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4, APRIL 2017

Closed Form Kramers–Kronig Relations to Extract

the Refractive Index of Metamaterials
Zsolt Szabó

Abstract— Closed form expressions of the Kramers–Kronig First of all, metamaterials can have far-reaching near fields.
and of the multiply subtractive Kramers–Kronig relations are Therefore, it is not straightforward how to select the effective
derived to predict the real part of the refractive index from thickness deff of the homogeneous slab. In [16], deff is selected
the imaginary part, which is given in discrete frequency points.
The accuracy and the convergence rate of the closed form as the minimum distance at which the wave impedance
expressions are investigated by calculating the refractive index becomes independent of deff . This procedure can result in
of a hypothetical double negative metamaterial with predefined impractically large effective thickness. Often deff is considered
parameters. Then, a two-step procedure is presented, which equal to the physical thickness of the metamaterial. Therefore,
utilizes the subtractive Kramers–Kronig relation to uniquely to obtain valid S-parameters, it is common to place the excita-
retrieve the effective refractive index of metamaterials even when
the Kramers–Kronig relation fails. The developed procedure is tion ports of the full wave solvers outside the near-field zone of
demonstrated by extracting the effective parameters of multilayer the metamaterial. Then, the ports are deembedded. This means
fishnet metamaterials. that the phase of the S-parameters is shifted with the distance
Index Terms— Effective material parameters, Kramers–Kronig between the port and the virtual position of the homogeneous
relations, metamaterials. slab. Consequently, the electromagnetic fields produced by the
homogenized slab differ from the fields of the metamaterial
I. I NTRODUCTION not only inside the metamaterial, but in its surrounding as
well. Second, the extracted electromagnetic parameters are
D URING the last decade, a novel interdisciplinary scien-
tific area, the research of metamaterials emerged [1]–[4].
Nowadays, the research of metamaterials advanced to a level,
often nonlocal. They can change significantly as a function
of the number of layers and angle of incidence. When many
layers of unit cells are present, the electromagnetic parameters
where commercial applications are underway.
should converge to a bulk value. However, it is common that
The fundamental idea behind the metamaterial research is
the metamaterial is no longer opaque or the homogenization
that the subwavelength structuring can produce novel proper-
limits are exceeded before convergence occurs. Therefore,
ties. Then, the key question is how to choose the geometry
special care must be taken when the extracted parameters
of metamaterials to engineer the required electromagnetic
are utilized. The NRW model can replace the metamaterial
response, which is the distribution of the effective wave
only in special cases, when there are no other elements
impedance and refractive index. However, the calculation of
(e.g., antennas and polarizers) in its close environment, and
the effective parameters is challenging, because the frequen-
the secondary reflections can be disregarded as in [22]. More
cies where the metamaterial operates can be close to the limit
often, the coupling effects cannot be neglected. In spite of
of homogenization. To facilitate metamaterial design, several
these limitations, even the nonlocal metamaterial parameters
homogenization strategies have been proposed. Field aver-
can be useful. They can provide good starting values for full
aging methods, such as extended Maxwell-Garnett theories,
wave electromagnetic optimizations, which include the fine
are commonly applied [5]–[12]. Numerical averaging over the
details of the metamaterial as in [23]. Current developments
unit cells of the metamaterial is utilized as well [13], [14].
of metamaterial homogenization are usually driven to correct
The most common methods, however, are the extensions of
these limitations, especially the nonlocality of the extracted
the Nicolson–Ross–Weir (NRW) model [15], which replaces
metamaterial parameters [9], [12], [24]–[26]. Nevertheless,
the far-field electromagnetic response (S-parameters) of meta-
even these methods require NRW type models to approximate
material slabs with the electromagnetic response of a homo-
the wavenumber required by the first-principles homogeniza-
geneous slab [16]–[20]. The validity of this method has been
tion theory.
confirmed experimentally and it was shown that the extracted
The main difficulty of the NRW models is the calculation
parameters do not violate any physical constraint [21]. How-
of the refractive index, which involves the evaluation of a
ever, the method has limitations, which should be recognized.
complex logarithm. The resulting uncertainty is referred to
Manuscript received June 2, 2016; revised August 19, 2016 and as branching problem and affects only the real part of the
November 17, 2016; accepted November 21, 2016. Date of publication refractive index. Several methods have been proposed to solve
January 9, 2017; date of current version April 3, 2017.
The author is with the Department of Broadband Infocommunications and this ambiguity, as summarized in [20]. The S-parameters of
Electromagnetic Theory, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, two different thicknesses of the same metamaterial may allow
1111 Budapest, Hungary (e-mail: to obtain the branch index [27]. This procedure assumes that
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at the real part of the wave number is independent of thickness.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2016.2633345 However, the refractive index and, consequently, the wavenum-
0018-9480 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

