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For the social factor should be studied, the effects (positive and negative) that a particular plan,
program or project has on the socio-economic environment of people. However, if it is
sometimes difficult to establish the boundaries between one ecosystem and another,
socio-economic boundaries are even more complex if possible. The main factors are:
1. Quality of life (Lifestyles, health, social values, tourism, among others).
2. Demography
3. Economics and active population (Economic structure, infrastructure, land uses)
4. Cultural factors (archaeological, historical, architectural)
5. Landscape
6. Relations of the social community with its biophysical environment

Environmental factors encompass the various components of the environment, among which life
on our planet develops. They are the support of all human activity. They are susceptible to be
modified by humans and these conditions can be large and cause serious problems, usually
difficult to assess, since they are usually in the medium or long term, or minor problems and then
they are easily bearable. It is projected in three subsystems:
• Inert Medium or Physical Medium, such as Air, Earth and Water
• Biotic Medium: Flora and Fauna
• Perceptual Medium: Landscape Units (visual basins, valleys and views)

In the same way, the concept of sustainable development is developed, where the environment
is included as an integral part of the economy and emphasizing that there can be no solid and
stable progress if there is no concern of society for the conservation of natural resources and his
or her environment. This development must be technically appropriate, economically viable and
socially acceptable, in such a way as to meet the growing needs of the countries

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