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Technological University of the Philippines

College of Engineering
ECE Department

ECE Laws
Quiz 1

Name: _________________________________ Date: __________________

Section: _______

I. Multiple Choice.
Direction: Write the correct letter of your choice. Any forms or erasures are not allowed. Place
your answer on the space provided in each number.
_____ 1. A person who is qualified to hold himself/herself out as a duly-registered/licensed Electronics and
Communications Engineer under Republic Act No. 5734.
a. PECE b. Electronics Engineer
c. Electronics and Communications Engineer d. ECT
_____ 2. It is the acquisition, production, transformation, storage and transmission/reception of data and
information by electronic means in forms such as vocal, pictorial, textual, numeric or the like; also refers to the
theoretical and practical applications and processes utilizing such data and information.
a. Telecommunications b. Data Communications
c. Information and Communications Technology d. Information Technology
_____3. It is the integrated and accredited national organization of Professional Electronics Engineers,
Electronics Engineers and Electronics Technicians.
a. Institute of Electronics and Communications Engineers of the Philippines
b. Institute of Professional, Electronics Engineers and Electronics Technicians of the Philippines
c. Institute of Electronics Engineers of the Philippines
d. Institute of Electronics Engineers of the Philippines – EMMSC
_____ 4. Republic Act 9292 defines the three categories of practice
a. Professional Electronics Engineer, Electronics and Communications Engineer and Electronics Technician
b. Professional Electronics Engineer, Electronics Engineer and Electronics Technician
c. Professional Electronics Engineer, Electronics Engineer and Electronics and Communications Technician
d. Professional Electronics and Communications Engineer, Electronics Engineer and Electronics Technician
_____ 5. The composition of the board based on R. A. 9292
a. 3 Chairmen and 3 board members b. 4 Chairmen for each subjects
c. 1 Chairman and 2 board members d. 4 Chairmen and 4 members for each subjects
_____ 6. Percentage of scope of examinations in R. A. 9292
a. Mathematics (25%), General Engineering and Applied Services (25%),
Electronics Engineering (25%) and Electronics Systems and Technologies (25%)
b. Mathematics (20%), General Engineering and Applied Services (20%),
Electronics Engineering (30%) and Electronics Systems and Technologies (30%)
c. Mathematics (30%), General Engineering and Applied Services (30%),
Electronics Engineering (20%) and Electronics Systems and Technologies (20%)
d. Mathematics (15%), General Engineering and Applied Services (15%),
Electronics Engineering (35%) and Electronics Systems and Technologies (35%)
_____ 7. Additional requirements in signing and seal of any documents, plans, etc. by PECE
a. current PTR b. current PTR and TIN ID
c. current PTR, APO ID d. current PTR, PECE ID and APO ID
_____ 8. Amount as fine for the punishment in the penal provision of doing an acts that’s against R.A. 9292
a. Php 100, 000.00 b. Php 1, 000. 00 to 100, 000.00
c. Php 1,000, 000.00 d. Php 100,000.00 to 1,000,000.00
_____ 9. Period of imprisonment as punishment in the penal provision of doing an acts that’s against R.A. 9292
a. 6 days to 6 weeks b. 6 months to 6 years
c. 6 weeks to 6 months d. 6 hours to 6 days
_____ 10. Short title of R.A. 9292
a. Electronics Engineering Law of 2004 b. Electronics Engineering Act of 2004
c. Electronics Engineering Law d. Electronics Engineering Act
II. Identification.
Direction: Write your answer on the space provided. Erasures are not allowed.

________________________________ 1. Title of Republic Act 5734

________________________________ 2. Board composition of R.A. 5734

________________________________ 3. Define as the science dealing with the development and application
of devices and systems involving the flow of electrons in a vacuum, in gaseous media, plasma, and in

________________________________ 4. A person who is qualified to hold himself/herself out as a duly

registered/licensed Professional Electronics Engineer under this Act and to affix to his/her name the
letters "PECE".

________________________________ 5. It is a variety of electronic devices that is capable of accepting data,

programs and/or instructions, executing the programs and/or instructions to process the data and
presenting the results

________________________________ 6. A program that brings professionals up to date in a particular area of

knowledge or skills.

________________________________ 7. Date of approval of Republic Act 9292

________________________________ 8. An imprint that is made as a relief resulting from the greater pressure
on the paper

________________________________ 9. It is the process of sending and/or receiving information, data,

signals and/or messages between two (2) or more points by radio, cable, optical wave guides or other
devices and wired or wireless medium

________________________________ 10. Allowable percentage in one of the four subjects under R.A. 9292
to qualify as conditional status.

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