ber can change even when the thickness of the metamaterial is positive, κ > 0. The limits of the integral are 0 and ∞, and
is increased with only one unit cell. As another possibility, therefore, the imaginary part of the refractive index should be
from linear system theory is known that the real part of known for the entire frequency range.
the frequency response at the output of a causal system In case of natural dielectric materials, at very high frequen-
can be derived from its imaginary part [28]. Therefore, the cies, the real part of the refractive index approaches unity
Kramers–Kronig relations can be applied to remove this from below, while the imaginary part tends to zero as the
ambiguity [29], [30]. inverse third power of the frequency [33]. At frequencies
It is the requirement of our version of metamaterial para- higher than far ultraviolet, diffraction occurs (e.g., X-rays).
meter extraction [30] to enforce the Kramers–Kronig relation The refractive index loses its meaning and the Laue theory
for the refractive index. The physically valid refractive index describes the interaction of the electromagnetic waves with
is determined by selecting those branches of the logarith- the crystal lattice. At such frequencies, the material cannot be
mic function, which are closest to those predicted by the regarded as a continuum, because the details of the crystal
Kramers–Kronig relation. The procedure also enforces the structure are comparable or larger than the wavelength and
continuity of the real part of the refractive index that is of the conditions of homogenization are exceeded. From frequen-
the wavenumber as function of frequency. Discontinuity in the cies that are higher than the highest far-ultraviolet frequency
extracted real part of the refractive index may indicate that for which measurements can be made, the Kramers–Kronig
the limit of homogenization is reached. The extracted wave relations require a suitable continuation of the involved
impedance and all other electromagnetic parameters must quantities to infinite frequency. This extrapolation allows to
satisfy the Kramers–Kronig relations as well. This procedure extend the frequency response to build a causal time-domain
highly relies on the accuracy by which the Kramers–Kronig model. The same considerations can be made when the
integral is evaluated. Accurate calculations require the Kramers–Kronig relation is applied for metamaterials. How-
S-parameters over a considerably larger frequency region than ever, depending on the geometry, the limits of the homogeniza-
the frequencies where the effective metamaterial parameters tion can scale even to microwaves and there is no constraint
are extracted. This is inconvenient when measurements are that the real part of the refractive index should approach
performed and also when the S-parameters are numerically unity.
calculated. Consequently, it is essential to limit the frequency Usually, the integral in (1) is truncated, and therefore, the
range of the calculations and at the same time, to provide Kramers–Kronig relation can provide only an approximation
an accurate estimate for the refractive index. Therefore, in of the refractive index, which is denoted by n K K (ω). The
this paper, we propose to utilize subtractive Kramers–Kronig imaginary part of the refractive index is usually given as a set
relations [31], [32] to uniquely extract the real part of the of discrete data points on the interval [ωa , ωb ] and often the
refractive index. spacing is equidistant with the frequency step ω. To avoid
This paper is organized as follows. In Sections II and III, the singularity of the Kramers–Kronig integral, two meshes,
closed form expressions of the Kramers–Kronig and of the the primary mesh and the secondary mesh, are introduced.
subtractive Kramers–Kronig relations are derived. The con- The primary mesh is associated with the imaginary part of
vergence rate of the expressions is shown by calculating the the refractive index, while the corresponding frequencies are
refractive index of a hypothetical metamaterial with predefined distinguished by a prime symbol and the following notation
parameters. In Section IV, a two-step procedure to extract is applied κ(ωl ) = κl . The secondary mesh is associated
the refractive index of metamaterials is introduced. Then, with the real part of the refractive index. The frequencies of
the multilayer fishnet metamaterial serves as an example to the primary mesh and of the secondary mesh are related as
present two scenarios that can be often encountered during the ωl = (ωl + ωl+1 )/2 = ω + ω/2 and the Kramers–Kronig
homogenization of metamaterials, when the Kramers–Kronig relation (1) can be expressed as
relation fails, however, the subtractive Kramers–Kronig rela-
L−1  ω
tion can accurately predict the correct branch of the refractive 2  l+1 ω  κ(ω  )

index. n K K (ω) = n h + P 2 dω (2)

ωl ω − ω 2

II. C LOSED F ORM E XPRESSIONS OF THE where L is the number of frequency points, where the imagi-
K RAMERS –K RONIG I NTEGRAL nary part of the refractive index is known and n h is a constant,
The real part of the refractive index n can be expressed as which is the cumulative effect of the continuation and can
a function of the imaginary part κ with the Kramers–Kronig compensate for the truncation of the integral. In the following,
relation [32], [33] as closed form expressions of the Kramers–Kronig expression are
 ∞  deduced by approximating the imaginary part of the refractive
2 ω κ(ω )
n(ω) = 1 + P  dω (1) index between each ωl , ωl+1
 frequency points.
π 0 ω 2 − ω2
where ω is the angular frequency and P denotes the principal
A. Zero-Order Approximation
value of the improper integral. Note that in this paper, the
time-harmonic convention exp(−i ωt) is used. Consequently, In case of the zero-order approximation, the imaginary part
the complex refractive index is written as N = n + i κ, and of the refractive index is considered constant κ(ω ) = κl
for passive media, the imaginary part of the refractive index over the frequency interval [ωl , ωl+1
 ], therefore (2) can be

