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This segment from our JD Edwards Accounts Receivable manual is being

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Published by Klee Associates, Inc.

Copyright Klee Associates, Inc. 2013

Automatic Receipts Processing

When there are large volumes of invoices to be managed, the most efficient
method of applying receipts to open invoices is to use the Automated Receipts
Processing program. This requires some method of collecting and depositing
cash receipts in a central location and importing that information into the A/R
system. This is typically accomplished by contracting for the services of a
depository bank that offers lockbox features.
Your invoices would contain remittance instructions to send the payments to a
lockbox address where the lockbox bank processes the remittance information
for a fee.


Some companies use a bar-coded tear-off strip on their invoices to include

with remittances. This will improve the accuracy of lockbox processing and
reduce processing costs.

Automatic Receipts Setup

Standard Setup Requirements

There are three setups we have to make.
1. The Auto Receipt box in the A/R Constants must be checked. This is the
"master switch" which allows or disallows Auto Receipts for the entire
Go to Accounts Receivable Setup>Accounts Receivable Constants.

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Click on the Accounts Receivable Constants bar, click Find and then select
Company 00001.

Select the row for company 00001.

Close to the default page.

2. Next, the Auto Receipts box on the Invoices tab of the Customer Master
must be checked for each customer using auto receipts. The Auto Receipts
Execution List is left blank for all customers using the standard Execution

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List; customers with special application needs will have a defined Execution
List entered here.

Go to Daily Processing>Customer Invoice Entry>Customer Master Information.

Locate customer 3334, highlight the row and then click Select.

The Customer Master Revision form displays.

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3. The last set up is the Bank Account Information in the Bank Transit
Number Master table for each customer. Right-click in the open area of the
form Customer Master Revision form to display the Form Exit context menu
pop-up. Click on Bank Account.

Click Find.

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Nothing is set up for this customer.

Click Add.

Click on the Auto Receipts Payor radio button then enter the following

Field Description
Bank Transit Number 135792468
Bank Account Number 4073490
Description Bank of America

Click OK. Close to the default page.

You can also access this inquiry through the Bank Account Cross Reference
on Menu G03B41.

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You use this form to revise information as well. After you have set a bank up for
a customer, it is possible the customer may change banks. Simply return to this
screen on an inquiry and make the necessary changes.

REMEMBER: If you want to use auto cash, you must have the auto cash
flag set in the Customer Master record AND the customer's bank identified
for every customer using auto cash receipts. In most instances, if you have a
lockbox remittance address, you will most likely be using auto cash. That
means virtually all your customer records will have to have these two items

The Auto Receipts Process

There are four distinct tasks to be performed in the auto cash process:
• Define auto cash algorithms.
• Define execution lists of multiple algorithms.
• Map information to the Electronic Receipts Input table (an electronic
interface Z file – F03B13Z1).
• Perform daily operations.

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Defining Algorithms
An algorithm consists of a base method, selection criteria, sequence
specifications, and processing options. You can create different versions of each
base method and can customize the other parameters. Algorithms can also be
associated with specific customers, so whoever does this must be very familiar
with the paying strategies of your customers.
There are five base methods you can use:
• Invoice Selection Match
• Balance Forward Match
• Known Invoice Match with Amounts
• Known Invoice Match without Amounts
• Combination Invoice Match

As you can see, the base method defines different ways for the system to search
for invoice matches during a cash application run.

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Algorithm Components
Each algorithm has four distinct components:
♦ The Base Method. This is the fundamental processing logic that can be
shared among several algorithms. Examples are statement or invoice
matching. You combine base method logic with different combination
components to make the algorithm behave uniquely. The base method logic
of each algorithm is contained in the technical specifications of Report
Design Aid for each version. If you have a requirement that the base method
will not resolve, you will have to have your technical development resource
work with you to find a solution.
♦ Algorithm Selection Criteria. This tells the system which auto cash
receipts to process based on the User ID, the G/L date, the receipt date, or
other criteria. You can define invoice types to be processed by a specific
algorithm version. This must be done by copying and modifying the
algorithm in RDA. There is a lot of flexibility in the algorithms, but if you need
a custom version you will need to work closely with your developer resource.
♦ Sequence Specifications. You use sequencing to tell the system the order
it will read invoices during the matching process. Changing an algorithm sort
sequence also requires making the change in RDA.
♦ Processing Options. These instructions tell the system how to handle
matching information and application information on each algorithm based on
the fundamental logic of the algorithm.

