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Economics and Accounting Journal

Vol.1, No.1, January 2018


Baiq Fitri Arianti
University of Pamulang


This research aims to analyze and measure the influence of financial literacy, financial
behavior and income on investment decisions. The type of research used is quantitative
research descriptive method. Types and data sources used are primary data that is data
collected and processed by the researcher himself from the object. The amount of
population in this research is 29.231 student and the sample technique used is random
sampling by using slovin formula. Data were collected by using questionnaire method
from 100 student become sample in this research. Data analysis techniques used in this
research are descriptive statistical analysis, data quality test, classical assumption test,
multiple linear regression test, F test, t test and coefficient of determination with the help
of software program SPSS version 22. The results of this research indicate that financial
literacy no significant effect on investment decisions, while financial and income
behavior have a significant effect on investment decisions.

Keywords : Financial Literacy, Financial Behavior, Income and Investment Decisions

1. INTRODUCTION planning is only done by people who

have high income only. But on the other
Financial Literacy (Financial hand, there are also individuals who
Literacy) is a must for every individual have high incomes but have no
to avoid financial problems because investment planning on their personal
individuals are often faced with a trade finances (Pritazahara, 2015).
off situation where one must sacrifice According to Masassya (2006) states
one interest for the sake of other that most of the allocation of funds
interests. According to Robb and aimed at several things namely,
Woodyard (2011) sufficient financial investment, saving and consumption.
literacy will provide a positive influence Among the three, the most beneficial
on the financial behavior of a person, type of allocation in the future is
such as set or allocate finances investment. Planning investment in
appropriately. personal finance is important, because it
Consumerism attitude that became a is an independent learning process to
habit at this time make people less have manage finances in the present and
a culture of saving for example in terms future (Pritazahara, 2015).
of investing. There are still many people Investment is a sacrifice made
who have not realized the importance of nowadays with the aim of gaining
having financial management in their greater benefits in the future (Haming
personal lives because people still think and Basalamah, 2010). One of the
that personal financial investment factors needed to make an investment is

Economics and Accounting Journal
Vol.1, No.1, January 2018

capital or funds. Sources of funds can investment decision maker don’t always
come from loans or personal funds. In behave in a manner consistent with the
addition to knowledge of finance, assumptions made according to the
income and experience in investing also perception and understanding of the
affect investment decisions, the more information received (Christanti and
income a person has in managing the Mahastanti, 2011).
finances, the better the way of managing When making investment decisions,
his finances for the future by individuals are relatively dominated by
considering the risks that will occur and the expected utility theory. Expected
tolerating those risks (Nababan & utility theory is a risky decision and
Sadalia, 2013). aims to achieve maximum results
Based on the World Bank survey, it (Tversky and Kahneman, 1981). This
shows that Indonesia's financial literacy theory assumes that individuals who
rate is only 20%. This is lower make decisions are rational, but often
compared to ASEAN countries such as decision makers are not rational at the
filipino 27%, Malaysia 66% Thailand time of their choice (Robison, Shupp,
73% and Singapore 98%. Therefore it is and Myers, 2010). Kahneman and
needed Financial Literacy in improving Tversky (1979) criticize the utility
the economy. theory used in making investment
Students as young people will not decisions especially when risky
only face the increasing complexity in conditions are based on human
financial products, services and markets, psychological factors. Then the utility
but they are more likely to face financial theory was developed and prospect
risks in the future. (Lusardi and theory was born. Human behavior in
Mitchell, 2007). The problem in this making decisions is based on
research is the low financial literacy and psychological factors, making a risky
financial behavior that occurs among the decision can be interpreted as a choice
students, this is seen during initial or gamble. Manurung (2012) states that
observation in some students of the individuals in investing not only use
Faculty of Economics, Pamulang of estimates of the prospects of their
University said that it is still not able to investment instruments, but
manage their own lifestyle and pattern psychological factors also have a big
because of the high level of consumptive role in determining decision-making.
that makes them irrational in buying Learn how psychological factors are
their needs, besides also in managing the emotional can affect financial decisions,
money they receive from parents or and financial markets expressed by
scholars, they faced with a variety of Nofsinger (2001) by defining the theory
complex financial options, including of financial behavior is the study of how
paying tuition, paying rent or rent, humans actually behave in financial
repaying loans, budgeting, saving, related decisions. Behavioral finance
following insurance and even working (behavioral finance) is an approach that
so they have to balance their lives both explains how people make investments
in the workplace, college and life social. or activities related to finance is
This fact is what encourages the influenced by psychological factors.
development of the theory of financial The problems in this research are
behavior (financial behavior theory) also expressed by Welly's (2016) study
which is the application of psychology which shows that aspects of financial
in the discipline of financial science. literacy such as general knowledge of
Financial behavior is instrumental in personal finance, savings and loans,
making investment decisions. The insurance, and investment

