Tbi Bab 18 Reading Comprehensive

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Gerund (Verb Ing) Subjunctive “wish”

Digunakan setelah : Wish + Simple Past (Verb2/were/didn’t+V1 Jika ada ket.Waktu Present
1. Kata Kerja berikut ini : Wishes
AdmitImagine Wished
AppreciateKeep Would Rather + Past Perf (had+v3/been) Jika ada ket.Waktu Past
Avoid Mind If Only
Acknowledge Miss As If + would + v1/be Jika ada ket.Waktu Future
AnticipateMention As Though
+ verb ing
Can’t Stand
Can’t Help
Penggunaan As If/As Though
Deny Recail + not + verb ing S. Present + As If + S. Past (were)
Delay Resist S. Past + As Though + Past Perfect (Had + Verb 3/been)
Detest Resume + Pos. Adj + verb ing
Discuss Regret
Enjoy Resent
Experience Report Conditional Sentences
Finish Risk Tipe 1:
Fancy Tolerate if + S. Present, S + will/can/may +verb 1/be
Understand Tipe 2:
If + S. Past (were), S + would/could/might + verb 1/be
Possessive Adjective: My, Your, His, Her, Our, Their ‘s Were + S + O/C, S + Would/could/might/+ verb 1 /be
Misal : Tipe 3:
She Postpones _____ the old temple. If + Past Perfect, S + would/could/might + have + verb 3/been
A. Visit C. to visit Had + S + Verb3/been. S + would/could/might + have + verb3/been
B. Visiting D. be visit
Elliptical Sentences Aturan Auxiliary
2. Phrase berikut ini : Kal. Positive (so/too) : Kalimat Induk ------- Auxiliary-nya
Be/get + used + to Advance + to Kalimat 1 and SO + aux + subject Verb 1 Do/Does
Be/get + accustomed + to Devote + to Kalimat 1 and Subject + aux + too Verb 2 Did
Look + Forward + to Dedicate + to + verb ing Kal. Negative (neither/either) Modals Modals
Object + to Key + to Kalimat 1 and neither + aux + subject To be To be
Confess + to Passport + to Kalimat 1 and Subject + aux + not + either Do/does/did + verb 1 Do/does/did
Kal. Contrastive (but/while) Have/has/had + verb 3 Have/has/had
3. Prepositions : Kalimat 1 + but/while + S + Auxiliary Misal :
From On about +/- -/+ I went to school but he didn’t
Of at for + verb ing Verb 1 do/does I am sick but he isn’t
With by in Verb 2 did They Have come and she has too
Without before after Auxiliary Auxiliary

Subjuntive That Appositive

Yang artinya “Menyarankan/Menyuruh” Appositive ( Keterangan Tambahan ) Misal :
Advice Ciri Umum : S, _______,P Milliard Fillmore, … , taught school and
Ask _______,S + P Studied law before aspiring to political
A good idea, S + P ,______ office.
It’s best Appositive tidak boleh diawali : A. was the least great American president
Command 1. S+ P B. the American President was least
Demand, 2. That/in that C. one of the least known American president
Decree 3. Verb1/verb2/auxiliary D. that he was one of the least American President
Determine 4. To + be/ To + verb 1 Pilihan A. salah Karena diawali auxiliary (was)
Desire, Appositive boleh diawali : Pilihan B. salah karena membentuk s + p
Desirable 1. Verb ing/ verb 3 Pilihan C. BENAR karena Noun Phrase
Order 2. Who/Which + aux + verb1/verb2 Pilihan D. salah karena diawali “that”
Propose + Inf 3. Noun Phrase
Recommendation Inverted Sentences
Require, Request + that + S
Suggest Inverted Sentences (Inversi) dipakai dengan rumus :
Suggestion 1. Ungkapan negative diawal kalimat
Prefer + be Nor, No sooner, Not until, Not Just,
Yang Artinya “Penting” Neither, Seldom, Never, Rarely, Scarcely,
Important Barely, Hardly, Few, Little
Imperative, 2. Kata Only mengawali kalimat
Insist Only if, only with, Only after, etc.
Necessary Misal : 3. Kata So+adj/adv diawal kalimat
Essential He recommended that the So + adj
Mandatory car ______ here So + adv
Obligatory A. cleans 4. Preposition + no + kata benda
Obligation B. cleaned at no time
Vital C. be cleaned Under no sircumstances
Crucial D. cleaning In no chance
Urge, Urgent 5. Preposition + Ket. Tempat
Between the houses / Behind the place
Under the Tree / situated …

