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4, NOVEMBER 2009 937

Impact of Switching-Induced Electromagnetic

Interference on Low-Voltage Cables in Substations
Hossien Heydari, Member, IEEE, Vahid Abbasi, Student Member, IEEE, and Faramarz Faghihi, Member, IEEE

Abstract—The electromagnetic environment within a substa- through the parasitic inductance and capacitance in the circuit.
tion is very complex. Substations represent an intricate intercon- Therefore, the noise induced by main power devices and their
nected collection of devices that serve as electromagnetic wave related circuits become main EMI sources. As mentioned previ-
emitters and receptors. Transient electromagnetic emissions—
electromagnetic interference (EMI)—are generated during the ously, some high-power supplies, for instance, circuit breakers
switching of disconnector and circuit breakers (CBs) that may (CBs), disconnectors, transformers, and bus bars, etc., in a sub-
cause malfunction or damage to electronic equipment positioned station may also cause strong electromagnetic radiation. Con-
nearby if appropriate immunity measures are not taken. The inter- sequently, the switching operations of CBs and disconnectors
ference may couple significant energy through common-mode cur- at the secondary side of substations give rise to EMI because
rents to cable protection. Electromagnetic compatibility is mostly
achieved by addressing the EMI victim through techniques in the they generate abrupt voltage collapses ∆U across the contacts of
secondary environment, such as shielding and filtering. This pa- the equipment. The electromagnetic disturbance is coupled, and
per presents the finite-element method analysis of three methods: then induced to the secondary side. Because of the power level at
metallic channel, braided cable, and additional cable, used for EMI the primary and secondary sides, overvoltages and overcurrents
mitigation on low-voltage cables of 20 kV side in a 63-kV/20-kV occur, giving rise to malfunction or damage to the secondary-
substation due to switching effects of disconnector and CBs. In
each method, overvoltage is considered and the results are com- side equipment.
pared with each other. A simple circuit analysis was also carried This problem becomes more obvious after the replacement of
out on the causes of switching based on EMI to provide some insight electromechanic control devices with electronics ones [1], as has
into the interference mechanism during switching process, using been occurring over the last three decade. An initial investigation
common-mode and differential-mode equivalent circuits. The over- has been carried out for substations above 100 kV [2]. The same
voltage reductions are attained through differential-mode current
and shielding methods. problems of overvoltages and overcurrents due to EMI have been
reported in medium-voltage substations. As such, EMC studies
Index Terms—Cable, common mode (CM), differential mode have been considered in medium-voltage substations [2]–[4].
(DM), electromagnetic interference (EMI), substation, switching.
The amplitude of the voltage and current are increased during
I. INTRODUCTION the switching operation, and high-frequency components are
spread. This illustrates the importance of EMC studies about
S FAR as the fundamentals of electromagnetic compat-
A ibility (EMC) are concerned, there is no significant dif-
ferences between communication systems and power devices.
switching operations. EMC studies for switching operations
have two advantages: EMI prevention for sensitive elements
and system security [5].
However, from an application point of view, the electromagnetic
To achieve the aforementioned goals, shielding, filtering,
interference (EMI) problem in power devices has its own fea-
and grounding methods can be established [6]–[9]. EMI analy-
tures. EMI problems can manifest themselves as errors or fail-
sis [10] can help designers to choose the best method. Among ex-
ures after the equipment has entered service. Other hardware or
isting methods, reducing common-mode currents in low-voltage
software problems may be suspected initially, but the problems
cables by generation of a differential-mode current or by shield-
will recur until they are properly diagnosed and solved. Con-
ing are considered, which are used in potential transformer (PT),
sidering EMI, the switching frequency in an electrical system
current transformer (CT), and control cables.
is much lower than in a communication system, but with much
This paper presents a finite-element method (FEM) analysis
higher operation voltage, current, and power. The main devices
of three methods: metallic channel, braided cable, and addi-
in the system will generate very high current and voltage slew
tional cable, used for EMI mitigation on low-voltage cables
rates, di/dt, and dv/dt during their switching transient process,
of 20 kV side in a 63-kV/20-kV substation due to switching
which will cause very strong transient noise voltage and current
effects of disconnector and CBs. The simulations are based
on the edge element method and the magnetic vector potential
Manuscript received November 13, 2008; revised May 7, 2009. First
published September 4, 2009; current version published November 18, 2009.
method [11]–[13]. The former method constitutes the theoret-
H. Heydari is with the Center of Excellence for Power System Automation ical foundation of low-frequency electromagnetic field (EMF)
and Operation, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran 16846-13114, element. The appendix provides more detailed explanation and
Iran (e-mail:
V. Abbasi and F. Faghihi are with the High Voltage and Magnetic Material
corresponding mathematical relationships.
Research Center, Department of Electrical Engineering, Iran University of Sci- In each method, overvoltage is considered and the results are
ence and Technology, Tehran 16846-13114, Iran (e-mail:; compared with each other. A simple circuit analysis was also
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
carried out on the causes of switching-based EMI to provide
at some insight into the interference mechanism during switch-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TEMC.2009.2028236 ing process, using common mode (CM) and differential mode
0018-9375/$26.00 © 2009 IEEE

