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Name _______________________________________________________

Specific Purpose _______________________________________________________

1. Content
----------- Specific goal of speech was apparent
----------- Subject of speech appropriate, relevant and interesting to intended audience
----------- Based on accurate analysis of situation
----------- All material clearly contributed to purpose
----------- Included a variety of data – statistics, quotations, etc.

2. Organization
----------- Began with an effective attention-getter
----------- Points were arranged in logical order
----------- Each point was adequately supported
----------- The organizational pattern used by speaker was easy to follow
----------- The conclusion accomplished its purpose.

3. Delivery
----------- Was prepared to speak
----------- Stepped up and walked to the well with confidence
----------- Maintained eye contact with audience
----------- Sounded enthusiastic
----------- Maintained good posture
----------- Used vocal variety, pitch and rate effectively
----------- Gestured effectively
----------- Used face to add interest
----------- On finishing, moved out with confidence
----------- Fit time allotted

4. Language
----------- Language used was vivid
----------- Language used was motivating
----------- Language was appropriate for intended audience

Additional Comments

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