SnSe Alloyed With PbSe

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Thermoelectric transport properties of polycrystalline SnSe alloyed with PbSe

Tian-Ran Wei, Gangjian Tan, Chao-Feng Wu, Cheng Chang, Li-Dong Zhao, Jing-Feng Li, G. Jeffrey Snyder, and
Mercouri G. Kanatzidis

Citation: Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 053901 (2017); doi: 10.1063/1.4975603

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APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 110, 053901 (2017)

Thermoelectric transport properties of polycrystalline SnSe alloyed

with PbSe
Tian-Ran Wei,1 Gangjian Tan,2 Chao-Feng Wu,1 Cheng Chang,3 Li-Dong Zhao,3
Jing-Feng Li,1,a) G. Jeffrey Snyder,4 and Mercouri G. Kanatzidis2
State Key Laboratory of New Ceramics and Fine Processing, School of Materials Science and Engineering,
Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208, USA
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208, USA
(Received 29 November 2016; accepted 23 January 2017; published online 3 February 2017)
Single-crystal SnSe has been found to exhibit exceptional thermoelectric performance, but the
efficiency of polycrystalline samples is still far from satisfactory. In this work, with an intention to
effectively suppress heat conduction and minimally affect hole transport, we alloyed p-type
polycrystalline SnSe with PbSe. Single-phase Sn1xPbxSe solid solutions were formed up to
x  0.12. The lattice thermal conductivity was reduced from 1.4 to 0.85 W m1 K1 by 12 at. %
PbSe alloying due to strain and mass fluctuations. Interestingly, the Seebeck coefficient and carrier
concentration were nearly unchanged by Pb substitution, indicating a constant effective mass and
an undisrupted valence band maximum. A peak figure of merit (ZT) of 0.85 at 800 K was obtained
in the x ¼ 0 sample, and relatively high performance was also achieved in solid solutions. A concise
model was developed involving multiple carrier scattering mechanisms, capturing the dependence
of the mobility on composition and temperature. Published by AIP Publishing.

Thermoelectric materials are of widespread interest for thermoelectric material from the same IV–VI family with a
direct conversion between heat and electricity, offering a large and heavy cation, cubic structure, and high mobility.18
prospect for the sustainable utilization of energy and the We find that PbSe alloying effectively lowers the thermal
effective control of greenhouse gas emissions.1 Searching conductivity, and more importantly, leaves VBM essentially
for promising materials, not only with a high ZT (defined as unperturbed, which provides a useful platform for separately
ZT ¼ S2T/(qj), where S, T, q, and j are the Seebeck coeffi- tuning electrical and thermal properties in thermoelectric
cient, absolute temperature, electrical resistivity, and thermal SnSe.
conductivity, respectively) but also composed of earth- Polycrystalline (Sn1xPbx)0.99Na0.01Se (x ¼ 0–0.2) sam-
abundant constituents, has become a popular trend in this ples were fabricated via melting, annealing, and pulverizing
field.2 Recently, the binary compound tin selenide (SnSe) followed by spark plasma sintering (SPS) as described else-
was discovered to possess an ultrahigh ZT in single crys- where.9 Stoichiometric ratios of the elements were loaded
tals.3–5 Since then, more attention has been switched to the into a carbon-coated double quartz tube that was evacuated
polycrystalline counterparts with better machinability,6,7 but and flame-sealed, melted at 1223 K for 10 h, and annealed at
their performance is still inferior to that of single crystals. 873 K for 48 h. The obtained ingot was ground in air into
The unexpectedly higher thermal conductivity and impaired powders that were densified at 873 K under 50 MPa for 5 min
mobility are likely to be the bottleneck.8,9 by SPS. The phase purity and structure were investigated by
Alloying is an effective approach to impede phonon Rigaku X-ray diffraction (XRD). Morphologies of samples
transport and also to modify the electronic band structure.10 were examined by Zeiss field emission scanning electron
For SnSe, alloying with SnS11 and SnTe12 remarkably fur- microscopy (FE-SEM). Elemental distribution was mapped
ther reduces the already low thermal conductivity. using the electronic probe microscopic analysis (EPMA,
Compared to the anion-site studies, alloying at cation site JEOL). The Seebeck coefficient (S) and electrical resistivity
seems more attractive for p-type SnSe, which is expected to (q) were measured using ZEM-3 from Ulvac-Riko. Hall
leave the valence band maximum (VBM, composed mainly measurements were conducted by a commercial system
of anion orbitals13) less disturbed,14,15 thus giving a possibil- (ResiTest 8340DC, Toyo). Thermal conductivity (j) was cal-
ity of the decoupling charge and phonon transport. culated via j ¼ D  CP  d, where D is the thermal diffusiv-
Nonetheless, related reports focus on either phase-separated ity (Netsch LFA457), CP is the heat capacity, and d is the
composites16 or n-type SnSe;17 systematic studies on cation- density measured by the Archimedes methods. Considering
alloyed p-type SnSe with insight into the structural variation the anisotropy, transport parameters were measured per-
and transport mechanisms are rather scarce so far. In this pendicular to the SPS pressure direction (i.e., “in-plane”
work, we alloyed Na-doped SnSe with PbSe, a promising measurements). S, q, and D were also measured in a heat-
ing-and-cooling cycle for two samples (Figure S1 of the
a) supplementary material).

