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Present Perfect Exercise 1: Conjugate the Verbs

1. Sheila _____ (not live) in this country for a very long time. She _____ (have) problems with the
language since she arrived.
2. How long _____ they _____ (employ) Peter in his position? He _____ (not be) with the company
for a very long time.
3. _____ he ever _____ (fly) in a rocket to the moon? Of course he _______ never ______ (be) on a
rocket! He’s not an astronaut.
4. I’m afraid I ______ already _____ (eat) lunch, but I’m tired. ______ you _____ (have) a cup of
coffee yet?
5. My father _____ (wear) that jacket for more than twenty years. He ______ (not take) it off since
last week!
6. Alice _______ (be invite) to the party yet. ______ you ______ (ask) her?
7. The policeman _____ (ride) his horse for over ten years. They _____ (be) together for a very
long time.
8. I ______ just ______ (go) to the bank, so I have some money. ______ they _____ (eat) yet?
9. Peter _____ (not study) Russian for very long. I don’t think he ______ (speak) a word of the
language outside the classroom.
10. Either my brother or I _______ (leave) the computer at home, or _____ you _____ (see) it?
11. Mary ______ always _____ (want) to live abroad. In fact, she _____ (be) a resident of Ireland for
two years.
12. Jane _____ (not know) him for very long. They ______ (date) for only three weeks.
13. ______ you ever ______ (feel) as much in love as Mary _____ (demonstrate) these past few
weeks with her new husband?
14. The mayor ______ (give) a new order to close the city down because the government _____ (be
worried) about crime for a long time.
15. I ______ often _____ (wonder) whether he ______ (prepare) enough for his life as a emergency
16. How long _____ John ______ (hope) to become engaged with Susan? I know they ______ (be in
love) for a very long time.
17. My dog ______ (not be wash) in a long time. I need to take him to the groomers. He ______
(begin) to stink!
18. Peter says she ______ (prepare) well for the test. I know she ______ (study) every day for the
past three weeks.
19. The boys ______ (not be) in trouble for almost two weeks. I can’t believe it!
20. I _____ (believe) in the power of positive thinking since I got into an accident twenty years ago.
Present Perfect Exercise 2: Put the Sentences Together

Put the following words into the correct order and write sentences or questions using the present
perfect tense. You may need to provide a few words to complete the sentences.

1. long / be able / Greek / you / how / speak ?

2. 2010 / not / write / mother / letter / she / since

3. never / they / vacation / go / Hawaii

4. just / eat / Tom / breakfast / be / not / hungry / so

5. want / you / ever / move / country / foreign / begin / and / again / ?

6. drive / not / Annie / car / ten years / for

7. Alex / often / Rome / be / how / ?

8. already / you / finish / homework / ?

9. she / examine / not / yet / subject

10. over / for / wear / shoes / ten / they / years

Answers Present Perfect Exercise 1

1. hasn’t lived / has had

2. have they employed / hasn’t been
3. Has he ever flown / has never been
4. have already eaten / Have you had
5. has worn / hasn’t taken
6. hasn’t been invited / have you asked
7. has ridden / have been
8. have just gone / Have they eaten
9. hasn’t studied / has spoken
10. have left / have you seen
11. has always wanted / has been
12. hasn’t known / have dated
13. have you ever felt / has demonstrated
14. has given / has been worried
15. have often wondered / has prepared
16. has John hoped / have been in love
17. hasn’t been washed / has begun
18. has prepared / has studied
19. haven’t been
20. have believed

