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BSBRES401 Analyse and Present Research Information

BSBRES401 Analyse and present research Information

Assessment Task 1

BSBRES401 Analyse and Present Research Information

Table of Contents

Executive Summary ............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Introduction ............................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Objectives .............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Methodology ......................................................................................................................... 6

Findings and Discussions ...................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.


Recommendations ................................................................................................................ 7

Appendix ............................................................................................................................... 7

BSBRES401 Analyse and Present Research Information

Executive summary
In this case study “Kerr Deliveries” is a service oriented organization. They are doing courier
service. The purpose of this case study is to solve the problem as an IT expert. Without
information technology it is really difficult to develop the business. This modern era is about
globalization. Company should adopt different system for their business to stay safe in the
right track. Robert Kerr is a successful delivery company based on NSW since 1995. I am
working as his assistant. In this report I will recommend which computer to buy for the
company. After researching computer market I think company should buy Dell desktop,
Toshiba laptop and Samsung PDA. In research report bellow I am going explain why company
should buy those brand computers.

In this case study “Kerr Deliveries” is a small company which is operate by Robert Kerr and
his associates. They provide delivery services by bicycles, vans and cars for their clients
across Sydney and regional NSW. Due to business expanding at rapid rate, Robert going to
begin operations in Canberra, Melbourne and Brisbane in three months’ time. He has decided
to replace all existing computers within the business because they are getting old and running
slow. To expand his business in new places Robert wants to spend some money on good
quality computers but he wants cheap and best products. He wants to buy some computers,
laptops and PDAs for his staff. For this he requires a significant portion of budget. So he wants
to do some analysis of different products of different he can compare all their
features and prices through which he can buy cheap and best products.


The main research purpose of Kerr deliveries are purchasing new computers, laptops and
PDAs for his old and new staff. As this is an important buying decision for the company and it
will require a significant portion of budget. As there are many brands in market so firstly we
have to analyse all brands and their important features. Robert knows that he needs to buy
computers for his administrative staff, laptops for his sales staff and PDAs (personal digital
assistants) for his delivery staff. To make full report Robert suggest some requirements of

BSBRES401 Analyse and Present Research Information

Product type Product range Qualities

Desktops 20 Fast processing, good


Laptops 13 lightweight

PDAs 50 Latest GPS tracking

And he also recommend that all computers should contain the latest version of Microsoft office
software and antivirus software. But some people of our company reject this suggestion. So I
have to make report according to limit of staff.

Staff type Old staff New staff total

Administrative staff 14 6 20
Sales staff 8 5 13
Delivery personal 33 17 50

As per Robert’s suggestion our requirement is according to staff so I am agree with Robert.
Now we have to check the brand and quality of products.

For this I choose three brands of computers that are well known and good in business field
that are DELL, HP, and Toshiba . Let’s compare their characteristics:

BSBRES401 Analyse and Present Research Information

Specifications Dell HP Toshiba

Basic quality Dell Vostro 470 HP envy 23-1070A is Toshiba

minitower and an all in one PC DXT730/O32 is an
separate24”monitor all in one PC

Hard drive 1 TB 2 TB 750 GB

Screen resolution 1980*1100 1920*1080 1920*1080

USB ports 8 6 4

Warranty 2 years warranty and 1 year warranty 1 year limited parts

1 year business and labour standard
onsite service warranty
Price $999 $1990 $1199

And in case of PDAs, I chose different companies, i.e.

specifications Getac Trimble

USB ports 8 4

Memory 120GB 80GB

Price $599 $999

GPS Tracking good Not good

warranty 2years 1year

BSBRES401 Analyse and Present Research Information


Various searching techniques have been used including searching brands, non-electronic
printing materials and some other electronic based devices. Search about their size, RAM,
hard drive, screen resolution, USB ports and warranty.

After that I make comparison of their prices and qualities and also research about the benefits
given by particular company. As we are replacing old computers with new computers so we
also have to check that whether that company can take old computers at half prices or give
new products at some discounts.

The research method is through online and visiting computer store and getting feedback from
professionals. By gathering information from internet, we could verify the reputation of
computer brand and the user feedback. Gathering information from professional advice will
helps in our final decision of selecting the computers.

Findings and Discussions

For finding perfect computers, I have decided to review three different desktop computers,
three laptops and two PDA smartphones. Out of which I find best ones. Out of three
computer companies DELL is the best. And out of PDAs Getac is best. Which gives us many
benefits and these products are cheap and best ones. Only for giving report to Kerr
deliveries, I searched about range of products. And more in this report both qualitative and
quantitative data is used.

Discussions: Before making this report I discuss with my colleagues, seniors and juniors
about the products they give me different advices regarding this and we discuss many things
about these products. Because it is very important decision for our company.


In conclusion RTD face various problems when they started their business. There is no
alternative without using information system in a business organization. Nowadays, the
business environment change rapidly because of globalization. Every company should keep
their information up to date for exist in this competitive market. Information system can do
everything. By this system organization can collect data from out sourcing and they can store
the data for long as well. They can also communicate properly within as well as outside the
organization. They can use different software program for operating their business. They can
improve their payroll system. However, they can collect data from internet about competitors.
Eventually an organization like RTD can do the best in the market.

BSBRES401 Analyse and Present Research Information


Different staff members of Kerr deliveries gives their own advices but I want to stick with
Robert’s decision because his demands are according to company’s needs. If we are talking
about the products then I recommend dell for computers and laptops and Getac for PDAs.
Methods that are used in researching products are advanced. All methods are very convenient
to find something best. All staff members and even Robert also like it.