Economics and Accounting Journal
Vol.1, No.1, January 2018

simultaneously (whole) have a 2. LITERATURE REVIEW

significant influence on lecturer's
investment decision, employees, and 2.1. Financial Literacy
students at STIE Multi Data Palembang. Financial knowledge and skills in
And this research is also appropriate managing personal finance are essential
conducted by Ni Made Dwiyana in everyday life. Krishna, Rofaida, and
Rasuma Putri et al (2017) said that Sari (2010) explain that financial
financial literacy has the greatest literacy helps individuals to avoid
influence in determining the behavior of financial problems.
individual investment decisions Financial Literacy according to the
compared with sociodemographic Financial Services Authority (2013) is a
factors. Meanwhile, according to series of processes or activities to
research Musdhalifa (2016) shows that increase the knowledge, confidence and
the significant influence where locus of skill of consumers and the wider
control, financial knowledge and income community so that they are able to
positively affect the decision to invest in manage finances better.
the community of Makassar. According to Kim (2001) in Sabri
Here is a conceptual framework (2011) financial literacy is the basic
image of the variables to be studied as knowledge that people need to survive
follows: in modern society. This basic knowledge
involves knowing and understanding the
complex principles of spending, saving,
Financial Literacy and investing. Meanwhile, according to
(X1) Lusardi & Mitchell (2007) describes
Investment financial literacy is the knowledge that
Decision someone has about financial
Financial Behavior
(Y) instruments, including, one's knowledge
about savings or saving, insurance or
Income (X3)
insurance, investment and other
financial instruments. Financial Literacy
can be interpreted as financial
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework knowledge, with the aim of achieving
Based on the description and From the above understanding, it
framework that has been described, the can be concluded that financial literacy
researcher formulates the research is a person's ability to know finance in
hypothesis as follows: general, where the knowledge includes
H1 : There is the influence of financial savings, investments, debt, insurance
literacy on investment decisions and other financial instruments.
H2 : There is influence of financial
behavior to investment decision 2.2. Financial Behavior
H3 : There is an influence of income Financial Behavior is a behavior
level on investment decisions related to financial applications.
H4 : There is the influence of financial According to Ricciardi (2000), financial
literacy, financial behavior and behavior is a discipline of science in
income level collectively to which the inherent interaction of
investment decisions disciplines of science and continuously
integrate so that the discussion is not
done isolation. A person who wants to
learn financial behavior must have an

Economics and Accounting Journal
Vol.1, No.1, January 2018

understanding of the psychological, population in this study is all students

sociological, and financial aspects. active in the odd semester of academic
Shefrin (2000) defines financial year 2016/2017 at the Faculty of
behavior as a study of how Economics, University of Pamulang,
psychological phenomena affect their amounting to 29,231 students.
financial behavior. Nofsinger (2001) The sample technique used is simple
defines the financial behavior of random sampling technique. To
learning how humans actually behave in determine the size of the sample is done
a financial setting. In particular, learn through a statistical approach by using
how psychology influences financial, the Slovin formula (Sugiyono, 2016).
corporate and financial market N
decisions. n=
1 + N (e) 2
2.3. Income
Income is one indicator to measure Based on the calculation of slovin
the welfare of a person or society, so formula, the sample obtained as much as
that the income of this society reflects 99.65 rounded to 100. Type and source
the economic progress of a society of data used is the primary data of the
(Luminatang, 2013). According Sukirno students active odd semester academic
(2006), income is the amount of income year 2016/2017 Faculty of Economics at
received by the population on their work the University of Pamulang. Data
performance during a certain period, collection techniques in this study are 1)
whether daily, weekly, monthly or Observation, 2) Library Studies, 3)
yearly. A person's income is Questionnaire. Data analysis technique
fundamentally dependent on work in the used in this research is statistical
field of services or production, as well analysis method by using SPSS
as the time spent on work, the level of application program version 22 for
income per hour received (Luminatang, windows.