0003-6951/2017/110(5)/053901/5/$30.00 110, 053901-1 Published by AIP Publishing.

053901-2 Wei et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 053901 (2017)

Figure 1(a) shows the XRD spectra of the pulverized is partly expressed, and the bonds become undistinguishable
ingots. The main peaks are indexed to the orthorhombic to each other in the a-c plane, yielding a less distorted octa-
phase with a Pnma symmetry. Tiny amount of second phase hedron. Therefore, we tentatively conclude that PbSe alloy-
(marked by *) emerges when x reaches 0.12, and its presence ing is likely to promote such a transition from a low- to a
is more obvious in x ¼ 0.16 and 0.20 samples, which was high-symmetry structure, where the “fade-out” of the lone
identified as the PbSe-based solid solution. This result sug- pair is important.
gests that the samples have reached a two-phase region at Polycrystalline Sn1-xPbxSe samples with high densities
around x ¼ 0.12 that is close to the previously reported val- (Table I, >95% of the theoretical one, 6.19 g cm3) exhibit a
ues (15–20%).19,20 Since PbSe has a smaller bandgap, ligh- layered microstructure (Figure 2(a)) that stems from the
ter valence band, higher mobility and thermal conductivity quasi-two-dimensional crystal structure. Within the solubil-
than SnSe matrix,18 the two-phase composites (x ¼ 0.16 and ity, a homogeneous distribution of main elements was
0.20) are likely to exhibit different transport properties from observed down to 100 nm (Figures 2(c)–2(e)), again con-
the single-phase solid solutions. Enlarged XRD patterns firming that SnSe-based solid solutions have been formed,
(Figure 1(b)) show that with the increasing Pb content, the and the samples are of good quality for the following trans-
(400) and (002) peaks shift to lower and higher 2h values, port analysis.
respectively, indicating stretched a and compressed c. These Consistent with our expectation, Pb substitution is effec-
changes in lattice constants beyond x ¼ 0.12 indicate a con- tive in suppressing heat transport for x ¼ 0–0.12, as shown in
tinued increase in the Pb content for the main SnSe-based Figures 3(a). Higher j values are seen in two-phase compo-
phase. The true maximum solubility of Pb in the ternary Pb- sites for x ¼ 0.16 and 0.20 probably due to the existence of
Sn-Se system (or quaternary Na-Pb-Sn-Se) can vary depend- high-j PbSe-based phase as well as the narrowed bandgap
ing on the Se content as demonstrated in filled skutterudite (Figure S2 of the supplementary material). The lattice ther-
ACo4Sb12 (Ref. 21) and could be determined by phase mal conductivity (jL ¼ j  LT/q, where L is the Lorenz num-
boundary mapping. ber) decreases from 1.4 W m1 K1 for x ¼ 0 to 0.85 W m1
As is intuitively expected, when a larger atom (Pb) K1 for x ¼ 0.12 at room temperature (RT). It is also seen
replaces a smaller one (Sn), the lattice will expand accord- that jL in this work is higher than that of single crystals3,4 but
ingly, which is the case of a and b, but not c (Figure 1(c)), comparable with other polycrystalline samples,6,7,9,12 which
and similar results have also been found by Chang et al.17 It may be related to defects, off-stoichiometry, and air oxidation
is interesting to note that this trend is analogous to the one (samples were ground in air) that are commonly found in
caused by the increasing temperature, that is, the displacive SnSe polycrystals.27 In order to reveal the effect of alloying
Pnma-Cmcm phase transition.22–24 Here, the alloying- on blocking phonon transport, Debye approximation was
induced structural variation can be understood from the per- employed to model the data. jL can be written as
spective of the lone pair. In Pnma-SnSe, there exists a lone  3 ð h =T
pair (Sn 5 s electrons) that is stereochemically expressed,14,25 kB kB T a
e z z4
forming a distorted SnSe6 octahedron. For Fm3m-PbSe, the jL ¼ 2 sðzÞ dz; (1)
2p v h 0 ðez  1Þ2
lone pair visually disappears (aside from the entropic behav-
ior),26 and the cation bonds equally with six anions, exhibit- where v is the average sound speed, ha is the average acous-
ing a perfect octahedron coordination. The Cmcm structure tic Debye temperature, z ¼ hx=kB T is the reduced phonon
possesses an intermediate degree of symmetry: the lone pair energy, and s(z) is the relaxation time.28 The overall phonon-
scattering frequency is the sum of the interaction rate for
each mechanism: s1 ¼ s1 1
U þ sPD , where the subscripts U
and PD refer to the Umklapp process and the point-defect
scattering, respectively. Here, the Normal (N-) process was
not taken into account considering the high temperature and
abundant defects.29 Also, phonon scattering by voids and
boundaries is not important due to the large size of these
For U-process, we adopted the following expression:30