There are some recommendations RTD can apply for their current situation, for example
collaboration and communication, intranet and extranet, different marketing strategy. RTD has
some problems to solve these they should first identify their business requirements with
information system requirements.


The information that I used in report is taken from professional websites of companies. And
rest of the report is completed with the help of notes and specifications.

BSBRES401 Analyse and Present Research Information

Part B
Reflection report

Paper files need to be consistently labelled and logically organized. This guidance describes
a best practice to create and describe a paper filing system. This will ensure accurate, prompt
retrieval for as long as the files are required. Every new file should be registered and
maintained in a filing system, with a unique title so that it can always be identified. The
classification system should have a structured referencing system with usually two, and no
more than three, elements. Numbering systems should be applied consistently. Records
contained in paper files should be managed according to business and legal requirements.
This means they should be filed correctly, as soon as possible after receipt or creation.

A data breach may constitute a breach of information security obligations under the Privacy
Act; for example, the obligations imposed by the APPs, the TFN guidelines, or the credit
reporting provisions of the Act. In those circumstances, the breach will be an interference with
an individual’s privacy. Organisations may also be subject to additional obligations through
sector-specific legislation in respect of particular information they hold. Some organisations
may also have common law duties relating to the confidentiality of particular information. So
in this research is doesn’t breach or break these obligations or duties.

The main consideration is to make sure that any information collected is done in a way and
for a purpose that is consistent with the Code and complies with freedom of information and
privacy protection legislation. In the interest of effectiveness and efficiency, it is recommended
that efforts be made to collect data that will shed light on issues or opportunities. To protect
the credibility and reliability of data, information should be gathered using accepted data
collection techniques.

Step 1: Identify issues and/or opportunities for collecting data

The first step is to identify issues and/or opportunities for collecting data and to decide what
next steps to take. To do this, it may be helpful to conduct an internal and external assessment
to understand what is happening inside and outside of your organization.

Step 2: Select issue and/or opportunity and set goals

The focus of Step 2 is choosing a priority issue and/or opportunity for collecting data, and then
setting goals and objectives.

The organization reviews the issues and/or opportunities identified from the internal and
external assessment done in Step 1, and picks one or more specific issues and/or
opportunities for starting a data collection project from among the list of priorities.

BSBRES401 Analyse and Present Research Information

Data Analysis is the process of systematically applying statistical and logical techniques to
describe and illustrate, condense and recap, and evaluate data.

1. Individual interview

An individual interview is a conversation between two people that has a structure and a
purpose. It is designed to elicit the interviewee’s knowledge or perspective on a topic. These
additional obligations need to be considered by agencies and organisations when taking steps
to prevent or respond to data breaches.

2. Focus group discussions

A focus group discussion is an organised discussion between 6 to 8 people. Focus group

discussions provide participants with a space to discuss a particular topic, in a context where
people are allowed to agree or disagree with each other.

Techniques used for data analysis

 Quantitative research

Quantitative research typically explores specific and clearly defined questions that examine
the relationship between two events, or occurrences, where the second event is a
consequence of the first event

 Qualitative research

Research following a qualitative approach is exploratory and seeks to explain ‘how’ and ‘why’
a particular phenomenon, or programme, operates as it does in a particular context.

BSBRES401 Analyse and Present Research Information

Assignment 2

Appendix 1: Planning template

Audience profile
All customer, partner and the public interested in sustainability.

Desired outcome and purpose of the presentation

Will perform better and last longer than cheaper computers.

Expects research to be done both online as well as using non-electric techniques.

Buy desktop computers for the administrative staff, laptops for his sales staff and PDAs for
delivery personnel.

Time Content Resources

5 minute Introduction PPT Handout

In this case study “Kerr Deliveries” is a

small company which is operate by Robert
Kerr and his associates. They provide
delivery services by bicycles, vans and cars
for their clients across Sydney and regional
NSW. Due to business expanding at rapid
rate, Robert going to begin operations in
Canberra, Melbourne and Brisbane in
couple of months’ time.

10minute Body – point 1 PPT Handout

! Research purpose – computer purchase

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BSBRES401 Analyse and Present Research Information

Time Content Resources

10minute Body – point 2

Accuracy and relevance to organisational

 PPT Handout

requirements / Analysis methods

5minute Body – point 3 PPT Handout

 Kerr Deliveries recordkeeping and

storage policy / Kerr Deliveries privacy

5minute Conclusion PPT Handout

 RTD face various problems when

they started their business /
recommendations RTD can apply for their
current situation

Use the following symbols as prompts for certain actions. Some of them have been included in the
template above as examples.

! emphasise  link to  graphic #1  check time

 link back to  call for questions  ask for comments

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BSBRES401 Analyse and Present Research Information

PowerPoint/ Handout

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BSBRES401 Analyse and Present Research Information

Feedback sheet

Refer to the finding, each product has met Robert’s requirement and it also gains additional
function to ease his work for a better work performance. The price was competitive.

Robert could gain additional function and these will increase the work performance of his
worker. But the price for this product was higher compared to those basic computers. Robert
could change half of the quantity that he requests to be sure the computers are suitable infield.

Our research method is through online and visiting computer store and getting feedback from
professionals. By gathering information from internet, we could verify the reputation of
computer brand and the user feedback. Gathering information from professional advice will
helps in our final decision of selecting the computers.
There is no alternative without using information system in a business organization.
Nowadays, the business environment change rapidly because of globalization. Every
company should keep their information up to date for exist in this competitive market.
Information system can do everything. By this system organization can collect data from out
sourcing and they can store the data for long as well.

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