Answers Present Perfect Exercise 2

1. How long have you been able to speak Greek?

2. She hasn’t written her mother a letter since 2010.
3. They have never gone on vacation to Hawaii.
4. Tom has just eaten breakfast, so he isn’t hungry.
5. Have you ever moved to a foreign country to begin again?
6. Annie hasn’t driven a car for ten years.
7. How often has Alex been to Rome?
8. Have you already finished your homework?
9. She hasn’t examined that subject yet.
10. They have worn those shoes for over ten years.
แบบทดสอบ เรือ
่ ง Tense
1. His friend ……………………… English for six years now.
a. has studied b. studies c. will study d.
had studied
2. “Does it rain only in June?”
“No, it ……………….. almost every day”
a. rains b. rained c. is raining d. had
been raining
3. Whenever the old woman hears a sad story, she ………………………
a. weeps b. will weep c. would weep d. has
4. The canteen will …………………. at 7 o’clock.
a. be opened b. open c. opening d.
5. I know that he …………………. in the library at this moment.
a. works b. has worked c. is working d.
was working
6. On Buddhist Lent’s day , many people …………………. to the temple.
a. go b. went c. gone d. going
7. It ………………….. every day so far this week.
a. has been raining b. rained c. is raining d.
8. My camera …………………….. by somebody yesterday.
a. is stolen b. steal c. was stolen d.
9. This room is dirty. It needs to ………………………………..
a. clean b. cleaning c. be cleaned d.
10. In Thailand the weather ………………. normally cold in December.
a. was b. is c. is going to be d. will
11. I’ve been in Bangkok ……………………….
a. two months ago b. for two months c. since two months d.
for two months ago
12. I …………………… that story before.
a. hear b. had heard c. am hearing d.
have heard
13. When he was young, he ………………. to collect stamps.
a. was using b. had used c. used d.
was used

14. The doors ……………………. by Laura.

a. is opening b. opened c. were opens d.
were opened
15. “ When did the rain stop?” “It ……………………… before we went out.”
a. had stopped b. was stopping c. was stopped d. was being
16. When your brother …………………., He will be very tired.
a. arrived b. will arrive c. arrives d. is
17. I was not ………………….. to go to the party tonight.
a. allowed b. allowing c. allow d.
18. I have ……………….. see my parents tomorrow.
a. go b. gone c. going d. to go
19. The new student will ………………………… to us tomorrow.
a. introduce b. be introduced c. introducing d.
20. The manager ………………….. us this afternoon.
a. see b. will see c. are seeing d. will
21. She ……………… to Phuket last week.
a. goes b. went c. will go d. has
22. The floor …………………….. by Jenny.
a. is cleaned b. cleaning c. cleans d. is
23. The dog …………………. to the hospital because it was crashed by a
a. was took c. was taken c. take d.
24. Suthep …………………. dinner already.
a. have had b. has had c. has d. had
25. Suda always ……………………… to school.
a. walk b. walks c. is walking d.
26. They ………………… in Bangkok ………………………. they were young.
a. have lived, since b. have lived , for c. lived,
since d. live, since
27. She ………………… in this school ………………… two years.
a. studied, since b. studies, since c. has studied,
for d. have studied, for

28. Tom ……………………. at 8 o’clock yesterday.

a. was reading b. read c. reads d. is
29. He always …………………….. at six o’clock in the morning.
a. gets up b. get up c. is getting up d. got
30. Look, the car …………………………..
a. comes b. came c. was coming d. is
31. Please be quiet! The baby ………………………………….
a. is sleeping b. was sleeping c. slept d.
32. My grandfather ……………………. us next month.
a. has visited b. will visit c. visits d. visit
33. “My English isn’t good.”
“ How many years ago ………………………. English?”
a. have you studied b. do you studied c. have you
studies d. did you study
34. “ Do you mean John?”
“ Yes, he ………………….. a note to me yesterday.”
a. had written b. wrote c. writes d. was
35. There ………………….. a school meeting yesterday.
a. were listening b. were c. is d. was
36. ……………………… would you like to drink?
a. How often b. what c. How much d.
How many
37. Tom ………………. his hand while he was cooking dinner.
a. burns b. is burning c. burnt d. was
38. Peter and I ……………. having a great time here in London.
a. is b. am c. are d. was
39. Did you …………… about her feeling?
a. though b. think c. thinking d.
40. The city ………………………. by the earthquake last year.
a. is destroyed b. destroy c. was destroyed d.