2.4. Investment Decision 4. RESULT AND DISSCUSION

According to Rusdin (2006) the
decision to invest is individual and 4.1. Descriptive Statistics Analysis
depends entirely on a free person.
Therefore, before arriving at an Table 1. Descriptive Statistic Result
investment decision, first consider
carefully. According to Christanti & Std.
Mahastanti (2011), an individual's N Min Max Mean Dev.
investment decisions during these two FL (X1) 100 50 96 77,00 7,439
sides are a) the extent to which decisions FB(X2) 100 22 61 46,90 5,902
can maximize the wealth (economic), b) Income
(X3) 100 19 35 26,97 3,605
Behavioral motivation (investment
decision based on investor psychological ID (Y) 100 20 38 29,63 3,784
aspect). Valid N
(listwise) 100

3. RESEARCH METHOD Based on table 1 above shows that

the number of respondents (N) as many
The type of research used is as 100 students. The minimum value
quantitative descriptive method. The

Economics and Accounting Journal
Vol.1, No.1, January 2018

indicates the respondent's answer at least study is valid. While the results of
and maximum is the highest answer. testing data obtained from each item
statement on the independent and
4.2. Data Quality Test bounded variables have the value of
To know the value of rtabel, it is cronbach's alpha is greater than the
known the number of respondents as reliability standard value of 0.60. So it
much as 100 respondents, then the free can be said that the instrument in this
degrees that have the equation df = n-k reserach is reliable and feasible to use.
or df = 100-4 at the level of significance
0.05, then got the rtabel number of 4.3. Classical Assumption Test
0.195. So it can be concluded that all Results
statement items of the variables in this 4.3.1. Normality Test

Table 2. Normality Test Result

Unstandardized Residual
N 100
Normal Mean ,0000000
Parametersa,b Std. Dev. 2,52598534
Most Extreme Absolute ,045
Differences Positive ,042
Negative -,045
Test Statistic ,045
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,200c,d

value shows larger numbers 0.10 ie

Based on table 2 above that the 0.739 on variable Financial Literacy.
value of significance shows the figure of 0.701 on the variable of Financial
0.200> 0.05. So it can be said that the Behavior and 0.915 on the Income
data used in this study is normally variable. Thus it can be concluded in the
distributed regression model don’t occured
multicolinierity between independent
4.3.2. Multicolinearity Test variables.

Table 3. Multicolinearity Test 4.3.3. Heteroscedasticity Test


Model Collinearity Statistics

Tolerance VIF
Financial Literacy ,739 1,354
Financial behavior ,701 1,427
Income ,915 1,093

Based on table 3 above can be

stated that the value of Variance
Inflantion Factor (VIF) is far below the
number 10 that is 1.354 on the variable
Figure 2 . Heteroscedasticity Test Result
Literasi Finance, 1.427 on the variable
Financial Behavior and 1.093 on
variable Income, while the tolerance Based on the scatterplots graph
shown in Figure 2 above shows that the

Economics and Accounting Journal
Vol.1, No.1, January 2018

points spread randomly and do not form 4.4.2. Coefficient of Determination

a pattern, and are scattered below or Test (R2)
above the number 0 on the y-axis. It can
be concluded that the research data don’t Table 6. Coefficient of Determination Test
occured heteroscedasticity. Result
4.3.4. Autocorrelation Test
Model R R Adjusted SEE
Table 4. Autocorrelation Test Result Square R Square
Model Summaryb 1 ,745a ,554 ,540 2,565

