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and Other Retro-Analytical Clhess Problems
by T. R. Dawson

G. P. "{elliss
First Published August 1989
Reset February 1997

page I

Qetro-Opposition and Other Retro-Analytical Chess Problems

by T. R. Dawsor1 edited by G. P. Jelliss

This booklet, containing; all of 'I'. R. Dawson's pioneering work on Reto-Opposifion, together with
some of his best retro-analytical work of other types, is based on a small manuscript booklet, Seventy l,ive
Retros by Dawson, dated Ist November 1928, found in the British Chess Problem Society Archive. ln its
Introduction he wrote: "The 75 retrograde analyses in this collection comprise all the best of my published
work in this field since the publication of Retrograde Analysis in 1915" and "ln the motto problems the
foundations of the theory of retrograde opposition are laid and all the known types fully illustrated".
Following the arrangement of the manuscript hooklet, the prohlems are given in cltronological order of
composition (with one or two slight displacements). The bold-printed D-numbers are those assigned to his
composifions by the composer himself, and the frst date quoted is that of composition. In some cases this
date is mnny years before publication. An asterisk (+) attached to moves in the retro-opposition studies
indicates the thematic tempo change.

INTRODUCTION T'he information gained in such The third period, l9l l-15.,
(Ir'rorn nofes hy llaw,son in an analysis may be applied to comprises the early part of the
Prohleryis! k'air! Che s s legalise PxP e"p.. to illegalise PxP r,vriter's lvork. up to the Retro
Supplement xii I930't e.p" and castling, to justify turn to Book. This period sa\,Y s.p. theory
play; or form of retracted movss, completed in most of its fine detail,
Rctro-analysis consists in or situation of an added or altered and the introduction of illcgal e.p.
examining hor,v a given position man; or to correct an illegality. analysis and synthetic tries.
arose from the usual gams array by Modern developments to date
strictly legal play r,r,'hether to have braught H. A. Adamson.
detennine who moved last, what HISTORY G. C. Alvey, C. M. Fox, V. Onitiu,
the last movss \,vers, r,l'hat position J. Schlarko and J. Sunyer into
or positions must have existed in The history of retro-analysis prominence as masters, r,v-hile Dr
the past. what disturbance of given falls into faur periods" The initial Niels Hoeg, r'r'ho had contributed
men was forced, or hor,v many period, from about t858 to 1906, occasional fine studies in both the
movss soms man or men made af rvas non-systematic and rarel5,' of second and third periods. no\,v gave
necessity. high quality'" It ma-y- be associated us a long seriss of problems of
The fundarnentals of the r,vith F. C. Collins, J. Jespsrssn, remarkable quality. Many more
analStical method lie in tracing S. LoSrd and T. B. Rolvland. casual workers have done good
captures (especially Pawn- though at least 100 others made work in recent ysars. The madern
captures). checks and check occasional experiments. Five tSpes period has seen the subject of
eliminations, irreal regions (r,l'here correction of illegalities, s5,nthetic tries rapidly w.idened, and
men could not legally stand), and analytical retractors, e.p. keys, the main outlines of retra-
states af retrostalemate (where no illegal castling, and partial analysis opposition drawn by H.A. A. and
last movs is available) and re discovered. the r,r,riter. The Hoeg retractor has
perpetual retrogression (wfiere last The second period, 1907-9, been developed to a position of
msvss repeat in a cycle or in a covers the studies of A. Batari, importancs.
futile inability to resolve a closed W. Hundsdorfer and A. Troitzky,
region). The retro movss (i.e. r,r,ith a, ferv isolated r,r'orks of
retractions) may be conditioned by others, on e.p. keys. The three
positional apening great r,r,arkers thoroughly mastered 0J course, rnuclt has
lines, unblocking squares, retro-technique and revealed all the happened since, but that is
cancelling & guard ta free a King; main outlines of e.p. theory in a another sforyt. Ilctwson's
or by time motives racing to large number cf profound studies. pioneering work should be known
free a man against impending The subject of retro-opposition to all devotees of refroanalysis,
retrostalemate. u,as discovered.
page 7

l) 445 {tutt{atedlr:, retyact Bh7 to Jt, bttt then efter deferred clearance of d4-3 for
au Congress Book
Tepl i tz-Schr;n retracting 92 xh3 htcw did the adverse R.
26, p.182 (1923) (version
Whire Rook escape _fro* hl ? It is
Pittsburgh Leader I vi lg]J)
neces,tary to uncapture the R at e1 D 897 (5 iv I9I1)n
an;v ofher squnre and Black Eskilstuna Kuyiren 131 (10 ii IglT)
runs out o{ Pawn moves be.fore (lrris,ra's trtriild ^&o,se.s, I tS {lg3S)
White cnn get nfi, RSI to retract Det{. to A. A. Troitzx+t^

g2xh3 and provide Blach with n

piece to move.

l}8{}1 (15 vii I9l3)n

Svenska Dagbladet
752 (20 xii 1925)

BI$ck plays ant{ helps

tr{,'hite to mate in one

1. Pe'{xPPl e.p. Bc2f . The last W'hite lrirus

moves must have been l. n-4 1. Re2 for 2. Kf2*. Not 1. 00f
ff xRe4 2. Rg4-e4, preceded (the because Black's last movs lyas
move order can be varied a little) Kb/c2 - cl, preceded bV {i) Ke/f2 -
by: 7... f6-5 3. Rgl-g4 {7-6 elt or (ii) d2 leLlfT d4le3lfif .
zl. Be4-h7 h5-4 5. Bg2-e4 h6-5
u,hen WK moved to let QR in to
6. Bfl -gZ h7-6 7. g2*h3. etc. Bl pla;,'rs and helps W mate in 2 hll}, or {iii} gZ - 3t, when Rhl
Obstruction of passage square fi moved to let Rh2.
to Bishop of same colour, t. Pf4xPe4 e.p. Se4 2. b4xc3
S *c3f . Last movss l. e2-4 D 918 f/ 2 t, 1911)
To assist newcomers fo e4xRd3 2.Rd1-d3 f5 xRe4 Eskilstuna Kuriren 117 (10 iii IglT)
retyoanalysis the editor gives here 3. Re3-e4 f6-5 4. Rd3-e3 f7-6
a mGre detailed outline o"f the 5. Rd2-3 f5-4 6. d3-4 g6xf5
argunxents used in solving this 7. Kd4-c5 Bc4-b5, etc. Clearance
_first problern: (il) Ps e7, 97 show of e4-e3 for R of satne colour.
that B.f8 was capfi*ed ctt home. (b)
The Wlcite Ps show that the other l]
820 (21 x I9l3)r:
fwo rnissing Black men were Pittsburgh Po,st
captured by Pdzxe3 and PSZxh3. 560 (22 xii f gH) (version
(c) A Blcck P ls missing. This L.Italia Scacchistica 1402, xi I g I T)

must hcwe promoted to get into

position to be capfured, or fo
repl*ce a captured mfrn. It rnust I,fhite wtates in 3
have come _from the a or b .fr\e, via 1. Rb5 g"g6t 2. B*g6t. Not
c2, to promote at cl, since other 1...00 because of
possihilities require more czp- befi+een 2Qs and Black hlnight hl,
tures (ro eccottnt -for tlte Black P compelling K or KR movs.
co?1rt#rcrfion) fhan fhere Gre
missing Ifihite men. (d) Seqr,ience
o_{ events at cl must hsve been: Abbeviations in headings :

I. d7xe3; 2. Bc I (now at gS) Iled. - Dedication

Bl plap's and helps I{ rnate in I Ii - Fairy, R - Retro
moves out via d2, c3; -3. c2-c3:
4. Pb 3 x c2 and prornotes at c I ; Pr - Prize, Ty - Tourney
1. Pc4xPd4 e.p.Kd4I. Last moves
5. Promoted piece goes to h3 Jbr The 68 problems from the
1.d2-4 Rf5-f6 2. Sf6-gaf Rd5-f5
g2xh3. (e) It tnkes three tnoves to original MS are marked n
3. Sfs-h4t Rd3-d5. etc. Tnice
page 3

D 1026 (20 ir| 19 I S)ri Add QcZ for Qblf . Last moves L Pb4xPc4 e.p. Sca$ Last moves
Natal jtfeycu\v (10 t,ii I9 l5) Kbl-al, QxSc2t, etc. Relief of l. c2-1 h3-2 2. Qc3-c5 h4-3
Caissa's tr$''ildRo,re,t, I I I il 935) Black retrostalemate by uncapture 3. Rc4-c6 h5-4 4. Rc5-c7 Rc6-c8.
on checking line. IPGT -.=
Telescopic clearance.
Pi tt s bur gh Ga ze tt e -Ti me sl
D ll34 (13 i I9I7)n
Seven other problems r,vith the Svenska Dagbtadet,582 (2 I tii j923)
stipulation 'Add WQ for * l', "Blundering Horsemen"
in the 5 Retros' MS appear
together as problems 97 -103
in Caissa's Wild Roses in
Clusters (1937).

/f 1089 (23 x r?Is)

I$rhite mates in 2
Eskilstuna Kuriren, 715 (2 ] xii I I I8)
1. Pg5 xPff e,p.f . Last moves
l. f7-5 Rfs-esf 2. Be3-f4t Bd4-
h8f, etc. Obstruction of passage
square f6 to adverse Bishop.
trF'hite ffiates in 2
D 1027 (25 iv I9tSIt
Asfri/sf ufta Kuriren, 38 I (7 x I9l6) l. Pg5 xh6. Black may not 1...000
because of K or R tempo-move,
e.g. retract 1.Sff-h6 Sb3-al
z.Sd8-ff Sd2-b3 3.Sfi-dS Sbl -d?.
4. Sd8-f7 Sc3-bl 5. Sf/-dB Sa4-c3
Blach Knigtrt in a coyner
,4,drl a 6. Sd8-f7 Sb6-a4 7. Sf7-dS Sc8-b6
so ifhite ma.v mate in l 8. Sd8-f7 Se7-c8 9. Sf7-dS Sg8-e7
10. Sd8-f7 Sh6-gS I 1. Rb8-a8*
Add Sh8., S*h3f.Last movss Sf7-h6 12. d4-3 Sh8-ff 13. Sf7-ds
1. Sg6-h8 Bc2-d1 2. Sfi1-g6 h7-8{S} 14. SdS-f/ h6-7, etc.
Bdl-c2 3. Se2-fil Bc2-dl 4. Scl -e2 Single opposition af Sal/Sh6 at ff.
Kal-bl 5. Sa2-clt Bdl -c2 This is the first 'Motto Problem'.
lirhite mates in 3
Kb2-al 7. QcS-clt etc.
6. QcL-a3
1. PfsxPej e.p.f Kxe4 2..8*g6f .
Not Sa8. opposition on Bc2/dl J) 1138 (t2 i I?t7)
Last moves l. e7-5 e5 xQd6t
wrong. Not Sal as Eskilstuna Kuriren,
2. Qb4-d6f Bd5-f?t 3. Sff-h8 version 16t {7 iv l9l7)
Obstruction af e6 to adverse B.
D l1t6 (8 iii 19l6)n
D 1082 vi I9l5)n
Tepli tz-Schonau Con gre ss
PGT, 1915 (19 xii I9l5) Book, 22 p.48A (1923)
Caissa's lt'ild.Roses, I 22 ( I935) Caissa's tr{rild Rose,v, I I1 (1935)

It'hite mates in 2

1. KdZ. Not l. 000 because of

single opposition in Be8
unpromotittg at a8 for Pb6 xa7
Add I,{'Q so that trlr may mate in I Bl plays and helps lil trtste in I against Bb8-a7.

page 4

o 1140 (t3 i I9r7) l. Rdlt. Not 1. 000f because of D 1145 {20 i 19r7)
Fttnkschach, 9I {t,iii 1925) single opposition among Kd8-c8, L'Italin Sicaccltistica, 2t I4 (xii Iglg)
Bc8-d7-e8, Ra8-a7 and Bb8-a7 in
trying to open b8 for Sa6.