แบบทดสอบหลังเรียน เรือ ่ ง Present perfect tense

Choose the correct answer for each question.
เลือกคำตอบทีถ่ ูกทีส่ ุดเพียงข้อเดียว
1.) They ………….in this company for 6 years.
a) Worked
b) have worked
c) works
d) has worked
2.) ………you ever ………….to Bangkok?
a) have , go
b) have , gone
c) has , go
d) has , gone
3.) I……… for2months.
a) isn’t playing
b) doesn’t play
c) haven’t played
d) hasn’t played
4.) I …………English for 5 years.
a) have studied
b) has studied
c) study
d) studied
5.) โครงสร้ำงของ Present Perfect Tense
a) S + V1
b) S + V2
c) S + have, has + V3
d) S + is ,am , are + V1 ing
6.) Has she ever gone to Sukhothai?
a) Yes, she have.
b) Yes, she hasn’t.
c) No, she has.
d) No, she hasn’t.
7.) He ………tennis for 3 years.
a) Played
b) Play
c) has played
d) have played
8.) Have they studied English for 6 years ?
a) No, they do.
b) Yes, they have.
c) Yes, they do.
d) No, they has.
9.) ………she ………….tennis for 3 years ?
a) has, play
b) have, play
c) has, played
d) have, played
10.) He……… for 3 months.
a) Hasn’t played
b) Isn’t playing
c) Doesn’t play
d) Haven’t played

แบบทดสอบก่อนและหลังเรียน เรือ
่ ง Present Perfect Tense
Choose the best answer.

1. We..........good friends for many years.

a. are b. were c. did d. have been
2. ................she ever an open air rock concert?
a. Has, been b. Did, be c. Was, being d. Is being
3. That prison for five years.
a. are b. were c. has been d. is being
4. I ...............up the car yet.
a. has washed b. haven’t washed c. didn’t wash d. don’t
5. John...................Russian since he was six years old.
a. speak b. spoke c. has spoken d. is
6. ...............Jack..............the football team?
a. Have, joined b. Is, joining c. Was, joining d. Has,
7. He...................two gold medals so far.
a. have won b. has won c. didn’t win d. was win
8. Dave................never .....................competition in his life.
a. has, lost b. have. lost c. was losing d. didn’t
9. How
a. did, play b. has, played c. was, played d. have,
10. They.............snowboarding yet.
a. haven’t tried b. have tried c. hasn’t tried d. has tried

Choose the correct answer.

since ago for


11. My mother hasn’t seen me .................two days.

12. She has written a book ....................yesterday.
13. I have lived here................I was two years ago.
14. We have baked a cake .................. 8 o’clock.
15. He hasn’t drunk beer ................ a long time.
16. They have visited our uncle ...............many times.
17. Tom’s worked here .................eight years.
18. Father has driven a car to Pattaya ................ two hours.
19. We have been here ..............we were born.
20. Jimmy has taught French ...................last week.
1. d. have been ( for many years ใช้กบ ั Present
้ )
Perfectบอกช่วงเวลำของเหตุกำรณ์ ทเี่ กิดขึน
2. a. Has, been (ever ใช้กบ ั Present Perfect ประโยคคำถำม)
3. c. has been (for five yearsใช้กบ ั Present Perfect)
4. b. haven't washed (yetใช้กบ ั Present Perfect ประโยคปฏิเสธ)
5. c. has spoken (sinceใช้กบ ั Present
่ ต้นของเหตุกำรณ์ )
6. d. Has, joined ( Jack is singular noun, using Hasใช้กบ ั Present
7. b. has won (so farใช้กบั Present Perfect)
8. a. has, lost (neverใช้กบั Present Perfect ใช้ในประโยคบอกเล่ำ
แต่ควำมหมำยเป็ นปฏิเสธ)
9. d. have, played (How longใช้กบ ั Present Perfect
ประโยคคำถำมทีเ่ จอบ่อย)
10. a. haven't tried (yetใช้กบ ั Present Perfect)

Since ใช้บอกจุดเริม่ ต้นของเหตุกำรณ์ คะ่ For

ใช้บอกระยะเวลำทีเ่ หตุกำรณ์ เกิดขึน
11. for
12. since
13. since
14. since
15. for
16. for
17. for
18. for
19. since
20. since
ส่วน ago และ last ไม่นิยมใช้ใน Present Perfect ค่ะ แต่ใช้กบ
ั Past

แบบทดสอบ Present perfect

1.She has worked for this company________1981.

