Methodology: The Questionnaire

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This topic was chosen to satisfy the requirements of CSEC which is to complete an SBA for cognate
business subjects.

To create this, both primary and secondary sources were used to collect data.

The primary sources used were the questionnaire, the interview and our observations.
The secondary sources used were the internet, textbooks and in-class notes.

 The Questionnaire

This survey was distributed to 30 students of St. George’s College, ranging from forms 1 to 5. Each
questionnaire contained a total of 24 questions. These questions were based on the Ministry of
Education’s policy to ban the sale sugary drinks in the nation’s schools. From this, 10 of them were
closed questions and 14 were open ended.

Advantages of using a questionnaire

1.) A large amount of data could have been collected

2.) This could have been done in a relatively short space of time

3.) It was cost effective

Disadvantages of using a questionnaire

1.) There is the possibility that some of the answers would have been dishonest

2.) The process of setting up a questionnaire is time consuming

3.) The answers might have been biased

 The Interview

This was conducted by 2 group members who interviewed Mr. Richard Lackraj, the owner of the school
Cafeteria. This took place on December 15th, 2018 and 8 open ended questions on the issue of the
MOE’s policy on the banning of sugary drinks. This allowed us to directly collect qualitative information.

Advantages of using an interview

1.) A one on one interaction is made

2.) Forging relationships

3.) The information is heard from a different point of view ad is straight from the source
without speculation

Disadvantages of using an interview

1.) It can be time consuming

2.) Some answers may be vague

 Observation

This was conducted by group members and it took place during break time and lunch time

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