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Aspen Tutorial #3: Flash Separation

• Problem Description
• Adding a Flash Distillation Unit
• Updating the User Input
• Running the Simulation and Checking the Results
• Generating Txy and Pxy Diagrams

Problem Description:
A mixture containing 50.0 wt% acetone and 50.0 wt% water is to be separated into two
streams – one enriched in acetone and the other in water. The separation process consists
of extraction of the acetone from the water into methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK), which
dissolves acetone but is nearly immiscible with water. The overall goal of this problem is
to separate the feed stream into two streams which have greater than 90% purity of water
and acetone respectively.

This week we will be building upon our existing simulation by adding a flash separation
to our product stream. This unit operation can be used to represent a number of real life
pieces of equipment including feed surge drums in refining processes and settlers as in
this problem. A flash distillation (or separation) is essentially a one stage separation
process and for our problem we are hoping to split our mixture into two streams; one
composed of primarily water and acetone and one composed of primarily MIBK and

Adding a Flash Distillation Unit:

Open up your simulation from last week which you have hopefully saved. Select the
Separators tab in the Equipment Model Library and take a minute to familiarize yourself
with the different types of separators that are available and their applications as shown in
the Status Bar. We will be using a Flash3 separator using a rigorous vapor-liquid-liquid
equilibrium to separate our stream for further purification.

Select the Flash3 separator and add one to your process flowsheet. Select the material
stream from the stream library and add a product stream leaving the flash separator from
the top side, the middle, and the bottom side (where the red arrows indicate a product is
required) as shown in Figure 1. Do not add a stream to the feed location yet.

You will notice that I have removed the stream table and stream conditions from my
flowsheet from last week. I have done this to reduce the amount of things on the screen
and will add them back in at the end of this tutorial. You can leave yours on the process
flowsheet while working through this tutorial or you can remove them and add them back
in at the end of the tutorial.

Aspen Tutorial #3

Figure 1: Flash Separator

To connect up the feed stream to your flash separator right click on the product stream
from your mixer (mine is named PRODUCT1). Select the option Reconnect Destination
and attach this stream to the inlet arrow on the flash separator drum. After renaming your
streams as you see fit, your process flowsheet should look similar to that in Figure 2.

Aspen Tutorial #3

Figure 2: Completed Flowsheet

Updating the User Input:

You will notice that the simulation status has changed to “Required Input Incomplete”
because of the new unit operation that we have added to our process flowsheet. When
making drastic changes to an existing simulation like we have, it is best to reinitialize the
simulation like we did in Tutorial #2. Do so now and then open up the data browser

All of the user input is complete except for that in the blocks tab. One of the nice
features of Aspen is that you only need to add input data to new feed streams and new
equipment and it will complete calculations to determine the compositions for all of the
new intermediate and product streams. However, there is one pitfall to this feature. Keep
in mind that we originally selected our thermodynamic method based on our original,
simpler simulation. Aspen does not force you to go back to the thermodynamic selection
to confirm that the user has selected the appropriate thermodynamic base for their
problem and this can lead to convergence problems and unrealistic results if it is not

In order for our simulation to properly model VLL equilibrium, we will need to change
the thermodynamic method from IDEAL. In the data browser, select specifications under

Aspen Tutorial #3

the Properties tab. Change the Base method from IDEAL to SRK (Soave-Redlich-
Kwong equation of state) as shown in Figure 3. Next week we will be discussing the
different thermodynamic methods, so this will not be discussed in depth now.

Figure 3: Thermodynamic Base Method

You may notice that the Property method option automatically changes to the SRK
method as well. This is fine.

Now open up the Input tab for the FLASH1 block under the blocks tab in the data
browser. You will notice that the user can specify two of four variables for the flash
separator depending on your particular application. These options are shown in Figure 4.
In our simulation we will be specifying the temperature and pressure of our flash
separator to be equal to the same values as our feed streams (75º F and 50 psi). After
inputting these two values you will notice that the Simulation Status changes to
“Required Input Complete”.

Aspen Tutorial #3


Figure 4: Flash Data Input Options

Running the Simulation and Checking the Results:

Run your simulation at this time. As in tutorial #2, be sure to check your results for both
convergence and run status. In doing so you will notice a system warning that arises due
to changes in the simulation that we have made. Follow the suggestions presented by
Aspen and change to the STEAMNBS method as recommended (Hint: the change is
under the properties tab). Reinitialize and rerun your simulation after making this

At this point your process flowsheet should look like that seen in Figure 5 (as mentioned
earlier I have now placed the stream table and process flow conditions back onto my

Aspen Tutorial #3

Figure 5: Completed Process Flowsheet

Due to the added clutter on the screen I would recommend removing the process flow
conditions at this time. These values are available in the stream table and do not provide
much added benefit for our application.

