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Tahun Pelajan : 2018 / 2019

No Standar Kompe Uraian Indikator Bhn No Butir soal Kunci

. Kompetensi tensi materi Soal kls Soal
Reading ; Membaca Short 7/8 The text is for questions 1 and 2
Memahami nyaring message
makna dalam bermakna
wacana tertullis kata,
pendek baik teks frasa dan
fungsional kalimat
maupun essay dengan
sederhana ucapan,
berbentuk tekanan
descriptive, Dan
Procedure, intonasi
Report, Narrative, yang
dan Recount berterima
dalam konteks yang
kehidupan sehari- berkaitan
hari. dengan

Menentukan 1. What chairs does Mr. Graham Davis want? … chairs. B

tujuan komuniksi
A. Convenient
teks Short
message B. Comfortable
C. Bright brown
D. Soft color

2. What did Graham Davis want Anne Bell to do for him? B

A. Arranging chairs in the manager’s office.
B. Preparing the Graham’s order of chairs.
C. Selecting colors of office chairs.
D. Buying 10 chairs for $500.

Letter 8/9 This text is for questions 3 to 4

Menentukan 3. C
gambaran umum The writer writes the letter to ….
A. tell that the summer camp is coming to an end
B. inform that she will be Kayla’s camp counselors
C. express her gladness of the internship with Kayla
D. confirm if they can make friends in the near future

Menentukan 4. From the text we know that …. C

informasi surat
A. Kayla and the writer had been friends long before
dlm teks surat yg
sama the summer camp
B. the writer felt time passing so slowly because of the
unenjoyable time
C. being at the summer camp, the writer felt hard to
be apart from Kayla
D. getting to know Kayla made the writer regretted
joining the summer camp
Announce 7/8/9 This text is for questions 5 to 7

This Tuesday is August 17th, the independence day. Don’t miss the
Independence Day Festival ! The festival begins at 08.00 a.m. in
every district in Jakarta. Gather in front of our school at 07.30 to see
the parade with the principal. Don’t miss it. And join several contests at
school. Free registration, full prizes !

Menentukan 5. Why are there prizes in the event ? C

informasi tertentu A. There is a principal in the event
dlm teks B. There are lots of festivals in that event
announcement C. There are several contests in that event
D. There are a lot of participants in the event

Menentiukan 6. What can we do in front of the school ? A

informasi rinci A. See the parade
surat dlm teks B. Join the contest
announcement yg C. Take the prizes
D. Join the festival

Menentukan 7. “ ...... to see the parade with the principal “. A

makna kata dlm The underlined word is closest in meaning to...
teks A.march C. celebration
announcement yg B . contest D. competition
Advertisem 8/9 This text is for questions 8 to 9
Menentukan 8. Who will probably be the customer for the transportation B
Rinci surat dlm
teks A. Mechanics.
advertisement B. Students.
C. Drivers.
D. Parents.

Menentukan 9. What makes the customers free to arrange their schedule? D

informasi tersurat
A. Calling for transport order every time.
dlm teks
advertisement yg B. Safe guarantee from the transportation.
sama C. Solvable traffic problem.
D. Unlimited pick up time.
READING 7/8 This text is for questions 10 and 11

To. Irawan

I remembered we played in the rain yesterday. Today you are

absent because of a fever. Hope you get will soo and we
could enjoy playing in the rain again!


9. 10. What is the text about? A

a. A wish to get will soon
b. An invitation to meet soon
c. A wish for future success
d. Gratitude for being a good friend.
Menentukan 11. What is wrong with Irawan? C
informasi tersurat a. He played in the rain yesterday
dlm teks greeting b. He is in hospital now
car yg sama c. He has a fever
d. He is alright
Invitation 7/8/9 The text is for questions 12 and 13

Menentukan 12. The text tell us about .... C

tujuan komunikasi
A. announcement of a day parenting guidance seminar
teks invitation
B. information about parents and students meeting
C. invitation to a post secondary options evening
D. information about school admission programs
The announcement is intended to ....
A. WHS representative and all parents
B. all parents and students of WHS school
C. representatives of post- secondary institutions
D. WHS secondary IV and V parents and students
Descriptive 8 This text is for questions 14 to 16
One of the most interesting animal in the zoo is the giraffe.
This is the giraffe we saw at the zoo.It is a male and it is about six
meters tall.
The giraffe has big brown eyes. They are protected by very
thick lashes. This giraffe has brown spot on the skin. This coloring
helps protect the giraffe.It also has two short horn on its head.
Like a camel,it can go for a long time without drinking water.
One source of water is the leaves which it eats from trees. It is tall, so
the giraffe can reach the tender leaves at the top a tree.
The giraffe has two methods of self-protection. It something
frightens an adult giraffe,it can gallop away at about fifty kilometers
per hour or stay to fight with its strong legs.

