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Connecting to Global Value Chains

Trade and the Post-2015 Development Agenda
Chenai Mukumba*

Evidence has shown that in certain sectors, developing countries are actually more
integrated into global value chains than developed countries. The garments and
textile industry in Asia provides an unparalleled example. Unfortunately, however,
developing countries tend to remain locked into relatively low value added activities.
This Briefing Paper looks firstly at how developing countries can begin to increasingly
participate in more remunerative links in value chains, and how this can tie in with
the post-2015 development agenda by ensuring that the benefits of global value
chains are more evenly spread both within and across countries.

Background achievement of the MDGs. The global

community can no longer afford to focus on and
While the newly adopted Sustainable
celebrate aggregates. In light of the work on the
Development Goals (SDGs) have elicited much
post-2015 Development Agenda how can we
hope, it is important to look at how much
ensure that continued globalisation helps build
progress we have made under the previous
sustainable and inclusive development?
structure. The Millennium Development Goals
Globalisation as the process of international
(MDGs-adopted in 2000) succeeded in bringing
economic integration has been underway for
together various stakeholders from across the
centuries. However, the sheer pace and scale of
political and academic spectrum in the fight
globalisation we are experiencing today has
against global poverty and in the 15 years, the
never been seen before. Although the current
global community saw tremendous progress:
phase of unprecedented globalisation has
global poverty continues to decline, more
attracted much attention in recent years, it can
children than ever are attending primary school,
be traced back to as early as the 1950s. While
infant mortality dropped dramatically, access to
major technological advancements, more open
potable water greatly expanded, and targeted
economic policies and trade liberalisation have
investments in fighting malaria, AIDS and
traditionally been the driving force behind the
tuberculosis have saved millions.
spread of globalisation over the past 200 years,
However, in spite of these successes, the
there are three specific features that clearly
inability to fully achieve these goals has left
distinguish the current phase within which we
nearly one billion hungry and poverty still
find ourselves today.
rampant – severely undermining the

* Policy Analyst, CUTS Centre for International Trade, Economics & Environment (CUTS CITEE)
First, growth in trade has been accelerating to defy their traditional comparative advantages
at an unprecedented rate due to the recent and access new types of production process to
boost the global economy has seen in foreign upgrade towards higher value added activities –
direct investment (FDI). Second, while simultaneously creating opportunities for
manufacturing still accounts for a large portion smaller businesses as countries no longer need
of trade, services and FDI are increasingly to develop vertically integrated industries to
becoming more prominent components of participate in global trade.
trade. And the third, and perhaps most prolific Given that it is now enough to develop
feature of this phase, has been the proliferation capacities in specific links of the value chain,
of global value chains (GVCs). It is no longer small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) can
only finished products or services that cross have access to global markets through inclusion
borders but the vast majority of trade is actually into GVCs as providers of intermediate goods
now in intermediate products and services that or services, which is against the idea that trade
are merely components of eventual final and GVCs only benefit large multinational
products. firms. This is particularly important given the
significant role that SMEs play in developing
countries particularly in employment
Integration into GVCs
There are three processes that lie at the core However, trade and participation in GVCs
of GVC development: importing, exporting and are intermediary objectives. The central
FDI. While the liberalisation of trade and question is: how much value is captured by the
investment policies country in terms of jobs, income, technology
over the years has diffusion and sustainable development? To what
Through increased trade
and investment, GVCs
facilitated the extent can the private sector play a strategic
have become an creation of the role in advancing the development agenda of
important link in backward and developing countries through GVCs?
facilitating the trade forward linkages
activities of smaller
businesses – enhancing that play a key role
the possibilities for in the uptake of
GVCs and Developing Countries
countries to defy their GVCs, As the global economy has begun to
traditional comparative
multinationals have structure itself around GVCs over the past
advantages and access
new types of production played a key role in couple of decades , the high level of trade has
to upgrade towards facilitating this created an unprecedented level of inter-
higher value added process. dependency among countries that are engaged
There are two at different stages of supply chains. This has
key drivers that created tremendous opportunities for
play a role in multinational’s production developing countries to benefit from the
location choices: i) great country differences in international fragmentation of production
the cost of input factors, competitiveness process, and allow them to specialise in specific
drivers, social and environmental conditions; areas of a value chain. Not only are they gaining
and ii) the geographic and cultural proximity to from the lowered price of production, but also
the final consumer. The first has played a key from the breaking up of cumbersome
role for developing countries. production process into specialised integrated
Differences in the cost of input factors units leading to the optimal utilisation of
provided by developing countries have allowed resources that tend to be sparse in different
GVCs to enhance the possibilities for countries economies.

This new structure of production processes global average, developing countries have a
has significantly reduced the costs for much higher share of domestic value added in
developing countries and emerging economies trade because they have a comparative
to reach out and become a part of the global advantage in the export of raw materials
market. Localising an increased share of value primarily due to the abundance of natural
added along a specific supply chain can play a resources and low skilled workers (See
significant role in a nation’s development and Figure 1).
diversification process. However, while the Many developing
participation rate of developing countries in countries depend Localising an increased
GVCs has increased from 20 per cent in 1990 to completely on the share of value added
along a specific supply
over 40 per cent today, in spite of this gradual export of raw
chain can play a large
growth, developing countries continue to lag materials for role in a nation’s
behind in development statistics. Why is this? employment, but development and
Historically, developing countries have had a since raw materials diversification process
comparative advantage in the export of raw are predominantly
materials. Therefore, the domestic value added the first stage in the value chain, the value
content of their exports constitute a large added to the country from export of these
component of their exports. The nature of these commodities are minimal as compared to the
exports tends to place them at the lower value added to the countries in the later part of
income-generating end of GVCs. As a result, the chain.
one of today’s most salient concerns pertains
not only to how developing countries can enter
The Post-2015 Development Agenda
into GVCs but, more specifically, how
developing countries can systematically upgrade
and Climbing up the Value Chain
their involvement in GVCs. As globalisation has progressed, its impact
While developed countries have a higher on sustainable development has become a
share of foreign value added exports than the growing concern. Sustainable development has

