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First Steps to Communicating in English Book Four UNIT 1 THIS IS MY FRIEND ANTON In this lesson you are going to learn how to introduce a friend to someone in English. There are also other greetings that you may find useful. Look at how someone introduces a friend to another friend, and how a person is introduced to someone else's family |. DIALOGS A. Situation : Era Vita Anton, Vita Anton. Vita Anton Ema Vita Anton Vita Anton Vita & Erna Erna and Vita are taking a walk along Malioboro Street. They meet Anton, a friend of Vita's. Vita introduces Anton to Erna. Look over there, Vita. Is that guy waving at us? Which one? Oh, you're right. That's Anton, he’s in my computer course. Anton comes over to where Erna and Vita are Hi, Vit! How're things going with you? I'm fine, thanks. And you? So-so. Anyway, what are you doing here? Just taking a walk. By the way, Anton, this is my friend Ema How do you do, Erna? Pleased to meet you, Anton. By the way, what are you doing here? 1'm with my mother, shopping Where is she now? She is over there, in that store. Oh, there she comes. I've got to go. Bye, Vita, Erna...! Bye .... See you! thee T Tembaga Bahasa & Pendilian Profesional UA

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