On the floor / Located …

Causative = Menyuruh/meminta
Active = Misal : Misal :
Get + object + infinitive The Customer had the shoes … Only Recently … popular all over the country.
Have + object + infinitive before six o’clock. A. has Blackberry become C. Blackberry has become
Passive = A. deliver C. delivers B. in becoming Blackberry D. Blackberry became
Get + object + verb 3 B. delivered D. delivering
Have + object + verb 3 Jawaban : B
Adjective Clause Preference = menyatakan Lebih Suka
Adjective Clause = Relative Pronoun Rumus : Misal :
Person + who + verb1, + verb2, auxiliary, adverb Prefer + verb ing + to + verb ing we would rather study for the
Person + whom + S + P Like + Ving + better then + Ving A B
Thing/animals + which + verb1, verb2, aux, Adv, S+P Would rather + V1 + than + V1 final exam tomorrow better than
Person/Thing/Animals + whose + Noun (Menyatakan Kepunyaan) Would prefer to + V1 + rather than V1 C
Who=whom=which=that go shopping.
Misal : D
The people which cheated on the examination had to leave the Jawaban : C
Noun Clause
A. The people C. had to Digunakan jika :Misal :
B. Which D. leave 1. Ada QW diletakkan di tengah kalimat He doesn’t know how __ the
Jawaban : B 2. Ada QW digabungkan ke kalimat lain company.
Adverb Clause Rumus :
Question Words + S + P
A. can he manages
B. he can manage
Adverb Clause = Penggunaan Conjunction Why when that C. managing he
1. Menyatakan Karena : Misal : Where how Wh… +S+P D. can manage he
Because He has … cars that he is
Who how many Jawaban : B
As +S+P confused.
what what car
Since A. so a many
Because of
B. so many
C. such a many
Future Tenses
Due to Tidak ada + S + P B. such many Simple Future + S + will/shall + verb 1/be
Tomorrow, Next + S + to be + going + to + verb1/be
Owing to
Soon, Tonight + S + to be + verb ing
2. Menyatakan Makna Bertentangan Future Continuous
Although, though, even though
At this time + Tomorrow/tonight/next
But, yet, still
At this moment + Tomorrow/tonight/next + S + will + be + verb ing
However, nevertheless, while At present + Tomorrow/tonight/next
Despite, in spite of + tidak ada S+P
At + jam + Tomorrow/tonight/next
3. Menyatakan sebab-akibat So Future Perfect
+ adjective/adverb + that
By the time + S.pres, By + S.pres + S + will + have + verb3/been
So + adjective +a/an + noun + that
By the end of + S.pres, before + S.pres
So + many/much/few/little/ + noun + that Future Perfect Continuous
Such + a/an + adjective + noun tunggal + that
By the time + S.pres, By + S.pres + S + will + have + been + Ving
Such + adjective + noun + that
By the end of + S.pres, before + S.pres

Present Tense
Simple Present
Once a week + S + verb 1
Twice a month + S + verb 1 s/es
Present Continuous
+ Predicate Tunggal
At this time
At this moment Pred Tunggal : V+s/es, is/was, has,
At present + S + is/am/are + verb ing does
Look!, Hurry Up!
Listen!, Watch out!
Present Perfect (Continuous) + Predicate Jamak

For + Lama waktu Pred Tunggal : V tanpa s/es,are,were

For + the last + S + have/has + verb3/been do
For … now
Since + awal waktu + S + have/has + been + verb ing
Since + s.past

Past Tenses
( lagi “for (Selama)
( lama waktu

Subjek yang diikuti Predicate Tunggal
1. Gerund (Verb Ing)
2. Nama Pelajaran (..ogy/..ics)
3. Jarak,waktu,volume,berat
4. Uncountable Noun
5. One of + Noun jamak
None of + Noun Jamak
Either of + Noun Jamak
Neither of + Noun Jamak
Each of + Noun Jamak
The Number of + Noun Jamak
Subjek yang diikuti Predicate Jamak
1. Countable Noun yang Jamak
2. Many of + Noun Jamak
Few of + Noun Jamak
A Number of + Noun Jamak

Kalimat yang memiliki 2 Subjek.

