Class 6th Chapter 6-10

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Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

1. ……………. is the day of the week that commemorates the passion and the crucifixion of Jesus.
2. The soldiers made ………. carry the cross behind Jesus on the way to Calvary.
3. “Destroy this temple; I shall rebuild it in three days” said ………….
4. ……………. disliked the idea of going to Nineveh to preach for its conversion and boarded a
ship to Tharsis.
5. …………… is the meaning of the Hebrew word “Rabboni”.
6. The first Sunday after Easter is known as the ……………………
7. The Pilate set free ………... and handed Jesus over to be crucified after having him whipped.
8. ………….. is the disciple who denied Jesus three times.
9. The right of …………... and the offering of peace to each other, serve as a reminder to us that
we must forgive one another.

Choose the correct answer

1. Who entered Jesus’ tomb first?

(Peter, John, Mary Magdalene)
2. “Truly this man was innocent “said who?
(Pilate, The Centurion, Simeon of Cyrene)
3. Who was the disciple who betrayed Jesus by a kiss?
(John, Peter, Judas)
4. Are you the King of the Jews? Said who?
(the soldiers, Pilate, Peter)
5. The parable of the ‘prodigal son’ illustrates?
(Mercy of God to sinners, Joy of God to repenting sinners, love of God to sinners)

State below sentence is True or False

1. Jesus was raised up in the cross to offer salvation from eternal damnation to those poisoned
by sin
2. “You are the Christ, son of the living God” said John.
3. Pilate understood that Jesus was innocent and that he was handed over by jealousy.
4. The soldiers divided Jesus’ tunic into four parts, one part for each soldier.
5. God travelled with the people of Israel as a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.

Short answer questions

1. What was the decision of the prodigal son who repented of his sins?
2. How was the symbol of bronze serpent realized in Jesus?
3. How did Jesus give the model for the loving of enemies?
4. How can we understand that Jesus had the awareness that he was the suffering servant
appointed by the Father?

Long answer questions

1. How was the sign of Jonah accomplished in Jesus?

2. Describe any one of the apparitions of Jesus after his resurrection?
3. How did Jesus fulfil in himself the prophecies about the suffering servant in the Old


1. Joyful mysteries

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