1. since
2. Som hasn't met Sue ________a long time.
3.They have been away ______three hours now.
2. for
4.We have stayed at this hotel ______Tuesday.
5.They have known each other ever _______they were small.
6.This robber has been in prison ______more than a year.
1. since
2. for
7. The kettle has been boiling ______ten minutes.
8. Man has been studying French _______six hours.
9. Nobody has come to see us _______we bought these
10. We have studies English_______many years.

1.1 2.2 3.2 4.1 5.1 6.2 7.2 8.2 9.1 10.2
กำรใช้ Since – for ใน Present Perfect Tense
จุดประสงค์ เพือ
่ ให้สำมำรถใช้ Since-for ในเรือ
่ ง Present Perfect Tense

1. He has lived here______ ten years.

a. for b. since
c. in d. on
2. They have studied English______ nine o’clock.
a. for b. since
c. at d. on
3. Joe has worked in this office _____ he left school.
a. when b. for
c. where d. since
4. We have known each other_____ the beginning of the year.
a. for b. since
c. when d. at
5. She has been in business______1990.
a. in b. since
c. for d. on
6. The children have played football______ this morning.
a. since b. for
c. in d. at
7. My sister has collected stamps______ she was ten.
a. when b. since
c. for d. because
8. Malisa has read two novels_______ she was born.
a. since b. when
c. for d. as

9. We have studied here_______ many years.

a. for b. since
c. in d. on
10. Our parents have been in bed_______ a long time.
a. since b. for
c. in d. with


กำรใช้ Since – for ใน Present Perfect Tense
จุดประสงค์ เพือ
่ ให้สำมำรถใช้ Since-for ในเรือ
่ ง Present Perfect Tense
1. We have known each other_____ the beginning of the year.
a. for b. since
c. when d. at
2. He has lived here______ ten years.
a. for b. since
c. in d. on

3. Joe has worked in this office _____ he left school.

a. when b. for
c. where d. since

4. She has been in business______1990.

a. in b. since
c. for d. on

5. The children have played football______ this morning.

a. since b. for
c. in d. at

6. Malisa has read two novels_______ she was born.

a. since b. when
c. for d. as

7. My sister has collected stamps______ she was ten.

a. when b. since
c. for d. because

8. We have studied here_______ many years.

a. for b. since
c. in d. on

9. Our parents have been in bed_______ a long time.

a. since b. for
c. in d. with
10. They have studied English______ nine o’clock.
a. for b. since
c. at d. on

แบบฝึ กหัด IF-CLAUSE

Exercise 1 : Choose the best answer.( นักเรียนชัน
้ มัธยมศึกษำปี ที่ 4 )

1. You..........better if you'd tried harder.

a.had b.had done c.would do d.would have done

2. week if you write them an official letter of

a.come b.have come c.will come d.would have come

3. He............into hospital if his illness.............any worse.

a.will have gone , gets b.will have to go , gets would c.have to
go d.will have to go , will get

4. go shopping , please buy me some cards.

a.Should b.Were c.Had d.Unless
5. Ice melts if
a.will warm b.would warm c.warm d.warmed

6. You wouldn't be so tired if you hard.

a.don't work b.won't work c.hadn't worked d.didn't work

7. If you ............thoses lists, we'll start arranging the lists.

a.check b.checked c.have checked d.will have checked

8. If you finish your work today, to me at 4 p.m.

a.give b.gave c.will give

9. He ................if he'd had more time.

a.could have come b.will have come c.could come d.were to
10. If Marlon .............a horse , he would ride it up to the
a.were b.had been c.has had d.had

Exercise 1 : Choose the best answer.(นักเรียนชัน
้ มัธยมศึกษำปี ที่ 4 )
1.would have done
2.will come
3.will have to go , gets
6.didn't work
9.could have come
1. If you send this letter now, she will receive it
2. If I do this test, I will improve my English.
3. If I find your ring, I will give it back to you.
4. Peggy will go shopping if she has time in the
5. Simon will go to London next week if he gets a cheap
6. If her boyfriend does not phone today, she will leave
7. If they do not study harder, they will not pass the
8. If it rains tomorrow, I will not have to water the plants.
9. You will not be able to sleep if you watch this scary
10. Susan cannot move into the new house if it is not
ready on time.