Fig. 1. Transient current (in kiloamperes) during a reignition in a 20-kV


(DM) equivalent circuits. The overvoltage reductions are at- Fig. 2. EMC in a medium-voltage cubicle. CB: circuit breaker; T U : voltage
tained through DM current and shielding methods. transformer; T i : CT; W : secondary wiring; and T , L: inductive load.


Reignitions in the HV circuit could occur if inductive loads
are switched off by the CB. The inductive current chops so that
a switching overvoltage emerges [14]–[17]. This overvoltage
stresses the CB at a time while the contacts are still moving
apart and the full dielectric strength has not been reached. The
gap between the contacts breaks down once more. The vac-
uum CB is able to quench before the full dielectric strength is
reached, and therefore, the gap breaks down several times. This
is called multiple reignitions. For the assessment of the coupling
phenomena through the reignitions, it is acceptable to look at a
single reignition, as shown in Fig. 1. At zero instant, the reigni-
tion occurs within a few tens of nanoseconds. This leads to a rate
of rise of the high voltage. Due to capacitances and inductances Fig. 3. Switching current in the time and frequency domains.
in the HV circuit, a damped sinusoidal oscillation is superposed.
After 6 µs, the arc quenches and the voltage across the contacts
rises again until the next reignition. While the arc is burning, a radiated component of EMI that can couple energy to equipment
high-frequency damped sinusoidal current flows. At this time, in the switchyard.
amplitudes of a few hundred amperes may be reached at fre- Considering gas-insulated substation (GIS), dominant fre-
quencies of a few hundred kilohertz to a few megahertz. Thus, quencies are substantially higher (usually 10–100 times) than
in the current zero, a rate of rise of more than 1 kA/µs is not ab- these in conventional substations, as well as amplitudes are
normal [14], [15]. Concerning EMC phenomena, it is preferred lower due to the damping of the transients. Also, the metallic
to handle the transient voltages and currents not in time domain, enclosure, including its grounding, is probably one of the main
but in the frequency domain. The relation between these two reasons for the reduction of fields in GIS [4], [18].
domains is specified by the Fourier transform. It is reported that the range of the relevant frequency for
Measured data carried out by prior research [15] can be con- the EMC coupling for air-insulated switchgear is 100 kHz–
verted into the frequency domain with the help of a fast Fourier 10 MHz [15]. Although, in that study, the dominate frequency
transform. range for the transient voltage and current during a reignition
The approach has been implemented to low-voltage cables at was between 1 and 3 MHz.
the secondary side of a 63-kV/20-kV substation. However, this For comparative purposes, a general structure shown in Fig. 2
approach can readily be implemented to other specific substation used by prior researches presented in [15] and [16] will be
and higher switching frequencies. considered. The range of the frequency considering the EMC
The study has been carried out during the operation of a coupling for the investigated switchgear results in Figs. 3 and 4
medium-voltage CB. show that is around 200 kHz.
Each substation switching operation produces a multitude of
electric and magnetic field transients whose number, magnitude, III. ANALYTICAL MODEL FOR THE MAIN ELEMENTS
and wave shape can vary greatly depending on the type and
A. Influence of the Wiring
voltage of the substation, the type of switch being operated, the
speed of switch, the electrical characteristics of the bus being The voltage at the secondary terminals of the instrument trans-
excited, and the location of the field measurement point relative formers (CT and PT) is determined by the impedance of the
to the excited bus. These transient fields represent a significant secondary circuit. It consists of the secondary wiring, and the

Fig. 4. Frequency spectrum.

impedance at the terminals of the control and protection devices.

