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Ms. Johnson’s Class News!

May 1st– June 25th

Hello students and par- dents will be going to the

ents! This month we will ocean in Myrtle Beach.
be taking the students to They will be cleaning the
the beach for a class trip! beach by picking up and
I wanted to throwing up trash,
share important along with finding
dates, materials shells to bring back
and slips that for show and tell!
need to be We hope the stu-
turned in before dents are ready for
the trip! The some fun in the
stu- Important Dates: sun!
May 25th-
Permission Slips due
The ma- June 11th-
terials that stu- Materials brought to students are re-
dents need to bring class quired to bring their
for the field trip own lunch and
June 24th-
are simple! They will snacks to this field
receive 1 reusable Students must arrive
trip! Please be mind-
plastic bag that will to classroom by 7:30
ful of the students
require 1 can of a.m.
with allergies!
sunscreen, 1 beach *Students will arrive Please contact 123-
towel, sunglasses, back to school at
456-7891 ext. 199
and 1 reusable wa- 2:30p.m*
for any other ques-
ter bottle! The

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