Mo R R Adjusted SEE D Based on table 6 above that the

del Square R Square W value of adjusted R square is 0,540. This
shows the results of variables Decisions
1 ,745 ,554 ,540 2,565 1, Invest can be explained by the three
82 variables of Financial Literacy,
Financial Behavior and Revenue of
Based on table 4 above shows that 54%. The Standard Error of the Estimate
the results of the autocorrelation test (SEE) value is 2,565. The smaller the
output known DW value of 1.820, then level of SEE will make the regression
this value with a significant table value model more accurate in predicting the
of 5%, the number of samples N = 100 dependent variable.
and the number of independent variables
3 (K = 3) if the value of DW 1.820  of 4.4.3. T Test
the value dU = 1.613. From the result of analysis using
SPSS 22.0 contained in tables of
4.4. Hypothesis Test multiple linear regression analysis and
4.4.1. Multiple Linear Regression Test also answer the problem formulation
contained in the previous chapter is the
Table 5. Multiple Linear Regression Test first hypothesis, indicating that the
Coefficientsa financial literacy variable obtained
tcount value of 1.830. To determine the
Standar distribution of t is sought at ɑ = 5%: 2 =
Unstandardiz dized 2.5%. With a 2-sided test the 0.025
ed Coeffici significance of the results obtained for
Coefficients ents the t table is 1.984. From the above
Std. calculation results obtained Financial
Model B Error Beta T Sig.Literacy (X1) has tcount  ttable is
1 (Constant) ,952 3,092 ,308 ,7591.830  1.984 with a significance value
FL ,074 ,040 ,145 1,830 ,070of 0.070  0.05. This can be interpreted
FB ,125 ,052 ,195 2,400 ,018that the Financial Literasi not positively
Income ,635 ,075 ,605 8,494 ,000and significantly influence on the
Decision of Investing. Then H1 is
rejected. The second hypothesis, shows
From table 5 above shows that the the results of the calculation of Financial
result of multiple linear regression Behavior (X2) obtained tcount value 
equation that is formed is Y = 0,952 + ttable is 2,400  1.984 with a
0,074x1 - 0,125x2 + 0,635x3 + e. significance value of 0.018  0.05. This
shows that Financial Behavior
influences investment decisions. Then
H2 is accepted and the third hypothesis,

Economics and Accounting Journal
Vol.1, No.1, January 2018

shows that the result of calculation of decisions and these results are also in
Revenue value (X3) obtained tcountable line with the variable financial literacy
value ttable is 8.494  1.984 with a in the insurance aspects indicate that no
significance value of 0,000  0.05. This significant effect on investment decision
shows that income has a positive and in STIE Multi Data Palembang. Then
significant effect on the Investment these results are also in line with the
Decision. Then H3 accepted results of research conducted by Melisa
. (2015) indicates that the Literasi
4.4.4. F Test financial investors have no significant
effect on investment decisions.
Table 7. F Test Result Variable of Financial Behavior
influence to investment decision,
Mea evidenced by value of tcount  ttabel is
n 2,400  1,984 with significance value
Sum of Squa equal to 0,018  0,05. These results are
Model Squares Df re F Sig.
in line with the results of research
1 Reres 261, 39,79
785,630 3 ,000b conducted by Aminatuzzahra (2014) can
sion 877 9
be concluded that there is significant
Resi 6,58
631,680 96 influence between behavioral variable
dual 0
(attitude) finance to investment decision
Total 1417,31 99
making. So this research is also in
accordance with the theory of financial
Based on table 7 above obtained behavior perspective in financial
value of Fcount equal to 39,799 by using decision making. The better one's
confidence level 95% and significant attitude or mental finance then the
level 0,05. Then it can be concluded that financial behavior of a person in making
hypothesis four or H4 accepted, which better investment decisions.
means that the multiple regression Income significant effect on
model can be used to measure the level investment decisions, evidenced by the
of investment decisions or value of t count  ttable is 8.494  1.984
simultaneously have a positive and with a significance value of 0.000 
significant impact on the Decision of 0.05. The results of this study in line
Investing. with research conducted by Musdhalifa
(2016) showed that income has a
4.5. Discussion significant effect on investment
The discussion in this study decisions have an influence. This is also
indicates that the financial literacy in line with the results of Kusumawati
variable has no significant effect on the (2013) research that a person's income
investment decision, evidenced by the has an influence on the management of
value of tcount  ttable is 1.830  1.984 his personal finances, the more their
with a significance value of 0.070  income the greater his judgment to make
0.05. This can be interpreted that the an investment decision. And this result
Financial Literasi not positively and is not in line with the results of research
significantly influence on the Decision conducted by Ni Made Dwiyana and
of Investing. These results are not in line Henny (2017) shows that Revenue does
with the results of research conducted by not significantly influence the behavior
Welly et al (2016) showed that partially of inventory decisions. That is, a
variable financial literacy in the aspects person's income level is not a
of savings and loans and investment benchmark for making an individual
alone that significantly affect investment investment decision. The same thing in

Economics and Accounting Journal
Vol.1, No.1, January 2018

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