D 1143 (15 i Iel7)n

I{agvar Sakkvildg, fT {iv 1922)
To the h{emory of Brever Gyulo
"The Knight in P$wn"

l,{hite mates in 2 White mates in I

1. Rdlt. Not 1. 0001 because of l. Rfl $. Not 1" 00f because of
single opposition bet\,veen BgS-h7 single opposition behlren Re6-e5
and Rfl/-f6 in allowing Black K to and Rf6-f7 in allowing Ke5 -f4,
ff to free White Q. Rf6-e6, Kd4-e5, etc.

il 1l1r ff4 i IelT)n D 1146 (21 i l9t$t

Stenska Dagbladet 617 (9 xii 1923) in 2
IS''hite rnates L"Eclaireur du Soir
"The Check in Passing" l. Kdzf l.{ot l. 000f because of 612 (26 xii 1924)
K/R tempa, e.g. retract l. Sc5-b7 De di ca:: to I De sprd s
Bdl-e} Z. Se4-c5 Be2-dl 3. Sd2-
I .A,\rce
e4 Bdl -e2 4. Sfl -d2 Rbl-al*
5. e2xSfl(S). Single opposition of
BeZ/Sb7 at eZ at moment of
unpromotion of Knight.

D Il11 (1 7 i 19171n
Eskilstuna Kuriren, 1731 {5 iii 1927)
"The Obstinate hiest"

l{,hite mates in }
l. KdZ. Not 1. 000 because of KIR
ternpo, e.g. retract 1. Kh5-h4 trtrthite mstes in l
[Tempo*l 2. Kh4-h5 Sf6-h7 3. Kh5-4 I . Ke2f . Not I . 000f because of
Sg8-f6f 1. Kh.+-hs and SSS easily
K/R tempo, s.g. retract 1. Rf6-f/
passes to t2, freeing Se4. Single
Bg8-h7 2. Rff-f6 Rbl-al* 3. Rf6-
opposition of Sh?/Iilr,{ at f6/h5.
f7 Bb3-g8 4. Rf/-f6 Bdl-b3
5. Rf6*ff Be2-dl 6. Re6-f6 and
D rr12 (r1i rerT)
Fairyt C/tess Review,187 I (viii l94I) Sh6 goes to gl, Qh3 ta fl. n2,
Single opposition compounded of
tr'trrhite mates in I Sh6, Bh7lRff at f7, f6.
1. Kf2*. Not 1. 00$ because of
I#R tempo, s.g. retract I, Bb8-a7
Rft5-h6 2" Bc7-b8 Rh6-h5
Notation: e.p. = En Passant,
\l/= White, Bl - Black,
3. Bd8 -c7 Rh5-h6 4. Be7-d8
F&6-h5 5. Bf8-e7 Rgl-h I * Q-Queen.,
6. e7 *Qf6 Qf2-f6 7. b7-6 f6-7
R-Rook, B-Bishop,
8. c7-6 f5-6 9 . f6 x Sg5 Sh3-g5
S-Knight, P-Pawn,
10. ff-6 s5-6 I I . h5-4 96 * Sh?,
f-Check, f-Mats,
etc. Single opposition of Rh1lBaT
--Movesto., x -Takes,
00/000 - Castles l#Q-side.
l{rhite mates in 2 in f8/h5 to block Ph4.
page )

D rlsl {t ii ret7) l. Rc2f Not l. 00f because of 7. b4-3 Qe4-c2 8. b5-4 Qe5-e4
Eskilstltttn Kuriren K/R tempo, e"g. retract 1. Re6-f5 9. a,1-3 Qh8-e5 10. a5-4 BgS-h7
789 (7 vi l9l9i Sh7-fB Z. Rf6-e6 Rg 1-h I * 11. a6-5 h7-8{Q} 12. a7-6 h6-7
3. Re6-f6 Sf6-h7 4. a7 -6 and Sf6 one turn too late. But instead
goes to dZ or c3, etc. Single retract: (i) 5... Bg8-h7 6. b3 x QcZ
opposition of Sf8/Rf6 rvith double QdI-cZ 7, b4-3 Qaul-dl 8. b5-4
block e6lf6. Qd4-a4 and as the try. but White"s
KBgB is now properl,v placed.
D 11s7 (12 ii tgr7) (ii) 5... Bg8 -h7 6. b3 xSc2 Sa3 -c,2
P i tt s b urgh Gaze tte -Ti me s 7, b4-3 c2-3 8" b5-4 Bc3 -dZ
3011 (7 vii tgf S) 9. c?-6 Bh8-c3 etc in
]v{emoyial to D. J. Dertstnore - time.
1t (re20)
t 1160 (9 iii 19t7)n
Ii'lrite mates in 2
Svenska Dagblatdet, 597 (15 ix 1923)
Caissa's tr{ild Roses in
Clusters, 122 (1937)
1. Rflf
KeB 2. RxgB*. Not t. 00t *'The Captive
becauss of single opposition in BIK
passing dT or I against WQc 11d1.

il 1155 {11 ii r9I7)

F'airy Chess Rertiew, 1936 tx I91l )

tr$'hite mates in 3

1. KeZ d4 or BxcT 2, Ralf . Not

t. 00 etcbecause of opposition in
Sa7/cB passing Bd8/e7lf& at e7 . f'ffhite wates in 3

D 1158 (r2 ii r9r7) l. KdZ Ba7 2. eS(Qlt, 1... else

trskilstuna Kuriren 2. Ralf . Not l. 00 because of I#R
r 206 (I I
iii re22) tempo, e.g. retr. l. Rf6-fl Rgl-hl *
I{hite rnates in 3 "The Double Crossing" 2. Ba7-b8 Qff-e8 3. BbS -a7
1. KfZ e4 Z. Rhlt. Not 1. 000 etc Qe8-ff Double opposition of
because of oppositicn of Sh?/fS Qg8/Rff, QgBlBbS at ff, e8.
passing Be8/d7 lc9 and Rb8/c8.
D 1161 {16 iii 19t7}n
Eskilstuna Kuriren
D 1156 (12 ii l9l7)rt I27l (9 ix 1922)
lt{agy,ar Sakln,ilag, tr185 (ix 1927)
cr,{'Rt:, 151 (1937)
"A Tower in Two Ways" "The Double Exil"

(i) fr{rhite mates in I

(ii) G3/c7 at al/c6 atttl sufire

In both l. 000$ as K/R need not

move against the double opposition
in the 'try' l. Se6-g7 Bcl -d2
2. Sc5-e6 Bd2-cl 3. Sb3-c5
Bg8-h7 4. Sc 1-b3 Bh7-gS
I{,hite mates in I 5. c2-1{S) Bcl -dZ 6. b3 xQcZ d2-3 trYlrite ffiates in 2

page 6

l. Sd3tt l*{ot l. 00f because of D 1435 (17 ii I9I8)n D 1166 (25 xi 19l8)n
I#R tempo, e.g. retract l. Rc7-c6 Css, 316 (19 xi 1922) Eskilstuna Kuriren
Qbs -a6 2. Rc6-c7 Qa6-b5 976 {2 x I92A)
3. Rc7-c6 Qa7-a6 4. Rc6-c7 Dedicated to Dr Alje/s Hoeg
Qb8-a7 5 . Rc7-c6 Rg l-h I *
6. Rc6-c7 Qc7-bS 7. {7-6 Qd8-c7,
etc, unpinnittg Sb4 by a to c3.
Single opposition of Qa6/Rc6 with
double block at c6lc7 .

D l4l2 (t 1 iv I9l7)
Fairyt Chess Review
6599 (xii I915) White mates in I
1. Pc5 xPb5 e.p.f Last moves
1. b7-5 h7-3 ?. b6xRa5 etc. Not Rentovs {}tlg I4r tngn ,ro
ffi, ffi. 1. b6-5, leading to perpetual retro. F{'may pla.r- nnd rnate in I
ffi* Block of passage square b6 to
Pawn of same colour. Remove WQ and RgS$ Relief of
Black retrostalemate by allorving
l] 1,t64 (24 xi t I t 8)n uncapture on line of check: last

W [i/e s t e yn D ai I v h,{ e r c u r
21re (tl ii rere)
Cfir.ssfi's Fairy Tales, 5S (1917)
moves Kg-h8, R*BS4f..

D 1167 {27 xi 19l9)n

W&ite mates in I
L'A$ieri di Re
t . Kd2$. Not I . 000f because of r32 Q0 ii re22)
tempo to alter opposition in Bh5
passing Rf5l4 or Re6/7 on rvay to
unpromote at a/c9.

fr 1126 fi I ii l9l8)r:
Eskilstuna Kuriren
e78 (2 x 1920)
fredicated to Dr ft{iet.s Hoeg Add tr$rhite Knight so that
lf rnay play and mste in I
Add Sb3 and QasI. Not S on any
Black square, e.g" dZ (for caf) Add I,tlB so that
because of no tempo, e.g. retract lF'rnqy plat,, and ffiate in I
l. Bh7-s6 Sfi -dz 2. Bg8-h7
Sh4-fi 3. Bh7-gB Sg6-ha Add Bd7 for e?f . Not Bc8 for lack
4. BgB -h7 Sh8-g6 5. Bh7-gs of tempo, e.g" retract l. Sff-hS
[Tempo*] 6. Bg6-h7 h7-8(S) Bd7-cB 2. Sh6-ff Bc8-d7
7. Bh5 -96 h6-7 8. Bg6-h5 h5-6. 3 . Sg8-h6 Bd7-c8 1. Se7-g8
etc. Single opposition of added [Tempon] 5. Sc8-e7 and pass€s otl
tr$'hite mates in 3 SlBg6 at h7 at moment of to h5, freeing Rg6. Single
unpromotion. opposition of Bc8/ShS at c8.
l. Pg5xPf5 e.p.f Sc2 2. B*c2f .