written as while the second integral has similar form as (4). Substituting
L −1
 the closed form expressions of the integrals in (9) the following
2  ωl+1 ω
n K K (ω) = n h + κl dω . (3) formula can be deduced
π ωl
ω − ω2 L−1

l=0 2  κl+1 − κl
The integral, which appears in this expression, can be evalu- n (ω) = n h +
π ω
ated and it has the following closed form  
 ω  ω + ω ω − ω   
κl ωl+1 − κl+1 ωl
x 1  l l+1 
d x = log |x 2 − a 2 |, (4) log     + ×
x 2 − a2 2 2  ω − ωl ω + ωl+1   2ω
 2ωl ω + ω2 
where log() denotes the natural logarithm and the bars are the 
log 1 +   . (11)
absolute value. Substituting (4) in (3) and after some algebraic  ωl 2 − ω2 
manipulations, the following expression is obtained
   Note that (11) can be converted into (7) by setting κl+1 = κl .
L−1  ω 2 − ω2 
KK  l+1  The presented formulation can be conveniently implemented
n (ω) = n h + κl log   2 . (5) by precomputing the coefficients, which do not depend on ω
π  ωl − ω2 
κl+1 − κl ml
This relation is valid even for nonuniformly spaced data points. c1,l = = ,
πω π
For uniformly spaced frequencies, with the step size ω, the 
κl ωl+1 − κl+1 ωl bl
fraction can be expressed as c2,l = = ,
  2 πω π
ωl+1 − ω2 ωl + ω − ω2 2ω ω + ω2 c3,l = 2ωl ω + ω2 ,
2 = 2 = 1 + l 2 , (6)
ωl − ω2 ωl − ω2 ωl − ω2 c4,l = 2ωc1,l , (12)
and the refractive index can be calculated as leading to the following iterative scheme
 −1   ω + ω2  L
1  2ω 
n K K (ω) = n h + κl log 1 + l  2 . (7) n (ω) = n h +
c4,l + c1,l ω×
π  ωl − ω 2 
l=0 l=0
This expression can be conveniently implemented and it results  ω + ω ω − ω    
 l l+1   c 3,l 
in a faster computer algorithm than (5), because the nominator log      + c 2,l log  1+   . (13)
 ω − ωl ω + ωl+1
   ωl −ω 
2 2
of the fraction does not depend on ω, therefore it can be
precomputed. The developed algorithm considers the real part When the real part of the refractive index is required on the
of the refractive index constant on the interval [ωl , ωl+1 ] primary mesh, linear interpolation can be applied, except for
and the computed values nl can be directly assigned to the the first and last frequency points. For these points, extrapola-
frequencies point ωl of the primary mesh if necessary. tion may be applied; however, the developed algorithm directly
assigns the refractive index of the first and last frequency
B. First-Order Approximation points of the secondary mesh to the primary mesh.
In the following, the convergence of the zero-order and first-
In case of the first-order approximation, the imaginary part order closed form approximations is analyzed as a function of
of the refractive index is considered to be a linear function the step size and as a function of the available bandwidth,
over the frequency interval [ωl , ωl+1 ] which is the truncation frequency range, for a hypothetical
κ(ω ) = m l ω + bl , double negative metamaterial. In the frequency region of
κl+1 − κl operation, the relative electric permittivity of several meta-
ml =  ,
ωl+1 − ωl materials can be expressed with the Drude model, which is
 often followed by the first resonance of Lorentzian shape as
κl ωl+1 − κl+1 ωl
bl =  , (8) ωp2 (s − h )ωe0
ωl+1 − ωl r (ω) = h − + , (14)
ω 2 + i γe ω ωe0
2 − i ωδ − ω2
where m l is the slope of the line, bl is the y-intercept,
κl = κ(ωl ), and κl+1 = κ(ωl+1 ). Substituting (8) in (2), the where h is the electric permittivity at high frequencies,
real part of the refractive index can be expressed as ωp is the Drude plasma frequency, γe is the collision frequency,
  s is the static electric permittivity, ωe0 is the electric resonant
2  ωl+1 ω2 frequency, and δe is the electric damping factor. The relative
n (ω) = n h +
ml 2 dω
π ω  ω − ω 2 magnetic permeability of the metamaterial has Lorentzian
l=0 l
form described by the formula
l+1 ω
+ bl  dω . (9) (μs − μh )ωm0
ωl ω 2 − ω2 μr (ω) = μh + , (15)
2 − i ωδ − ω2
The first integral of this expression can be calculated as
   where μs is the static magnetic permeability, μh is the
x 2d x a + x  magnetic permeability at high frequencies, ωm0 is the mag-
−1 x a   , (10)
= x − a tanh = x − log 
x 2 − a2 a 2 a−x netic resonant frequency, and δm is the magnetic damping

of κ(ω ). The expression of the subtractive Kramers–Kronig

relation can be simplified by utilizing the following basis
    2   2 
x 2 −x 12 . . . x 2 −x k−1
2 x − x k+1
2 . . . x − x 2p
βk (x) =  2    2   2 ,
x k −x 12 . . . x k2 −x k−1
2 x k − x k+1
2 . . . x k − x 2p