Let's look at some of the standard algorithms:

Go to Daily Processing>Automated Receipts Processing>Define Application
Algorithms on Menu G03B13.

The Revise Receipt Application Algorithms form will display.

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Click on Invoice Selection Match:

NOTE that these algorithms are self-contained UBEs with internal logic that
you cannot modify except through Processing Options. Data Selection can
only be modified by changing the criteria within the actual UBE.

This algorithm is used to apply a receipt to a specific invoice or a running total of

a group of invoices based on the due date. The search starts with the first
invoice only and will not skip to look at other combinations of invoices.
Depending on how you configure the processing options for version 0001, you
can attempt to match the receipt to the following:
• Total Open Amount
• Total Open Amount less discounts available
• Total Open Amount less discounts earned
You use data selection criteria within the UBE to tell the system whether to apply
the receipt to a single invoice or the total of a group of invoices. If no selection
criteria are specified, the system will apply the receipt to the total balance of the
customer's account.

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You can modify a version of the application to tell the system which invoices the
version selects in the matching process through Report Design Aid (RDA) in
the version's Data Selection. Modifying versions has a host of issues around
release and level upgrades, so modifications should be done only by developer
resources well versed in RDA. The versions 0002, 0003, and above are
furnished by JDE as modifications of versions 0001.
Let's look at the Processing Options for version XJDE0001.

Enter the information as shown below:

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Note that the first three options specify all possible combinations to find a match.
Options 4 through 7 specify tolerance amounts and reason codes to use for
automatic minor amount write-offs.

All Reason Codes, except for Discount Reason Codes, must be entered in
the Processing Options whether or not they will be used. Otherwise, the
program will fail!

Click on the Apply tab and enter the following information:

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This Apply tab tells the system how to handle unearned discounts.

Click OK and then Close. Click on R03B50B Balance Forward Match:

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This algorithm will apply receipts to the oldest balances (FIFO) in the customer
ledger first. The due date is used to determine the first invoice to begin the
application with. The system then applies the balance of the receipt to each
subsequent invoice until the receipt amount is zero or there are no more invoices
to apply. If the receipt zeros out on an invoice short of the invoice amount, the
invoice is partially paid leaving an open residual balance. If there is a residual
receipt amount left after all invoices are exhausted, the system creates an
unapplied cash receipt for that balance to the Customer Ledger.
If you rather apply receipts to invoices using the most recent due date, you would
use the version titled LIFO.

WARNING: Do NOT alter the sequencing of these applications.

Let's look at the Processing Options for version XJDE0001. Right-click the row
to display the Row Exit context menu pop-up. Click Processing Options.

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We see quite a difference here because we are only trying to find the first invoice
to begin the sequential application of the entire receipt.

Click OK then Close.

Click on Known Invoice Match With Amount.

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Right-click a cell in the row to display the Row Exit context menu pop-up then
click Processing Options.

This algorithm will apply receipts to invoices where the invoices and invoice
amounts to be paid are identified to the system. This obviously means the
invoice number and payment amount must come in from the lockbox data to be
included in the Electronic Receipts Input Table. This is the preferred algorithm
for the great majority of enterprises, but you must get the information you need
from the lockbox bank.

Let's look at the Processing Options for this version:

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Change the Deduction reason Code to UD (Undefined Claim). These options

mean that any difference between the invoice amount and the payment amount
will partially pay the invoice for underpayments.

Blank out Option #10. Here we are telling the system to handle overpayments as
Unapplied Cash.

Click on the Apply Receipts tab:

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Change the Chargeback Reason Code to DA. This tab will be used by the
application process first and determines what will happen if the Payment Amount
is different from the Apply Amount.

Click on the Amount Match tab:

Use Processing Option #1 to specify whether the system processes duplicate

invoice numbers. If you do not specify a Pay Item in the Electronic Receipts
Input table (F03B13Z1) and the invoice has more than one pay item, the system
considers all invoice records with the same document number as duplicate.
Enter 1 to use the amount to determine which invoice to pay. The system
applies the receipt to the invoice with an open amount that is closest to the
amount of the receipt.
You can specify a tolerance in Option #2 above which the process will not apply
a receipt.

