,transmit power.

Shaft "

Coun1ter Shaft"

P = power, Hp

~: Torque, T
-----".,-- .. ~~."-,.
-Dri~'.M~Chlne 1
T = FxR=FxD/2 ;
Driven Machine:2

! •

F =jipplied force R = radius

3. stresses in shaft when subjected to pure torsion(Ss)

A For solid shaft: Ss = Tc _1ST

T- 1td3

c. For shori shafts:

From Machineries Handbook

1. Shaft diameter for 0.08 degrees per foot of length of shaftdefiection.
For English units:

0:::;; 0.29 ff or D;:; 4.6 ~

Where: 0 "" diameter,jn P :::;; horsepower N :: speed, rpm

P "'power, ttl' D:: diameter, in N "'speed, rpm T 1tor~ue, in-lb.

A. Shafting SUbjected-to nO'bendingadiott of pulleys except its own We'ight- i " L :: 8. 95..~ ~tJ ')
B. 'Shafting subjected to a~on pulleys, etc: L:::;;
bar.ding of 5.2' frl, (~)
L ::: shaft length, ft ' D,;::: sha1ldiameter, in

Maniia, 4111 Fir. Anacleta Bldg. 89t.Galicia Steer. Espana Ave. SampalpcManila:.(fel. 742-56-00).
Cebu: ... 4~ ,"",
Fir. Villacampa-Capuras aI99 .• \~ancjangco St Cebu City"(fet # 254-33-84)
' " j : ~' --~'

i ,:-/ {: .," ,~~,:, _', '_ '_',,:, _' : ~

Machir1E~' Des'igri Problem$.- DAY 2
'-1' \~~ ";":,-.- '-'~,! ' j


r.~ (ME:8d. Oct 1998)Wha! pqwsr would iasp".indle§5 hid.iametett,r~smit at 480,',rpm n:m
stress allowed for short shaft IS 59N/mm2?'CMS, % ;~f> \LW) ~41J\~n(;; 'i!IDL. . '
2." (ME Bd. Apr. 98) Compute the diameter ot'a solid shaft tr~i:'lsmitting 75 Hp at 1800 rpm.
TI1.e nature of theJqad and;the tYpe of servi,ce j~ su~ tliat the, a"owable Ss based on pure
tqrsion is 6000 pSi. . :," ';~:.'. ,' . . r i
3. '(ME Bd. Oct.2fJ~F..jnd the torsional defl~iOPt indegrees•. of a solid steel shaft, 110
mm OD x 1.4 m I0l19subjecfto 3. t x 106 N-mm ton;:tue. The t9r~ional modulus of elasticity is
80,000 N/mm-mm., • . ','. ", .•".' .' . ' . '. '
4. {ME Bd. Apr. ~6}Computethe linear, shaft diaroeter to tri:msmit 12 HP at 180 rpm with
torsional deflection of ~08 degrees per fo~t length ..
j ;"
5. (ME ad. Apr. 95) A hollow shaft with outside diameter o{ 14 em ~nd wall thickness of
. 0~8 em transmits 200 J<MI at 400rprn. What must be the angular deflection of the shaft if the
iengthis 5 meters? The material the shaft is C4140 steel ..


1. (ME Set Oct. 95) A short 61 mm diameter shafUransmiis "120 Hp. Compute the linear
speedof a pulley 55 em diameter mounted on the shaft.
2. (MEad. Apr, 95) Compute th~ speed of the gear mounted en main shaft with 52.5 mm
diameter re~iving power from a drivipg motor with 250 Hp.


1. A machine shaft is supported on bearings 1 m apart is to transmit 190 I<YV at 300 rpm
while subjected to bending load of SOO kg at the center. If maximum shearing stress is 40
Mpa, determine the shaft diameter.


1. (ME Bd. Apr. 98) A 16 ft lineshaft has no bending action except its own w!':)ight. What
power in Hp can ~he shaft deliver at a speed of 200 rpm. Consider that the torsional
defiectionwill not exceed 0.081ft length.