Last moves 1. ff-5 c2xBb3t The dedicatees of problems 1981 and 183?. A. Lundkvist and
2. Kf5-g6 K-g8 3. Q-h6f. etc. Line F. Lindgren, were successivs editors of the column in the Snedish
cover of b3-g8 to allor\t uncapture newspaper Eskilstuna Kuriren rn r,l'hich many of Dar,vson's retros l\Gre
against adverse King. first published. Most other dedicatees are mentioned in the Introduction.

page 7

D l17l {5 xii I9t9)n l. Kdzf . Not I. 000f because of e7-8(Q) I I . g7 -6 e6-7 12. gs-4
fl&e,ss Am.ateuy, F37 {t,i 1920) single opposition in SgS unpinning e5-6 13. 96-5 e4-5 and Black is in
Caissa's trViltl Roses, I I3 (1935) Rfz" this Rook to reach e8, against retrostalemate. B-y* retractittg 3...
Lovinglv inscrihed to my wife
Bd8-e7-f8. Rgl-hl* instead of Sa6-bB we
have 14. a6-5 e3-4 15. e4xd3. etc.
l) 1502 (25 iii I9I9)n Single opposition of Sb8/Sa8 at
x"drodni Listy, RI (22 t:ii 1928) a6ld2. blocking Pa5.
"The Double Oscillator-f"
D 1510 fl I v 1919)
fairy'^ f--/ress Ret,iew, 7062 (xii 1916)

trfhite mates in I
I. xPds e.p.*. Last moves
1. d?-s Sd5-e3f 2. Se3-s4t
s4*Sf5f 3. Sd6-f5t. Block of
passegs sq. d6 to S af same colour. tr$'hite mates in 2

l} 1483 {27 i l9I9)t} 1. Ke2f . Not l. 00t because of fr{hite wins

Eskilstuna Kuriren, 977 {2 x f 920) I#R tempo, e.g. retract t . t7 xSe6 l. Ke2t Rbl 2. R*blf . Not
Caissa"s Wilt{ ftases, t05 ft935} Se5-e6 2, Kcl-bl Sfi-g5 3. RdZ- l. 000* as last moves, apart from
Dedicated to Dr.h'ie/s Haeg
d3 Rgl-hl* 4. Rd3 -dZ Sd2-f3 I{/QR may have been 1. Rb6-b5
5. Ba?-bB 2.. Rb5-b6 Bb8-a7t
Ral-2, etc. Single opposition 3. Rc5-b5 Ba7-b8 4. Rc4-d5
compounded of uncaptured Knight Bb8-a7t 5. Rd4-c4 Ba7-b8, etc, in
against Rd3 and Kbl at d7. perpetual retro.

l)1507 (10 v 19I9Jr-t D l5I1 {l6v l9I9)n

Eskilstuna Kuriren Tidskrift, Ii2 6', 1921)
I0l6 (18 xii 1920) "The Twice Pin"
"The Knight's Dilemma"

f,{' retracts last *tot,e and mates in l

Retract l. Bc3-h8 (and BS7$) pre-
ceded by Kg7-fB Bbz/b4xc3t, etc.

t 1501 ft1 iii ler9)

Fairy C&es'.s Review, 5017 (xii ] 911)

{,{,hite rnstes in l
W'hite rnates in I
I . Rfl $. Not 1. 00* because af
I . Rcl f . Not l. 00* because of I{/R tempo, o.g. retract 1. Se5-g6
IffR tempo, e.g. retract l. Sb6-aB Bcl -dZ 2. Sc4-e5 Rgl-hlt
Sa6-b8 2. Sc8-b6 Sb8-a6 3. Sd2-c4 a2-3 4. Sn-dZ Se2-g3
3. Sd6-cB Sa6-b8 4. Se4-d6 5. Se3-flt Bd2-cl 6. h5 xRe4
Bfil-d2 5. Sd2-eat Be5-f:l 6. 96-5 Scl -eZ 7. h6-5 Sd3-cl 8. h7-6
Bh8-e5 7. ss-4 h7-8(B) I, s4-3 Sf2-d3 9. Sh5-93. etc. Single
White mates in 2
h6-7 9. h7xQe6 Qe8-g6 10. g6-s opposition of Bd2/Sg6, d2.
page I

l) 1515 { 19 t, I 919)n D 1568 ( 11 xii I9I9)n Set: Sd6f . Retract Se5-ff and
Eskilsh,tna Kuriyen Pittsburgk Post 951 (28 xii 1921) Bd3f . Not retraction of K to e7,
861 {7 ii 1920) "Making Sure of It" G8, g8 or of Bf2 to gl, all pinning
In d'fertror]) of J. Allander
The Triple Home-coming"
Sf7. F{ot PxS, b5, b7, d7 all
stopping mate.

D 162l (29 viii I92A)

Foiry Chess Review, 5213 (viii 1912)

IF'retracts last move and mates in 2

Itr'hite mates in 2 Retract Sb5-a3 (preceded by b3-2

Sc3-b5f etc) and mate in 2 bv
l, Kd2f . I.{ot 1. 000t because of 1. Sb5 -a3.
retrostalemate after tr5'ing to
l$'hite mates in 2
retract: 1. Bd5-g2 Ba7-b8 D 1577 (r0 i te20) Kd2f Qfl z. R*fl*.
1. Not
7. Bc4-d5 Bb8-a7 Ba6-c4 3. Fairy'^ C&ess Revietv, 5075 (ii 1912) l. 000t etc because of single
Ba7-b8 4. Bb7-a6
opposition in getting Sfl for Ke2
5. Bc8-b7 Ba7-b8 6. b7-6 Bd4-a7
and their Bgl.
7. Kgl-hl Bc3-d4 8. Khl-91
Bd2-c3 9. Kgl-hl Bcl-d2 D 1622 {29 viii t920)
10. Khl-Sl dJxBe3 I 1. Bd4-e3 Fairv- Ret,ietu, 5322 (x 1912)
c5-6 12. Bf6-d4 c4-5 13. Be7-f6
c3-4 14. Bf8-e7. Wlrite in
retrostalemate, one morre too late
for e?xSd6 to free K-corner.

l{&ite rnates in l
l) 1sr6 (21v 19t9)
Fairy fllress Review l .
Rfl *, Not l . 00f . Single
7490 {xii 1947) opposition in Sh6 unpromoted at
98 (for h6*Sg7) against BfBlgT.
l|fhite wircs
D 1527 (3I viii I9)n
l{atal A{ercnry, 2953 (}1 i I92l}
1. Sd2t QbI z. Qxblf . Not l. 00f
because of oppositian in try{ng
Caissa's lf ild Roses, 101 {f %5)
1. Be8-d7 a6-7 2. a7xsb6 Sd5-b6
3. Bd7-e8 Se3-d5 4. Rf2-c2 Sc2-

fft' ffi f,ft,
e3t 5. Rf5-fZ a5-6 6. Rd5-f5 a.X-5
7. Be8-d7* f5-6 8. Rd8-d5 f4-5
9. Bd7-eB fi-4 10. Ra8-d8 f2-3 11.
Bc8-dT one turn too late for d7 " c6.
Itrhite rnates in I The editor has used the
stipulation 'White wins' lvhen-
Opposition in obtainittg Be2 to fl,
Pe2xBd3, Bd3 to c8,, Pd7 xSe6 and
Se6 to dl to unpin Bbz to cl for
ffiffiffiffi ever the illegal try play is of
different length to the solution.
tr$'retracts last mtsve and ffiates in I
The original stipulation \nras
Qdl-b3. So 1. Kf2t.Not 1. 00f .
'White mates in tn'o'.

page 9

D 1621 (30 viii 1920)n I. Rhs-fs h6-7 2. Rh2-h5 Sfl -dz 7 . Sd2-flf -a4 L e6-5 Se5-fi
I$,'e s t e r n L,'{o rn irg A'elr.'s an d A,,Ie r c u r.v 3. Rd2-h2f Sh2-fl 4. ss-4 Sg4-hZ unpromoting at a8 for Pa7 to a4,
2767 (24 xii I92l) 5. e6-5 Se5 -94 6. $ -6 Sd7-e5 one turn too late; or if Black
{lsissr's l,Yild ftoses, I I7 ff 935}
7. 96-5 Sb6-d7 8. f5-4 Sa4-b6 Knight goes via b3 (to save e4-e3)
"Home Sweet Horne"
e. Sdl -bz Sb2-aaf 10. Sf2-dl he is in opposition to WB and loses
h5-6 I l. Sh3-fZ h4-5 12. Se I -h3 the tempo.
h3-4 I 3. g2-1(S) h2-3 14. h3 x Se2
Sfi1-92 15. h4-3 Se6-fi1 16. h5-4 D 1629 (i5 ix 1920)
Sc7-e6 17. h6-5 Sa8-c7 18. h7-6 A,{sn che ster Tfe ekfu Time s
a7-8{S} 19. f6-5 a6-7 20. f7-6 (25 xii 1920)
a5-6, Black in retrostalemate, one C/ress ,4mateur (ii I92l)
move too late for a4-5 a5 xb4 ...

o 1626 {3 I viii f 920}

Fairyt Chess Review
s139 (ii re13)
{'{rhite $tste.r in }

l. Rdl. Not l. 000 because of

retrostalemate after retracting:
1. Kd?-cB Bf7-e8t 2. Kd6-d?
Be8-ff 3" Kc5-d6 p[xRgs
6. Sd7-fB e3 xRfit 7 . Rf5-g5
I,{rhite ffiates in l
Bg5-h6 8. RfS-fs Bf6-g5
9. Rh8-f8 Bc3-f6 10. Rf8-fil l. Bn*. Not l. 000f
because of
Bd2-c3 I 1. Se5-d7 Bd7-e8 opposition betrveen Sd4 covering
12. Rb8-fB Bct-d2 13. {t xee6 at fZ and Bh4 sscaps via e3 to bS.
Qd3-g6 14. Kb4-c5 Qdl-d3 mates in I
15. Sg6-e5 d2xBe3 16. Bc5-e3 l) 1631 {tT ix I92A)
I . Ke2$.Not I . 00$ because of
Bc8-d7 17. Bf8-c5 Bd7-cB opposition in trying 1. Sf?-hB Iia i ryt C--/ress Rev i et+,
18. e7-e6 Bh3-d7 19. Kc5-b4 5569 (vi 1913)
Ba4-b3 2. Sh6-f/ Bb3 -a4
Bfl-h3 20. Kd6-c5 g2*8fi 3. Sf5-h6 Ba4-b3 4. g4-3 Bb3-a4
?1 . Bg4-ff h4-5 22. Bc8-g4, White 5. Se3-f5 Ba4+3 6. Sfl-g3 Sf3-dz
in retrostalemate, one move too
late for d7xc6.
T, R" Dar,Ison's Retro-
D 1623 (3 I viii 1920)r: Analysis Compositions :
Eskilstuna Kuriren, t3l9 (20 i 1923) The index of his collection {in
"The Gullopude" the British Chess Problem
Sociefv Library) lists 849
retros, classified under the
code 314 as follows:
3l4l Retros 'per se' (88), Whte ffiates in I
3l4Z Retractors {65},
3143 PxP e.p. {25 l}, I . Ke2f. Not I . 00f because if
3144 tllegal castling {134r, 1. Sc5 -a6 Ba7-bB 2. Se4-c5
3145 Ilegal e.p. (7,, Bb8-a? 3. Sg3 -e4 Ba7-b8
3L46 Constructive. i.e. 4. Se2-g3 Bb8-a7 5. Sg I -eZ
Adding of pieces (78), Ba7-b8 6. h?xegl(S) efl-gl
3147 Correct illegalities (10), 7 . h3-2 Qe2-fl 8. h4-3 Qe4-e2
f,I,hite mates in ] 3 I 48 Retro-Opposition ( I I ll.. 9. h5-4 Qa8-e4 10. h6-5 Bb8-a7*
3L49 Partial Analysis {26), lt. g7*Ph6 a7-8{Q) 12. e6-5 a6-7
I . Ke2f . Not I . 00f because of 3140 Conditional (7S). 13. d7-6 a5-6 14. a6xsb5 S-b5
retrostalemate after retracting one turn too late to free a3 or b3.

