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I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
A. identify the quartiles for ungrouped data;
B. solve for the median, upper, and lower quartiles of a given set using the
Mendenhall and Sincich Method and Linear Interpolation ; and
C. present active participation during class discussion by recitation.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Measures of Position: Quartiles for Ungrouped Data
B. Reference: Mathematics Learner’s Module for Grade 10
Quartiles. Retrieved from
C. Materials: cartolina, marker, tape , chalk and board
D. Value: Cooperation and Active Participation
III. Lesson Proper

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Routinary Activity

Good Afternoon Class! Good Afternoon Sir

Rafael, kindly lead the prayer Yes Sir

Before sitting down, kindly pick the pieces of Yes Sir

paper under your chairs

Is anyone absent today? None Sir

B. Exploratory Activity

Before we start our lesson for today, let us

first have an activity. Our activity will test
your skills in putting arranging the positions of
a given image; this is because our activity is
none other than completing a jigsaw puzzle. In
this activity, I would be dividing you into 4
groups. Then, one member from each group
will draw lots of which image to complete.
The group to finish first will receive additional
points on their next quiz.

Are the instructions clear class?

Okay Start! Yes Sir!

Group 1 Group 2
1st 2nd
Group 3 Group 4
3rd 4th

Very Good Group 1! You will receive

additional points on our next quiz.

C. Lesson Proper
How did you find our activity class? It was fun and enjoyable, Sir

From your activity, what skills did you use to Sir, we used our arranging skills to put each
complete each image? piece in the right positions to complete the
Very Good! With this, our topic for the
remaining of this quarter will focus on the
specific positions of a given data set. This is
because our topic will be all about Measures
of Position.

In measures of position, we will be tackling

data that are grouped and ungrouped. In
addition, the three specific measures of
position are Quartile, Deciles, and Percentiles.

But today, we will just be focusing on the

Quartiles of Ungrouped Data.

And we define them as… kindly read Laica Quartiles are values that divide a list of
numbers/data into four equal parts
Thank you, to explain the concept of quartiles
let us consider this line

In this line, how many points do you think

would be needed to divide this line into 4 3 Sir!

Correct! Now let’s imagine that this line

represents a data set arranged from least to 3 again Sir!
greatest. How many values do we need to
divide this data into 4 equal parts?

Correct! These values are now what we call

the quartiles of the data.
Let’s consider this example
Example #1
5, 7, 4, 4, 6, 2, 8

In determining the quartiles of a given data we

need to first arrange our data in ascending

Kindly arrange in front Lorence. 2, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Very Good! Next is we need to find the

middle most value or the median of the data. N+1/ 2 Sir
What again is formula in getting the median of
a given data?

Correct! Now from our example what is the 5 Sir!

middle value?

Very Good! The middle value or the median is

also known as the 2nd Quartile of the data; and
just like we said earlier we need 3 values to
cut or divide our data into four equal parts. To
find for the 1st or lower quartile we could
apply the concept of the median in the lower
half of the data.

The lower half of our data is

2, 4, 4

From here, what do you think is its median? 4 Sir!

Correct! Therefore our first quartile (Q1) or

lower quartile is 4. Meaning 25% of the data is
less than or equal to 4

With the same process, what then is our 3rd 7 Sir!

(Q3) or upper quartile?

Very Good! And what does this imply? This implies that 75% of the data has less than
or equal to 7 Sir!
Very Good! Now let’s compute for the
interquartile range or the IQR. This is
important so that we know how similar or
varied our data is.

To compute for the Interquartile range all we

need to do is subtract the upper quartile to the
lower quartile or Q3 minus Q1.
From our data, what is our IQR? 7 – 4= 3 Sir!

Very Good!
Let’s have another example:
Example #2
Find the Q1, Q2, Q3 and interquartile range of
the given data below.
14, 10, 12, 9, 17, 5, 8, 9, 14, 10, 11

What is our first step again? Arrange our data in ascending order

Very Good! Kindly arrange it Jona 5, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 12. 14, 14, 17

Correct! What is our median or Q2? Q2 = 10

Very Good! How about Q1? Q1= 9

Correct! How about Q3? Q3= 14

Lastly, IQR? IQR = 5

Very Good! Now how about if you were asked Yes Sir!
to find the quartiles of a data set of 50
samples? Would it be easier if we had a

The two most common ways in finding

quartile values is through the Mendenhall and
Sincich Method and Linear Interpolation.

