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EDUC 4613: Unit Plan Overview & Inspiration® Concept Map Rubric (out of 30, worth 30%) Name(s):

Name(s): ________________________________

DIMENSIONS Weak Competent Outstanding

Concept Map Concept map demonstrates little Concept map demonstrates a satisfactory Concept map demonstrates a clear
understanding of the unit plan. Major understanding of the unit plan. Some understanding of the unit plan. Major
concepts and their relationships are not major concepts and their relationships are concepts and their relationships are clearly
illustrated. Connections to social studies illustrated. Connections to social studies illustrated. Connections to social studies
are not communicated. Map topic are not clearly communicated. Map topic are clear and complete. Map
demonstrates little understanding of demonstrates familiarity with Inspiration® demonstrates an understanding of
Inspiration® software; it is neither software; it is somewhat attractive and/or Inspiration® software; it is visually attractive
attractive nor effective. 1 effective. 3 and effective. 5

Unit Development Opening lesson is trivial and unit purposes Opening lesson establishes unit Opening lesson is motivating and
are vague. Sequence of activities is not purposes. Sequence of activities is establishes unit purposes. Sequence of
logical. There is no apparent focus on logical. There are obvious gaps in activities is logical. Activities are grounded
constructivist teaching and questioning. grounding activities in the principles of in the principles of constructivist teaching
Virtually no acknowledgment of meeting constructivist teaching and questioning. and incorporate throughline question &
the needs of diverse learners. Final lesson Some needs of learners are noted, but guiding questions as well as the needs and
provides little or no closure to the unit; 1 often vaguely or incompletely. Final learning styles of diverse learners. Final
lesson provides closure to the unit; 3 lesson effectively brings together all the
threads of the unit; 5

Big No serious attempts to compose an Big Understanding is at once specific Worthwhile, effective and workable Big
Understanding effective and workable Big and broad; statement is workable, but Understanding; significant point and
Understanding; statement is more than significant point and/or concepts are concepts enhance meaning and relevance
one sentence or insignificant, irrelevant somewhat vague and of modest value; in students’ lives now and in the future;
and/or meaningless; focus not apparent; 1 the meanings and/or relevance are often written as a clear, succinct statement in age
token; focus mentioned on occasion; 3 & grade appropriate language; focus very
richly promoted throughout the unit; 5

Citizenship Skills No serious attempts to foster the Attempt to foster the processes of Significant opportunities to foster processes
processes of communication, inquiry and communication, inquiry and participation of communication, inquiry and participation
participation, and virtually no evidence of and to develop some elements of active and to develop various elements of active
promoting active and informed citizenship and/or informed citizenship, but key and informed citizenship in a democracy;
in a democracy in a thoughtful manner; 1 opportunities are weak or missed or the are very richly promoted and supported; 5
skills are often token; 3
Powerful Social Virtually all SS principles need work in Approximately half of the SS principles Meaningful, significant, active, challenging,
Studies order to be met (current event or are met (current event or controversial integrative and issues-based (current event
controversial issue is not reflected, or issue is recognized); 3 or controversial issue is very richly
weak); 1 supported); 5

Authentic Assessment strategies are either non- Some assessment strategies are Assessment strategies (1 for each lesson;
Assessment existent, generally trivial and vague, or provided, often reflect criteria for lesson varied) richly address specific and
rarely reflect either criteria for learning objectives and support student learning; 3 appropriate criteria for meeting lesson
outcomes and unit goals; 1 objectives and accurately judging and
supporting student learning; 5

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