แบบฝึ กหัด if clause

1.If I _____ money, I will buy a bike.
a. had
b. have
c. had had

2.If I _____ money, I would have bought a bike.

a. had had
b. had
c. have
3.We would have played football, If it ______.
a. doesn't rain
b. didn't rain
c. hadn't rained

4.You will feel better, if you _____ enough.

a. slept
b. had slept
c. sleep

5.If you study hard, you ______ pass the exam.

a. would
b. would have
c. will

6.I _____ be happy if I had one million baht.

a. would have
b. will
c. would

7.If I had studied hard, I _____ the test.

a. will pass
b. would have passed
c. would pass
8.If I won the lottery, I _____ travel around the world.
a. would have
b. will
c. would

10.If I _____ her, I will tell her everything.

a. have seen
b. see
c. saw

11.If I were you, I _____ take the offer.

a. would
b. will
c. would have
ข้อสอบ IF-CLAUSES ชุดที่ 1
1. ………….I known you were coming, I would have met you at the airport.

a. Should b. If

c. Had d. Were

2. If you…………me, I might have forgotten.

a. hadn’t reminded b. would remind

c. should d. were to

3. If you………….him, what will you do?

a. had seen b. saw

c. were to see d. see

4. …………I written her a letter, she would have known about it.

a. Should b. Had

c. If d. Were to
5. I’ll spoil my dinner, …………I have cake for afternoon tea.

a. had b. should

c. were d. will have

6. …………….it rain, I won’t go.

a. Would b. Should

c. Had d. If

7. I will need to buy some gas if the tank………….empty.

a. would have been b. was

c. were d. is

8. I……………do it if I were you.

a. am to b. will

c. wouldn’t d. had

9. ………….it rained yesterday, they wouldn’t have gone.

a. Had b. Would

c. If d. Were

10. If I had won the lottery, I…………….rich.

a. am b. were

c. will be d. would have been


1. c. Had เป็ นกฎ If-clause ข ้อที่ 3 เป็ นรูปแบบ reverse form

2. a. hadn't reminded เป็ นกฎ If-clause ข ้อที่ 3

3. d. see เป็ นกฎ If-clause ข ้อที่ 1

4. b. Had เป็ นกฎ If-clause ข ้อที่ 3 เป็ นรูปแบบ reverse form

5. b. should เป็ นการใช ้ should แทน if

6. b. Should เป็ นการใช ้ should แทน if

7. d. is เป็ นกฎ If-clause ข ้อที่ 1

8. c. wouldn't เป็ นกฎ If-clause ข ้อที่ 2

9. a. Had เป็ นกฎ If-clause ข ้อที่ 3 เป็ นรูปแบบ reverse form

10. d. would have been เป็ นกฎ If-clause ข ้อที่ 3

Tell her if you her.
Right: see

I would have gone by air if I more money.

Right: had had

If I were younger you marry me?

Right: would

I could have a drink provided I drive.

Right: did not

If I had lost my job what now?

Right: would I do

I would have eaten the meat if it tough.

Right: had not been

If she her hairstyle she would be pretty.

Right: changed
Unless she a coat she'll catch a cold.
Right: puts on

If he had asked you what would you .

Right: have said

Even if I sleep well I have a headache.

Right: always

What will you do in case Bob ?

Right: refuses

แบบทดสอบหลังเรียนเรือง IF Clause

ข ้อที่ 1 . If I …………… a bird, I’d fly around the world.

a. am b. were

c. had d. was having

ข ้อที่ 2 . Ice melts if we ……………….. it.

a. will warm b. warm

c. warmed d. would warm

ข ้อที่ 3 . You wouldn’t be so tired if you …………. so hard.

a. don’t work b. hadn’t worked

c. won’t work d. didn’t work

ข ้อที่ 4 . If you finish you work today, …………….. it to me at 4 p.m.