Using Mendenhall and Sincich Method on a

data set with n elements, we could calculate
the location of the first and third quartile using
the formulas:

Lower Quartile (L) = Position of Q1 = 1/ 4


Upper Quartile (U) = Position of Q3 = 3/ 4


Round to the nearest integer.

Using the formula on our second example we L= Position of Q1 = 1/ 4(11+1) = (1/ 4)(12) =
have n= 11, what then is the location of our 12/4 = 3
Q1and Q3?
U= Position of Q3 = 3/ 4(11+1) = (3/ 4)(12) =
36/4 = 9
Correct! And is the location of our first and
third quartile similar to the positions our Yes Sir!
answers earlier?

Very Good! Another method in locating

quartiles is through the use of Linear
Let’s consider this example.
Example #3
The following are the ages of 12 students in
statistic class: 18, 21, 25, 21, 28, 23, 21, 19,
24, 18, 27 and 23.

Arrange the data, Jushua 18 18 19 21 21 21 23 23 24 25 27 28

Very Good! What is the median? Median or Q2= 22

Correct! Now locate the position of Q1

Notice that in Mendenhall and Sincich we

round up to the nearest integer but using
Linear interpolation the steps are as follows: L= Position of Q1 = 1/ 4(12+1) = (1/ 4)(13) =
13/4 = 3.5
Step 1: Since the location of Q1 is 3.5 we
subtract the 3rd data to the 4th
21-19 = 2
Step 2: Multiply the result to the decimal part
obtained in the position of Q1 2 x .5 = 1

Step 3: Add the result in step 2, to the smaller 19+1 = 20


Therefore, the value of Q1= 20

How about Q3? U= Position of Q3 = 3/ 4(12+1) = (3/ 4)(13) =

39/4 = 9.75
Step 1: 25- 24 =1
Step 2: 1 x .75 = .75
Step 3: 24+.75 = 24.75
Therefore Q3= 24.75
Very Good!
D. Generalization
To sum up our lesson for today, what again
are quartiles?

Correct! What about the first step in Quartiles are values that divide a list of
determining the quartiles of a given set of numbers/data into four equal parts

Very Good! The median of a given set of data It is also known as the second quartile of the
is also known as? middle value, Sir

Correct! What are some methods in The Mendenhall and Sincich Method and
determining quartile methods? Linear Interpolation, Sir

Very Good! What again is the formula in Lower Quartile (L) = Position of Q1 = 1/ 4
Mendenhall and Sincich’s method used to get
the location of the lower and upper quartile? Upper Quartile (U) = Position of Q3 = 3/ 4
How about if the location of the results from We use Linear Interpolation, Sir!
the Mendenhall and Sincich’s method has a

Very Good! Lastly what do we call the

difference of the first quartile from the third Interquartile Range Sir!

Correct! Is our lesson for today clear class? Yes Sir!

IV. Assessment
A. Solve for the Q1, Q2, Q3 and the IQR of the given data below using the
Mendenhall and Sincich’s method and (if possible Linear Interpolation):

1. The scores of 12 students in their Mathematics activity.

4, 9, 7, 14, 10, 8, 12, 15, 10, 8, 12, 15
2. Shoe sizes of randomly interviewed people.
7 , 4 , 5 , 2 , 7 , 7 , 2, 2 , 2 , 4 , 5 , 7 , 7 , 7
3. Scores of Grade 10 – Makuli in their Quiz in History..
2 , 4 , 7 , 3 , 10 , 2 , 8 , 7, 2 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 7 , 7 , 8 , 10

V. Assignment
A. Conduct a survey on the height and weight of 20 random grade 10 students of
SFNHS. Then find for the first, second, and third quartile. Interpret your findings
and present in front. Write your assignment in a long bond paper.

Prepared by:
Rafael Luis G. Muyano

Checked by:

Mrs. Nancy J. Aquino

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