Menentukan 14. A good title for this text is ..... D

gambaran umum
dlm teks A. A small African Animal C. Girrafe and Camel
descriptive B. An interesting Animal D.The tallest Animal at the zoo

Menentukan 15. From the description, we may conclude that giraffe ...... B
imformasi rinci
tersurat dlm teks A. need s water and do not need leaves C. needs more water than
descriptive yg camel
sama B. B.does not need much water D. eats tree leaves for water

Menentukan 16. The word “ gallop “in the last sentence means.... A
makna kata dlm
teks descriptive yg A. run C. walk
sama B. fight D. protect
READING LABEL 7/8 This text is for question 17

The Guide to

Menentukan 17. The label above means.... C

gambaran umum A. We have to read the guide off-label after using it
teks label B. We have to see the advantages off-label for reader
C. We have to read the guidlines off-label drug before using it
D. We have to follow off-label food
Narrative 8/9 This text is for questions 18to 20!

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom with King Tam

and Queen Yeye. They have a daughter named Princess
Eureka. She used to be a diligent student but after her vacation
to Paradise Island everything changed. The king and the queen
were very sad because she preferred staying and playing with
butterflies in a garden to studying at school. They were
worried about Princess Eureka’s future, but they could not do
One day, a butterfly’s queen came closer. “Hi Princess
Eureka, why don’t you go to school today, and it is the second
week you didn’t go to school, what happens my little
princess?” said Sisy the butterfly’s queen. “I’m bored and tired
with the school activities. Every day I have to study reading
and Mathematics.” Sisy smiled and said,” Do you want to be a
beautiful girl and everybody admires you?”. “Of course, could
you tell me how?” she answered charmingly. “Listen to me
dear, before I’m getting this beauty I was an ugly creature.
Everybody doesn’t like me till I had to do a hard process when
I was a chrysalis. Finally, I become a beautiful creature that
everyone loves, said Sisy. “So what’s the problem?” Princess
Eureka was curious. ”It has been days you don’t go to school.
It means you avoid the process that will make you be a
beautiful and awesome princess. The hard process that makes
you to be somebody not nobody.”, Sisy answered. “Will the
studying process at school make me an awesome princess?”,
asked Princess Eureka. “Yes you are right”, said Sisy. “OK, I’ll
go to school tomorrow”, Princess Eureka said charmingly.
e next day Princess Eureka wanted to go to school
and studied hard. It made the king Tam and Queen
Yeye were very happy. (adopted from: 100 betimes stories
for children by: phepheo)

Menentukan 18. What did Eureka like to do after her vacation to Paradise
informasi rinci
tersurat dlm teks
narrative A. Gardening.
B. Studying at school. A
C. Staying at garden.
D. Doing nothing.

19. What did Princess Eureka learn from Sisy?

A. Don’t easily trust every admiration.
B. To gain success needs work hard. B
C. Learning begins with curiosity.
D. Beauty calls for big efforts.
Menentukan ide 20. What is the main idea of the second paragraph? B
pokok dlm teks
A. Princess Eureka admired Sisy’s beauty.
narrative yg sama
B. Sisy pursued Princess Eureka to go to school.
C. Sisy told princess Eureka about her metamorphose.
D. Princess Eureka told Sisy why she didn’t like going to

RECOUNT 8 This text is for questions 21 to 22!

An Unforgetable Birthday Party

A party is usually something fun to remember. Mine
is the opposite. The disaster happened two years ago on my
14th birthday.
My parents and my friends were in the living
room,celebrating my big day. I was getting ready to blow out
all of the candles on the cake. Being usually clumsy myself,I put
my face right above the cake before puffing with all my might.
All of sudden I had candle waxx all over my face. It
wasn not too hot,but I was shocked, and I screamed. Looking
at my face,everybody laughed. I was so embarrased.
What a birthday party !