Click on the Match Priority tab:

Enter 1 in the Invoice Number field and 2 in the Customer Reference Number
field. Blank out the remaining fields.

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This tab determines the sequence to select invoices. If you leave a search
method field blank, the system excludes that search method and uses only the
other methods that you specify. If you leave all fields blank, the system searches
using all methods in the order listed above.

Finally, click on the Discount tab:

Use this processing option to specify whether to adjust the amount of the
discount when the receipt amount is greater than the open amount of the invoice,
less the discount. For example, if the open amount of the invoice is 100.00 USD
with a 5.00 discount, and you receive a payment for 97.00. Do you want the
system to reduce the discount to 3.00 and fully apply the 97.00, or apply 95.00
and create a write-off for 2.00?

Whew! That is a lot of options to consider. Obviously you will want to test this
version carefully before you release it into Production. The payback, however,
will be the one algorithm that should generate the highest percentage of hits on
your application.
Click OK. Click Close then click on Known Invoice Match Without Amount.

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This algorithm is used to apply receipts to known invoices but the amount to be
applied to each invoice is not known. As before, you must have the invoice
number on your incoming lockbox data to use this algorithm.
Let's look at the processing options for this version:

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Click on the Apply Receipts tab:

Change the Chargeback Reason Code to DA.

Click on the Match Priority tab:

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This is the same functionality we saw earlier.

Since we are not attempting to apply cash based on invoice number AND
amount, the system has to be told how to apply over- and underpayments,
tolerances for minor write-offs, and the priority of the matching process.
Click OK.

Click Close then click on Combination Invoice Match:

Right-click a cell in the row to display the Row Exit contact menu pop-up then
click Processing Options.

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This algorithm is used to apply receipts to a specific combination of open

invoices. The system reviews up to ten specified invoices, in multiple
combinations, in an attempt to find a match. You can use the Match By
Exclusion option to specify invoices NOT to be paid. This can be useful if the
receipt is paying all but a few of the open invoices. The system calculates the
difference between the receipt amount and the total account balance and
attempts to find a combination match for the amount NOT being paid. If a match
is found, the receipt is applied to all the invoices not part of the combination. You
should sort the invoices in descending order by invoice date so the newest
invoices enter the algorithm first.

Let's look at the processing options for version XJDE0001.

Change the options as shown.

Note the Match by Exclusion option 4. This will contain a 1 in version XJDE0002.
Click on the Apply tab:

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Change Option #1 to 4 so that unearned discounts will create a deduction and

change the Deduction Reason Code to UD.
Click on the Performance tab:

Enter 10 in both fields. This tells the system to process 10 invoices and
combinations thereof at a time.
Click OK then close to the main menu.

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Defining Execution Lists

Execution lists determine the sequence in which the system executes the
algorithms for a customer. One execution list can be applied to many
customers, or you can assign a specific list to a specific customer that requires
special payment considerations.
Let's take a look at the execution lists that are in our database. Go to Daily
processing>Automated Receipts Processing>Define Execution Lists.

Click Find.

Here we find three lists. Let's look at the one named STANDARD since that
implies that it is the standard list for most customers. Click next to STANDARD
and then click Select:

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Remember that the system will execute the searches in the sequence that is
specified in the leftmost column. Once an algorithm finds a match between the
receipt and invoice, the algorithms that follow are not run. For example, if in the
STANDARD list the Known Invoice with Amount algorithm finds a match, then
the Execution List stops and the remaining algorithms do not run.

Click Cancel. Now let's look at the SELECT list:

Highlight Sequence 1.00 then click Delete.

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You will receive message from webpage "Are you sure that you want to delete
the selected item?" Click OK.

Do the same for Sequence 3.00. Your list should now look like this:

Click OK. Now look at the BALANCE list:

Click Cancel. Let's create three additional Execution Lists.

Click Add.
Enter KNOWN WITH in the Execution List field and Known with Amount in the
description field next to it. Click the Visual Assist in the Base Method field.

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Auto Receipt Base Methods are stored in the User Defined Code table 03B / AL.

Select R03B50D.

Click on Select Version in the Row exit.

With the XJDE0001 version highlighted, click Select.

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You will get an error.

Just move to the next row then click OK to save and it will disappear.

Click OK. Click Find to verify that the row has been added.

Click Add again.