pags l0

D 1632 {19 ix }92{}}n D 1636 (21 ix 19201n I . Rfl $. Not I . 00f because of
St enska Daghlac{et Skakblsdet, Ft3 {vi 1923) K/R tempo, e.g. retract l. Rd2-c2
840 {15 t,iii }926} "The Caged Rook" Sb3-al 2. Rc2-d2 Sd4-b3
Dedicated to trtr'. Pauly, 50th yenr
.'Three Cfli,tts" 3. RdZ-c2 Sf5-d4 4. Rc2-d2 Se3-f5
5. Rd2-c2 Sdl-e3 6. Rc2-d2
Rgl-hlt 7. Rcl -c? c2-3 8. Ral-cl
and unpromotes. etc. Single
opposition Sal/Rc2, dl, c1.

D 1657 {3t xii 1920)n

Eskilstuna Kuriren
1759 {18 vi 1927)
'*Ths Cross Pin"
lfrhite rnates in 2

White wins l.Ke2f . It{ot l. 00t because af

K/R tempo, e.g. retract l. e6xsd5
l. Rxc2t. not l. 00f because of Sf:1-d5 2. Rd2-d3 Se2-f:1
three K/R tempos. e.g. retract 3. Rd3 -dZ Rgl-hl* 4. Re3-d3
l. Rc3 -cZ h5-6* 2. Rc2-c3 Sc3 -a4 d3-4, and Rook goes tc 88, etc
3. e6-5 Sd5-c3 1. Rc3-c2 Sb4-d5 Single opposition of uncaptured
5. Rc2-c3 h4-5* 6. Rc3-c2 Sc2-b4 Knight rvith Rd3 at e2, e3.
7. e7-6 Sa3 -cZ 8. Rc2-c3 Rfl-hl*
9. Sc3-bl Sbl-a3t 10. Se2-c3 D 1656 (27 xii 1929,;i
h3-4 I I . Sg r-e} h2-3 r2. s}-l (S) Tidskrift, 6531 {viii 1923} llhite mates in I
a4-5 13. g3-2 a3-4 14. g4-3 g3xFt "One Key to the Lock"
etc. Double opposition Sa4lRc2 at I . Qfl l. Not I . 000f because of
c2 and c3. I{JR tempo, e.g. retract 1. Bg2-fi
Sf2-d3 2. Bfl -gZ Rbl-alt
J} 1635 (2 I ix 1920)r: 3. Bg2-fl Sh5-g3 etc. Single
L'Eclaireur du Soir
opposition af Sd3/Bfi at n. 92.
690 (22 xii 1925)
"Encore d Contre Temps"

s 1658 {3 I xii 1920)

Fairy Chess Review,
5637 {viii 1913)

White ffiGte,s iu I

Other u'orks containing

selections of T. R. Dawson's
retroanalltical compositions
include : Retrograde Analysis
l{,'hite mates in 2 1915 (68 by Darvson),
1. Rdlt. Not 1. 0001 because of Caissc s' Wild ftoses 1935
ICR tempo, e.g. retract l. Bh6-g5 {79i, Csissa ,s futd ^&oses in
Se3 -cZ 2. Bg5-h6 Sg,t-e3 Clusters 1937 (36). Csissa s l$hite mates in I
3. Bh6-g5 Sf2-ga Bg5-h6 1. Fairy Tales 1947 ( 14),
Rbl-al* 5. Bh4-g5 bZ-3 6. Bg3-h4 Schcch ohne Grenzen/Chess 1. Rfl $. ltlot 1. 00t because of
Se4-f2 7 . Bh2-g3t. and B goes to {Jnlimited, K. Fabel &, C. E. opposition of 8f,5/96. Sg8/h6 in
c1, unpromoting, Single stc. Kemp 1969 (12). disengaging f5 for Kf5-f,1,
opposition of Sc2/Be5 at fZlh4. Sc2-e3t. Rf?l-e4t, etc.

page I I

l) 1659 (3 I xii 1920)n 1. Rdl f . Not t. 00* because of In main-play Se3 is replaced by
D eu tschs I{ro ch e n s ch a clt
opposition in Black Knights Black Se3 and then by White Se3,
r6877 (t5 iii r92s) unpinnmg Se3 against Bf2/g1. and finally Black Knights going to
Dedicated to E. Busekist
d2, eZ fail by one tempo at third
D 1661 {s i re2r} unpin on e3. Double opposition
Fairy Chess Review, 5713 (x 1913) among Knights &8, e3/e7, 94
compounded with Bdz.

Eskilstuna Kurireyt
1570 (23 v I92s)

tr{,hite mates in 2

l. Kf2f . Not l. 00t because of frfhite mates in I

retrostalemate after retractittg
1. Qb l-sZ Sgl-fi 2. l. Rfl f . Nct l. 00f because of
Slr3-gl 3. Rc3 -eZ Sfi+-h3 opposition of unpinned Se5 and
4. Rc2-c3 Sds-fit 5. Rc3 -cZ WQ. Try: l. a4-3 Sc?-eB 2. a5-4
Qal -aZ 6. Rc2-c3 Sc3-d5 Sa8-c7 3 . a6-5 Sb6-a8 4. a7 -6
7. Qa2-b I Sb I -caf 8. Rc3 -*2 g3-4 Sd7-b6 5" Sc6-e5 Se5-d?f I''r'hite mates in I
9. Kc2-cl Rdt-dzt 10. 96-5 6. Sb4-c6 Qel-h2 7. Sa2-b4
Sd2-b I I 1. Qb L-aZ Se4-d2 Qlr2-gl 8. Sc3 -aZ l. Rfl *. Not 1. 00* because of
QSI -h2
12. Qcl-bl Sf2-e4 13. Qe3-c1 9. Sdl-c3 Qhz-gl 10. Sf2-dl and I#R tempo, e.g. retract 1. Bb2-cl
Rbl-dl 14.Qe5-e3 Sdl-f2 WQ is not placed for Qfl-gl. Sa3-bl 2. Bal-bz Sbl-a3 3. a2-l
15. Qh6-g5 Qa2-al 16. Qcl-h6 (B) Rgl-hlt 4. a3-2 f5-6, etc.
Ral-bl 17 . Qb l-cl Sf2-dl t 166s (7 i re?rln Single opposition componnded of
X -f2 19. Rc?-c3
[{. Ke I -c2f Sd I T.iclskyift, Fl (v 1921) Sbl/Bcl, RH, with block of Pf6.
Sf2-dl 2a. Fldz-c} Sdl -f2 L-aissa',s I,{;ild Roses, 127 $935}
21 . Kc2-cl. White in retro- Dedicated to Dr &?e/s Hoeg's
stalemate or perpetual retro, Tyollschack L'olttmn
one r) 1667 (9 i rezt)
movs short of Kc3 -c2, etc. "The Thrice Pin" Eskilstuna Kuriyen
$0 xi 1928)
"A Wavering King - I'
D 1663 (2 i rezr)
799 {28 xii I%A)
nClosing the Doors"

trlrhite retrocts \a-st tnove

Retract Bel -dZ (no mate). Not White mates in I

retract 000 (no mate) because of
K/R tempo with several 1. Ke2f . Itiot l. 000f because of
variations depending on how White opposition in Se4 playing to gl
and Black Knights unpin Se3 and with Black Khl for cover of WQ if
l$hite mstes in I Sg4 by play on c I " d2, e2, s3, 94. fJ xQe2.

page Lz

r1668 {r0 i }920) D 1673 (t9 i re2r) D r67s (22 i re2I)

Cas, 330 (8 x 1922) Fairy (-lhess Review t;airy; (-fte-ls Review
version 233 (I i 192) 5775 (xii 1943) 5899 (iv 1911)

I|hite mates in 2 tr{hite mates in I White mates in I

l. R"g? a{d Rh*g8f . Not 1...000 I . Rfi $. Not I . 00f because of l. Kd2f . Not l. 00$ because of
because of opposition between Sg8 opposition in 1. Sb3-al Qd3-d2 opposition of Rc3 and uncaptured
(unpinned by WS uncaptured at 2. Sa5-b3 Qd2-d3 3. Sc6-a5 Black Knight. Try: l. d4-3 e4xsf5
c5) and White Rooks. Qd3-d2 4. Se7-c6 Qd2-d3 2. Sg3-f5 e3-4 3. Se4-g3 Rd3(c2)
5. Sfs-e7 Qd3-d2 6.
d6-5 -c3 4. Sd2-eaf Rc3-c2(d3) and
l) 1669 {IJ t 192 l)n (opposition tempo is not here Black B cannot come out.
Eskilstuna Kuriyen this opens d5) Qd2-d3 7. d7-6*
I 112 (22 x I92l)
oKnighf 's ,Sgr Sd5-e3 8. Se3-f5t Sc7-d5 9" e7-6 D 1676 {22 i tezr}
fi?e Inhospitalityt"
Sa6-c7 10. a4-3 Sb8-a6 I l. a5-4 Problemist Fairy Chess
b7-8{S} lZ. a6-5 b6-7 13. a7-6 Supplentsytrt, 57 (xii f %0)
b5-6 14" 96-5 b4-5 one turn too I st Pr, Retro Tv
late for b2-4, b3*c2. etc.