~,. (ME Bd. APRIL:2004) A shaft that has a diameter of 1.125 in has 'an appjiegtorque of
400 in-lb. A shear pin is used to conn~ the shaft has a ractor of S9fety of 2.5. The S;.::: .
73.9 ksi and Ss :: 0.577 Syt. Determine: , , . /.. ' "
1. Allowable shearing s~ of the shaft. psi ., '. .
A 1230.78 psi\!U14~.r8 psi C. 1530.78 psi D. 1630.78
2. M~:'urn shear force of the shaft, I b s ' . . ' i
. A. 711.11 B: .721.11 C.731,11, D.741.11
3. Shea pin diame~r, in 1 . f::\
.. : A 0.475 . ,8. 0.375 C. 0.275 ~0.175
4. MaXimum shear force in kg.. . f:\ . .
A 302.50 kg B. 312.5,9 kg \...SJ322.50 kg D. 332.50 kg .
5; Sh~'n diameter, mm'· '.
',A.445 i B. 4.545: C. 4,645 D. 4.745 "
~.~ ,. (ME .. APRIL 2(04) A hollow ~haft has an. outside diameter of 2in. Th~ allowable
shearing stress of the shaft is 7,000 psi and the applied torque is 700 in-lbs. Find:
1. the shaft insid8?~iameter, in ~ .
, A .1.95 in . B. 1.~3 in . C. 1.91in. ~1.97 in

2. the equMilent solid ~ diameter, In j

A 0.788 \J!)O.798 C. 0.792 D. 0.790 '

. 3. savings in weight if the s9lid shaft is to be with hollow shaft of the same torsional
I strength. A 76.20%' B. 78.20% C. 81.29% D. 85.30% •
4. the~r of safety if yield stress is 10,430 '.
A. 1.49 B. 1.69 C. 1.79 D. 1.99
5. tan 'al force of the solid shaft, lbs
A. 1754.39 B. 1854.39 C. 1954.39 D. 2054,39
4th Fir. Anacleta Bldg. 891 Galicia st. cor. Espana Ave. Sampaloc Manila
Tel # 742-56-00
INSTRUCTION: Encircle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer of your choice.

~/,,, - :/'~'/'

I ""1~~A shaft is used to transmit 200 ~ at 300 rpm by means of a 200 mm diameter sprocket
" force tangent to the sprocket.
/." A 60.44 KN S. 60.33 KN C. 60.88 KN
O. 63.66 KN
Determine the

~. Findthe diameter of a steel shaft which wil! be used persia a 110 KW motor rotating at 5 rps if torsional
, stress is 90 Mpa. ~
A. 60.20 nim . B 58.30 mm C. 38.30 mm O. 46.20 mm
shaft has an ultima €I stress of 350 Mpa and has a factor of safety of 5. The torque developed by the shaft.
is 3 KN-m and the diameter outsidea2eter is 80 mm. Find the inside diameter of the shaft.
A. 83.45 mm B. 76.45 mm C, 69.62 mm D. 66.34 mm
Wh~'the speed of 63.42 mmsha nsmitted 75 'rWI/ if stress is not to exceed 26 Mpa,
A 550 rpm B. 600 rpm C. 650 rpm D. 700 rpm '
A st shaft transm~p at 1400 rpm. If allowable stress is 500 psi, find the shaft diameter.
A 3.58 in. B. ..84 in. C. 1.65 in. D. 2.54 in. '
shaft of a motor as a length of 20 times its diameter and has a maximum twist of 1 degrees when
twisted at 2 KN-m torque. If the moduius of rigidity of the shaft is 80 Gpa, find
the shaft diameter. ~
A 69.23 mm 8. 73.23 mm C. 64.23 mm D. 66.33 mm
7. A hollow shaft developed a torque of 5 KN and shaft s ressis 40 Mpa. If outside diameter of srlaft. is 100
mm, determine the shaft inner diameter. ~
. A 68.43 mm S. 63.28 mm C. 58.38 mm D. 77.64 mm

8. A hollow shaft that has 100 mm outside diameter ana 0 mm inside diameter is lIsed to transmit 100 KW at
Determine the shaft stress. .
A 13.73 Mpa 8.16.82 MPa C. 19.86 MPa D. 17.21 Mpa
Wti' , the polar morhent O~H tia of a solid shaft that tlU!::> a torque of 1 .5 KN and a stre, S5 of 25 Mpa?
A 2.46x10·6m4 8 . . Q2x10-6m4 C,3.46x10-6 m4 0.1.24x1O·6 m4