Figure 1: Share of Foreign Value Added in Exports and Domestic Value in

Trade as Share of GDP, by Region, 2010

Source: UNCTAD (2013), ‘Global value chains and development’,

been defined as “when development meets countries into relatively low value added
present needs without compromising the ability activities. For a developing country to move up
of future generations to meet their needs.”1 In the value chain, the country has to provide
response to this looming challenge, during the infrastructure for development and education to
2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable enable labour to shift from unskilled to skilled;
Development, a set of various thematic and otherwise they suffer the risk of being trapped
cross-cutting issues articulated as the into low income generating activities and
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were relatively low-value added trade at the bottom
launched and included in the MDGs. It was of the global value chain.
noted that these would converge with post- In fostering the inclusion of developing
2015 development agenda. countries into the GVCs, efforts should also
One of the most distinguishing features of work to ensure that they address the economic,
globalisation is that it invariably results in both social and environmental dimensions of
winners and losers. The uneven distribution of sustainable development and their inter-
the gains from participating in GVCs provides linkages. This can be done with adequate focus
one such example. on the poverty reduction and the promotion of
Developed sustainable patterns of consumption and
While developed
countries have a higher countries usually production, as well as protecting and managing
share of foreign value gain more in trade natural resources, and ensuring equitable
added exports than the than their distribution of income to promote sustained
global average,
developing countries
developing country inclusive growth.
have a much higher counterparts with
share of domestic value the benefits of
added in trade because
globalisation going
they have a comparative In order to promote the role of GVCs in the
advantage in the export to countries with
of raw materials more education, attainment of the SDGs, there area number
primarily due to the more skills, better issues that need to be addressed. Firstly, GVCs
abundance of natural cannot function properly in the absence of well-
infrastructure and
resources and low functioning markets for backbone services such
skilled workers more open
economic policies. as transport, logistics and telecommunications.
Furthermore, as discussed earlier, the GVCs are highly dependent on the existence of
motivation behind most multinational an open and competitive services sector. An
companies shifting their production process to emphasis on the strengthening of services is vital
developing countries is generally to tap into the given their increasing share in manufactured
low wage labour in the region to reduce the exports.
cost of production. While this is beneficial to Transport services particularly play a crucial
developing countries in their efforts to attract role given that multinational companies tend to
investment, at times it can impede the process operate in countries where logistics costs are
of moving up the value chain as it is often in the cheaper; highlighting the need to focus on trade
interest of the multinational companies that the facilitation. This is particularly important in
economy stays underdeveloped so that they can light of the proliferation of mega regional trade
continue to reap the benefits of low wages. agreements in whose negotiations developing
This is further exacerbated by the fact that countries have been largely excluded. These
even the possible development benefits of agreements have the potential to restrict the
GVCs such as technology dissemination, skill expansion of GVCs into developing countries
building and upgrading are not self-regulating, with the member countries participating in
thereby further entrenching developing them. In order to tackle this, developing

countries will need to focus more on is essential in ensuring that trade-related
harmonising regulatory standards and assistance delivered by development partners
implementing mutual recognition agreements in delivers sustainable outcomes. The importance
order to reduce the scope of non-tariff barriers. of galvanising private actors along the value
Secondly, the development of human and chains in developing countries is becoming
institutional capacities is crucial to moving into clearer and this can be undertaken by investing
higher value chains and engaging in more in the capacity and competitiveness of
remunerative linkages in value chains. While the producers, traders and trade support
establishment of a strong workforce can be institutions.
facilitated by increased investment in the areas By addressing these three issues and
of education, training, workforce development, embedding GVC policies within the broader
institutional capacity can be facilitated by strong development framework, particularly those
policies in technology, innovation and aimed at supporting private sector development,
intellectual property rights regime. the global community can work to ensure that
Thirdly, building competitive advantages benefits from globalisation is increasingly evenly
along GVCs needs partnerships with businesses; distributed both within and across countries.
more specifically, buy-in from the private sector

1. World Commission on Environment and Development’s (the Brundtland Commission) report Our Common
Future (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987).

United Nations, ‘Beyond 2015’,
OECD (2007), Staying Competitive in the Global Economy: Moving Up the Value Chain, OECD Publishing. doi: 10.1787/
WTO, ‘Lamy: Global value chains are “binding us together”’,
O. Cattaneo, G. Gereffi, S. Miroudot and D. Taglioni, ‘Joining, Upgrading and Being Competitive in Global Value Chains’,
World Bank,
UNCTAD, ‘Global value chains and development’,
Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform, ‘Sustainable Development Goals’,
OECD, WTO and UNCTAD, ‘Implications of Global Value Chains for Trade, Investment, Development and Jobs’, http://
World Economic Forum, ‘The Shifting Geography of Global Value Chains: Implications for Developing Countries and
Trade Policy’,
WTO and IDE-JETRO, ‘Trade patterns and global value chains in East Asia: From trade in goods to trade in tasks’,

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