Menentukan 21. What made the writer feel so embarrassed ? B

informasi tertentu A. Friend’s gathering C. The hot candle
dlm teks recount B. Everybody’s laughingD. Candle wax on her face

Menentukan 22. How could the candle wax cover the writer’s face ? C
informasi rinci A. There were fourteen candles on the cake
tersurat dlm teks B. His face was too close to the cake when he laughed
recount yg sama C. His face was too close to the cake and he blew the cake too hard
D. The candle wax was not too hot,but it made the writer shocked
Menentukan ide
pokok dalam teks
recount yg sama
Procedure 7/8/9 This text is for questions 23 to 26


1. Connect the charger to a wall outlet

2. Connect the charger to the phone. The battery
indicator bar starts scrolling. If the bar doesn’t
appear,wait for a while, disconnect the charger,
plug it in again, and retry. If the charging process
still fails, contact your dealer.
3. When the battery is fully charged, the bar stop
scrolling. Disconnect the charger from the phone
and the wall outle.t

Menentukan 23. What should we do when the bar has stop scrolling ? C
informasi rinci
tersurat dlm teks A.Disconnect the charger C. Contact the dealer
Procedure B.Press the on button D. Plug the charger

Menentukan 24. What sign shows that the charging is processing ? A

informasi tertentu
A.The battery indicators bar scroll C. The bar doesn’t appear
dalam teks
Procedure yg sama B.The battery is fully charged D. The cell phone vibrates

Menentukan 25. “ ..... plug it in again “ B

rujukan kata dlm What does the word “ it “ in the sentence refer to ?
teks procedure yg A.the battery C. the phone
sama B.the charger D. the outlet

Menentukan 26. “ The battery indicator bar starts scrolling “ ( step 2 ) C

makna kata dlm The underlined word is closest in meaning to......
teks procedure yg A.continuing C. moving
sama B.pausing D. stopping
WRITING Descriptive 8 This text is for questions 27 to 29

Bunaken is a small,quiet island which comprises of a local
n makna dalam village and a row of diving centre offering food,accomodation and
teks tulis diving psckages. The place I ..... ( 30 ) has a whole lot of bungalows
fungsional esai and a restaurant,a common area..... ( 31 ) the water edge,which was
pendek a very nice ..... ( 32 ) to enjoy dinner and a few drinks.
narratitve dan
descriptive Melengkapi salah 27. A. staying C. Stayed D
dalam konteks satu rumpang dlm B.stays D. stay
teks descriptive ttg
kehidupan Bunaken Island
sehari-hari dgn Verb (tense)
Melengkapi salah 28. A.on C. in A
satu rumpang dlm D. to
teks descriptive ttg
Bunaken Island dg
Melengkapi salah 29. A. room C. view C
satu rumpang dlm B. place D. job
teks descriptive ttg
Bunaken Island dgn
\ WRITING Procedure 7/8/9 For question 30 to 31, arrange the following sentences into a good
paragraph !

How to make pisang penyet

1. Prepare the sauce by putting the palm sugar in a pan.
Add some
water and boil it.
2. Bake them
3. Put the flattened bananas on a plate and pour
them with some
palm sugar sauce.
4. Peel the bananas and flatten them
5. Stew the bananas.
Menentukan 30. The best arrangement is..... C
susunan kalimat yg A. 3 – 4 – 1 – 5 – 2 C. 5 – 4 – 2 – 1 – 3
tepat dari B. 1 – 4 – 2 – 3 – 5 D. 4 – 5 – 3 – 2 – 1
sejumlah kalimat
yang diacak( 5-8) Eyewear-care
kalimat dalam
bentuk Procedure
1. Laying glasses down the case with their lenses facing
upward is good way of storing.
2. Use warm water and a drop of dish detergent, then dry
with a clean, soft cotton cloth to clean your glasses.
3. Keep glasses on your nose, not on your head, or
frames can become misaligned.
4. Some optical retailers suggest using an eyeglass
cleaner sold at their stores.
5. A small bottle of lens cleaner is convenient to carry
when you’re out.
6. Cleaning glasses is a main regular treatment at any
time on your own.
7. Do use both hands to put glasses on and take them off,
8. Use a hard-shell case that is the right size for keeping
your glasses.

