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Course Name/Period:
Due Date:
Jungian Archetypes Seminar

Part I: Your Own Questions

Write at least one question based on the readings that you would like to discuss in class. My questions should be places
to jump off from, not the end of your discussion!

Part II: Your Seminar Goal

Write your goal for the seminar.

Part III: Pre-established Questions

Answer the questions on your own - you may do this in complete sentences or in bullet points. Bring in evidence from
the text, your own experience, or outside sources. Number your answers to correspond to the questions.
During the seminar, take notes in a​ DIFFERENT font color​.

Subjects Your Answers ​AND​ Notes from Discussion

1. Watch ​this video on Jungian archetypes​. As you 1.

watch, take notes on what seems important. How
do archetypes help us understand our own lives
and experiences?

2. When Jung was developing his ideas about

archetypes, he mostly used introspection
(observation of his own mental processes) and
self-analysis, often through interpreting the
dreams of himself and his patients. Evaluate
Jung’s use of the scientific method, based on your
understanding from science classes. In what ways
does his research succeed or fail by modern

3. Based on your evaluation of Jung’s adherence to

the scientific method, why do you think that
therapists and psychologists no longer use Jung’s
ideas (as originally conceived) in their practices?

4. Jung’s theories have mostly disappeared from the

practice of psychology today, but there are still
traces of them in our society, as Zappia’s article
mentions. Why do you think that these ideas are
so fascinating? Why have we, as a society, been
so reluctant to give up on these ideas?
Last Name: 2
Your Name:
Teacher Name:
Course Name/Period:
Due Date:

5. In literary circles, scholars often use archetypal

criticism to analyze texts, despite the fact that
Jungian psychology has mostly disappeared from
clinical practice. Scholars also (less and less) use
Freudian analysis, but Freud’s ideas are also
rarely seen in actual psychological practice. Why
might scholars want to use psychological theories
for literary analysis in the first place? Why are
these particular psychological theories especially
appealing for scholars? Consider the intersection
between text and time period, as well as your
specific thoughts about the theories themselves.

6. All literature involves a certain degree of

intertextuality​, or the relationship between literary
texts. You can phrase it as, “There is nothing new
under the sun,” or describe it as the development
and interaction of ideas. How does the concept of
intertextuality​ align with literary analysis through
Jungian archetypes?
Part IV: Reflection
What did you do well before and during this seminar? What did you not do so well? What would make your next
seminar better? Did anything surprise you, resonate with you, or strike you as important? What’s your takeaway?
Write your response in full sentences.

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