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The End Of The New World


By Tim Rifat

The September 11 attack on America was organised by a Trillionaire

elite who own the Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, the World
Bank and the IMF -- whilst Bin Laden is a bought and paid for front
man for these aspirant world rulers. America was attacked because the
Bush clan and the US military are vying for supremacy in the NWO
with the Trillionaire elite, who wish to cripple the US and render its
armed forces impotent. If the Trillionaire elite win this struggle the
same group that organised Kennedy's assassination and Nixon's
impeachment will oversee the downfall of Bush. The world will be
shocked by revelations of War Crimes from camp X Ray in Cuba; for it
is an open secret that the Muslim madmen there have been given the
full NSA treatment. This involves roof of the mouth surgery, to place
implants in the prisoners amygdalas, so that at the flick of a switch the
pain receptors in their brains can electrically stimulated to induce total

This work was pioneered by Delgado, continued by the CIA in

MKULTRA and developed by the NSA for all US prisoners. To cover
their tracks another implant in the hypothalamus erases all short-term
memory and thereby removes all memory of their torture.

The masks and hoods the prisoners are forced to wear conceals the
after effects of this NSA torture surgery. In effect a new Holocaust is in
the offing with the NSA given free rein in the concentration camps
built across America.

These American concentration camps are now being publicised in

newspapers across Europe and, in response, liberal Europeans are
beginning to view Americans as the new Nazis. While this may seem
extreme it should be remembered that the Trillionaire elite own these
newspapers; they also funded Hitler and Lenin and the stigma of a new
Holocaust against Muslims will be used against Bush and his allies if
they lose against the Trillionaire elite.

While these two malefic groups compete for world supremacy they
forget that the Russians, Chinese and Indians have not been not entirely
subjugated. Putin has just had the Western armed Chechen army
decimated in Afghanistan; while the Jewish media mogul who owned
three independent TV networks broadcasting anti Russian propaganda
has been silenced and the Russian has told the Trillionaires that they
can wait forever for repayment of past Soviet debts. Meanwhile the
Americans seem to be intent goading China, but to no avail. First the
Chinese embassy in Belgrade was bombed after which Taiwan was
armed. Then the recent fiasco with the US spy plane and now Boeing
has sent the Chinese President a heavily bugged 737 to serve as
Presidential jet; while India nearly, but not quite, got into a nuclear
confrontation with Pakistan.

However the Trillionaire elite has made a big mistake. To ensure

success they should have engineered Russia,s total collapse via
incessant Vietnam like wars in the south of country, using Chechens
and Muslim fanatics as insurgents. India and Pakistan should have
crippled each other in a small-scale nuclear conflict; while the US
could have been manipulated into annihilating China, using a spurious
Gulf of Tonkin type attack in the Taiwan Straits to allow open war with
China. But none of this happened.

Instead various factions in the New World Order have been at odds.
But arguing over who rules the N.W.O. before destroying these three
pretenders to the throne could prove fatal. The advent of psychic
warfare enables the Russians, Chinese or Indians to Remotely
Influence and then snuff out the odious Trillionaires and the Bush
clique in one fell swoop. Already telepathic hypnosis, using Remote
Influencing to knock a victim out from a distance, has been used on
G.W. Bush while he ate a pretzeland then choked on it. Now imagine
what would have happened if he had been swimming or stepping out
from the Presidential jet.

Using Remote Influencing on the insular cortex, the brain centre that
controls the heart causes heart attacks in the victim; Cheney is
especially vulnerable due to his heart condition. Raising and lowering
serotonin or melatonin massively and erratically can drive the target
insane; Rumsfield is keen to better Heinrich Himmler with his N.W.O.
concentration camps so Remote Influencing him to loosen his grip on
reality would be child,s play. Switching on suicide genes (using the
morphogenic field of the R.I. operator on the target) in the cells of the
capillaries in the brains of the Trillionaire elite would kill them all from
brain embolisms in one fell swoop. For a slower kill the morphogenic
field in the R.I. operator can switch on the onco genes in the
Trillionaire elite so the they become riddled with incurable cancers a
rather appropriate reward for these purveyors of pharmaceutical fraud
and chemotherapy.

Considering one person anywhere in the world can use R.I. to kill all
the Trillionaires, their families plus Bush and his clique, the hoax of the
N.W.O. oligarchy could finally be thwarted. Ironically it was Sept. 11
when the adherents of the N.W.O. and their agents lost their
biophysical bodies that opened up this new avenue of warfare, where
the eye in the Illuminati pyramid is burnt away using R.I. Bill Coopers
death should show all Americans that anyone who resists the New
World Order will be eliminated but thanks to Remote Influencing
anyone can eliminate the New World Order.

References: Remote Viewing by Tim Rifat published by Vision

Paperbacks New Dawn Magazine issue number 69

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