You will notice that our simulation results in nearly perfect separation of the water from
the MIBK and acetone mixture. However, in real life this mixture is not this easy to
separate. This simulation result is directly caused by the thermodynamic methods we
have selected and you will see the influence that thermodynamics play in the tutorial next

Generating Txy and Pxy Diagrams:

Aspen and other simulation programs are essentially a huge thermodynamic and physical
property data bases. We will illustrate this fact by generating a Txy plot for our acetone-
MIBK stream for use in specifying our distillation column in a few weeks. In the menu
bar select Tools/Analysis/Property/Binary. When you have done this the Binary Analysis
window will open up as shown in Figure 6.

Aspen Tutorial #3

Figure 6: Binary Analysis Window

You will notice that this option can be used to generate Txy, Pxy, or Gibbs energy of
mixing diagrams. Select the Txy analysis. You also have the option to complete this
analysis for any of the components that have been specified in your simulation. We will
be doing an analysis on the mixture of MIBK and acetone so select these components
accordingly. In doing an analysis of this type the user also has the option of specifying
which component will be used for the x-axis (which component’s mole fraction will be
diagrammed). The default is whichever component is indicated as component 1. Make
sure that you are creating the diagram for the mole fraction of MIBK. When you have
completed your input, hit the go button on the bottom of the window.

When you select this button the Txy plot will appear on your screen as shown in Figure 7.
The binary analysis window will open up behind this plot automatically as well (we will
get to that window in a minute).

Aspen Tutorial #3

Figure 7: Txy Plot for MIBK and Acetone

The plot window can be edited by right clicking on the plot window and selecting
properties. In the properties window the user can modify the titles, axis scales, font, and
color of the plot. The plot window can also be printed directly from Aspen by hitting the
print key.

Close the plot window at this point in time. The binary analysis results window should
now be shown on your screen. This window is shown in Figure 8. You can see that this
window shows a large table of thermodynamic data for our two selected components.
We can use this data to plot a number of different things using the plot wizard button at
the bottom of the screen. Select that button now.

In step 2 of the plot wizard you are presented with five options for variables that you can
plot for this system. Gamma represents the liquid activity coefficient for the components
and it is plotted against mole fraction. The remainder of the plot wizard allows you to
select the component and modify some of the features of the plot that you are creating
and upon hitting the finish button, your selected plot should open. Again, the plot can be
further edited by right-clicking on the plot and selecting properties. In the homework for
this week you will be turning in a plot of the liquid activity coefficient, so you can do that
now if you would like. Otherwise, you can save your simulation for next week when we
examine the various thermodynamic methods used by Aspen.

Aspen Tutorial #3

Figure 8: Binary Analysis Results Window

Next week: Thermodynamic Methods

Aspen Tutorial #3

Tutorial #3 Homework and Solution

a) Provide a copy of the complete stream table developed in Tutorial #3 showing the
composition of the three product streams resulting from your flash separation. Hint: You
can select the table in the process flowsheet and copy and paste it into a word document
if you would like.
b) Print out and turn in a copy of the plot for the liquid activity coefficient for the
MIBK/acetone system (Hint: gamma).


Tutorial 1
Temperature F 75.0 75.0 75.0 74.0 75.0
Pressure psi 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00
Vapor Frac 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Mole Flow lbmol/hr 3.636 1.918 0.998 4.635 0.000 2.717
Mass Flow lb/hr 100.000 151.060 100.000 200.000 0.000 48.940
Volume Flow cuft/hr 1.853 3.077 1.999 3.860 0.000 0.786
Enthalpy MMBtu/hr -0.433 -0.239 -0.140 -0.573 -0.334
Mass Frac
WATER 0.500 0.007 0.250 1.000
ACETO NE 0.500 0.331 0.250 3 PPM
METHY-01 0.662 1.000 0.500 trace
Mole Flow lbmol/hr
WATER 2.775 0.059 2.775 2.717
ACETO NE 0.861 0.861 0.861 trace
METHY-01 0.998 0.998 0.998 trace

Aspen Tutorial #3

1.005 1.01 1.015 1.02 1.025 1.03 1.035 1.04 1.045 1.05 1.055
Gamma for METHY-01/ACETONE

METHY-01 14.696 psi

ACETONE 14.696 psi
Liquid Gamma

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1
Liquid Molefrac METHY-01


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