Books and Their Essential Chapters For Research:: Wald - General Relativity: Introductory

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Books and Their Essential Chapters for Research:

These books and assigned chapters are essential reading material for studying general relativity. All
problems for these chapters should either be completed or sketched out (if one has become fluent in
the material)

Wald – General Relativity :


- 2. Manifolds and Tensor Fields

- 3. Curvature
- 4. Einstein Equation
- 6. Schwarzschild Solution

Essential for Research:

- 8. Causal Structure
- 9. Singularities
- 10 . The initial value formulation
- 11. Asymptotic Flatness
- 12. Black Holes
- 7. Method of Solving Einstein’s Equations

Evans – PDE:

Background Material: The Linear Theory

- 5. Sobolev Spaces
- 6. 2nd Order Elliptic Equations
- 7. Linear Evolution Equations

Non-linear Theory:

- 8. Calculus of Variations
- 9. Non-variational techniques?
- 10. Hamilton-Jacobi Equations?
- 11. Systems of Conservation Laws

Folland – Real Analysis:

Measure Theory

- 1. Measures
- 2. Integration
- 6. L^{P} spaces
- 7. Radon Measures
- 3. Signed Measures

Functional Analysis:

- 5. Elements of Functional Analysis

- 6. Fourier Analysis
- 7. Distribution Theory

Do Carmo – Riemannian Geometry

Essential for GR

- 0. Diff Mflds
- 1. Riemannian Metrics
- 2. Affine Riemannian Connections
- 3. Geodeic & Convex Nbhds
- 4. Curvature
- 5. Jacobi Fields
- 6. Isometric Immersions

Global Theory

- (7-13) for General Interest

Alternative: Petersen

Lee - Differential Manifolds

1. Smooth Manifolds
2. Smooth Maps
3. Tangent Vectors
4. Submersions, Immersions, and Embeddings
5. Submanifolds
6. Sard’s Theorem
7. Lie Groups (Essential for work with stefanos)
8. Vector Fields
9. Integral Curves and Flows
10. Vector Bundle
11. The Cotangent Bundle
12. Tensors
13. Riemannian Metric
14. Differential Forms (Essential for Stefanos Work)
15. Orientations
16. Integration on Manifolds

19. Distributions and Foliations

20. The Exponential Map


- Peter Olver’s book on conservation laws/symmetry

Nonlinear Wave Equations:

- Luks Notes on nonlinear pde

- Rackes Book
- Selberg’s book
- Sogge’s Book (Alexakis Used it)
- Lerays Book (Classic book on hyperbolic pde)

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