kB 2 c2 2 3 ha =3T
U ðzÞ ¼ zT e ; (2)
hMv2 ha

TABLE I. Density and thermal transport parameters of Na-doped Sn1-xPbxSe

solid solutions (x  0.12) at room temperature.

x d (g cm3) jL (W m1 K1) C Cm Cs

0.00 5.94 1.39 0 0 0

0.04 5.97 1.07 0.057 0.015 0.042
FIG. 1. (a) Full-range and (b) enlarged powder-XRD patterns, and (c) lattice 0.08 6.06 0.971 0.088 0.027 0.061
parameters varying with the Pb content for Na-doped Sn1-xPbxSe ingots. “*” 0.12 6.12 0.852 0.165 0.038 0.127
in (a) and (b) denotes PbSe-based alloys as a secondary phase.
053901-3 Wei et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 053901 (2017)

 2 .
MSn  MPb
C m ¼ x ð1  x Þ 2; (4)

and Cs was set as a fitting value considering the large ambi-

guity in ionic/atomic size and the phenomenological parame-
ter e.33 The dependence of jL on T is shown in Figure 3(b)
using the above equations, and jL as a function of x was also
plotted in Figure 3(f) using C ¼ 1:45xð1  xÞ, where the pre-
factor 1.45 is a fitting value combining the mass and strain
disorder. As seen from modeling parameters in Table I, the
strain fluctuations have a dominant role in alloy scattering of
phonons, but the contribution from mass fluctuations is also
significant due to the large mass difference between Sn
(118.7 g mol1) and Pb (207.2 g mol1) when compared to
the Te-substituted case.12
Despite the lowered thermal conductivity, the ZT value
is not enhanced by alloying as depicted in Figure 3(c). This
is attributed to the greatly decreased carrier mobility which
leads to increased electrical resistivity, q (Figure 3(d)). As
shown in Figure 3(f), the drop of lH with x outweighs the
FIG. 2. (a) Fractured and (b) polished surface morphologies of x ¼ 0.12 sam-
ple with a homogeneous distribution of (c) Sn, (d) Pb, and (e) Se. decrease in jL, while the density-of-state effective mass,
md*, remains relatively constant as (1.0 6 0.05) m0 (m0 is the
mass of one free electron). Therefore, the thermoelectric
where M is the average mass per atom and c is the Gr€uneisen quality factor b / m3=2 lT=jL (Ref. 34) of the alloys is not
enhanced, implying that reoptimization of the carrier con-
parameter. Here, ha ¼ 107 K, v ¼ 1634 m s1, and c ¼ 2.7
centration (the Na doping concentration) is not likely to
were taken from our previous report.12 The frequency of
change the conclusion. In the following discussion, we will
point-defect scattering was given as31
illustrate in detail the effect of alloying on electrical trans-
kB 4 Vatom C 4 4 port and give insight into the band structure and various scat-
PD ðzÞ ¼ z T ; (3) tering mechanisms.
4ph4 v3
It is interesting to find that md* is unchanged by alloying
where C ¼ Cm þ Cs quantifies the fluctuations in mass and as shown in Figure 3(f), which derives from the nearly
strain introduced by impurity atoms. For Sn1xPbxSe solid composition-independent S and nH (Figure 4(a)) under the
solutions, Cm was calculated via32 approximation of an equivalent single parabolic band

FIG. 3. Thermoelectric properties of Na-doped Sn1-xPbxSe alloys: (a) thermal conductivity, (b) lattice thermal conductivity, (c) ZT, (d) electrical resistivity, and
(e) the Seebeck coefficient as a function of temperature; (f) mobility and lattice thermal conductivity normalized to the x ¼ 0 sample and density-of-state effec-
tive mass (inset) as a function of Pb content at 300 K. Curves in (b) and (f) are calculation results; dashed lines are used for the two-phase region (x > 0.12).
Error bars in (b) represent 7% uncertainty including measurement and calculation of the Lorenz number, and those in (c) denote 20% uncertainty for ZT.
053901-4 Wei et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 053901 (2017)

FIG. 4. (a) The Hall carrier concentra-

tion (red, left axis), the Seebeck coeffi-
cient (blue, right axis), and (b) the Hall
mobility as a function of the Pb content
at RT; (c) mobility limited by various
carrier scattering mechanisms: acoustic
phonons (AP), grain boundaries (GB),
point defects (PD), and their combined
effects. The lines in (b) and (c) are cal-
culation results. Error bars of S, nH,
and lH represent 5%, 10%, and 10%
uncertainty, respectively.

