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The 4-Quadrants of Ideas.

A Powerful Tool to Increase Your

Productivity By 200% and More.
What is the 4-Quadrant Map for?
It is to manage the barrage of ideas and suggestions that you
may have as you go about on your projects / business ventures
/ whatever work you are doing; work that is receptive and
adaptable to ideas and not that which you need to rigidly follow
a fixed set of guidelines / protocols.

This tool is especially useful if you have too many ideas and
you find yourself stuck because of the many ideas flooding your

It is also useful if you are in a team that has a lot of people

suggesting / contributing many ideas that do not have a
coherent, unifying direction.

The map is based on 2 axes – Relevancy and Implementability

Relevancy: How relevant / useful an Idea is to your current

project / endeavour.

Implementability: How fast / efficiently can you implement /

act upon an Idea to help your current project / endeavour?

Some ideas may appear out of the blue and seem brilliant (to
you) at first, but if they are not put to the acid test of
Relevancy and Implementability, more will come that will only
cripple you instead of help you.

In brief, the more relevant an Idea is and the more

implementable it is at the same time, the more you should pay
attention to it and act on it as soon as possible.

Conversely, the less relevant and implementable an Idea is,

the less attention you should give it, but archive it or lock it
away, anyway, since Ideas (like any minuscule amount of
money) can never be absolutely useless (think about it).
There are 4 Idea-Quadrants (IQ) or categories by which you
can group your Ideas, and they are:-

1. Ideas that are relevant to what you are doing now and
easily implementable (with speed)... IQ1

2. Ideas that are relevant to what you are doing now but not
as easily implementable (takes time and more resources
than you currently have) ... IQ2

3. Ideas that are irrelevant to what you are doing now but
have that deceptive quality of being easily
implementable... IQ3

4. Ideas that are irrelevant to what you are doing now and
would just waste your time, energy and money (but may
have a spark or element of usefulness for other
applications or situations) ... IQ4

The table you see on the next page is the 4 Quadrants.

Print out the table or draw something similar on your own by

dividing a sheet of paper into 4 segments.

Alternatively, you may also use whatever sophisticated

Spreadsheet software that is comfortable for you for this

All you need to do to organise your ideas is to place them

accordingly and appropriately to its rightful Quadrant, as
explained above.

Mohamad Latiff;
IQ1. IQ2.

IQ3. IQ4.

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