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Fill in the blanks

1. Central part of Holy Qurbana ______(Anaphora)

2. When we participate in Anaphora actively we receive a ______experience (Salvific experience)

3. The meaning of the Syriac word G’hantha ______(Bowing)

4. The Holy Eucharist inseparably connected with the _______(Holy Trinity)

5. To become true disciples of Jesus we must be rooted in the _________(Word of God)

6. Jesus said “very truly I tell you whoever keeps my word will never see______(death)

7. God’s word is a ____ to our feet and _____ to our path (lamp, light)

8. _____ is the sacrament of initiation (baptism)

9. The _____ remains as the sacrament of Jesus (church)

10. The _____ are the saving signs that give us the Holy Spirit (sacraments)

True or False

1. The Word of God is the divine strength for the believers. (True)

2. The sacraments are mere custom for the believers. (False)

3. The sacraments help us to walk through the path of Jesus. (False)

4. Baptism is given only once and for all. (True)

5. The Holy Spirit descended up on the Apostles in the form of Dove in the dining hall of Sehion.

6. ‘Messiah’ in the Syriac language means the ‘anointed’. (True)

7. The parable of prodigal son is in St.Mark’s Gospel. (False)

8. The rite of fraction that follows reveals the holy Qurbana’s characteristic power to absolve sins.

9. The Church venerates the Holy Bible just as the sacred body of Christ is venerated. (True)

10. The celebrant covers chalice and paten with sosappa reminds us of the journey of Jesus to
Calvary. (False)

Choose From the brackets

1. Who is the ancient martyr who sacrificed his life for the sake of faith?

(St. Augustine, St. Stephen. St. Francis Xavier)

2. Which is the sacrament of initiation? (Holy order, baptism, Sacrament of the sick)

3. Who wrote letter to Corinthians? (St. Peter, St. Paul, St. John)

4. What are the channels of divine grace? (Sacraments, Word of God, prayers)

5. To whom did Jesus say “no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and

(Nicodemus, Zacchaeus, Samaritan woman)

6. All of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptised into his________?

(Resurrection, death, Passion)

7.”My mother and my brother are those who hear the Word of God and do it”. Those words are
from which Gospel? ( St. Luke, St. Mathew, St. Mark)

8. How many types of preparation are there in the preparatory service? (One, two, three)

9. Meaning of Anaphora (offering, lifting, anointing)

10. “The water, that I give, will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life.” To
whom did Jesus say these words? (Samaritan woman, St. John, apostles)

Short Answer Questions

1. The Word of God gives life. Give 3 examples. p.68

2. Why did the ancient Church administer the sacraments of initiation together? p.78

3. Jesus, the basic sacrament. Explain. P.71-72

4. How many prayers are there in the G’hantha cycle? Name them p.51

5. Why is the Holy Qurbana the centre of Christian life? p.60

Long Answer Questions

1. The Word of God is the foundation of Christian life. Explain. p.65-66

2. What are the special qualities of the Word of God?

3. We must participate in Holy Qurbana with necessary preparation and purity of heart. Why? p.60

4. Sacraments are sanctifying rituals. Explain. p.75

5. What is the importance of sacraments in Christian life? p.74


1. The Glorious Mysteries

2. The Memorare

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