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This chapter will show all gathered information and conceptual model that supports the understanding of the study. Technology was now part of
the lives of the people. It is evident that technology became helpful to the society because it benefits all by making activities or work easier.
Computer became an important tool for archiving databases, using systems or applications, and can monitor records. It was made for computing
and counting saved records these days. It helps an organization and business save tons of time processing their transactions or work.
Pharmaceutical company or firms also called “Pharmacy” is often to be seen in every places. It is main function is to distribute or market medicinal
products for healthcare purposes. These businesses are the one that deploys drugs or any medication tools to customers or patients. Pharmacy is
also the responsible for the verifying of the prescriptions [16]. These day’s pharmacy are more often to market lots of products not just only for
medical use but also some stuff for beauty care and milk products. To create the type of business, one licensed pharmacist must be present.
Pharmacy assistant helps the customer to locate over-the-counter medications and medical supplies [11]. This may help the pharmacist because
the pharmacist wills not the only one who checks the inventory, stocks, over the counter medicines. Pharmacy assistant will help the pharmacist
duties running in the pharmacy like handling the money and check the stock shelves. The pharmacy assistant refers a questions regarding
prescription, drug information, or health matter to the pharmacist. The responsibilities of the pharmacist assistant are check the stock in the
inventory, over the counter medications, help with the maintenance and supplies and lastly handling the cash register [12]. This may help the
pharmacist, the pharmacist is not the only one who is checking the inventory, handling the cash register, and greets the customer. Stated in the
study of Dela Cruz et al. [3], the cashier will view the customer’s bill, can input the corkage fee, and can set discount for senior citizen, PWD, or
other discount with the authorization of the system administrator (owner) or manager. The senior citizen has tax exemption and 20% discount and
for PWD has 20% discount but no tax exemption and the rest have 12% VAT. The cashier will input the amount tendered and receipt will be
generated. Physician or a medical doctor wrote the prescription, the use of prescription is to provide an order to a certain medication or a certain
medical supply. And the prescription has a legal implication, this means that the medical doctor or the physician have the responsibility for the
clinical care of the patient. Prescription is composing with the name of the medical doctor or the physician, complete address of the medical doctor
or the physician, the phone number of the medical doctor or the physician, name of the patient, the date when the prescription was written,
medication name and the medication strength, and the prescriber signature [13]. The system has an indication and description module, and it is
very helpful for the both pharmacist and assistant pharmacist. The dosage is the amount of the drug taken at any one time. The dosage instruction
is written by the medical doctor or a physician. And the pharmacy label is the prescribed medicine. And some of the dosage is found on the
packaging of the medicines [14]. The system has an indication for medicine that is very helpful to the customer and for the pharmacist assistant.
There are many factors when deciding a dose of a drug, including the age of the patient, weight, gender, allergies. The dosage form is the physical
form of a dose of a drug. The common dosage forms include the capsule, tablets, ointments, cream, aerosols and patches [15]. Point of Sales
becomes useful to a business. It is used to simply make transactions to the customers computing all of their orders. According to the study of
Balanoba et al. [7], the main process of the system focuses on customer’s order where system able to search the most appropriate drugs and give
it to the customer. It is equipped with the automated alert features. In able to remind the pharmacist list of drugs that reached the minimum
quantity and it also alert the pharmacist for the expired date for each drug. Point of sale system joined with online inventory is essential to the
system, because both are connected to each other and any error occurred to the transaction can be traced it is effective to use both system at the
same time to experience better performance than using any of their alone [13]. In the study Dela Cruz et al. [3], mentioned that the most of Point-
of-Sales is incorporated with inventory system, where it is relevant for the proponents to study that is mostly require inventory process. Point of
Sales software is what brick and mother retailers use to conduct sales. It sometimes cash register, computer, or even an Ipad where cashier input
the products, tally the cost, and conduct the financial transaction. Most POS software will also communicate with inventory because the stock-in
and stock-out of the items must be monitored. Mentioned in the study of Fumar et al. [4], that choosing the right Point of Sales system require
careful planning in a way that a lot should be considered, specially its cost, advantage, and disadvantage. Considering such things is necessary
since having the said system will cause changes to the business. Changes such as increase in efficiency and earning more clients, which will then
lead to more productivity making the business earn more profit. The inventory is embedded to point of sales to monitor all of the items by its
count. The count must be affected by the delivery of the supplier and by the order of the customer. As stated in the study of Cruz et al. [8], Point of