where p is the order of the polynomial, the points x k ∈ R are

Fig. 1. Refractive index of the hypothetical metamaterial and approximations
all different, k = 1 . . . p, and βk (x m ) = δk,m , where δk,m is the
of the real part of the refractive index calculated with the Kramers–Kronig Kronecker delta function. The real part of the refractive index
integral. The imaginary part of the refractive index is the curve marked with can be expressed with the p-order subtractive Kramers–Kronig
diamond symbols. The exact values of the real part of the refractive index are
plotted with the solid line. The Kramers–Kronig approximation of the real part
relation as
of the refractive index for n h = (μh h )1/2 are plotted with dots, while for
n h = 1 with the curve marked with squares. The curve marked with triangles n(ω) = β1 (ω)n(ω1 ) + β2 (ω)n(ω2 ) + · · · + β p (ω)n(ω p )
is the real part of the refractive index obtained when the Kramers–Kronig
integral is truncated to the frequency range of 8–16 GHz. 2 2    
+ ω − ω12 ω2 − ω22 . . . ω2 − ω2p
ω κ(ω )dω
factor. The numerical values of the parameters are: εh = 2, ×P 2      , (18)
0 (ω − ω ) ω − ω1 . . . ω − ω p
2 2 2 2 2
ω p = 2π × 35 · 109 rad/s, γe = 2π × 3 · 109 rad/s, εs = 3,
ωe0 = 2π × 20 · 109 rad/s, δe = 2π × 0.6 · 109 rad/s, μh = 1.1,
μs = 2.5, ωm0 = 2π × 10 · 109 rad/s, and δm = 2π × 2.2 · 109 where ω1 , ω2 , . . . , ω p are the reference frequencies or anchor
rad/s. The complex refractive index can be calculated as points, in which the refractive index is known beforehand
 from independent simulations or measurements. The devel-
N(ω) = μr (ω)r (ω). (16) oped algorithm assumes that the anchor points belong to
For the given set of parameters, the exact values of the real the secondary mesh, therefore the singularity of (18) can
and imaginary parts of the refractive index are presented be conveniently avoided without the need of piecewise
in Fig. 1 with the solid line and with the curve marked integration.
with diamond symbols. To evaluate the Kramers–Kronig
integral, the refractive index at very high frequencies
n h is required. For the investigated metamaterial A. Zeroth-Order Approximation of the Subtractive
n h = (μh h )1/2 = 1.48 and considering L = 100 points on Kramers–Kronig Relation
the frequency interval 0 − 35 GHz, the refractive index n K K The imaginary part of the refractive index is considered
can be calculated with (13), which results in the curve marked constant, κ(ω ) = κl over the frequency interval [ωl , ωl+1
with dots. However, n h is usually not known. Therefore, it therefore the integral of (18) can be written as
is often approximated with n h = 1, which causes a shift,
see the line marked with square symbols. The accuracy  ∞ ω κ(ω )dω
of the Kramers–Kronig integral is highly affected by the  
available bandwidth. For example, when the frequency range 0 (ω 2 − ω2 ) ω 2 − ω12 . . . ω 2 − ω2p
is reduced to the 8–16 GHz interval, the Kramers–Kronig L
ωl+1 ω dω
integral provides the curve marked with triangle symbols. = κl 2
      , (19)
These errors can be decreased with the closed formulas of l=0 ωl (ω − ω2 ) ω − ω12 . . . ω 2 − ω2p

the subtractive Kramers–Kronig relation, which are derived

in Section III. where the last integral has the following primitive
For the considered metamaterial, the zero-order and the first- function
order approximations have similar convergence rate, however, 
the first-order approximation is more accurate and especially xdx
applicable when the metamaterial possesses resonances with x − a1 x − a22 . . . x 2 − a 2p
2 2 2
high quality factor, that is the imaginary part changes abruptly  
1 log x 2 − ai2 
in a narrow frequency range. =  2    2   2 .
2 ai − a12 . . . ai2 − ai−1
2 ai − ai+1
2 . . . ai − a 2p
In this section, closed form expressions for p point Substituting the primitive function (20) in (18), taking
subtractive Kramers–Kronig relation [31], [32] are derived by the limits of integration and after some algebraic manip-
employing the zero-order and the first-order approximations ulations, the subtractive Kramers–Kronig integral can be