Enter KNOWN W/O in the Execution List field and Known without Amount in the
description field next to it. Click the Visual Assist in the Base Method field and

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select R03B50E. From the Row exit, Select Version XJDE0001 then move to
the next row.

Click OK. Click Add again.

Enter COMBO in the Execution List field and Combination Match in the
description field next to it. Click in the Base Method field and select R03B50E.
From the Row exit, Select Version XJDE0001 then move to the next row.

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Click OK and then Find.

Click Close.

Each algorithm version has data selection and processing option parameters that
need to be set to fit your circumstances, and the combination of algorithms that
appear on an execution list will also have to be sequenced to fit your
circumstances. Needless to say, it is necessary that one of your resources will
have to know how to create the right algorithm and execution list for any given
situation. The general rule is to list the algorithms in the order that will allow for
the most matches first.

NOTE: The success of your auto cash application will depend on the amount
of incoming information that is contained in your Electronic Receipts Input
Table (F03B13Z1). This must always be kept in mind when you configure
the algorithms and execution lists and when you communicate with your
lockbox bank.

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Assigning Unique Execution Lists to Specific Customers

You may encounter a situation where the default algorithms will not fit a specific
customer. In this instance, you will have to build custom algorithm(s) and assign
them to a custom execution list that you then assign to a specific customer. Let's
look at the Work with Customer Master tab again to see where this information
Go to Daily Processing>Customer Invoice Entry>Customer Master Information.
Locate Address Number 3334 then click Select.

Here you see a field for a custom execution list. When this field is blank, as it is
now, the Execution List that will be used as the default is found in the Processing
Options in the Update Receipts Header program.

How the System Determines Which Execution List to Use

1. The execution list that is populated in the Update Receipts Header
Processing options.

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2. If no list is found, the execution list specified in the Customer Master for
that customer is used.
3. If no list is found, the execution list specified in the processing options of
the Apply Receipts to Invoices program is used.

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You must ALWAYS specify an execution list in the Apply Receipts to

Invoices program to avoid unpredictable results.

Mapping Information to the Electronic Receipts Input

When you set up a lockbox arrangement with a bank, you have to furnish table
structure information to the bank so it will furnish the information that you need.
When the data is received electronically, it will pass through a routine that will
have mapped the incoming data into the Electronic Receipts Input Table

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How you map the incoming data can be accomplished by:

1. Creating a custom program to upload the lockbox information from the
medium sent from the bank (hard medium) such as a tape, a diskette, or a
2. Use Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) for lockbox processing.
There are pros and cons about each method, and you will need to choose the
method that best fits your requirements and resources. Technical
specifications for mapping and EDI are found in the JDE A/R
Documentation Manual in Appendices H and K respectively. We will explore
EDI more in a later section.

The Automatic Receipt Process

1. Define Application Algorithms based on customer payment patterns.
2. Create execution lists containing different algorithms.
3. Upload customer payment information from the lockbox bank.
4. Update the Receipts Register to the F03B13 and F03B14 tables.
5. Apply the receipts to open customer invoices.
6. Work and review unprocessed receipts.
7. Purge electronic receipts from the Receipts Input Table in preparation for the
next day.

Uploading Customer Payment Information

In a real life scenario, you would have routines in place that would load data into
the Electronic Receipts Input table (F03B13Z1) automatically through custom
programs working with data from the customer's bank on a tape, diskette, or CD.
A better method would be to use the EDI lockbox process where all payments
are received in the same format from the lockbox bank.
We have the ability to load the receipts input table manually to illustrate the full
auto cash process. We will enter information to pay several of the invoices we
entered earlier with a variety of payment amounts so we can see what happens.
We have already gone through the setups required and we will use the execution
list called STANDARD to apply cash to the invoices.

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First, we have to enter the payment information as if it had been received

electronically. Choose Review Electronic Receipts on Menu G03B13.

Click Find.

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Click Add to begin adding incoming receipt records. Enter the following
Field Description
Company 00001
G/L Date 03/31/2013
Amount Expected 8794
Transaction Number 1
Receipt Number 5001
Receipt Gross 8794
Receipt Date 03/31/2013
Gross Apply Amount 8794

Click OK then Cancel.

Click Find.
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The next step is to update the receipts register. We can also apply the receipts
to invoices at the same time. Go to Solution Explorer>Batch Versions and enter
R03B50 in the Batch Applications field then click Find.

