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PatientName : TIRSO GUMIRAN MACABALLUG Referred By : Dr. Feroz Khan

Reg.No : 114031 Visit No. :OPD241128

Sex : MALE Reg.Date :19-12-2018

Age : 56 YEARS 11 MONTHS 3 DAYS Lab ID :F-HAE10734

TestName Result Flag Units Reference Range Methodology

WBC (White Blood Cells) 8.4 10^9/L 4-11 Automated Cell Counter

Neutrophils 78 H % 40-75 Automated Cell Counter

Lymphocytes 13 L % 20-40 Automated Cell Counter

Monocytes 9 % 2-10 Automated Cell Counter

Eosinophils 0 % 0-6 Automated Cell Counter

Basophils 0 % 0-2 Automated Cell Counter

RBC (Red Blood Cells) 5.00 10^12/L 4.50-6.50 Automated Cell Counter

Hemoglobin 15.0 g/dL 13.5-17.5 Automated Cell Counter

HCT (Haematocrit) 45 % 36-48 Automated Cell Counter

MCV 91 fL 80-95 Automated Cell Counter

MCH 30 pg 27-32 Automated Cell Counter

MCHC 32 g/dL 32-37 Automated Cell Counter

RDW (Red Cell Distribution Width) 11.6 % 10-16.5 Automated Cell Counter

Platelets 147 L g/dL 150-450 Automated Cell Counter

Requested On : 12/19/2018 1:36:55 PM

Authenticated On : 12/19/2018 3:03:45 PM

Printed On : 12/19/2018 3:03:36 PM

*** End of Report ***

Rayees A R
Lab Technician
License No: DHA-P-0171941
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International City - Greece Cluster,Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 (4) 2776211 Fax: +971 (4) 2776212
PatientName : TIRSO GUMIRAN MACABALLUG Referred By : Dr. Feroz Khan

Reg.No : 114031 Visit No. :OPD241128

Sex : MALE Reg.Date :19-12-2018

Age : 56 YEARS 11 MONTHS 3 DAYS Lab ID :F-HAE10734

TestName Result Flag Units Reference Range Methodology

ESR 11.0 mm/1st HOUR <15 Modified Westergren

Requested On : 12/19/2018 1:36:55 PM

Authenticated On : 12/19/2018 3:03:47 PM

Printed On : 12/19/2018 3:03:36 PM

*** End of Report ***

Rayees A R
Lab Technician
License No: DHA-P-0171941
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International City - Greece Cluster,Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Tel: +971 (4) 2776211 Fax: +971 (4) 2776212

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