D 1671 (20 i rezI)

Fairy Chess Reviev,
rtersion 5836 (iit'it, 1914)

White mates in I
1. Rdl*. Not l. 000* because of tr{''hite mates in I
K/R tempo, e .9. retract l. Bh2-gl
Qgl-f}. 2. g7-6 Qf2-gl 3. Sg6-hs 1. Qdl f . Not I . 00* because of
QsUn 4. Sf8-g6 Qf2-el 5 Sh?-fB opposition Ermong the four Knights,
QeL-fz 6. Sg5 47 Qf2-el Qaa/b3, Ra4/5, Kc}fl and Rbllcl.
7.Sh3-g5 Rbl-al* 8. Sgl-h3 If it were Black's move, we could
Sd5-e3 9. Se2-glf " etc. Single White rnates in 2 resolve the tangle by retracting
opposition compounded of l. Sh4-f3 g7-6 2. Sg2-ha Sg6-hS
Qf2lBgl. Sh8, at gl. 1. Rdlf Ke8 2. QxcS*. Not 3. Se3-gZ Sh4-g6 4. Sdl-e3 Sf5-h4
l. 000f etc because of opposition 5. Qb3 -a4 Sg3-f5 6. Qaa-b3
The index to Dalson's retros of uncaptured White K"ight and Sfl-g3 7. Se4-d2 Sd2-flt 8" Sc5-
has 78 gaps, coffesponding to Kd8/e8. Try: 1. g4-3 h5-6 e4 Kc2-c I 9 . Sb3-c5f Rc I -b I
blank diagrams (including 23 in 2. Ke8d8 h4-5 3. h5xSe4 Sh6-ga 10. g3-4 Kb l-e} and say I l. Se3-
the R-O section) so other 4. Kd8-e8 Sf5-h6 5. Ke8-d8 dl Sdl-bzt 12. Sc5-b3 Rc2-cl 13.
examples may y'et come to Sd4-f5 6. Kd8-e8 Ra2-al * Sf5-e3, etc, without disturbing WK
light. 7. Ke8-d8 Se6-d4 8. Sd6-c8 etc. or R. [Text fromPfCS.l

page 13

D 1677 (2s i rezt) D l7l7 (1 ix I92llr: D l7l9 (5 ix I92l)rt

fairy'^'Chess Revieu,, 5991 (vi 1911) EskilstuytnKuriren, 1572 {23 v Ig25) Esl;i/sfutrdt Kuriren
"Church & ffime-III,, I57t {23v I92s)

I,{thite usins
l*'hite m.ates in 3
1. B*b2f Q*bZ 2. Q*b2f . Not Iilhite mates in 3
l. 00f because of opposition. Try: l. e6 F,.h4t 2. Kxh4 3, QbSf
1. Rc2-3 Rgl-hlf 2. FtdZ-cZ h5-6 and not 7. 00 because of K/R l. d6 Ra4t 2. KxR stc, and not
3. Qc2-bl h4-5 4. Qc3-c2 h3-4 tempo, e.g. retract I . Bc2-b I 2. 000 because of KIR tempos.
5. Kc2-c1 t:0-3 6. Sdl -bZ Bb2-a3 Sfl -tr? 2. Bdl-c} Sh2-fl 3. Be2-dl If W moved last, play could have
7. KbL-cZ Qa3-a2t and b,v zigzag Sfl -hZ 4. a7-a6* Sh2-fl 5. Bfl -eZ been: l. Scl -aZ Bb2-al 2. Sa2-cl
play rve extricate Sdl via 83, WB b5-6 6. Bg2-fl Sfl -hz 7. Bhl -sZ Bcl -bZ 3. g5-6 Bd2-cl and covsrs
and Q via e3, and release a3-4. Sh2-fl 8. RgS- h88 Sfl -hz at a7 to free \ryK or: l. Scl -a2
9.h7-1(B) b4-5, etc. Double aT-l(B) etc. Single - opposition of
D 1678 {2s i re2r} opposition of SM/Bbl at fl, h2. SaZlBal tr,r'ice. at a2- cl .

Fair"y* ()hess Review, 2213 (ii IgJ6)

Caissa's Wild.Ro,res l] 1718 (5 ix l9llln D r71l Q9 x I92I)
in Clttsters,l ST # gST) Eskilstuna Kuriretr, 1303 (2 xii t92Z) Fairy Chess Revieu,
ht A,'{ernory af C. I{. Fox C ai ssa's F{i d Ro,qs.s' 6059
{viii 1911)
"Breaking Threads" in Clus|ers, 155 (1937)
"The Double Exit"

f{rhite helps Black mate in 2

trtrlhite mates in 3
tr$'hite retracts lfrst move l. Q*h; Qa2 ? Rfi Qd2*. Not
1. Q"ca Rxa3 2. Sb3f . 1. or Not l. 00 Be3 t 2. Kh2 R*h6$ because
2. 00f because of two consecutive of BcIAMS opposition in the try:
oppositions rvith entirell, different Retract Sd5-b4. Play Sf6*. Not retract
00 (for FJrS*) because of KIR tempo.
1. Be3-cl Sbz-dl Z. Bgl-e3
actors: ( 1) Qb3, 8a3., Ra4; (2) Sc4-b2 3. Be3-g I Sa5-c4 4.
Ral, Qb1, Kcl, Sd2. Retractions: e.g. retract 1. 00 Rc6-c7 2. QdS-e8
Rc7-c6 3. f2-3* Rc6-c7.1" QcT-dS Bcl-e3 Sc6-a5 5. Bb2-cl Se7-c6
1. Rb4-a;1 Qaa-b3 2. Rb3-b4 f5-,1 5. QbS-c7 Rc7-c6 d. QaT-bS 6. Qa2-gB Sg8-e?t 7 . Bc I -b2*
Bb4-a3 3. Ra3-b3 Qb3 -a4 4" Rc6-c7 7. Qa6-a7 Rc7-c6 8. Qb5-af b5-6 8. Qbr-a2 b4-5 e. b}-l(Q)
Ra4-a3 Ba3-b4 cplically. always Rc6-c7 9. Rgl-hl* Rc7-c6 10. a2-3 10. b3-2 Rhz-hl 11. a4xBb3
r,vith the opposition rwongly set for
Qc6-b5 f6-5 I l. Qd5-c6 and on to d2, Bdl+3 L2. a5-4 Be2-dl 13. Ba3-
a3-2. [Full solution occupies half a etc. Double opposition of QeSlRcT at cl Bfl -e2 14. Bb2-a3 e}xBd3 and
page in the sources quoted above.] c7 and c6. Bd3 goes to cB for d7 -6.

page 14

D 1757 {t5 i re22} D 1787 (23 ti 1922) Retract Kal-aZ, 00. Play KdS
Eskilstuna Kuyiyeyr Zadachi i Ltut{i, I"8l (iv 1929) Bc7$. Not Kb L-aZ because of
1893 (l xii 1928) double opposition in White K
"The Wavering King - il" passing Black a c6ld7 at dl and
h3 on way to c6.

D 1837 (9 x I922Sn
Eskilsh,tna Kuyiren
1316 (11 it, 1923)
Caissg's trtrrild Roses
t I 2 {re3s)
Dedicated to F. Lindgren
"The Steeplechfrse"
tr$,'hite rnates in I
1. Rfl *. lt{ot I . 00* because of
White retracts his opposition in Sa8 unpinning Se6
last fttrve and helps against Bd8/e7.
Black rnate in I
l)1788 (21 t'i 1922)
Retract Kf2-gl for Kel, Fairr* {lhess Review, 6,130 (vi | 915)
P xc 1{Q)f . Not retract 00, etc,
because of opposition in WSaS
trying to unpin Be3 or Scl, or
covering at d2 for BK to unpin Scl
(cf. 1667 and 1982). White mates in I
1. Pd5 xPc5 $.p.* Last movss
l. c7-5 Sc5-d3f 2. Kc4-d4t
Sc6-a5t 3. Sa5-b3t Sb3-c5f etc.
Block of passags square cG to
D 1766 {20 i re22)
adverse Knight.
The Problemist
sr7 (iii t93{}} tr$'hite helps Black mate in l
A. C. trtrhite's 1. Rbl PxbltQ)f. Not 1.000
Prohlems of |v{v Friends Pal (a)* because of opposition of l] 1861 {29 xi 1922}
tse (resr) Black K crossing d8 ar g7 against F airy Chess Revieu,

Qc3ld? ts unpin WQ. 7350 {viii 1917)

D l79l (28 vi 1922)

The Problemist, 370 (v 1929)
Hon h{ention. ?th Tv. Retros

I'{'hite mates in I
Ii' yefi"acts aftd plavs 000
l. Rflf. Not l. 00f because of
double opposition in try l. Rff-e7 Retract Qg l-fl {rvhich leaves
Sc8-a7 2. Re7-ff e2-3 3. Rff-e7 Black free for R#e5-d5) for 000.
Se7-c8 4. c3-Z Sf5 -e7 5. Re?-ff has j'r,ttst fitoved into check!
W'r Not f5-6, because of opposition
Sh6-f5 6. c4-3 Sf?-h6 Retract. Then Bl retracts
betwren BIK trying to cross d3 to
snd helps tr!'mate in e4 to free Rd5 against WQSl/fl .
retrostalemate .

page 15

D 1862 (29 xi 1922) D 1866 {6 xii 1922) for unpromation at h8, releasing
Fairy'* Cfre-ss .Reviel,r , 8110 (xii 1919) Eskilstuna Kr,u iren h5 *g4) but Black is in
2706 {2e iii } e39} retrostalemate.
"The Footpath"
D 1964 {13 r, 1923)n
!{arodny Lis-tv-, R2 (22 vii 1928)
"The Double Oscillator - fi"

ttr' retyacts snd helps BI rnate in I

Retract Rd2-dl, Play Rc2, Qxat (3 Bl R) Bl help,r itr'mate in 2
Not retract 000 because of deferred
opposition in BK trying to reach l. Rg8 BhSt 2. Kf7 P*g6$. Not
b3, rvith Qhl at g1, for Qe2-fl, l. 00 f6 2. KhB flf because of tr$'ho rnates in j ?