expressed as written as
n K K (ω) ω κ(ω )dω
   (ω − ω2 ) ω 2 − ω12 . . . ω 2 − ω2p
1   ω 2 − ω2  0
 l+1  L −1 
= κl log   2   ωl+1 ω 2 dω
π  ωl − ω2  = ml     
⎡   ⎤ l=0 ωl (ω 2 − ω2 ) ω 2 − ω12 . . . ω 2 − ω2p
 −1  ω 2 − ω2   ω 
1  ⎦ ω dω
+ β1 (ω) ⎣n(ω1 ) − κl log  l+1 1
 + bl
π  ωl 2 − ω12  
l=0 ωl (ω 2 − ω2 ) ω 2 − ω12 . . . ω 2 − ω2p
⎡   ⎤
 −1  ω 2 − ω2  (25)
1  2 ⎦
+ β2 (ω) ⎣n(ω2 ) − κl log  l+1  + ···
π  ωl 2 − ω22  The first integral can be evaluated as
⎡   ⎤ 
L −1  ω 2 − ω2  x 2d x
1   l+1 p ⎦     
+ β p (ω) ⎣n(ω p ) − κl log   2  . (21) x 2 − a12 x 2 − a22 . . . x 2 − a 2p
π  ωl − ω2p  
l=0  p
ai −1
=     2   2 
The computational load of (21) can be significantly reduced 2 ai2 − a12 . . . ai2 − ai−1
2 ai − ai+1
2 . . . ai − a 2p
with barycentric formulation [34] and by precomputing the  
coefficients, which do not depend on ω. For uniformly spaced  ai + x 
× log   , (26)
frequency points of the primary mesh, the first sum can be ai − x 
transformed in a similar manner as in (13). By defining the
weights and introducing the coefficients while the second integral is similar to (20). Substituting the
antiderivatives (20) and (26) in (25), taking the limits of

 2 −1 integration and after some algebra, the following closed form
wi = ωi − ωk2 , (22) expression can be obtained
k =i
  n K K (ω)
2ωl ω + ω2   ω + ω ω − ω  
gi = n(ωi ) −
κl log 1 + , (23) 1⎣   l l+1 
ωl 2 − ωi2  = ω m l log    
l=0 π  ω − ωl ω + ωl+1  
where ωi is the i th anchor point on the secondary mesh and L −1  ω 2 − ω2 
i = 1 . . . p, and the following closed form expression can be + bl log  l+1  + β1 (ω)
obtained  ωl 2 − ω2 
  p ⎧ ⎡  
 ω1 + ω ω1 − ω  
1   c3,l  i=0 ω2 −ω2 gi ⎨ 1⎣ 
  l+1 l 
n (ω) =
κl log 1+  2 +  p wi
. × n(ω1 ) + ω1 m l log   
π  ωl − ω2  ⎩ π  ω1 − ωl+1 ω1 + ω
l=0 i=0 2 2 ω −ωi l=0 l
(24)   ⎤ ⎫
 −1  ω 2 − ω2  ⎬
 1 ⎦
− bl log  l+1 
The singularity of this expression at anchor points can  ωl 2 − ω12  ⎭
be easily avoided by setting n K K (ωi ) = n(ωi ) when
+ · · · + β p (ω)
|ω − ωi | < , where  is a small predefined positive number. ⎧ ⎡  
The advantage of this representation is that the computation ⎨ L
 −1  ω p + ω ω p − ω  
of (24) requires O(n) operations only, and the need of log() × n(ω p ) + ⎣ω p m l log   l+1


⎩ π  ω p − ωl+1 ω p + ωl
function evaluations is minimized. Comparing the deduced l=0
closed form expression of the Kramers–Kronig integral (7) L−1  ω 2 − ω2  ⎬

 l+1 p ⎦
with the closed form expression of the subtractive Kramers– − bl log   2  . (27)
 ωl − ω2p  ⎭
Kronig relation (24), it can be observed that instead of n h l=0
stands the second term with barycentric sum. However, this
This expression can be converted into the zero-order approx-
term depends on ω and it is not simply an approximation of n h ,
imation (21) by setting κl+1 = κl ; consequently, when the
but increases the convergence rate of the deduced subtractive
slope of the line is m l = 0 and the y-intercept is bl = κl .
Kramers–Kronig relation.
Identifying the corresponding terms of the zero order and
first-order approximations, it can be observed that the
B. First-Order Approximation of the Subtractive higher computational load of the first-order approximation is
Kramers–Kronig Relation primarily the consequence of the additional log() function
The imaginary part of the refractive index κ(ω ) is con- evaluations. However, the computational load of (27) can be
sidered a linear function
 in form of (8) over the frequency significantly reduced with the barycentric formulation and by
interval ωl , ωl+1
 . Therefore, the integral of (18) can be precomputing the coefficients, which do not depend on ω.

Introducing the coefficient

L−1  ωi + ω ωi − ω  
 l+1 l 
f i = n(ωi ) + ωi m l log   
π  ωi − ωl+1 ωi + ωl
 −1  ω 2 − ω2 
 i ⎦
− bl log  l+1  , (28)
 ωl 2 − ωi2 

where ωi is the i th anchor point on the secondary mesh

and i = 1 . . . p, and the following expression, which
is suitable for effective computer implementation, can be
 −1  ω + ω ω − ω  
 l l+1 
n (ω) = c1,l ω log    
 ω − ωl ω + ωl+1