The wiring of the secondary of CT can be done by two ways:
1) using a two single stranded wires laid along one another;
2) using a screen cable (multistranded cable).
In the relevant frequency, the wiring cannot anymore be re-
garded as an ideal transmission line

Uin = Uout cosh γl + Iout Zc sinh γl (1)

Iin = sinh γl + Iout cosh γl

R + jwL
Zc =
G + jwC 

γ = (R + jwL ) (G + jwC  ). (2)

Fig. 5(a) shows a 20-kV switchgear incorporating CTs and

PTs. The two wires laid, along the lateral plane of the cubicle,
from secondary side of a CT to the measuring instruments, are
modeled as a two-wire line. However, the wires may have dif-
Fig. 5. (a) Schematic diagram of 20-kV switchgear incorporating instrument
ferent impedance characteristic and propagation constant. As devices. (b) Geometry of the secondary wiring of CT.
a consequence, these wires will lead to differential-mode and
common-mode signals. The line parameters depend on the ge-
ometry of the wiring (h1 , h2 , and d), as shown in Fig. 5(b). It is worth mentioning that the input impedance of control
Typical values for h and d are from 1 to a few 10 mm. The devices may be nonlinear due to overvoltage protection elements
specific inductance of the line ranges between 0.3 and 3 µH/m, such as arresters or varistors.
and the specific capacitance ranges between 3 and 80 pF/m. The
resistance increases with frequency because of the skin effect. C. Braided Cable Shields
The specific conductance is very low and can be neglected. Braided shield cables are widely used in many fields for
their good shielding and flexibility properties. The transfer
B. Influence of the Input Impedance of the Control Device impedance Zt , and inner and outer surface impedance Zi and
Zo (for the shield of braided cables) are significant quantities
The electronic device determines the termination of the trans-
that reflect electromagnetic coupling between the interior and
mission lines. The common-mode lines are terminated by the
exterior of the cable shielding [19]–[21]. External EMFs inter-
stray capacitances from an input terminal to the metal housing
fere with the internal signals of braided cables in two ways: 1)
of the device since the terminals are isolated from the hous-
the external shield current diffusing from the outer surface to
ing. These stray capacitances have been measured from 10 to
the inner surface of the shield and 2) EMFs penetrating through
30 pF. The differential-mode line is terminated by the input
the holes on the shield.
impedance of the device. With the device under investigation,
The transfer impedance Zt is used to characterize such elec-
this impedance was different for the voltage and the input of the
tromagnetic coupling and its expression is
CT. In the relevant frequency range, the input of a PT could be
modeled by a mere capacitance and the CT by an inductance. Zt = Zd + jwM12 (3)