Qe3-glt. BK ma)'lose a tempo on double opposition in WK passing

fit-e3-e4 but must cross d3 when h5 and entering e6 against Bfi196. Black, bl{S)*. Not White (R* a7I')
WQ is at fl. because of lack of tempo, s.g.
D 1962 (17 v Ig23) retract l. Sh4-gZ h2-3 2. Sg6-h4
D 1915 {7 iii 19231: Chess Amateur (Last Fairy) Rc6-c7 3. Sh8-g6! Rc7-c6
Ches,rAmateur, F621 {xi } 9}1} Fl7i0 (vi 1930) 4. Sf?-hB Rb8-a8 5. Sg5-ff
Caissa's l,{;ild.Rose.s, I 29 { I 935}
Cai.rsa s trairy Tales, 25 {1917)
K. Fabeli' Am Rancle cle.s
Ra8-b8 6. Sh3-g5 Rc6-c7
fred. to the prizewinners of 7 . Sel-h3 Rc7-c6 8. e2-1(S)
the Kltiver-Thenre Retro Tv Schachhretts (l917)
Schach ohne (jrenzen ( 1969) [Tempo*l 9. h3 xSg2 Sel -gZ
To mv dear P?'ifn "Three Kisses" 10. h4-3 Sd3-et I l. h5-4 Se5-d3
f5-4 Sc6-e5 13. Bb8-a7
Sa7-c6f 14. f6-5 Rc6-c7
15. Bc7-b8 Rb8-aB 16. Bd8-c7
Rc7-c6 17. Be?-dg Rc6-c7
18. Bf8 *7
Rc7-c6 19, e7 xQd6
Qdl-d6 20.{l-6 d6-7. etc. Single
opposition compounded of Ra8,
Rc?/S92, at c6. b8.

D 1965 ft1v 1923)n

{i) Retract last ftrove aftd mate in I
Essetter Anzeiger
{ii) Retract 23 moves and mate in I
I,{tho tvins? 511 (11 iii re26)
{iii} Ral at a3 and as in (i)
"The Pendulum"
ti) Retract Bd3-h7 for Pe4$ (Set: Black 12 b3,' l.."Rxc6. Not White
Sd3f ). (ii) Retract 1. Bd3-h7 s6-5
7. Bc4xPd3 g7-6 3. a6-7 d4-3 14 by 1. s*Qt KxB z. a8{Q}t
4. a5-6 d5-4 5. a4-5 d6-5 6. a2-4 K*Q 3. Kc7t. due to triple
a3 xRb2 7 . Sd5-e7 a4-3 8.Sc3-d5 opposition in retractions: 1. Sh6-gS
a5-4 9. Qcl-dl a6-5 10" Sdl-c3 Rf5-f6 2. Sg8-h6 c4-5* 3, Sf6-gS
a7-6 11. Sd3-el Kel-fl lZ. Sb4- c3-4 4" Se4-f6 Rf6-f5 5. Sc5-e4
d3t and norv Sc3f (Set: Sd3f). Rf5-f6 6. Se4-c5 c2-3* 7 . Sc5-e4
{iii} Retract 1. Bd3-h7 {preceded Sf6-d7 8. Sd7-c5f Sg8-f6
by 96-5 2. Bc4xPd3 g7-6 3. 9. Rf6 -f7 a new 'oscillator' Sh6-g8
Ka2-bl d4-3 4. Qal-dl d5-4 5. 10. Rfl/-f6 Sg8-h6 I l.
Kbl-az d6-5 6. Sd3-e1. etc.) Sh6-g8 12. a5-4* Sff-h6 (aiming
l{''ho nrates in I ?
page L6

Black by Sc3g. Not White by Black, RcStff . It{ot White Sxd6 D 1970 (20 v Ig23)n
R*Bf because of opposition etc, because of lack of tempo, e.g. A{agtar Saklil,ilag, FlBd (ix IgIZ)
betr,leen Black K and Rc7lc6 in retract 1. Se3 -c4 Ke8-dg Z. Sd5-e3 "Ttto Towers in the Woy,
unpinning Sa7. Kd8-e8 3. Sf6-d5 Ke8-dB
4. Sg8-f6t Kd8-eB 5. Sh6-g8
t 1966 fi7 v IeZ3) Ke8-d8 6. Rf6-f7 Kd8-eB 7. d3-4t
Fair"y Chess Revieu, Ke8-dB 8. Sf7-h6 KdB-eB
4406 {28 xi 1939)
e. Sh8-f7* Ke8-d8 10. hT-B{S)
Caissa's Fairy; Tales, gS (Iglf)
Kd8-e8 I I. h6-7 Ke8-d8 tZ. h5-6
Kd8-eB 13. h4-5 h5 x Se4
14. Sh6-ga Ke8-d8 15. Sf/-h6
h6-5 16. Sd8-ff h7-6 17. Qc8-bT
Bb7-a6. etc. Double opposition of
Sc4/Kd8 at f6, e8 and f7, dt
compounded with Rf7.
f'trrhite mates in I
I " Rfl $ Not 1. 00$ because of
D 1969 (19 v 1923)n
Harnb urgi sche Corre spondent
tna I{/R tempos, e.g. retract
131 (28 xii 1921)
I. Rc6-c5 Sf3-h2 2" Rc5-c6 Sd4-fj
(lais'sa's trfild.Roses, t 28
3. Rc6-c5 Rgl-hl* 4. Rc5-cd
"And drags at eflch reftrove Sc6-d4 5. h4-3 Sb8-c6 6. Rc6-cT
It'ho v,ins?
a lengthening chsin" Sa6-b8 7. Rc7-c6 g2-3* 8. Rc6-cT
Black, 1... Q*c7t 2. Kxd5 S*f6f
Sc7-a6 9. h5-4 Sa8-c7, etc. Double
3. Pxf6 Pe4t 4. Kxe4 e*c6t
5. Kd3 Qx c4.t and mate in 3. Last
opposition of Sh2lRc5 and
Sh2/Rc7 at c5 or c6 and c7 .
moves must have been I. RfT-f6
Sf6-g8 {this choice of turn to play
D 1973 (21 v I9Z3)n
has set a I st opposition in 'free Svenska Daghladet, dBI (20 xii IgZ4)
phase' Sg8/h6 cannot 'lose a 'Passing Ptns"
movs' on Rff/f6 otherr,l'ise\ Z. c3-4
Sh5-f6 3. Rf6-fl Sg3-hi Sb4-c2
8. Rf7-f6 Sa6-b4 9. QdS -c7
Sc7-a6f Qe8-dB Rm-f5
(second opposition) ll. cZ-3 ll,'ho mates in I ?
Rf5-f6 12. Rf6-f7 a4-3 13. ef-eS
a5-4 14. QSS-ff a6-S 15.Rff-f6 White, B*c7*. Not Black {Sxh7f)
just in time, and Vtre may because of lack of tempo, s.g.
unpromote at hB to release h5
retract 1. Ba7-b8 BbB-cT
"g4. 2. Rc7-c6 Rc6-d6 3. f3-4 Rd6-e6
I) 1967 (18 v 1923)r: 4. Re6-e7 Se4-g5 5. ReT-e6
Svensks Dagbladet, 6IS (21 xii Ig2J) Se3 -e4 6. Re6 -e7 Sf5-g3 7. ReT-e6 I,F'ho rnates in I ?
"Two Checks in Passing,, Sh6-f5 8. Re6-e7 h4-3* 9. Re7-e6
Sf5-h6 10. Re6-e7 Se?-f5 Black, l. Sc7t. Not White
I I . Sh6-gB Sg8-e7t 12. ReT-e6 (R*c6t) because of lack of tempo,
Re6-d6 13. Sg4-h6 Rd6-c6 e.g. retract I . Rff-f6 Sgl -h3
14. Rc6-cT Bc7-b8 15. Se3-g4 2. Rf6-ff Sf3-gl 3. Rf7-f6 Sdz-fi
Bb8-c7 16. Sc2-e3 BcT-bB 4. Rf6-f/ Sb3-d2 5. RfT-f6 Sa5-b3
LT . Sb4-c2 Bb8-c7 18. Sa6-b4 6. Sc5-b7 Sb7-ast 7. Rf6-f7 dZ-3*
Bc7-b8 19. f2-3* BbB-cT 8.Rff-f6 Sf6 -d7 9. Sd7-c5t SeS-fd
20. Sc7-a6 h5-4 21. Sa8-c? 10. Rf6-fI Sh6-gB I l. Rff-fd
Bc7-b8 22. Bb8-a7 h6-5 [Temponl 12. Rf6-ff Sf?-hd
23. a7-8{S) one move too late 13. c5-4 Sh8-f7, etc. Double
because of lost tempo. Double opposition af Sh3/Rf6 and
W'ho wins? opposition. Sb7Rf5 atb7, f6 and d7, f6.
page 17

D 1974 (22 v 1923)n is unable to set both oppositions l) 1980 (21 v 1923)
an de n nu e de r I atz ds ch e n
Tij clschri.ft v
correctll', so: 1. B*g6f h7*g6f fairy- Chess Revie\*,
Sch$akbond 5028 (tiii 1928) (1... KfB 2. Qh6t) 2. Ke6 B*e4f 7r37 (ii r%7)
Dedicated to J. Hartong "Blandefing Bishops"
3. Rxg4. lrlot now 3...00. ICFTI
"The Brtdge af Sighs"

D 1976 (22 v 1923)

F a i r)' c h e s s,f;t;,rtt,

Hott, nenr to hB trray

lFho win.q?
White, Rd7ttf . Nat Black
(l. Rxb6f , etc) because of lack of l*'hite mates in 2 1. Bd6f Kff z. ReTf Ksg
tempo, o.g. retract 1. Rf7-f6 3. RgTf . Not l. Rxf?l 00 2. f6 KhS
Qd8-e8 2. Rf6-ff Bg8-h7 1. Rflt etc. Not l. 00t because of 3.fI* because af double opposition
3. Rff-f6 f3-2* 4. Rf6-fl Bff-gS opposition in SaB covering at f5 to betrn'een Black Bs and WK in Ba2
5. g2-3 Be8-fl 6. Rf7-f6 Bd7-e8 free Black K to e5" to fl, Bgl to free Be5.
7. Rf6-f/ Qe8-d8 8. [Tempo*l
Qff-e8 9. d2-3 QSS-ff and so Qhl D 1979 (21 v 1923)r: D 1981 {26v Ig23)n
etc. Double opposition of Bh7Rf6 Cltemnitzer Tage b I atte s Eskilstuna Kuriren
and Qe8/Rf6 both at ff" 2 I6 (20 xii 1925) 11s0 {22 iii 19}1)
*Sisyphtrs" De cli c ate cl to,4. Lun d x.\' i st
D 1977 (23 v Ie23) "Triple Barriers"
Briti sh Chess A,{agazine
6666 (iii 1915)
Caissa's Fairy Tales, 93 {1947)

Who rnates in I ?
l{hite retyacts tr ftxove
Black, S*c8ftl Not White R"f8f which leaves hint
because of lack of tempo, e.g. anable to mate in I
tr{hite ffiates in 1 retract 1. Rf6-f5 Sh6-gB
2. [Tempo*] Sf5-h6 3. d3-2 Se3-15 Retract Rdz-dl. no mate. Not
The only untie w{rich r,vould 4. Rf5-f6 Sc2-e3 5. Rf6-f5 Sa3-cZ retract 00, no mate, because of
preserve Black 00 is for the Black 6. Rf5-f6 Sc2 xPa3 | 7. Rf6-f5 IVR tempo in (i) Sa3 getting to e2
Knight fl to pass ovsr e3 against Se3-c2 8. Rf5-f6 b2-3* 9. Rf6-f5 to let gl-e3 or (ii) Sa3 getting to f2
the oscillating Ke6/f| and then Sf5-e3 10. a4-3 Sh6-f5 I 1. Rf5-f6 to let Bh2-g3 or (iii) Sa3
after White has opened the gate Rf6-ff 12. a5-4 Sf/-h6 13. a6-5 unpromoting at gB and providing
b6-7 to pass ovsr d8, still against Sh8-f7 14. a7 -6 RfI-f6, stc.
Black 8g6 to go to e2. Single
the WK, to f7. unpinning 596, etc. Double opposition of SgSlRfs at f5 opposition of Sa3/I(e4 with three
With only the tempo etb7-6 White or f6. eirtries at e2, fZ or gS.

page 18

D 1982 (2d v 1923) l. Bf2f . Not l. 000f because of freeing Rf2; or in deferred
Eskilstuna Kuyiren, IBgd (8 xii tg27)
opposition in Sb8 to fl for Black K retrostalemate in getting Pd7xe6
'nA Wwvering King - IIf, second rank. back.