Sales is integrated with inventory system from product inventory list. It can monitor the in and out of both stocks and product stocks to have an
accurate record and eliminate data discrepancy. The products delivered by the supplier was monitored under the inventory system. Including the
stocks information, quantity, and the supplier information. Mentioned in the study of Legaspi et al. [7], that the sales and inventory using barcode
scanner for faster process of inputting data to system. It can also print reports of inventory and sales to monitor the stocks of the products. The
barcode is used to simply store the hidden value of the item. It is mostly used on doing transaction efficiently. It is to be scanned by a barcode
scanner or reader to get the corresponding information about the items. Barcode is composed of parallel and adjacent random sized bars. The
height and width of each bars are according to the number value given. But the actual data is hidden on the bars and the numbers. And this is
allowing data to be collected accurately and rapidly [2]. It is very accurate in inputting an item by using of the barcode scanner. Almost every
business today uses barcode for many different reasons. It helps in keeping track of other important equipment in a company or establishment in
keeping constant tally of millions of items or in a store and to keep a watchful eye on prices and stock, barcode scanners are used to help retrieve
and tabulate this data [14]. In printing receipt, the proponents used a thermal printer to print low resolution print jobs. Its heated pins used to burn
images or text into heat sensitive paper. This will show the printed proof of orders made by the customers. In the study Dela Cruz et al. [3],
mentioned that used of local area network through proper IP addressing, learning the LAN Connection will be very beneficial to their field study. IP
addressing is significant in local area networks. Local area networks (LANs) are typically privately-owned data communication networks in which 10
to 100 computer users typically share data resources with one or more file server. LAN’s use a network operating system to provide two-way
communication at bit rates typically in the range of 10 Mbps to 100 Mbps and higher between a large variety of data communications equipment
within a relatively small geographical area, such as in a same room, building, or building complex. A LAN can be as simple as two personal
computers and a printer or could contain dozens of computers, workstation, and peripheral device. Most LAN’s link equipment that is within a few
miles of each other or closer. Because the size of most LAN’s is limited, the longest (or worst-case) transmission time is bounded and known by
everyone using the network. Therefore, LAN’s can utilize configurations that otherwise would not be possible. LAN’s were designed for sharing
resources between a wide range of digital equipment, including personal computers, workstation and printers. According to the study of Cruz et al.
[6], network is connection of computers or any hardware devices linked together to communicate and share resources from one device to another.
Computers can be connected depending on the locations or the requirements by the business or company it can be outdoors or indoors. Examples
are computers connected with wires or signals and the another one is with internet connection. As stated at the study of Dela Cruz et al. [12],
networking is used to connect multiple computers which are using the system. Networking is one of the most important components of the system.
Using LAN connection, the system can have multiple users simultaneously using different units and they can send and receive data from the other
user. All data relevant to the business are being collected and maintained by the industries. Managers must use these data to give information
about business decision because just storing data is not enough. Information must be properly organized, easily accessed, and shared among
various individuals, departments, and affiliates. This facilities data analysis that can reveal business critical information, such as sales trends or
potential inventory shortages. Developers have created report software a key tool enabling the presentation of stored data source to make this
possible. Either manually or developers use crystal report to modify, add and format objects and fields as well as to format layout and manipulate
the report design after the report was set up [1]. Crystal report are also needed by the system because Jamae-Trading is generating all reports
needed to summarize the sales for a period of time. This would help Jamae-Trading make documents about the overall status of the business by
just taking important data from the system and print it [9]. The proponents develop system for a pharmacy. The pharmacy is a business which is
selling commonly medicines. Their customers are more of patients and a person that has illness. For the patients came from hospitals or clinics has
a different type medicine it needed a prescription from doctors before buying. Prescription is the doctor’s advice medicine to be taken by the
patient. Software is one of components that is obviously intact to the computer. This component is used to produce an output that can be helpful
to the society. The proponents will use an operating system Windows 8 and 10 64-bit in order to maximize the usage of memory of the system unit
and it is the latest released operating system these days. MySQL is an open source relational database management system that will allow the
user to save, update, and delete records. It also runs on virtually all platforms, including Linux, UNIX, and Windows. It is also associated with web-
based applications and online publishing and it is important component of an open source enterprise stack called LAMP [10].
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