Highlight the XJDE0001 version then click Processing Options in the Row exit.

Enter STANDARD in Option #1 (Execution List).

Click OK.

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Next, enter R03B551 in the Batch Application field then click Find.

Highlight the XJDE0001 version then click Processing Options in the Row exit.

Enter STANDARD in Option #9. Leave all other options blank on the Defaults

Click on the Versions tab. Enter 1 in Option #1 to run the Apply Receipts
program after the Update Receipts Header program is finished; enter XJDE0001
in Option #2 for the Apply Receipts version.

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Click OK.

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On the Updates tab, enter 1 in Option #1 to update the Bank Account Information
with a customer's ABA number and bank account number.
Option #3 will try to locate a payor, in the order specified, to the Customer Ledger
if no payor is shown on the Electronic Receipts table (F03B13Z1) or in the Bank
Transit Master table (F0030).

Click OK.

Now we can run this program. Highlight version XJDE0001 then click Select.
Click Submit then OK twice to submit the program.

You will get two PDF's: one for Update Receipts Header and the other for Apply
Receipts to Invoices and they both should say – No Exceptions.

Return to Review Electronic Receipts then click Find. Scroll to the right and
there should be a Y in the Update Status (US) field indicating the record was
successfully processed.

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Click on Standard Receipts Entry from the A/R Daily Processing menu.

Locate Receipt Number 5001.

Highlight the row then click Select.

The invoice that was paid is number 3148. Close out to the default page. . Now
let's look at the Data Browser.

Enter databrowser in the Fast Path input field and click the Fast Path button.

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On the Query Selector form, click the By Table radio button. Enter F03B13 in the
Name field. Click in the Data Source field and Business Data Local will default

Receipts Header table description will display next to Name.

Enter 5001 on the QBE line above Receipt Number. Click Find.

Scroll to the right.

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The following fields indicate what was used in the application of the receipt:
• Execution List
• Algorithm Sequence Number
• What algorithm in the Execution List was used
• What version of the algorithm was used

Click Close.

Close the Query Selector with the Close Link at the top right of the form and
return to the default page.

Finally, since we created a transaction, the batch needs to be posted.

From the Manual Receipts Processing menu G03B12, select Post Receipts to

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Post the batch using a Data Selection containing User ID = DEMO.

Following is an example report.

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TIP: BEFORE you post the auto cash receipt, review all the logged
receipts and unapplied cash entries. You may be able to correct some of
the items before you post the batch and save yourself a lot of grief with
voids and zero receipts to correct things that could have been corrected
before you posted the batch. This kind of review will take a relatively short
time and give you far better results after some focused attention. In
summary, you should NOT POST the batch until you have had a chance to
review the detail for errors. This can be accomplished by making the batch
review before posting a matter of routine on a daily basis.

This completes the auto cash entries.

NEVER delete a posted electronic receipt batch. You will cause

significant integrity issues that can only be corrected with database utilities
(SQL) in a tedious, time-consuming effort prone to additional input error, not
to mention the time pressures of a Production environment.

Now we have to prepare the Z file for new entries by purging the entries that are
complete. On Solution Explorer, enter R03B0041A in the Batch Application field
then click Find.

Check the Data Selection box then click Submit. Highlight the row and click the
Delete button to delete the row.

The Data Selection has been cleared. Click OK.

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The Processing Options appear next.

Delete the "1" in the Purge Record field to only delete those records that were
successfully uploaded.

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Click OK twice to submit.

Now the table is empty awaiting new data.

As an alternative, you can delete the records from the Review Electronic
Receipts form by checking the rows and then click Delete.

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Reworking Items That Failed to Apply

You may encounter instances where payment items did not apply at all due to
faulty setup issues. In those instances, you need to return to the Electronic
Receipts Input table (F03B13Z1) and make the necessary corrections to execute
the Update Receipts Register successfully. You find any failed uploads by
reviewing the Z file after you first run the update program. Be aware that you will
have to look a bit harder for this situation since the system doesn't share a lot of

Unprocessed Items That Were Applied

You should be aware that you will never achieve a 100% hit rate on electronic
payments. An exceptionally good rate would be in the 80-85% range. What this
means is that you will have daily work to do to investigate and clear unprocessed
items from the payment application.
There may be instances where you don't receive the electronic transmission, or
part of it is missing and unrecoverable. In these instances you can enter data
manually into the Electronic Receipts Input table once you have identified and
verified the missing data. This is what we just did to load the data for payments
to be processed automatically.
After processing automatic receipts, you should review those receipts for items
the system was unable to apply. Bear in mind this only occurs if the system
cannot make a match even after working every algorithm in your execution list.
Also bear in mind that the system will apply the payment to a customer account
unless it can't find a customer, in which case it will record a logged receipt.