D 1985 (28 t, 1923)n D 1987 (3 vi I9Z3)

Tidskr{t Tijdschri/t v$n den
6535 {viii IgZS) l,i e de r I an d s ch en S ch aakb on t{
"Two Keys to the Lock', 5 r 17 (iii I92e)
"Ships th$t Psss in the Night,,

Wite trrate,s in Z

l. Re5f . Not l. 000 because of

double opposition in Sd3 passing
d6 and unpromoting at e8 for WP
back tc e4, against Black King. I{rhite retracts his last wove
and helps Black mate in I Add a {thite Knight
t 1983 (Zd vIsIJ) so White ma;,* mate in I
Fairy C/ Revievt, dllS (x tgll) Kfl R*clf.
Retract Rcl-fl. Play
Not retract 00 for Kfl Rcl f Add WSa4 for Qxbzf . Not WSb6
because of I#R tempo in (i) Se5 (d6, e5) for S *c4I because of
dl to let Rc2-cl or {ii}
playing to opposition betr,leen Sa6 and aclded
Sg5 unpromoting at g8 to give S in unpromoting at f8/gl
Black Knight g7 to go to dl. Single
opposition of Sg5/Rc2 at dl/ct or
g&fcl. D 1989 (3 vi 1923)
Fairy Che"s Review
t 1986 (29 v 1923) 635| (iv 1915)
Gambit, p.163 (v I g2g)
Znd Pr, SFII, Lrfi n"ational
White mates in l Felleration Tourney
I . Rfl $. Not I . 00f because of "Triple Bruss"
opposition in Sc2 unpinning Sg5 at
95, and this S then unpinnittg
WSg5 at f4.

D 1984 (28 v lg7s)

Fairy Chess Retiew, 6189 (xii tgl1)

l{rho wins?

Black mates in 4 by l. Qxb?t

Kxb5 2. S*d6t Ka4 3. Q*a7t etc.
tr{hite retracts his last nrove Not White P*a8(Qlf as the last
and helps Black ftwte in I moves were; 1. Bh7-g8 SfB-dT
2.898 -hT Sh7-fB 3. a2-3 SgS-hT
Retract Rfl-dl for Kdl R*flf .
4. B- Sf3-g5 5. B- Sd2-f3 6. B-
Not retract 000 for Kdl Rfl f Sbl -dZ 7. B- bz-l(S) S. BhT-g8
because of opposition in SeZ a3xQlR/Sb2 and opposition in this
unprornoting at c8 and Black ScT
White mates in I Q/R/S unpromoting at h8.

page 19

t 1990 (1 vi 1923) D r9e6 (7 vi 1923) D 1997 (8 vi 1923i

The Problernist, 356 (t, 1929) The Problemist (v 1936) Retista Romana de Sah, 311 (t, Igil)
Ist Pr, ?th British Chess
"The Valorous Knight"
Pyoblem fiocier,\ Tv Retros

tr{,'ho mates in I ?
trt'ho mates in I ?
l{,hite and Black retract Black, S*c6f. Not White R*a?*
and Black mates in I because of opposition in Sal Black, QbSf . Not White because
passing h6 or h7 to g8 or f8 for of dauble opposition in Se3
Retract Rfl-gl RSI-g2 for R*bl$. Rh8-h7 , Ph7-h5, Ph6 passing a6 and a7 to reach c8.
No other retractions because of ^97
double opposition in Sd4 unpinning l) 1998 {}1vi 1923)
Sel, rv*hich unpins WS again. D 1999 (I4 t i 19231: London Evening Seu,s (6 viii 1932)
Funkscltach, 689 (30 v Ig26) "Round the Bandstand"
l} 1993 {6 vi t923}n Dedicated to
Chess Amateur, F886 (viii I92d) ,rr;r;:;;::tr:r
Caisss's F{ild Ro,ses

in Clusters, J58 (1937) "Cfivfiliers"

Dedicated to
W. Pyugt on his 50th ye&r
Thrice Hslted"

I{ho mates in I ?

White, Q*ffI. Not Black, R*e5$,

because of opposition in Sa?
Who rnates in I ? passing g6-h8-ff, en route to aB !
(via al perhaps).
Black. S*a3f . Not White RfI $
Who mates in I ? because of lack of tempo, o.g. D 20S0 {16 vi 1923}
retract l. Kgl-hl Bb2-a3 Irairy Che,gs Review, 6709 (ii 1916)
Black, QdBI. Not White n*Qt
2. Khl-gl Sf6-ga 3. Kgl-hl
because of lack of tempo, s.S.
retract I. Sg8-h6 RF6-f5 7. Sh6-gS
Sd5-f6 4. Khl -gl Sb6-d5

b2-3* 3. Sf5-h6 *2-3 4. Sd4-f5

5.Kgl-hl Sa8-b6 6, Khl-gl
a7-8(S) 7. Kgl-hl a6-7 8. Khl-gl
Rf5-f6 5. Sb3-d4 Rf6-f5 6. Sc5-b3
a5-6 9. Kgl-hl a4-5 10. Khl-el
Rfi -f6 7 . a4-3* Sf6-d7 I. Sd7-c5f
Sg8-f6 9. Rf6-ff Sh6-g8
a31 I l. a4xsb3 Sd4-b3
12. Kgl-hl Se6-d4 13. Khl-gl
10. [Tempo*l Sf7-h6 I l. a5-4 Sf?1-e6 14.
Sh8-f7, stc. Triple opposition of [Tempo*l Sh3-fit
15. a5-4 Sgl-h3 16. h7-6 Rfl -f2,
Sh6lRf5, Sh6lRf6 and SdTlRfll at
etc. Single opposition of Sg4/Iftl
f6 or f5, f6 and f7 respectively.
at a8/g I . l$'hite rtates in 2

page 20

t. Rflf . Not 1. 00f because of 3. Sh8-g6 Kc2-d3 4. Sff-hS D 2193 (2e x 1921)
triple opposition in Sd2 passing c4 Kd3 -cZ 5. Sh6-ff Kc2-d3 Fairy C/ Ret ieu,
then d3 and reaching fZ correctly 6. Sg4-h6 Kd3 -cZ 7 . ff-6* Kc2-d3 681 5 (vi 1916)
to unpin 93. Parnn-capture system: 8. Sf2-ga Kff -cZ e. Shl-f2t
Black: ab/ba, c7-1. White: dc/cd, [Ternpo*] 10. Kdl-el Bf2-gl
fg, gxfP-f8. 1 l. Bgl-hz Bel-f2 12. h2-1(S),

etc. Double opposition com-

D 2007 ( I6 vi 1923)r: pounded of Kd3, Bel/Kdl, Bg1,
Funkschaclr, 869 (15 viii 1926) 5g6 w.ith entry at fZ and tfi.
Ded. to lV. Pauly Shth year
"Twin Cavfrliers" D 206I (22 x 1923)n
Chess Amateur, F623 (xi 1924)
Dedicgted to Hans Kli,wer

l{rho mates in I ?

Black, R*c6t. Not White because

of opposition in Kc8, Ba8. Be?
arriving at c8, d7, f8 together for

l) 2195 (30 x 1921)n

tr{'ho wins? C hemni tze r Tageb I atte,s
J8J (15 t iii 1926)
White, L. P*cs{Q}i. Not Black white'::#r;:::,ry move Detlicated to
(1. R"a7t etc) because of lack of lV'. Pauly on his 5hth Jlenr
tempo {i} in Sh7 passing Re6 and frve-fold Event"
unpinnng Sb? 0r (ii) in passing Set: Sc4f .
Retract Qe6-b6
Re6 and unpinnlng Sa7 both (preceded by c6-5; Bg3-c7 c7-6;
White Knights colliding with Rc6. Q*Be6) and Qb3f .
Double opposition of Sh7 unpining
Sa7 or Sb? with blocks at e6 and l) 2158 (30 vi 1921)
c6, or e6 and d6 respectivel-y. trskilstana Kuriren
1633 (19 xii 1925)
ll2008 $6 vi 1923)u "X-m65"
Chess Pie tr{o 2, p.1 (vi 1927}
"The Hsfi of Wctory"

|,trfho mates irc ] ?

Black RcSf . Not White Rc5f

because of lack of tempo, e.g.
retract 1. Sh5-g7 Sc5-d3 2. Sg3-h5
Sd3-c5 3. Shl-g3 Sc5-d3 4. Sf2-hl
Sd3-c5 5. Sga-f2 Sc5-d3 6. Sh6-g4
Sd3-c5 7. SgS-h6 Sc5-d3
lVhat is the earliest checkmate? Sd3-c5 9.
8. Se7-g8 Sc8-e7
Bb8-a7 10" Sa7-c8t Sc5-d3
l$fho mates in I ? Black 12 by l. S*h4t. Not White 11. Rc8-c7 [Tempo*] 12. Rd8-c8
Sf6I because of lack of tempo, e.g. Bc7-b8 13. Sbs-d7f Sd7-c5f
Black, l. Pxel(S)*. Not lfhite retract l. Bhl-f3 Bh3-fl {the X) 14. Rc8-d8 Bd8-c7, etc. Single
(1. S"a2$) because af lack of 2. Bf3-hl [Tempo*] 3. Bhl-fi opposition compounded of Sd3,
tempo, e.g. retract 1. Bh2-gl Bfl-h3 4.hz-l(B) g2-3 5.g3xBh2, Ba7lSd7, Sg7, Rc7 with critical
Bf2-el 2. Kel-dl Bgl -nt etc. block at *7 .

page 2l

D 2196 (I xi 1921)r: D 2199 (5 xi 1921)r: D 2295 il6 ix 1925)n

(| h e mni tz e r Tage b I atte s Chess, mateur, F8l9 {v 1926) (]hess Amateun F759 {xi 1925)
193 {25 xii 1926) {:|,{"RC, 223 (l937)
"The Holiday Respite" Ded. to Niels I{oeg 50th year
"The Church ilcross the Woyu

Sfroxr Bl K made at least 50 tfioves

Retract 1. Sgl-h3f 2. Ral-c I 3 .