+ c2,l log 1 +  2 
 ωl − ω2 
p wi
i=0 ω2 −ω2 f i Fig. 2. Convergence of the subtractive Kramers–Kronig integral with the first-
+ p wi
. (29) order approximation of κ(ω) as a function of the number of anchor points L.
i=0 ω2 −ω2 (a) Refractive index is known in a single point. (b) Two anchor points.
(c) Three anchor points. (d) Four anchor points.
Comparing the closed form expression (13) deduced for the
Kramers–Kronig relation and (29) obtained for the subtractive
Kramers–Kronig relation, it can be observed that the terms of IV. E XTRACTION OF THE R EFRACTIVE I NDEX OF
the sums containing c1,l and c2,l coincide and both relations M ETAMATERIALS W ITH THE S UBTRACTIVE
reduce to the corresponding zero-order formulas by setting K RAMERS –K RONIG R ELATION
κl+1 = κl . Therefore, the core of the developed computer For a plane wave with normal incidence on the homo-
implementation can be similar and leads to a unified algorithm, geneous slab, the normalized wave impedance Z eff and the
which handles as special cases the zero- and the second-order complex refractive index Neff are related to the S-parameters
approximations of the Kramers–Kronig and of the subtractive as [17], [20], [30]
Kramers–Kronig relation and it can be extended to higher 
(1 + S11 )2 − S21
degree approximations as well. Z eff = ± , (30)
The convergence of the first-order subtractive (1 − S11 ) − S21
2 2
 ! "#
Kramers–Kronig relation (29) in function of the number 1 S21
Neff = Im log + 2mπ
of anchor points L is investigated for the double negative k0 deff 1 − S11 R01
metamaterial described in Section II-B (see Fig. 1). The ! "#$
purpose is to determine the real part of refractive index − i Re log = n eff + i κeff ,
1 − S11 R01
from the imaginary part in the double negative region, while
the available frequency range is truncated to the 6–20 GHz
interval. The results are presented in Fig. 2, where the where k0 is the free space wave number of the plane wave,
imaginary part of the refractive index is the curve marked m is an integer denoting the branch index of the complex
with diamond symbols. The anchor points are shown with log() function, Re() is the real part, Im() is the imaginary
circle markers. The real part of the refractive index calculated part, and R01 = (Z eff − 1)/(Z eff + 1). The imaginary part
with the first-order subtractive Kramers–Kronig relation is the of the refractive index κeff is not affected by the branches of
curve marked with dots. For reference, the exact values of the logarithmic function, and therefore, it can be calculated
the real part of the refractive index are plotted with solid line. without ambiguity. Then, the Kramers–Kronig relation can be
In Fig. 2(a), the refractive index is known in a single point, applied to estimate the real part of the refractive index from
and there are two anchor points in Fig. 2(b), three anchor the imaginary part. The real part of the refractive index n eff
points in Fig. 2(c) and four anchor points in Fig. 2(d). The at a given frequency can be uniquely determined by selecting
figures show the convergence of the real part of the refractive that branch of the logarithmic function, which is closest to
index to the exact values calculated with (16). Codes written the value predicted by the Kramers–Kronig relation [30].
in MATLAB,1 which implement the developed expressions In practice, however, the precision by which the refractive
are published online.2 index can be determined is strongly affected by the accuracy
of the Kramers–Kronig integral and by the accuracy of the
1 [Online]. Available: S-parameters. The accuracy of the Kramers–Kronig relation
2 [Online]. Available: is affected by the available bandwidth, but often, the phase

Fig. 4. Normalized wave impedance of the multilayer fishnet metamaterial

is extracted from the S-parameters of the frequency domain simulation.
Solid line: real part. Curve with diamonds: imaginary part. It is verified that the
extracted wave impedance satisfies the Kramers–Kronig relation by calculating
the real part from its imaginary part, see the curve plotted with dots.

