Class 4 Chapter 6-12 Bray

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Time: 1.30 hrs. , Marks: 100

Part A: Fill in the blanks with suitable words 10X2 =20

1. The Syrian term ……….. means ‘surrender or offering’.

(a) Kurbana (b) Passover (c) forgiveness

2. Jesus instituted the …………. In order to nourish and strengthen our spiritual life.

(a) Divine life (b) Church (c) Holy Eucharist

3. The Holy Eucharist is a banquet of mutual…………. and service.

(a) Understanding (b) Love (c) sacrifice

4. Jesus instituted the Holy Eucharist on the …………

(a) Pass over (b) Pascal Feast (c) Celebration

5. There are two types of sin, mortal sin and …………..

(a) Spiritual (b) Devotional (c) Venial

6. Jesus gave His apostles the ……….to forgive sins.

(a) Power (b) Sacrament (c) Peace

7. The sacrament of…………….. is the sacrament that forgives our sins, strengthens us
not to sin again and reconciles to God and our brethren.

(a) Baptism (b) Anointing (c) Reconciliation

8. We remember the commandment of Jesus in the beginning of the …………..

(a) Holy Mass (b) Matrimony (c) Baptism

9. Jesus reconciled humanity with the Father by his sacrifice on the ……………..

(a) Kingdom (b) Church (c

10. God demanded Abraham to sacrifice his only son to God on ……………………..

(Mount Olive, b. Mount Golgotha, c. Mount Moria

Part B: State whether the following sentence True or False (11- 20) 10x2=20

11. Whoever receives the body and blood of Jesus becomes participants of His divine life.

12. When we violate God’s Commandments in serious matters with incomplete

knowledge and without consent, it is mortal sin.

13. In the sacrament of reconciliation repentance for our sins is the most important thing.
If we have no contrition, sins will not be forgiven.

14. Holly mass is the sacrifice offered to God the Father by the Church along with Jesus
through the priest that is offered in memory of the suffering, death, burial and
resurrection of Jesus who sacrificed Himself for our salvation.

15. The core of a life of sacrifice is to surrender oneself to Holy Mass.

16. The Holy Eucharist is the sacrament where in our Lord Jesus Christ gives us His body
and blood in the form of bread and wine.

17. The Holy Eucharist is the living banquet of Jesus giving salvation.

18. The Israelites ate ‘Manna and were free from sins and fear.

19. We should not receive Holy Communion with mortal sin.

20. In the Holy Mass, the service of reconciliation just before receiving Holy Communion
helps us to examine our conscience.

Part C Match the following(21-30) 10x2 =20

21. Kurbana : The Bishops, the descendants of apostles


22. Holy Eucharist : Liberation from Sin

23. Passover in the Old Testament : One who is placed before

24. Venial sin : Surrender or offering

25. Jesus gave his apostles : The Lord’s prayer

Pascal feast day

26. The sacrament of reconciliation : Pascal feast day

27. The literal meaning of the term priest : Forgives our Sins & strengthens us not to
sin again

28. Our father : The power to forgive sin

29. Passover in the New Testament : Violate Gods Commandments in a light


30. The church forgives Sins through : Liberation from Egyptian slavery

Part D Multiple choice question (31-42) choose any 10 only in this part 10x2 =20

31. What are the fruits of the Holy Mass?

32. What is the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist?

33. Why did Jesus Institute the Holy Eucharist?

34. What are the things necessary to receive Holy Communion with proper devotion?

35. What is Sin? What are the types of Sin?

36. What is the sacrament of reconciliation?

37. What are the five conditions to receive the sacraments of reconciliation effectively?

38. What are the things to do besides the penance that the priest gives in order to
complete our atonement of Sins?

39. How do we get absolution for mortal sins?

40. How do all of us become one in Jesus?

41. What did Jesus sacrifice Him for?

42. Write a paragraph about a Saint?

Part E: Prayer (42- 44) choose any Two 2 x10 = 20

42. Apostles Creed.

43. Our Father

44. Hail Holy Queen


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