31. The correct arrangement is ….

A. 6 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 8 – 1 – 7 – 3
B. 6 – 2 – 8 – 4 – 1 – 5 – 7 – 3 A
C. 6 – 4 – 8 – 2 – 5 – 7 – 3 – 1
D. 6 – 4 – 5 – 3 - 1 – 7 - 8 – 2

Menentukan 32. For question 32 to 33 , arrange the following words into a meaningful sentence ! B
susunan kata yang the weather – go – was – to the party – if – would – good – Fredy
tepat dlm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
sejumlah kata
yang diacak (8 The correct arrangement is ….
kata) dalam A. 8-6-4-2-1-5-3-7 C. 8-6-1-3-7-4-5-2
bentuk kalimat B. 8-6-2-4-5-1-3-7 D. 8-6-3-7-1-5-4-2
Sentence 33.
Because - flower- price – remains - its – popular - euphorbia - of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The correct arrangement is ….
A. 7 – 2 – 6 – 1 – 4 – 5 – 8 - 3
B. 7 – 2 – 4 – 6 – 1 – 8 – 5 – 3
C. 7 – 4 – 6 – 1 – 8 - 2 – 5 - 3
D. 7 – 5 - 3 – 2 – 4 - 6 – 1 – 8
Menentukan For question 34 , arrange the following words into a meaningful C
susunan kata yang
tepat diacak (7 in the school hall – finished – the test – by them – easily – yesterday – was
kata) dalam 34. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
bentuk kalimat The correct arrangement is ….
Passive dg dlm A. 3-7-2-1-5-4-6 C. 3-7-5-2-4-1-6
sejumlah kata B. 3-7-2-4-5-1-6 D. 3-7-2-5-4-1-6
yang bentuk
simple past
READING Report 9 The text is for questions 35 to 38
Mangosteen is a tropical fruit that is grownprimarily in hot,
humid climates of Southeast Asia such as Thailand, Malaysia,
Singapore, Vietnam, and Indonesia. Mangosteen is a dark purple fruit
about 2 to 3 inches in diameter, the size of a small peach or apple.
Instead of peeling it like an orange, a mangosteen is typically
opened by pressing firmly or twisting the outside until it breaks apart.
The hard rind can be nearly one inch thick. At the center is the soft
opaque white fruit, which resembles a head of garlic but tastes slightly
sweet and tart. Its flavor is like a combination of strawberry and peach.
People eat mangosteen as they would any other tropical fruit.
In Southeast Asia, the rind – or pericarp has been used for medical
purposes for generations. According to folklore, the rind was used to
make a tea for conditions such as diarrhea, bladder infections, and
gonorrhea. An ointment made from the rind was applied to skin rashes.
Various parts o the plant have a histoty of use in traditional
medicine, mostly in Southeast Asia; it may have been used to treat skin
infections, wounds, and urinary tract infections. Some mangosteen juice
products contain whole fruit pure’e or polyphenols extracted from the
inedible exocarp(rind).
Some studies demonstrated that juice containing mangosteen
peel extracts may reduce blood level of C- reactive protein, a biomarker
of inflammation. The resulting juice has purple color and astringency
derived from exocarp pigments.

Menentukan 35. The purpose of the writer to write the text is to …. D

tujuan komunikasi A. explain the various parts of mangosteen
teks Report B. tell how to eat mangosteen as medicine
C. show how to plant the mangosteen fruit trees
D.describe the mangosteen fruit in general
Menentukan 36. How do we open a mangosteen? A
informasi tertentu A. By pressing firmly.
dalam teks report B. By juicing the fruit.
yang sama C. By peeling it like an orange.
D. By twisting the inside until it breaks apart
Menentukan ide 37. What is the main idea of the last paragraph? D
pokok dalam teks A. Mangosteen juice products astringency.
report yang sama B. Mangosteen mostly found in Southeast Asia.
C. Parts of mangosteen can be used as medicine.
D. Mangosteen peel extract may reduce blood levels.
Menentuk Menentukan 38. “. According to folklore, ….” ( 3rd paragraph) B
an makna makna kata dalam The underlined word has the same meaning as ….
kata teks report yang A. origin C. advance
sama B. tradition D. progress
Report 9 The text is for questions 39 to 42.
The praying mantis is named for its prominent front legs, which are bent
and held together at an angle that suggests the position of prayer. Mantis
refer to the genus mantis. The large group of these insects is more
properly called the praying mantis.
By any name, these fascinating insects are formidable
predators. They have triangular heads poised on a long “neck,” or
elongated thorax. Mantis can turn their heads180 degrees to scan their
surroundings with two large compound eyes and three other simple eyes
located between them.
A mantis has four legs meant for walking. I can catch other
insects with its strong large front legs. The front legs are lined with spikes
andclose in a certain way to have a firm group on the prey. Praying
mantis exclusivelyeats other insects by catching them with their forelegs.
They do not use poison but eat the prey alive while they hold it firmly.
There are about 2300 species of praying mantis described.
They occur on every continent except on Antarctica, In Northern Europe
they do notoccur. In Europe, many people see their first praying mantis
on holiday in Spain or France. In the united states praying mantis can be
found in almostany state. But the most extraordinary species and highest
number of species can only be found in the tropical forest of south
America, Africa, and Asia.