where Zd corresponds to current diffusion and M12 corresponds

to magnetic coupling through the holes. In this paper, only the
diffusion model of the shield, i.e., Zd , is studied. Schelkunoff
[19] found for a cylindrical shell that
Zd = (4)
where D = I1 (γb)K1 (γa) − I1 (γa)K1 (γb).
Its approximate expression is
1 γT
Zd = (5)
π (a + b) σT sh (γT )
where a and bare the internal and external radii of the shield, re-
spectively, T = b − a, γ 2 = jwµσ, and σ and µ are the electric
conductivity and magnetic permeability of the material of the
shield, respectively. The shields of braided cables differ from
a cylindrical shell, but the model for a braided cable shield
remains that of on cylindrical shell. Given that d denotes the
diameter of the braided wire, T = 2d and the diffusion term Zd Fig. 6. (Top view) Flux lines.
for the shield of braided cables is
1 γ2d γ2d
Zd = = Ro . (6)
π (a + b) 2dσ sh (γ2d) sh (γ2d)
However, a problem occurs. In experimental works, Vance has
shown that the calculated amplitude-frequency characteristic is
not consistent with measurement results [20]. He, therefore,
made the following assumptions to overcome the inconsistency.
1) The cylindrical shell, which is the model of the braided
shield, should have the same dc resistance as the braided
2) The shell should have the amplitude–frequency character-
istic of a cylindrical shell with a thickness T = d.
Then, we obtain
Zd = Ro . (7)
sh (γd)
According to the calculated values based on (1) through (7),
the values of the elements for the EMC circuit model can be Fig. 7. (Front view) Flux lines.
The value of CM within the frequency spectrum can be deter-
mined by considering the amplitude of the current and frequency
CM currents are a very important issue with respect to both spectrum. The CM equivalent circuit for the voltage measure-
emissions and power safety. The CM currents are interference ment system is shown in Fig. 8.
currents (mainly transient) flowing in parallel through the con- Induced voltage in PT cables due to EMI generated by the
ductors of a cable and returning to the source through the ground. bus bar is the source of emissions in Fig. 6. The amplitude of
Interference current within the shield of a shielded cable is also CM divided by rated voltage versus frequency during switching
considered as CM (not to be confused with the signal current in is shown in Fig. 9. It is evident that the overvoltage of 40% up to
the screen of a coax cable that is DM). The shield of a shielded 100% higher than the circuit voltage occurs due to EMI over the
cable is usually earthed at both ends, and the CM current in the frequency spectrum of switching. This gives rise to malfunction
shield is larger than the total CM current in the conductors of or damage to nearby equipment.
an unshielded cable of the same size. In the 20-kV enclosure,
the main sources of EMI are bus bars. Figs. 6 and 7 show the V. METHODS FOR REDUCING OVERVOLTAGES
H-field in a 20-kV electrical panel from top and front view. AND OVERCURRENTS
Low-voltage cables inside the enclosure are exposed to a
A. Differential-Mode Current
magnetic field, in which an unwanted voltage is induced, during
switching operation, increasing the amplitude of the current and In order to reduce the amplitude of an overvoltage, a DM
frequency (up to resonance frequency). current in the opposite direction of CM current is usually

Fig. 8. CM equivalent circuit for the voltage measurement system. Fig. 11. DM equivalent circuit for the voltage measurement system.

Fig. 9. Ratio of CM overvoltage to rated voltage of circuit. Fig. 12. Effect of DM on overvoltage reduction.

Fig. 10. PT connection for measurment equipment in an HV substation. Dur-

ing the normal state, the amplitude of the DM current is small, whereas in a Fig. 13. Flux density (B x ) due to the CM current in the braided cable.
transient state, the frequency and current amplitude of the bus bar creates a
strong magnetic source leading to higher CM current in the cables.
ventional cable. Conductors of the braided cables can be the
source of DM current, and thereby, overvoltage reduction is
generated. However, a DM current in a PT cable in HV sub-
achieved. Figs. 13 and 14 show the magnetic fields created by
stations is usually created by laying down an additional cable,
these conductors.
which is earthed on both ends, next to the main cable [17] (see
Fig. 15 shows an expanded view of the magnetic field gener-
Fig. 10).
ated by conductors of braided cables. Fig. 16 shows a compari-
As stated previously, the CM current in the additional parallel
son between overvoltage origins from CM and the effect of DM
cable generates a magnetic field influencing the main cable, in
current in the case of using braided cables.
which an opposite CM current is induced (Lenz theory). Fig. 11
shows a schematic diagram of the DM equivalent circuit for the
voltage measurement system. B. Shielding
As stated in Section IV-A, by placing an additional cable Galvanized iron (as a shield) with µr = 1000 is usually used
parallel next to the main cable, DM current is generated, leading for protection of cables against EMI. In Fig. 17, the performance
to overvoltage reduction, as shown in Fig. 12. of the metallic channel that cables are passed through is shown.
Another technique usually adopted to mitigate the unwanted In this case, the amplitude of overvoltage reduction for dif-
magnetic field is the use of a braided cable instead of a con- ferent frequencies is obtained in the range of (0.001, 0.1) times.

Fig. 14. Flux density (B y ) due to the CM current of the braided cable.

Fig. 17. Shielding with magnetic substance.

Fig. 15. Flux density due to the conductors around the braided cable.

Fig. 18. Reduction of the total leakage flux density (T ) in a metal channel.