Dentonstrate a mate irc I

Rbl-bZ 4...1S. Kcl...a8 19. Rbz-
tr{hite plays antl helps BI mate in I bl 20. Kbl-cl 21 . Bhs-dl Ke2-fl
Black Sdzf. it
being his move. 22. Sf3-glt g?*Bf6 23. Qcl-hl
White unable to move now by lack l. Ba2 S*d3*. Not 1. 00 h2f Kfl -eZ 74, Sel-f3t 2.5, Qdl-cl 26.
of tenrpo, s.g. retract I . Bfl -h3 because of deferred KJR tempo,
Sn-hl 2. c7-6* Sh3-fl 3. g6-5 e.g. retract I . Ra7-c7 Ba2-b I Qga-dl 27...31. Sn..,el 32. Kcl-
b1 33. Rbl-? 34. Kb2-cl 35...36.
Sfl-h3 4. Bh3-fl Sds-fil 5. Sc6-b4 2. Ra8 -a7 Bbl -aZ 3. Ral-a8
Re4...e1 37...38. Kgl-hl
Sb4-d5t 6. Se7-c6 Sfl -hz Ba2-b I and nolv the free Rook has
39. Sg3-fl Kfl-gl 40. Se2-g3t
7 . Sd5-e7 Sd2-fl I. Sfll-ds Sfl -dz entered a tempo-net: 4. Rc I -a I Kel-fl 41. Kc342 Kdl-el 42
9. g7-6* Sd2-fl 10. Bfl-h3 f5-6 Bb I -aZ 5. Rc2-cl Ba2-bl
I1 . Sh3-fil f4-5 12. Sf2+3 a6-7 6. [TempotJ Sb I -dZ 7 . Rd2-c2t
Kd3-c3 Kcl-dl 43. Sg3 -eX
Kb l -c I ! 44. Be7-f6 Kbz-b I 45
13" Bh3-fl Sfl 42 14. shl-f2 and Sb I goes out to &8, etc. .

Bc5 -e7 Ka3-b3 46. Bd4-c5t Kb4-

Sd2-fi ls. Ifl-l(S) [Tempo*] Deferred opposition of Bb l/Rc?
a3 47. Rel-3 Kc5-b4 48. Bb2-d4t
16. Bfl-h3 a5-6 17 " h3-Z h2*g3, r,l'ith block bl. Kd6-c5 49 " Ral-el Ke7-d6 50.
etc. Triple opposition of Shl/Bh3
Bcl -bZ Kd8:e7! 51. b2-3 and one
at h3, and Sb4/ShZ at fl and h2. D 2291 (I I ix l ezs)
more Bl K movs to e8 - 50 in all.
London Evening r\ieuw (21 xii l93S)
l) 2198 (1 xi 1921)
D 2396 {1 vii 1926}n
Fairy Chess Review
Eskilstana Kuyiren, 1783 (22 x f 927)
6897 {viii 1916} uTu.,ice Knightly"

Who wins?
white. l. sf3t Kxf2 2. Qslt
Kxe2 3. Qelt Kxd3 4. S"b4f .

It'ho mates in I ? Not Black R*dl f as Sa6 may not

Who mates in I ?
Black, R"d7f. Not White R*cTf unpromote at a8 at once,, since
because of opposition between
Black, QbTf . Not WRx a4t
after a4-5, a5xBb4, White is in because of lack of tempos (i) in
uncaptured Black Sd4 and Sf8/hT, retrostalemate. Hence Sa6 has to
Sa5 passing RdB and unpinning
Bfl/g8 in unpinning WQ. Try: go to fl to let Sel unpromote at Sb6 or {ii} passing RdS and
uncapttred Rd4 may get to unpin &8, with Qel-dl tempo. The unpinnlng Sa7. Both White
WQ but WQ has no tempo left to opposition of Sa6 and BIK decides Knights colliding with White Rook.
get across g8 to h8. turn to play. Double opposition, blocks d8, c8.
page 7?

D 2167 {22 ii 1927}r: D 2717 {}9 viii 1928) t 3843 (l iv 1936)

Chess Amateur, F1000 ft 1927) Fairy'* Chess Revievt, 696,5 (x 1916) fairy,, Cfre,ss Review, 7130 {x 1917)

Position 18 moves ago? tr{ho mates in I ? Who helps the other mate in I ?

As diagrrrm. Black, BeTf . Opposition in placing Last moves t. Be7-fB KhS-gS

R&8 at h7, Rg8 at h8, Kb? at &8, 2. BfB -e7 Be7-d8 3. K{7*6
QbB at b7, Kd8 at e8, prior to Bd8-e7 4. Ke8-ff Kg8-hS
Se7-c8, Kd8-s8, Sg8-e7. Ke8-d8, 5. Be7-ffi Sf8-h7 6. n-j Se6-fB
Be7-f8, Kf8-e8, Bg5-e7 ete, with a etc, unpromotlng at al. So 1. KxfB
further 3O-move untie. P*d8(alf . Not l. Qxhs R"f6f .

n 8rc Q xii 1925)

p. t 57 {ii 927}
Chess Amsteltr, As Black is now going to play
D 2515 ft 5 vi 1927)*
an odr4-numbered move. White
Ches.s Arnateur, Fl069 {ix 1927}
Lfltimate Thernes, 125 Q 917)
must have played an odd
Ded. to tr'. Ropke number, and so must have
Pr" $$7,,1,4, Rapke Therne Ty played Rhl-gl an odd number
of times. Black therefore
plal'ed Sh3 xRgl, though it
cannot be said w.ith which
Black to play. Indicate a ftrove
Black rnust hm'e played.

D 3673 (5 xii t 931) D 3919 (25 xii 1936)

Fairy Chess Review, 7223 (iv 1947) fairy Chess Review,673] (iv 1916)

Retract the last move and mate in I

Retract Qcl -a3 (Not tse3-b6) and
play Se5f. The Ex,q,cr 38 last
moves must have been 1. Qcl-a3
d4-5 2. Kb2-b3 b3-4 3. Sb4-d3
d3-4 4. Sc6-b4 d2-3 5. Sd8 -c6 f6-7
6. Sfl-d8t f5-6 7 . a3-2 P+-5
8. a4-3 fi-4 9. a5-4 n4 10. a7-5
a6xRb7 ll. c}-l(Q) a5-6 12. c3-2 I{hite mates in I tr{'ho rnates in I ?
a4-5 13. c4-3 a3-4 14. c5-4 a2-3
1. Qfl f Not 1. 000f because of White, S*fsf . Not Black R*a6*
15. c7-5 c6xQd7 16. QcSdT c5-6
opposition after e6x Sd5 in this because of opposition between
17. Bd7-e8 c4-5 18. SdS-f7 Knight reaching gl against Black Knights c7lg7 in letting out Black
Kff-g6 19. Sc6-dSt Kg6-ff!
K to alloq' Qfl-h3. Kurg.
page 73


This last-minute addendum follows the text of an article by T. R.. Dawson in Chemnitzer Taseblattes,
1926, but only the main problem referred to there is quoted here, instead two other examples ari inserted
to give G glimpse o-f Dawson's other work in the 'F,-airy Refro' _fietd.
Ordinary retroanalysis is simply a process of deductive reasoning, based on the ordinary lews of the
garne, which proves a desired recr about a given position. It has hitherto been a serious crippling factor in
the subject ttrat the number of dernonstrable facts was very limited. Retro composers proved that positions
were illegal, that one player must just have moved, or that past events in the play were so-and-so. The
definite alus of retroanalysis were thus quite limited establishing of constructive tries, turn to play,
ana\tical retractors, illegal castling, legal PxP e.p. To a- composer passionately fond of retro work as i am,
this narrow circle of possibilities was a grievous vexation. It may be concluded therefore wittr what
satisfaction in recent years I have realised ttrat ttre field may be fully generalised so that its potentialities
become infinite. This expansion takes place in two distinct ways, one much more important than the other.
The less important widening of the field arises from the introduction
play. Every new law' svery new piece, used in chess immediately implies - innew
Fairy Chess
- of Npw r,ews of
argume,nts in retro-analysis.
Those familiar with the subject will immediately recall (for example) that a proof of the rrcAI,rry of castling,
which is totally impossible in ordinary chess, is simple in the domains of 'Maximummers' and 'Free Chess'.
The introduction of 'Must check' or of a 'Grasshopper' supplies much new detail of proof. And so on
endlessly. But this expansion leaves unfilled the chief desire of retro workers. It does not give new aims for
the proof. We travel round the same circle even if we have many new vehicles to carry us round it.

Rolton Football Field Problemist Fairy Chess Chemnitzer Tageblattes, 2 18 ( I 925)

(21 xii t 912) Suppleftsen| 2212 (ii 1936) Caissa's ,tr'ild Rose,y, 125 {1935)
In mentoty of C. A{. Fox
"Triple Salute"

Bl having just macle his 21th ffiove Any Bl man on its first move
tr|'hite nxates in 2 may tqke 2 turns $s one
Grasshoppers $ye pror?roted Ps lS'hite motes in 2
Mate in 7 by 25. 00 (legal). Last Helpnrate in 2
moves could be 24. Ka8 e6 Black must have moved
23 " Kb8 e5 22, Kc8 eZ-4 21. KdB l. Pd4xPc4 e.p.tft (xc3t Z. g5 Ra8, Sb8, BfB or Sg8.
d5 2A. R{f6}xsb6 d2-4 19. Rf8-f6 Ph5 xPg5 e.p.ttt and mate. If Ra8: l. Kd2 {not Rxa4xd4).
c5 18. F&8-fB c2.-4 L7, Ra7 b5 White's last movs cilr only have If Sb8: l. KeZ (not S-c6xd4).
16.a6 a5 15. Sal-b3 b?.-4 been c2-4. not Ke3-d2 (illegal ttt If Bf8: 1. 000 {not Bxd6xa3).
14. Sb3 xRal a2-4 13. Scl-b3 at e3). Three triple checks! If Sg8: l. Kf2 (not S-h6-ga).
Sc8-b6 and so sn s\,rnmetricallv. Four-choice partial analysis.

The problem 218 however offers a new aim, and because of that is one of the most original problems I
ever cornposed. Its origin lies in the following consideration that the two most important retro aims
(illegal castling and PxP e.p.) are founded absolutely on two quite special conditions of ordinary chess.
Because of the cornplicated law that castling must be the first move of K and & and the complicated law
about PxP e.p., retro-analysis gains its chance to establish the necessary special privileges. If. therefore. we
define new special privileges- each such definition introduces a new retro aim in establishing the stated
privilege in a given position. Problem 218 is a complex illustration of this generalisation.

page 2.4

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