Pola 1
Either + S1 + or + S2 Predicate tergantung S2
Neither + S1 + not + S2 Predicate tergantung S2
Simple Past … Not only + S1 + but also + S2 Predicate tergantung S2
Ago, Yesterday Pola 2
Last… + S + verb 2
In/on + waktu lewat + S + was/were S1 + as well as + S2 Predicate tergantung S1
It’s time that S1 + together with + S2 Predicate tergantung S1
Past Continuous S1 + along with + S2 Predicate tergantung S1
At this time S1 + in addition to + S2 Predicate tergantung S1
At this moment + S + was/were + verb ing S1 + accompanied by + S2 Predicate tergantung S1
At present
At + jam Infinitive
Sedang di masa lalu Make,makes,made,making + objeck + inf Misal :
Past Perfect Let, lets, letting + objeck + inf He made the bell boy __
Before + S.Past, By the time + S.Past + S + had + verb 3 Would rather, had better + infinitive/be a. come c. comes
By the end of + S.Past, By + S.Past Help + O + inf (diutamakan to inf) b. coming d. to come
Past Perfect Continuous
Before + S.Past, By the time + S.Past To Infinitive
By the end of + S.Past, by + S.Past + S +had + been + verb ing Digunakan setelah :
(+) lagi “for (Selama) Decide Hope Tell Attemp + to + inf (+)
(+) lama waktu aja Expect Ask Agree Need
+ not + to + inf (-)
Want Refuse Manage Force
+ to + be + verb 3 (psf)
Afford Intend Persuade Fail, etc
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Modals Degree of Comparison
1. Menyatakan “Harus” 01. Positive Degree = Perbandingan setara/sama
Must As + Adj/Adv + as
Have to + inf/be ( Adj digunakan jika sebelumnya ada To be/Linking Verb, Adv jika ada verb)
Has to The same + noun + as
(sekarang) Like + noun
Had to + inf/be Alike + tidak ada noun ( biasanya dibelakang)
( Masa Lalu ) As + S + P
02. Comparative Degree = Perbandingan dua hal/benda yang menyatakan
2. Menyatakan Saran (Sebaiknya) “Lebih”
Should Adjective + er + than
Had better + inf/be More + Adjective + than
Ought to 03. Superlative Degree = Perbandingan yang menyatakan “Paling”
Be supposed to The + adjective + est + in the…/of all…
3. Kebiasaan dimasa lalu The + most + est + in the …/of/all…
Would + inf/be 04. Irregular Comparison = Pola perbandingan tidak beraturan
Used to Good/well better best
4. Menyatakan Kemungkinan (mungkin) Bad/badly ` worse worst
May Little less least
Might + inf/be Many/Much more most
Could Far farther (jarak) farthest (jarak)
5. Modals Perfective further (informasi) furthest (informasi)
Must have verb3/been = Pasti telah … 05. Double Comparative (semakin …, semakin…)
Might have verb3/been = Mungkin telah … The Comparative…, the comparative…
Should have verb3/been = Seharusnya telah … 06. Multiple Number Comparative
Can’t have verb3/been = Nggak mungkin telah … Twice
Could have verb3/been = Seharusnya bisa … Three times + as + adj/adv + as
Derivative Four times ..
07. Penggunaan “of the…”(dari…)
Derivative : Pembentukan kata dengan penambahan awalan Of the + 2 bundal/hal, gunakan the + comparative
Dan akhiran. Jenis :
Asli : Car, Reason, Design, Shoes, etc
Of the + lebih dari 2 benda/hal. Gunakan the + superlative