Fig. 16. Reduction of overvoltage by using braided cables.

The variation of the overvoltage reduction coefficient is due to

the relationship between shielding effectiveness and frequency
Generally, this method is more effective than other methods,
but it costs much more. The reduction of magnetic field in a
metallic channel is more clearly shown in Fig. 18.
However, Fig. 19 shows the effect of saturation of the mate-
rials against the shielding quality.
It is obvious that the values for Bx , By , and Bsum significantly
decrease in the channel. This method can provide necessary pro-
tection against switching and is very useful when high immunity Fig. 19. Nonlinear effect of B su m (T ) due to saturation of the materials.

subset of Maxwell’s equations apply:

∇ × {H} = {J} (A1)
∇ × {E} = − (A2)
∇ × {B} = 0. (A3)
The basic equation to be solved is in the form of

[C]{u} + [K]{u} = {Ji }. (A4)
The terms of this equation are defined next; the edge field
formulation matrices are obtained from these terms coupled
with boundary conditions.
Degree of freedom:
{Ae }
{u} = (5A)
{ve }
where {Ae } and {ve } are magnetic vector potentials and time-
Fig. 20. Algorithm of optimum method selection for protection against EMI. integrated electric scalar potential, respectively.
Coefficient matrices:
[K ] [0]
is required. For choosing an appropriate method against EMI, [K] = (6A)
[K v A ] [0]
an algorithm is proposed, as shown in Fig. 20.
[K A A ] = [K L ] + [K N ] + [K G ] (7A)

[K L ] = (∇ × [NA ]T )T [v](∇ × [NA ]T
EMI in a substation is mainly due to transient currents in the Vol
bus bars and earthing conductors. As such, inductive and com- − [NA ][σ]({v} × ∇ × [NA ]T ))d(vol) (8A)
mon impedance coupling are more likely to cause CM voltages 
and currents in the wires and shields of the secondary circuits [K G ] = (∇ × [NA ]T )T [v](∇ × [NA ]T )d(vol) (9A)
than capacitive coupling, except in specific situations. Vol

CM voltages in shielded secondary circuits are mainly the dvh
[K N ] = 2 2 ({B} (∇ × [NA ] ))
consequence of CM currents, and are highly dependent on the vol d(|B| )
cabling and mitigation techniques. EMI levels due to switching
of HV devices generally scale linearly with substation voltages. × ({B}T (∇ × [NA ]T ))d(vol) (10A)
This paper dealt with three different methods using additional 
cable, braided cable, and a metallic channel. The metallic chan- [K V A ] = − (∇ × [N ]T )T [σ]{v}∇ × [NA ]T d(vol) (11A)
nel has the best overvoltage reduction due to its shielding, and 
the next effective method belongs to the braided cable. [C A A ] [C A v ]
[C] = (12A)
However, the best technical–economical compromise in [C A v ]T [C v v ]
achieving EMC can be based on a proper balancing of actions at 
the installation level (reduction of the emission of disturbances [C AA
]= [NA ][σ][NA ]T d(vol) (13A)
at the sources and prevention of unwanted coupling) and the ac- vol
tions on sensitive equipment (increase immunity performance). 
The present approach has been described with reference to [C A v ] = [NA ][σ]∇{N }T d(vol) (14A)
exemplary substation. However, it will supply a precious guide 
and allows forecast of the ability to implement the phenomena [C v v ] = (∇{N }T )T [σ]∇{N }T d(vol). (15A)
in specific conventional substations/GIS with different range of vol
switching frequencies other than 63 kV/20 kV, described in this Applied loads:
study without departing from the spirit of the concept.  
{J A }
{Ji } = (16A)
{I t }
The vector potential method is applicable for both 2-D and {J A } = {J S } + {J pm } (17A)

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The authors would like to thank Prof. Mohsseni from the Hossein Heydari (M’09) received the B.Sc. degree
University of Tehran for his critical and extensive comments in electrical engineering and the M.Sc. degree in
power electronics from Loughborough University,
that led to a transparent and a useful representation of this paper. Leicestershire, U.K., in 1985 and 1987, respectively,
and the Ph.D. degree in transformer core losses from
the University of Wales, Wales, U.K., in 1993.
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