a. give b. gave

c. will give d. giving

ข ้อที่ 5 . If you are going to the cinema, you ……………. me out

a. would count b. can count

c. will be counting d. will have counted

ข ้อที่ 6 . If I …………….. a baby , I would call it ‘Aida.’

a. were b. had

c. would be d. would have

ข ้อที่ 7 . If Marlon ……………. a horse , he would ride it up the mountains.

a. were b. had been

c. has had d. had

ข ้อที่ 8 . If you …………. the bill , you …………… in trouble now.

a. had not paid — would have been

b. did not pay — would be

c. haven’t paid — will have been

d. had not paid — would be

ข ้อที่ 9 . I went to see that movie because he told me it was amusing. if it ………… I ………..
that movie

a. had been amusing — would have seen

b. had not been amusing — wouldn’t have seen

c. had not been amusing — would have see

d. were not amused — would not see

ข ้อที่ 10 . We can extend our building ………….. we have enough money.

a. that b. but for

c. unless d provided that

ข ้อที่ 11 . He …………… to hospital if his illness ………….. worse.

a. will have gone — gets

b. will have to go — gets

c. would have to go — got

d. will go — will get

ข ้อที่ 12 . If I had not bought a new car, I …………………… money to go abroad next

a. have b. will have

c. would have d. would have had

ข ้อที่ 13 . You ……………. Better if you’d tried harder.

a. had b. had done

c. would do d. would have done

ข ้อที่ 14 . They …………. next week if you write them an official letter of invitation.

a. come b. have come c. will come d. will have come

ข ้อที่ 15 . He retired in 1960. If he ……….. on working until 1965, He retired in 1960. If he

………… a bigger pension now.

a. goes — will have

b. went — would have

c. had gone — would have had

d. had gone — would have

ข ้อที่ 16 . ………………. me if you need help.

a. You telephone b. Telephone

c. Should telephone d. Were you to telephone

ข ้อที่ 17 . I can hardly keep my eyes open. If I …………… , to bed earlier last night, I
…………….. so tired now.

a. went — would be

b. had gone — would have been

c. had gone — would be

d. went — would have been

ข ้อที่ 18 . If you ……………. those lists, we’ll start arranging the lists.

a. check b. have check

c. checked d. will have check

ข ้อที่ 19 . He …………..…… if he’d had more time.

a. could have come b. will have come

c. could come d. were to come

ข ้อที่ 20 . The headmaster ……………. in if you call at 10 a.m.

a. is b. was

c. will be d. would be

ข ้อที่ 21 . ……………………….….. you go shopping , please but me some cards.

a. Should b. Had c. Were d. Unless

ข ้อที่ 22 . If you ……………. a man hunt foxes in England, what …….. ask him?

a. have seen — would you

b. will see — do you

c. see — would you

d. saw — would you

ข ้อที่ 23 . She can’t swim. That’s why she won’t go sailing with you. But if she ………………. ,

she …………….. .

a. could — would b. can — will

c. can — would d. could — will

ข ้อที่ 24 . “Are you going to buy a new cat?” “ If I ……….. one I …………. you know.”

a. will buy — would let

b. have bought — should let

c. do buy — will let

d. had bought — would have let

ข ้อที่ 25 . ………… I am mistaken , I’ve seen that man before.

a. Unless b. If

c. Providing d. Supposing

ข ้อที่ 26 . You will be paid tomorrow ………….. the work is finished by then.

a. but for b. unless

c. on condition that d. only then

ข ้อที่ 27 . Should you have time , …………………. to Alfred.

a. write b. will write

c. wrote d. you would write

ข ้อที่ 28 . . ………………………………… , our team would have won the match.

a. Should it not rain heavily

b. Were it not rain heavily

c. Had it not rain heavily

d. Had it not rained heavily

ข ้อที่ 29 . He promised to pay yesterday, and he did so. If he …………. , I …………..very angry

a. doesn’t pay — will be

b. didn’t pay — would be

c. had paid — wouldn’t be

d. hadn’t paid — would be

ข ้อที่ 30 . You …………….. if you …………….. that money.

a. will be punished — steal

b. would be punished — steal

c. are punished — stole

d. would have been punished — stole

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