01. Noun

Bentukan : Participle : Kata Partisip

-ion, -ence, -or, -er, -ness, -ity, -ist, -age, -hood, -ship, Jenis : 1. Active Participle (Verb ing)
-dom, verb + al 2. Passive Participle (Verb 3)
Letak : 3. Perfect Participle ( Having + verb 3/been)
1. Setelah Possessive adjective (my, your, her, his, its, our, Penggunaan :
Their, ‘s) Misal : their difference, bukan their differ 1. Menggabungkan 2 kalimat
2. Setelah Indefinite pronoun/article (some, many, few, much, Pola soal 1. Mencari/melengkapi kalimat 2 (cara jawab : cari subjek yang
a/an/the, etc) Misal : the relation of bukan the relate of selaras/tentukan tenses nya.)
Rumus :
02. Adjective Verb ing/verb3 + O/C, Kalimat 2 (S.Pres/S.past)
Asli : Rich, Smart, Big, Complete, Great, Cold Being + Complement, Kalimat 2 ( S.Prest/S.Past)
Bentukan : Preposition/conjunction + Ving/V3 + O/C, Kalimat 2 (S.Pres/S.past)
-ible/-able, -ant/-ent, -ous, -al, -ful, -ic, -ive, -ish, -ary, -less Having + Verb3/Been + O/C, Kalimat 2 (S.Past)
Letak : Misal :
1. Setelah Linking Verb Travelling to the mountainous area, … When visiting the village, we ..
Look Feel Sound A. the village was very cold some photographs
Seem Turn Grow + adjective B. the man found a village A. has taken C. taking
Appear Become Remain C. the village dwellers found the man B. took D. had taken
Taste Stay Smell D. the tress were found there (tentukan tenses untuk kal. Ke 2)
2. Setelah tobe Pola soal 2. Mencari Participle nya. (cara jawab : cari Ving/V3, Being + C,
Is/am/are Prep/conj + ving/V3, atau having + verb3/been
Was/were + adjective Misal :
Be/been … a bad effect on children, some acts of the movie were cut.
3. Sebelum Noun A. It has C. Being
Adjective + Noun ; Misal : official reason B. Having D. Was
03. Adverb 2. Verb ing/Verb 3 digunakan jika kalimat sudah punya Verb 1/ Verb 2, dan auxiliary.
Asli : Fast, Hard, Late, High, Long, Well Misal :
Bentukan : The man … in the third row is my neighbor.
Adjective + LY missal : Beautifuly, Extremely A. sits C. sitting
Letak : B. sat D. he sits
1. Sebelum atau setelah Verb misal : He slowly moves it 3. Verb ing/ verb 3 bisa langsung digunakan setelah kata berikut jika tidak ada
2. Setelah pola S+P+O Misal : He brushes the teeth regulary subjek
3. Tidak boleh sebelum NOUN Misal : Officially reason-salah when while + Verb ing ( aktif )
04. Verb Although Though + Verb 3 (pasif)
Asli : Kick, Laugh, Sing, Walk, Prosper Even though Those
Bentukan :
-en, -ify, -ize
Letak :
1. Setelah modals Misal : He must clarify his matter
2. Setelah subjek Misal : They strengthen the footbridge

Passive Voice
S + is/am/are + verb3 – Untuk kejadian present atau jika ada ket. Waktu present 1. Adjective + noun misal : Delicious food
S + is/am/are + being + verb3 – jika ada “sedang di…” atau ket.waktu pres.continuous 2. Adverb+Adjective+noun misal : Really delicious food
S + was/were + verb3 – untuk kej.past/jika ada since (sejak) atau jika ada ket. Waktu past 3. Hyphenated Adjective + noun (jika ada bilangan, dengan
S + was/were + being + verb3 – jika membutuhkan past continuous + makna passive garis penghubung dan tunggal). Misal : a five-year-old boy
S + have/has+been+verb3 – jika ada kata “setelah di..” atau jika ada ket. Present Perfect Adjective asli : rich,complete,great,empty,cold,small,etc
S + had + been + verb3 – jika ada keterangan waktu past perfect seperti by +ket/kal lewat Adjective bentukan : ous,ful,less,ent,al,ic,ive, Verb ing (akt)
S + Modals + be + verb3 – jika ada modal + makna passive atau ket. Waktu future Verb 3 (psf)
S + need/require + to+be+verb3 – jika ada kata “perlu + di/ter… Adverb : Adjective + LY; beautifully, carefully, extremely, etc.
S + need/require + verb ing – jika ada kata “perlu + di/ter…

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