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[Essay) women's novels, though the method is differ-

ent. In men's novels, getting the woman or

JUST LIKE A WOMAN women goes along with getting the power. It's a
perk, not a means. In women's novels you get
the power by getting the man. The man is the
"Women's Novels," by Margaret Atwood, appears power. But sex won't do; he has to love you.
in the Spring 1985 issue of Open Places, a special
What do you think all that kneeling's about,
issue on "Humor in America." Open Places is
published twice yearly by Stephens College, in Co- down among the crinolines, on the Persian car-
lumbia, Missouri. Margaret Atwood's most recent pet? At least say it. When all else is lacking,
novel is The Handmaiden's Tale. verbalization can be enough. Love. There, you
can stand up now, it didn't kill you. Did it?

1 5
Men's novels are about men. Women's novels I no longer want to read about anything sad.
are about men too but from a different point of Anything violent, anything disturbing, any-
view. You can have a men's novel with no thing like that. No funerals at the end, though
women in it except possibly the landlady or the there can be some in the middle. If there must
horse, but you can't have a women's novel with be deaths, let there be resurrections, or at least
no men in it. Sometimes men put women in a heaven so we know where we are. Depression
men's novels but leave out some of the parts: and squalor are for those under twenty-five;
the heads, for instance, or the hands. Women's they can take it, they even like it, they still
novels leave out parts of men as well. Some- have enough time left. But real life is bad for
times it's the stretch between the belly button you; hold it in your hand long enough and you'll
and the knees, sometimes it's the sense of hu- get pimples and become feeble-minded. You'll
mor. It's hard to have a sense of humor in a go blind.
cloak, in a high wind, on a moor. I want happiness, guaranteed, joy all around,
Women do not usually write novels of the covers with nurses on them or brides, intelli-
type favored by men but men are known to gent girls but not too intelligent, with regular
write novels of the type favored by women. teeth and pluck and both breasts the same size
Some people find this odd. and no excess facial hair, someone you can de-
pend on to know where the bandages are and to
2 turn the hero, that potential rake and killer,
I like to read novels in which the heroine has into a well-groomed country gentleman with
a costume rustling discreetly over her breasts, clean fingernails and the right vocabulary. Al-
or discreet breasts rustling under her costume; ways, he has to say. Forever. I no longer want to
in any case, there must be a costume, some read books that don't end with the word forever.
breasts, some rustling, and, over all, discretion. I want to be stroked between the eyes, one way
Discretion over all, like a fog, a miasma through only.
which the outlines of things appear only vague-
ly. A glimpse of pink through the gloom, the 6
sound of breathing, satin slithering to the floor, Some people think a woman's novel is anything
revealing what? Never mind, I say. Never never without politics in it. Some think it's anything
mind. about relationships. Some think it's anything
with a lot of operations in it, medical ones I
3 mean. Some think it's anything that doesn't
Men favor heroes who are tough and hard: give you a broad, panoramic view of our excit-
tough with men, hard with women. Sometimes ing times. Me, well, [just want something you
the hero goes soft on a woman, but this is al- can leave on the coffee table and not be too
ways a mistake. Women do not favor heroines worried if the kids get into it. You think that's
who are tough and hard. Instead they have to not a real consideration? You're wrong.
be tough and soft. This leads to linguistic diffi-
culties. Last time we looked, monosyllables 7
were male, still dominant but sinking fast, She had the startled eyes of a wild bird. This is the
wrapped in the octopoid arms of labial polysyl- kind of sentence [ go mad for. I would like to be
lables, whispering to them with arachnoid able to write such sentences, without embar-
grace: darling, darling. rassment. I would like to be able to read them
without embarrassment. If only I could do these
4 two simple things, l feel, [ would be able to pass
Men's novels are about how to get power. Kill- my allotted time on this earth like a pearl
ing and so on, or winning and so on. So are wrapped in velvet.

She had the startled eyes of a wild bird. Ah, [Fiction]
but which one? A screech owl, perhaps, or a
cuckoo? It does make a difference. We do not A FACE LAID WASTE
need more literalists of the imagination. They
cannot read a body like a gazelle's without think-
This is the opening passage of The Lover, by Mar-
ing of intestinal parasites, zoos, and smells. guerite Duras, published this month by Pantheon
She had a feral gaze like that of an untamed ani- Books. Duras is the author of many novels and
mal, I read. Reluctantly I put down the book, screenplays, including Hiroshima, Mon Amour.
thumb still inserted at the exciting moment. The Lover, which was a best seller in France last
He's about to crush her in his arms, pressing his year, won the 1984 Goncourt Prize. Translated by
hot, devouring, hard, demanding mouth to her Barbara Bray.
as her breasts squish out the top of her dress, but
I can't concentrate. Metaphor leads me by the
nose, into the maze, and suddenly all Eden lies One day, I was already old, in the entrance
before me. Porcupines, weasels, warthogs, and of a public place a man came up to me. He in-
skunks, their feral gazes malicious or bland or troduced himself and said: "I've known you for
stolid or piggy and sly. Agony, to see the ro- years. Everyone says you were beautiful when
mantic frisson quivering just out of reach, a you were young, but I want to tell you I think
dark-winged butterfly stuck to an ovettipe you're more beautiful now than then. Rather
peach, and not to be able to swallow, or wal- than your face as a young woman, I prefer your
low. Which one? I murmur to the unresponding face as it is now. Ravaged."
air. Which one?
I often think of the image only I can see now,
and of which I've never spoken. It's always
there, in the same silence, amazing. It's the
only image of myself I like, the only one in
which I recognize myself, in which I delight.
[Composite Photograph)

ANDROGYNE Very early in my life it was too late. It was

already too late when I was eighteen. Between
eighteen and twenty-five my face took off in a
new direction. I grew old at eighteen. I don't
know if it's the same for everyone. I've never
asked. But I believe I've heard of the way time
can suddenly accelerate on people when they're
going through even the most youthful and high-
ly esteemed stages of life. My aging was very
sudden. I saw it spread over my features one by
one, changing the relationship between them,
making the eyes larger, the expression sadder,
the mouth more final, leaving great creases in
the forehead. But instead of being dismayed, I
watched this process with the same sort of inter-
est I might have taken in the reading of a book.
And I knew I was right, that one day it would
slow down and take its normal course. The peo-
ple who knew me at seventeen, when I went to
France, were surprised when they saw me again
two years later, at nineteen. And I've kept it
ever since, the new face I had then. It has been
my face. It's gotten older still, of course, but
less, comparatively, than it would otherwise
have done. It's scored with deep, dry wrinkles,
Androgyny, by Nancy Burson, appears in an exhibit of the skin is cracked. But my face hasn't col-
her work at the International Center of Photography in lapsed, as some with fine features have done.
New York City, March 29-May 12. BUT.lon creates her
portraits by feeding photographs into a computer (via a It's kept the same contours, but its substance
television camera) that has been programmed ro merge fa- has been laid waste. I have a face laid waste.
cial features. In the cme of Androgyny, she blended
snapshots of six men and six women selected at random.


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