operating at microwave frequencies, for a plane wave incident

perpendicular to the surface of the metamaterial and polarized
along the x-direction.
The S-parameters of the fishnet metamaterial are calculated
with the commercial field solver CST Microwave Studio.4
Fig. 3. S-parameters (a) magnitude and (b) phase of the multilayer fishnet
The simulations are performed for one unit cell of the fishnet
metamaterial simulated using CST. Inset of (a): geometry of the fishnet is metamaterial with the frequency domain solver by setting unit
shown from a front view. Inset of (b): unit cell utilized in the simulations. cell boundary conditions and tetrahedral mesh. The predefined
Floquet ports induce the plane waves and at the same time,
of the S-parameters is not accurate enough. Inspecting the absorb the outgoing radiation. The ports are deembedded to the
continuity of the extracted refractive index can provide a read- surface of the metamaterial. Therefore, the effective thickness
ily accomplished validity testing of the parameter extraction of the metamaterial is deff = 12 × 0.038 + 11 × 0.76 =
procedure [30]. When discontinuity occurs, then another step, 8.816 mm. The magnitude of the S-parameters is shown in
which utilizes the subtractive Kramers–Kronig relation with Fig. 3(a) and the phase in Fig. 3(b). Note that the phase
anchor points properly selected from the first estimate of the of S21 has several jumps grouped in two frequency bands
refractive index, can be inserted in the extraction procedure. around 10 and 15 GHz, which may indicate that the fishnet
A variety of geometries has been proposed for metamaterial metamaterial is not optically thin at these wavelengths and
unit cell [2]. The fishnet type metamaterials [35] are often more than one branch can contribute to the refractive index.
favored, because the geometry can be scaled down to provide The extracted normalized wave impedance is shown in
negative refractive index even at visible frequencies [36]. The Fig. 4, where the real part is plotted with solid line and
homogenization of the fishnet has been widely discussed in the imaginary part is the curve marked with diamonds.
the literature [3], [22], [37], [38]. Therefore, this metamaterial To verify that the extracted wave impedance satisfies the
can be utilized to illustrate two scenarios, which can occur Kramers–Kronig relations, the real part is calculated with a
during the extraction of the refractive index of metamaterials. similar relation as (1) from the imaginary part, by setting
First, the refractive index is discontinuous due to the limited Z h = 0.096. The results are shown in Fig. 4 with dots.
frequency range, consequently by the inaccuracy of the trun- A very good agreement can be observed between the real
cated Kramers–Kronig integral. Second, the discontinuity of part of the normalized wave impedance directly extracted
the refractive index is the consequence of the inaccuracy of the with the homogenization procedure and that obtained from
S-parameters obtained from electromagnetic field simulation. the Kramers–Kronig relation. The extracted refractive index
Consider a strongly coupled fishnet metamaterial made of the multilayer fishnet metamaterial is shown in Fig. 5(a).
of twelve metallic layers separated with dielectric and per- The curve marked with diamonds is the imaginary part of
forated with rectangular openings arranged in square lat- the refractive index. The refractive index approximated with
tice. The metallic layers are made of copper with thickness the first-order Kramers–Kronig relation (13) is plotted with
of 38 μm. The dielectric layers are made of 0.76-mm-thick dots. The real part of the extracted refractive index is the
ISOLA IS680-345,3 with dielectric constant r = 3.45 and curve with solid line. For reference, several possible branches
loss tan δ = 0.0035 at 10 GHz. The lattice constant of the of the logarithmic function (the dashed curves) are plotted
rectangular unit cell is ax = a y = 14 mm and the size of the as well. The calculations reveal that the refractive index
opening is wx = w y = 7 mm. The geometry from a front is discontinuous at f = 16.98 GHz, which is marked in
view is presented in Fig. 3(a) (inset). Fig. 3(b) (inset) shows Fig. 5(a) with a circle. The refractive index just before the
the unit cell utilized in the simulations. This metamaterial is discontinuity is n eff = 0.637, therefore the guided wavelength
3 [Online]. Available: 4 [Online]. Available:

Fig. 5. (a) Extraction of the real part of the refractive index from the Fig. 6. (a) Effective refractive index (solid line) of the 12-layer thick
S-parameters of the frequency domain simulation. The imaginary part of fishnet metamaterial extracted with the subtractive Kramers–Kronig rela-
the refractive index is marked with diamonds. The curve marked with dots tion. For reference, the imaginary part of the refractive index (marked
is the refractive index calculated with the Kramers–Kronig relation. The with diamonds), the refractive index calculated with the subtractive
dashed curves are possible branches of the logarithmic function. The real Kramers–Kronig relation (dots), and several possible branches of the loga-
part of the refractive index is plotted with solid line and it has a discontinuity rithmic function (dashed curves) are plotted as well. The two cross markers
in the circled frequency region. (b) Branch number. In the region marked with indicate the position of the anchor points. (b) Branch number, which is correct
gray the branch number is incorrect. over the entire frequency range.