Locating Unprocessed Items

Inquire on Standard Receipts Entry on Menu G03B12, locate our receipt
(#5001) by entering the date of the electronic receipt in the Date From and Date
To fields in the header then click Find.

Scroll to the right to the RS (Receipt Status) field.

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This is the Auto Receipt Status Flag, and here are the possible entries:

Auto Receipts Status code is stored in the 03B / RS User Defined Codes table.

Finally, click on the Unapplied and Logged radio buttons to see what needs to
be corrected.

Close to the default page.

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Class Exercises
Now we are going to use Auto Receipts to pay some of Apex Supply
Company's invoices.
Remember to change the Execution List in the Processing options in the
Update Receipts Header (R03B551) program.

1. Enter the following receipts in the Review Electronic Receipts form as

Field Description
Company 00001
G/L Date 03/07/2013
Remark Known Invoice with
Amount Expected 30,000
Transaction Number 1
Receipt Number 1000
Customer Number 55124
Receipt Gross 30,000
Receipt Date 03/07/2013
Generic Match GEN1234
Gross Apply Amount 30,000

2. Click OK. Add a new receipt as follows:

Field Description
Company 00001
G/L Date 03/07/2013
Remark Invoice Selection
Amount Expected 6,995
Transaction Number 2
Receipt Number 1001
Customer Number 55124
Receipt Gross Amount 6,995
Receipt Date 03/07/2013
Gross Apply Amount 6,995

Accounts Receivable 9.1 51

Automatic Receipts Processing Klee Associates, Inc.

3. Click OK. Add a new receipt as follows:

Field Description
Company 00001
G/L Date 03/07/2013
Remark Balance Forward
Amount Expected 10,000
Transaction Number 3
Receipt Number 1002
Customer Number 55124
Receipt Gross Amount 10,000
Receipt Date 03/07/2013
Gross Apply Amount 10,000

4. Click OK. Add a new receipt as follows:

Field Description
Company 00001
G/L Date 03/07/2013

Remark Combination
Amount 57,250
Transaction 4
Receipt 1003
Customer 55124
Receipt 57,250
Receipt 03/07/2013

Gross 57,250

52 Accounts Receivable 9.1

Klee Associates, Inc. Automatic Receipts Processing

5. Click OK. Add a new receipt as follows:

Field Description
Company 00001
G/L Date 03/07/2013
Remark Known Invoice w/o Amount
Amount Expected 36,000
Transaction Number 5
Receipt Number 1004
Customer Number 55124
Receipt Gross 36,000
Receipt Date 03/07/2013
Document Number 11000118 (Document H)
On the next row enter:
Transaction Number 5 (The Receipt Number, Customer
Number & Receipt Date auto populate.)
Document Number 11000121 (Document K)

Click OK, Cancel and then Find. Your records should look like the following:

Accounts Receivable 9.1 53

Automatic Receipts Processing Klee Associates, Inc.

6. Run the Update Receipts Header (R03B551) program from Solution Explorer
with the following criteria:
• Run each of the 5 receipts SEPARATELY.
• Enter Data Selection using the Receipt Number.
• Change Processing Option #9 each time to reflect the proper
Execution List as follows:
Receipt Number Execution List
1003 COMBO
1004 KNOWN W/O
7. Check the balance on the Customer Ledger. It should be $66,000.

8. What invoices were paid by each of the auto receipt applications? Go to

Standard Receipts Entry, locate the Receipt Numbers and then view the

9. Open the UTB for table F03B13. Scroll to the right and check to see what
Execution List was actually used for each of the electronic receipts.

10. Post the receipts.

54 Accounts Receivable 9.1

Klee Associates, Inc. Automatic Receipts Processing

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Copyright 2013.
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Used with permission.
Klee Associates, Inc.

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Accounts Receivable 9.1 55

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