Valeria Munoz 1

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How products become quickly obsolete?

Alternatives to minimize these fails

The companies créate new devices with

new changes or updates that sometimes
are minimals but oblígate to the persons to
Small change of device because they give them
Make people khow that the diference
between the models of the phones or
changes in the idea of the “dead phone” or the “old
devices are not so big and that is not worth
devices it, with bells, videos, and on TV shows

The creators of the hardwares, créate the

Hardware hardwares with a limit time of operation, Advertice the people that the hardware
they créate them khowing is not going to come with fails and evit that the hardware
failures work in some time. fail by fixing it

People want to be “uploated” so they prefer

to use the new TVs with HDTV and refuse Make people khow that the diference
New to watch on a TV that dont have that between a TV with HDTV and a normal TV,
technology technology that it works the same and have almost the
same options

The inventors of the printers, create

printers with a very low cost but that are
easy to stop working and stop being useful,
Disposable and when they are not working, fix them is
Make a bell that fix all the printers and evit
expensive and more than buy a new one.
technology that they stop working in a short limit of time
So the inventors recibe more money
because people are buying many printers

Sell new batteries that work in a very long

Can’t change The inventors of some technological
time and that can be repleaceble so people
devices, use batteries, and those
components can change the batteries and their devices
batteriesare not replaceable so people
work in more time
have to buy a new device because without
those batteries working, the device is

The new computers come with a new

upgrade in the software that the old
Software computer cant have, and the people need Modernize the software without buying a
to buy a new one to have a modern new one and evit people throw out their
upgrades computer with all the upgraders device because of the software

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