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Underlying many of the barriers is bias against aging and mental illness and

promulgation of the attitude that such feelings are “normal” among older people who
experience multiple losses, physical illness, and functional decline. In addition, we observed
among the elderly an indirect self-destructive behavior which is usually done with no
compliance to their medical prescriptions and with denial of taking food and water. So it is
concerning that

After the septuagenarians have contributed their youth and productive years to their
family and harvested the fruits of labour, they are now left out and considered as burden to
society. It is significantly concerning that suicide risk potential can be biggest challenge of
the septuagenarians.

Our study is entitled Suicide Risk Potential Among Selected Septuagenarians with Chronic
Medical Conditions in Pasig City Towards: Strategies for Preventive Intervention. This is a
mixed method study that utilized a non-experimental, descriptive and correlational design.

This study was conducted to know, and raise awareness about the probable prevalence of
suicide risk potential among septuagenarians that have chronic medical conditions. This
study could also provide a proposal towards strategies for preventive intervention of suicide
risk potential.

This study is focused to the 100 participants who are 71-79 years old male or female who
have chronic medical conditions.

The location of the study was chosen thru a fishbowl sampling and the chosen barangays in
Pasig City. The study was conduct on March to September 2018.

The researchers first disseminated communication letters through the Office of the Senior
Citizens’ Association, then to the presidents of the barangay senior citizens’ association and
on the selection of participants the researchers obtained informed consents from them.

The researchers utilized a 3 part survey tool to first to determine the demographic profile
and social-connectedness condition, second is the level of depression of the participants
using Geriatric Depression Scale. The GDS is a 30-item questionnaire answerable by yes or
no, which is scored for every NO answer. The third is the Focused Group Discussion which
allow openness of the elderly.
Theoretical Framework

Parse’s Human Becoming Paradigm emphasizes that it is the client who chooses and
assumes responsibility for their own health.

Integrity vs. Despair

The key conflict of the individual is if he had led a meaningful and satisfying life.

Conceptual Framework

This study used the Input-Process-Output model to illustrate the relationship among the
variables related to suicide risk potential among selected septuagenarian with chronic
medical illness in Pasig City towards: strategies for preventive intervention.


1. The promotion of health and wellness to the elderly should commence early in life
and continued into old age. Adopting of health-promotion behaviours is never too late even
for elderly who have chronic diseases, they can still benefit despite having chronic diseases
and physiologic changes. In promoting health in elderly, nutrition and physical activity are
important factors. Improving diet by the reduction of saturated fat and salt intake would
result in reducing blood pressure and cholesterol level in blood, also the increase intake of
fruits and vegetables could result to lesser cardiovascular risks. The enhancement of muscle
strength could help to boost the capacity of elderly to perform activities of daily living.

2. The need for social connection is a much need in the course of aging years, because
the elderly can be involved with isolation and boredom. The encouragement of acceptance
and preparation for the reality of the aging process. Prevention of abrupt end of a busy life
and having no plans for retirement. It is important to establish a social network that includes
family, other relatives and friends that could provide social support for the elderly in terms
of emotional, physical or financial aid. Having a positive outlook in life and being contended
also helps to maintain a healthy mentality for staying youthful even in old age.

3. The mental health of the elderly is positively affected by having a strong social
support. The family members have a significant role in alleviating depressive symptoms. At
home the elderly should be treated as functional members of the family but the limitations
in their capabilities must take into considerations. This can provide them a feeling of being
involved and allowing them to have meaningful roles. They could also be encourage to be
active members of the senior citizens’ association or also get involve in different religious
services of their choice to allow the expansion of their social circle. The elderly could also be
referred to a medical specialist if symptoms of depression or other illness is immense.
Improvement of coping skills is also necessary, to reduce risk of depression. Verbalization of
feelings could help them to relieve their burden, their feelings should be explored and then
inquire for a possible way to help the elderly, but avoid having the elderly to reminisce the
sad events in their life. The reinforcement of their favourite hobbies could also help to
engage them in being active, for example if the elderly likes drawing, painting or solving
puzzles. The care providers should also ensure the safety of the elderly. They could supervise
the behaviours of the elderly and develop a therapeutic relationship with each other for the
care provider to offer help or motivations and for the elderly to willingly accept the help.

4. The primary source of care and the community can be a helpful source of services
and facilities. The community could assist the family in enabling them to assume
responsibility for managing the elderly’s health with considerations to the preferences of the
elderly. The promotion of the elderly’s self-esteem and to uphold their dignity is necessary in
choosing the right care for them. A network of community services such as home visitations
to assess the quality of life of the elderly is important to support families in giving
appropriate care for the elderly.

5. The healthcare providers should use collaborative models between medical

healthcare and mental healthcare in managing elderly to properly address suicide risk
potential using a non-stigmatizing milieu. Assessing risk in a sensitive and respectful manner
and communicate with empathy and acceptance of the patient, to promote honest reporting
of suicidal symptoms. Also spirituality or involvement to faith group can have positive effect
to mental health and at the same time could also promote means for increased social

6. The Office of the Senior Citizens Association (OSCA) to have integrated efforts for the
welfare of the elderly. This association is the common resort for conveying needs of the
elderly, so there should be higher and sustainable distribution of resources to provide their
necessities. There should be more effort to discuss factors of suicide and greater access to
services, and having more strength in responding to suicidal behaviours. Additionally, OSCA
should properly provide information about the concerns of the elderly and on where to ask
for help. Mobilize the community to promote enhanced healthy living and provide safe
environment by having streets well-lighted at night, more firm law enforcements, allotting
areas for recreation or socialization that will contribute to the well-being of the elderly.

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