0. A force tangent to 1 foot di er pulley is 5 KN and is mounted on a 2 inches shaft.. Determine the '
o . 131 deflection if G =: 83 x 106 Kpa .
.,,/ A. 0.804°/m 8. O.654°/m C. 0.786°/m D. O.938°/m
...;).1':'.. is the minimum diameter of a steel shaft which will be used to operate a 14 KN.m torque and will not
/ twist more than 3" in a length of 6~.:: 83 X 106 kPa) . .
A. 100.64 mm 8. 96.80 mm C. 118.45 mm D. 120.72 mm .
A solid shaft 5 m long is stressed to pa when twisted through 4". Find the shaft diameter if G =6 83
; / / A 95.46 mm 8. 90.42 mm
C. 101.32 mm D. 103.54 mm
........···/13. Compute the maximum unit shear in a 2 inches dia er steel shafting that transmits 24, 000 in~lb of torque
t1 rpm. .
..../ ' 'A. 15,279 psi 8. 17,456 psi C. 14,233 psi D. 16,344 psi
. the ~iameter of line s~aft that transmi~ 150 't<MJ at 15 rps?
A. 2.28 In. 8. 3.54 In. C. 1.62 In. D. 2.06 In.
/'15. A In shaft has 50 mm diameter is running at 300 rpm. What is the power that could be deliver by the
shaft, ~ .
/ ' / A. 30.40 hp \§) 28.60 hp C. 32.50 hp D. 16.42 hp
~6. ' A 2 inches diameter main shaft running at 600 rpm is mounted by a 12 inches diameter pulley and is Ulen
, connected to the shaft of driven machine mounted by a 40 inches diameter pulley by means of a belt. The
beit efficiency is 90%. Find the diam~of the short shaft.
A. 4.23 inches 8. 3.23 inches U.25 inches D. 1.45 inches
1.5" diameter Sl]haft is used to transmit 44.4 hp. Determine the shaft speed.
"A/SOO rps 8. 8.33rps C. 400 rpm D. 450 rpm
1~y>K3" diameter soli ft is desired to replace a hollow shaft having 4" outside diameter. Consider the
/ ' strength to be the same, determin~- i nside diameter of hollow shaft.
A. '2.5 in. B. 3.0 in. C..5 in. D. 4.0 in.
1~.A~;~motor is used to drive a centrifu ump that discharges 3000 Hlmin at a head of 10m. The pump
- efficiency is 68% and running at 550 rpm. Find therfl0nal stress of shaft if shaft diameter is 35 mm .
. A. 13.85 MPa B. 11.85 MPa C. 12.85 MPa D. 4.87 Mpa .
~~irCUlar saw blade has a circular speed of 25 mls nd 500 mm diameter is driven by a belt that has a
Ii 7%. Find the required speed of driven shaft if speed ratio is 3. .
A. 954.80 rpm B. 2533.56 rpm C. 3542.45 rpm D. 3015.57 rpm
2',1. 0 mm diameter circular saw blade is driven by a 1800 rpm motor with gear speed ratio of 1.8. Find
th~heral speed of the blade.
,~37.43ft1sec B.140.65ft1sec C.132.43ft/sec D.135.21ft1sec
~~/'/A machine shaft is supported on bearings 1 m apart is to transmit 190 IWV at 300 rpm while subjected to
/' bending load of 500 kg at the cente~shearjng stresses 40 Mpa, determine the shaft diameter.

A 100mm B.90mm C.94mm D.98mm
- mm diameter shaft is subjecte to a torque f 6 KN.m and bending moment of 2.5 KN. m. Find the
m um bending stress developed.
A. 45.84 MPa B. 60.25 MPa C. 50.28 MPa D. 55.46 Mpa
t has a length of 10 ft. Find the diameter of the shaft that could safely deliver.
A. t18in B.7.55in C.2.34in D. 1,64in
shaft is running at 260 rpm. vynat that this s!:l.aft could safely deliver?..J .
A. .37 hp B. 5.34 hp C. 4.56 hp D. 2.34 hp

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