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Lesson #1 and #2

Besides just speaking Dutch, you might want to see the things you learn as well. So here you can
read the things we already discussed.

From the first episode:

– Good day | Goedendag

– My name is Brenno de Winter | Mijn naam is Brenno de Winter

– Good morning | Goedemorgen

– Good afternoon | Goedemiddag

– Good evening | Goedeavond

– How are you? | Hoe gaat het met u?

– I’m doing fine | Met mij gaat het goed

– The Hague | Den Haag (or ‘s Gravenhage)

– State of the Union | Troonrede

From the second episode:

– Good day this is the seconde Laura speaks Dutch-podcast | Goedendag dit is de tweede Laura
speaks Dutch-podcast

– Where do you come from? | Waar komt u vandaan?

– I’m from San Diego | Ik kom uit San Diego

– Oh nice! What’s the weather like? | Oh leuk! Hoe is het weer daar?

– Little bit clouded | Een beetje bewolkt.

Laura speaks Dutch #3: Ordering drinks, counting

In this episode we look at the airport. When we arrive a drink is welcome, so let’s learn how to order
that. We request beers, wine or coffee to get the party going. Since you cannot survive on one drink
we need to count as well. We finish off on some background information about Schiphol Airport. As
of now all words you learn are also in the blog.
So this is what you learn this time:

Good day, welcome to the third episode of Laura speaks Dutch | Goedendag, welkom bij de derde
aflevering van Laura speaks Dutch

My name Brenno de Winter | Mijn naam is Brenno de Winter

Airport | Luchthaven

Schiphol Airport | Luchthaven Schiphol

Good day I’d like to order a beer | Goedendag, ik wil graag een bier bestellen

Good day I would like to order two glasses of wine | Goedendag, ik wil graag twee glazen wijn

Good day could I could you give me three cups of coffee please? | Goedendag, mag ik drie kopjes
koffie alstublieft?

Please | Alstublieft

Thank you | Dank u wel

One | Een

Two | Twee

Three | Drie

Four | Vier

Five | Vijf

Six | Zes

Seven | Zeven

Eight | Acht

Nine | Negen

Ten | Tien

Thank you for listening | Dank u wel voor het luisteren

Laura speaks Dutch #4: Some more counting

In this lesson we take the counting a little bit further and go all the way to twenty. One thing you can
see that after twelve we say the number as we learned it below ten and at tien (which means ten). In
the explaination we talk about money. Not only our currency the euro, but also paying with credit
Here is the list of words you learn:

– Welcome to Laura speaks Dutch | Welkom bij Laura speaks Dutch

– This is the fourth episode | Dit is de vierde aflevering

– Zero | Nul

– Eleven | Elf

– Twelve | Twaalf

– Thirteen | Dertien

– Fourteen | Veertien

– Fifteen | Vijftien

– Sixteen | Zestien

– Seventeen | Zeventien

– Eightteen | Achttien

– Nineteen | Negenteen

– Twenty | Twintig

– Guilder | Gulden

– Thank you for listening | Dank u wel voor het luisteren

– Let’s meet next time (in the sense of the show) | Tot volgende keer

– And | En

Laura speaks Dutch #5: Getting a check and paying

After some lessons getting to the point where we can order and count, we now need to pay the bill
and ask for it. After learning that we touch on the subject of giving a tip (or not). The Netherlands is
quite different from for instance the United States.
Here’s what you learn:

– Welcome to the fifth Laura speaks Dutch | Welkom bij de vijfde Laura speaks Dutch

– My name is Brenno de Winter | Mijn naam is Brenno de Winter

– Waiter may I have the check, please? | Ober mag ik de rekening, alstublieft?

– Of course, sir | Natuurlijk meneer

– Of course, madamme | Natuurlijk mevrouw

– Seven euros and fifty cents | Zeven euro vijftig

– Okay | Okee

– Here you have eight euros | Hier heeft u acht euro

– You can keep the difference | Houdt u de rest maar

– Thank you, madamme | Dankuwel, mevrouw

– Have a nice day | Prettige dag nog

– See you | Tot ziens

– Tip | Fooi


Laura speaks Dutch #6: Public transportation

This time we focus on public transportation. Even though we complain a lot about the public
transport we actually have a good system that is quite reliable. Despite some small delays it covers
the vast majority of our country.

– Excuse me for interrupting you | Sorry dat ik u even stoor

– At which platform can I find the train to Amsterdam? | Op welk perron komt de trein naar

– The train to Amsterdam will leave from platform number two | De trein naar Amsterdam vertrekt
van spoor twee

– Sorry where is that track exactly? | Pardon waar is dat spoor precies?

– Right there ma’am | Daar, mevrouw

– Strip card (ticket for busses, trams and subways) | Strippenkaart

– Transfer | Overstap

– Drive black (travelling without a ticket) | Zwart rijden

– Have a nice trip | Prettige reis

A special thank you goes out to Martijn Warnas who explains all about how the systems works.
Really great thanks, since it is a great contribution!!

Laura speaks Dutch #7: The worldcup soccer

Many of you will be well aware that this week the world championships soccer start. For the
Netherlands this is a big thing, especially since we qualified to play. Soccer is important and
especially during these games. So it is useful to know some words, some phrases to make a good
impression and of course I’ll tell you all about the background. Why are we all orange? Why do we
need to win from Germany? Is it safe to go to the pub and watch a game?