is λg = c0 /(n eff f ) = 27.73 mm, which is much larger than frequencies, where the metamaterial is thin compared with
the effective thickness of the metamaterial λg /deff ≈ 3. This the wavelength, which is reflected in large separation between
is an indication that the discontinuity is a numerical error due the branches. The branch number, which is correct over the
to the truncation of the Kramers–Kronig integral and can be entire frequency range, is plotted in Fig. 6(b). The refractive
removed by increasing the frequency range of the simulation. index has no discontinuities and corresponds to that one, which
The branch number m is shown in Fig. 5(b) and the region can obtain with the increase of the frequency range of the
marked with gray represents the frequencies, where the branch simulation.
number is incorrect. In the following, consider the same fishnet metamaterial, but
The Kramers–Kronig integral has slow convergence the S-parameters are calculated with the time-domain solver
rate [32]. Therefore, it is inconvenient to increase the fre- of CST Microwave Studio. The simulation domain is closed
quency range of the simulation, because for accurate calcu- with PEC boundary condition in the x-direction, PMC in the
lations, a new finer mesh is required. Resonances at higher y-direction, and waveguide ports in the z-direction, which are
frequencies may be covered, which can also increase the excited with the fundamental mode to mimic a plane wave
simulation time. Instead, the subtractive Kramers–Kronig rela- propagating perpendicular to the surface of the fishnet and
tion (29), which has a higher convergence rate [32], can be polarized in the x-direction. The ports are deembedded to
employed to obtain a better approximation of the refractive the surface of the metamaterial. The simulation domain can
index [see Fig. 6(a) (curve marked with dots)]. As it can be be further reduced to one quarter with symmetry conditions
observed, there is a very good overlap of the refractive index (PEC in x-direction and PMC in y-direction). The computa-
obtained with the subtractive Kramers–Kronig relation and tional space is divided in rectangular cells and the simulation
those branches that contribute to the real part of the refractive is stopped, when the total energy drops below −60 dB. These
index. The two anchor points are selected at frequencies boundary conditions and, therefore, the simulation setup are
f 1 = 6 GHz and f 2 = 13 GHz and the corresponding values valid only at frequencies below the diffraction limit. Compar-
of the refractive index are n 1 = 0.0012 and n 2 = 0.5254. ing the S-parameters of this simulation with the S-parameters
The two cross markers of Fig. 6(a) indicate the position of the of the frequency domain simulation with unit cell boundary
anchor points. Note that the refractive indices at the anchor conditions can provide information of the diffraction limit,
points are the exact values from (31), calculated in the previous therefore can assist to set upper limit for the homogenization
step of the extraction procedure, where the branch m is of metamaterials. The effective refractive index extracted from
selected with the Kramers–Kronig relation (13). The position the S-parameters of the time-domain simulation is shown
of the anchor points is not crucial, and they are selected at in Fig. 7. The results are similar to those obtained from
frequencies, where the separation of the branches is significant, the frequency domain simulation except the circled frequency
as another possibility can be to position one anchor point just region of 15–16 GHz, where the refractive index has two
before the discontinuity. In [31], it is proposed to distribute the discontinuities. This frequency region is magnified in Fig. 7(b),
anchor points according to a Chebychev polynomial, however, which reveals that it is not possible to connect the predicted
in our case, it is appropriate to select the anchor points at branches at the ends of this interval (15 and 16 GHz) in such

Fig. 7. (a) Effective refractive index extracted from time-domain simulation

of the S-parameters. The simulation results are similar to the frequency
domain results except the 15–16 GHz region, where the refractive index has
two discontinuities. (b) Magnified frequency region. Fig. 8. Comparison between (a) magnitude and (b) phase of the S-parameters
obtained from time-domain and frequency domain simulations. The phases
of S21 significantly differ in the frequency region around 15.5 GHz.
a way, to obtain continuous refractive index. The S-parameters
obtained from time-domain and frequency domain simulations
are compared in Fig. 8. The magnitudes of the S-parameters
are similar [see Fig. 8(a)], except a redshift of the time-domain
data, which is a dispersion error and can be corrected by
increasing the mesh size. The phases of S11 obtained from time
and frequency domain simulations agree as well, however,
the phases of S21 differ in the frequency region, where the
discontinuities of the refractive index occur [see Fig. 8(b)].
The S-parameters of the time-domain solver are calculated
from the time signals recorded at the ports with fast Fourier
transform (FFT). The FFT is dependent on the time step and
length of the recorded time signal, and usually fails to extract
the correct phase when the magnitude is close to zero. Fig. 9. Effective refractive index calculated from frequency domain data,
In such cases, auxiliary simulations can be run in the frequency when the simulation is truncated to the frequency region of 14.5–16.5 GHz.
The two anchor points (marked with cross) are selected based on the branch
domain for the interval, where the S-parameters need to be number obtained from the time-domain simulation.
improved. Due to the limited frequency range, the execution
time of the frequency domain solver is not demanding. [see the dotted curves of Figs. 7(b) and 9], it can be
The effective refractive index of the multilayer fishnet observed that they correspond even in the frequency region
calculated with the S-parameters obtained from the frequency of 15–16 GHz region, which indicates the robustness of the
domain simulation, when the frequency range is truncated to procedure.
the interval of 14.5–16.5 GHz, is presented in Fig. 9. As it
can be observed, the refractive index is uniquely identified V. C ONCLUSION
with the subtractive Kramers–Kronig relation, which utilizes Closed form expressions of the Kramers–Kronig and of
two anchor points at f 1 = 15 GHz and f 2 = 16 GHz. Due the multiply subtractive Kramers–Kronig relations have been
to the redshift of the time-domain data, it is more appropriate derived by approximating the imaginary part of the refractive
to select the branch numbers at the anchor points, this case index with constant and linear approximations between two
m 1 = 1 and m 2 = 0. Then, the refractive index at the anchor consecutive frequency points. Higher-order approximations
points can be calculated from (31) with the S-parameters can be straightforwardly derived by applying polynomial divi-
obtained from the frequency domain simulation, resulting sion. However, high degree polynomials can lead to oscil-
in n 1 = 1.592 and n 2 = 0.217. The predicted branches lations between data points, and therefore, the utilization of
lead to continuous refractive index. Comparing the refractive spline interpolation may be preferred, because the interpolation
indices provided by the subtractive Kramers–Kronig rela- error can be small even with low degree spline polynomials.
tion for the time-domain and frequency domain calculations The derived expressions require only the evaluation of basic

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