Menentukan 39. The text above is about .. . B

gambaran umum A. a fascinating insect
judul teks dalam B. praying mantis insects
teks repor ttg C. some species of praying mantis
Animal D. the head and legs of praying mantis

Menentukan 40. How do praying mantis get the prey? A

informasi tertentu A. Catching it with their forelegs.
dlm teks report yg B. Using poison from its forelegs
sama C. Holding the prey firmly with its legs
D. Eating it alive while they hold it firmly

Menentukan 41. Where can we find praying mantis? C

informasi rinci A. In Northern Europe
tersurat dlm teks B. On Antarctica continent
report yang sama C. In almost state of United State.
D. In the tropical forest of France

Menentukan 42. “ … fascinating insects are formidable predators.” A

makna kata dalam The underlined word is closest meaning to …
teks report yang A. impressive C. frightening
B. uninspiring D. encouraging
WRITING Report This text is for questions 43 to 46

Ahmad Yani was born in Jenar, Purworejo, Central Java on June

19, 1922. His family, Wongsoredjo family, worked at a sugar
In 1927, Yani and his family moved to Batavia. He worked...
(43) way through primary and secondary education there. In 1940,
he left high school to undergo compulsory military service in the
army of the Ducth East Indies colonial government. He studied
military topography in Malang, East Java. Unfortunately, his
education was interupted by the arrival of the invanding Japanese in
In 1943, he joined Peta (Defenders of the Motherland) army. He
underwent further training in Magelang. After completing this
training, he enlisted himself to be trained as Peta platoon
commander. Then, he was moved to Bogor, West Java to get his
training. Upon completion, he was sent back to Magelang as an
..... (44) the early hours of October 1, 1965, he was kindapped by
people who came to his house. They killed him. His body was taken
to Lubang Buaya and was hidden in a... (45) well. People had left it
in along time for particular reason. His body was recovered on 4th of
October. He was given state funeral the following day before being
buried at Kalibata Hero’s Cemetery. On the same day, he was
officially declared the Hero of the Revolutioner. Since then, many
roads... (45) named after him, and now his former house at Jalan
Latuharhary No. 6 Menteng, Jakarta becomes a museum

Melengkapi salah 43. A. his A

satu rumpang
B. her
dalam teks report
dengan possessive C. its
pronoun, tenses D. their
preposition dan 44. A. on C
modals. B. at
c. In
D. Before

45. A. disused
B. disabled
C. disguised
D. disaffected
A. was
B. are D
C. have
D. were

READING NARRATIVE 8/9 This text is for questions 47 to 50

A tired man came home late from his whole hard work day.His5years old son was
waiting for him at the door. ‘ Dad may I ask you a question?’ asked the son. “Yes,son “
said the man.” How much do you make an hour?, asked the son “That’s not your
business”, replied the man.The son insisted and begged his dad to tell him. The man
told his son that he makes $ 20 per hour.”Dab may I borrow $ 10?”, said the son.The
man got angry and shouted on his son to go to bed.
The little boy went to his room and shut the door.After a while, the man got calm.
He went to his son’s room and asked his son for forgiveness. He gave $10 tohis son.
The son smiled and thanked his dad. Then, the son took out some coins under his
pillow. He counted
them and said, “Dad, I have $20 now.Can I buy an hour of your time ?, Please come
early tomorrow. I want to have dinner with you”. The man hugged his son and promised
to come home early tomorrow.

Menentukan 47. How much does the man make for an hour ? C
informasi tersurat A.$10 C.$20
dlm text narrative B.$ 15 D.$ 25
Menenentukan ide 48. What is the main idea of the second paragraph ? A
pokok dlm teks A.The son wants to have dinner with his dad
narrative yang sama B.The son wants to give some money to his dad
C. The son wants to save some money
D.The son wants to go to his dad’s office
Menentukan pesan 49. What can we learn from the story ? B
moral dalam teks A.We should give our sons some money
narrative yg sama B.We should give time to people who love us
C.We should not shout to our sons
D.We should work hard for the family

Menentukan rujukan 50. ”. He counted them and said...” (paragraph 2 ) C

kata dalam teks The underlined word refers to.....
narrative yg sama A.beds C.coins








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