This is what you’ll learn this lesson:

– Welcome to the seventh Laura speaks Dutch | Welkom bij de zevende Laura speaks Dutch

– My name is Brenno de Winter | Mijn naam is Brenno de Winter

– What a nice match it was | Wat een mooie wedstrijd was dat

– The first goal was great | Het eerste doelpunt was geweldig

– The last goal was just okay | Het laatste doelpunt ging wel

– I’m so happy you guys won the match | Ik ben zo blij dat jullie de wedstrijd gewonnen hebben

– It’s so sad to see the Netherlands loose | Het is ongelofelijk jammer dat jullie verloren hebben

– Now that you’ve this match, I suspect you will be champion | Nu jullie deze wedstrijd gewonnen
hebben, denk ik dat jullie kampioen gaan worden

– Referee | Scheidsrechter

– Goal | Doelpunt

– Penalty | Penalty

– Coach | Trainer

– Orange | Oranje

– Have a good match | Prettige wedstrijd

Laura speaks Dutch #8: Check-in to the hotel

In this episode we’re going to check-in to our hotel. Asking for the room, etc. After that you’ll receive
some general information on hotel in the Netherlands. Here’s what you learn:

Welcome to the eight episode of Laura speaks Dutch | Welkom bij de achtste aflevering van Laura
speaks Dutch;

G’day I reserved a room here under the name of “De Winter” | Goedendag, ik heb hier een kamer
gereserveerd onder de naam van “De Winter”;

Ok. Let me see if I can see your reservation | Ok. Ik zal even kijken of ik uw reservering kan vinden;

Great! Thank you! | Fijn, dank u wel!

Ah, I’ve found your reservation. It’s a room for two persons. Is that correct? | Ah ik heb uw
reservering gevonden. Een tweepersoons kamer, klopt dat?

Yes, that’s right! | Ja, dat is correct!

Would you like one or two beds? | Wilt u één of twee bedden?

One bed, please. And can I get a non-smoking room? | Eén bed alstublieft en mag ik een niet-
roken kamer?

Of course, your roomnumber is 515. Here’s your key | Natuurlijk, uw kamernummer is 515. Hier is
uw sleutel;

Ah, thank you. | Ah, dank u wel!

Just one thing: can I see your credit card please? | Nog één ding: mag ik uw creditcard alstublieft

Sure, here’s my American Express | Ja hoor, hier is mijn American Express

Ok, that’s just about it. Have a nice stay! | Ok dat was het wel zo’n beetje. Een prettig verblijf!

Thank you | Dank u wel!

Laura speaks Dutch #9: Check-in to the hotel

In this episode we focus on the phrases that help loved to meet and of course to do the nescessary
maintance on the relationship. You won’t learn explicit language here, but things you ought to know
at least. Given the initial goal of the podcast this episode was long overdue. Here’s what you learn:

Welcome to the ninth episode of Laura speaks Dutch | Welkom bij de negende aflevering van
Laura speaks Dutch
My name is Brenno de Winter | Mijn naam is Brenno de Winter

This time we are going to do something special | Deze keer gaan we iets bijzonders doen

Can I introduce myself? My name is Laura | Mag ik me even voorstellen? Mijn naam is Laura!

You are so funny | Je bent zo grappig

Gorgeous | Schitterend

When will I see you again? | Wanneer zie ik je weer?

Would you like to go out with me? | Wil je met me uit gaan?

Do you want to have lunch with me sometime? | Zullen we een keer gaan lunchen?

Yes | Ja

No | Nee

I fell in love with you | Ik ben verliefd op je

You’re always on the top of my mind | Ik denk continu aan je

You look breathtaking beautiful | Je bent adembenemend mooi

I love you | Ik hou van jou

I need you | Ik heb je nodig

Oh it’s good to see you again | Oh het is toch zo goed je weer te zien

I missed you | Ik heb je gemist

Sweetheart | Lieverd

Honey | Schatje

That was great | Dat was geweldig

Laura speaks Dutch #10: Colors of the wind

This episode is one of several smaller ones that deals with certain words to beef up the vocabulary
or some specifics. They don’t last as long and help you picking the language up a little bit sooner.
This time we focus on the most famous colors and make up for something I forgot last time.

Red | Rood

Salmon | Zalm

Pink | Roze

Yellow | Geel

Gold | Goud

Blue | Blauw
Cyan | Cyaan

Navy Blue | Marine Blauw

 Orange | Oranje

 Green | Groen

 Purple | Purper

 Brown | Bruin

 Chocolate | Chocolade

 White | Wit

 Ivory | Ivoor

 Gray | Grijs

 Black | Zwart

 Color | Kleur

Laura speaks Dutch #11: Grammar I/You/She/He/They and to be

This podcast is dealing with some grammar. Am I angry with you listeners that I do that? You bet!
The Netherlands were kicked out of the world championships socker and that’s sad of course. So I
take it out on you with some grammar. So hard work this time, not the most energizing but it has to
be done. Still I hope you enjoy it. Read on to see what you learn.

If you want to listen this podcast online you can also do that here and keep the ranking on the
national list of podcasts high!

Here’s what you learn:

I | Ik

You | Jij

She | Zij
He | Hij

We | Wij

You | Jullie

They | Zij

I’m Brenno | Ik ben Brenno

You are Laura | Jij bent Laura

She’s sweet | Zij is lief

He’s friendly | Hij is vriendelijk

We are professional | Wij zijn professioneel

You are brilliant | Jullie zijn brilliant

They are good | Zij zijn goed

I am | Ik ben

You are | Jij bent

She is | Zij is

He is | Hij is

We are | We zijn

You are | Jullie zijn

They are | Zij zijn

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