(SPB).9,35 This is a clear indication that the configuration of (Refs. 12 and 38), and T1/2 (Ref. 36) respectively, which
the equivalent VBM is well preserved in Sn1xPbxSe solid are depicted as the dashed lines. By using Eq. (5)–(7) with
solutions, which is consistent with the theoretical calcula- fitted pre-factors, the calculation (solid lines) closely
tions. The latter indicate that the VBM of SnSe comes matches our experimental data for both pristine and alloyed
mainly from anion orbitals (Se 4p),13 so alloying at cation samples. The consistency demonstrated in Figures 4(b) and
site can help maintain the VBM structure. 4(c) indicates that the drop of mobility is caused only by
The Hall mobility, lH, decreases from 13 to 4.2 cm2 alloying-induced random disorder, again confirming the
1 1
V s with x (x ¼ 0–0.12) at RT, accounting for the argument that the equivalent VBM of SnSe was not signifi-
increased q. For x ¼ 0.16 and 0.20, lH turns to increase as cantly disrupted by Pb substitution.
shown in Table S1 of the supplementary material, which is In summary, thermoelectric transport properties of Pb-
also related to the PbSe-based secondary phase with a small substituted SnSe alloys were studied. Single-phase Sn1xPbxSe
effective mass and high mobility. Since m* of the solid solu- solid solutions were formed for x ¼ 0–0.12. PbSe alloying was
tions is unchanged by Pb substitution as shown above, the found to facilitate a structural transition to high symmetry pos-
mobility can be written in the form similar to that of relaxa- sibly due to the fading steric activity of the lone pair. A 39%
tion time (s) limited by various scattering processes, i.e., reduction in lattice thermal conductivity was realized by 12%
acoustic-phonon (AP) scattering, grain-boundary (GB) scat- PbSe alloying through intensified alloy scattering of phonons.
tering, and point-defect (PD) scattering of carriers Meanwhile, the equivalent valence band maximum of SnSe
appears to be unperturbed by the cation-site substitution. This
l1 ¼ l1 1 1
AP þ lGB þ lPD : (5)
is likely because the VBM is composed predominantly of Se-
GB scattering is proposed here in association with energy based p orbital states and has a minor contribution from the
barriers formed at the grain (or sub-grain) boundaries due to metal orbital states.13 This is different from the situation in
the air oxidation and crystal defects. This type of scattering rock salt PbQ (Q ¼ S, Se, Te) and SnTe systems, where the
has been found suitable for understanding electrical transport VBM has a significant contribution from lone electron pair s
in polycrystalline SnSe samples.8,9,12 If we focus solely on states. A maximum ZT ¼ 0.85 was achieved in the x ¼ 0 sam-
the alloying effect, the first two terms in Eq. (5) can be tenta- ple at 800 K, and no significant enhancement was realized by
tively combined as l0 that is independent of Pb content. Or alloying due to the impaired mobility that was quantitatively
more simply, l0 can be treated as the mobility of the x ¼ 0 described by a mixed carrier scattering process involving
sample. Then, the mobility is acoustic phonons, grain boundaries, and point defects. The
findings in this work should help further understand and ratio-
1 l0 nally tune electrical and thermal transport properties in poly-
l¼ ¼ : (6)
0 þ l1
PD 1 þ l0 =lPD crystalline SnSe.
The PD scattering rate is proportional to the mole ratio of
See supplementary material for electrical transport prop-
guest and host atoms,36,37 so we can write
erties of all the compositions, optical absorption spectra, and
l0 thermoelectric properties measured in a heating-and-cooling
l¼ ; (7)
1 þ Axð1  xÞ cycle.

where A is the relative intensity of alloy scattering that is This work was supported by NNSF (No. 11474176) and
related to intrinsic material parameters but independent of 973 Program (No. 2013CB632503) of China. At
the alloy atom content. Using l0 ¼ lx ¼ 0 ¼ 13 cm2 V1 s1 Northwestern University, this work was also supported by
and A ¼ 21.5 as the fitting value, the decreasing trend of DOE of U.S. under Award No. DE-SC0014520 (G.T. and
mobility with x is well captured by the model as shown in M.G.K.), and S3TEC funded by DOE under Award No. DE-
Figures 3(f) and 4(b). Various carrier scattering mechanisms SC0001299 (G.J.S.).
are further clarified in the T-dependent data (Figure 4(c)).
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