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CAPE Chemistry U1 P1

1. Which of the following factors increases the Ilem ? refers to the following graph which
first ionization energY of an dtom? shows the log of successive ionization
energies for ten electrons of an element, P.
(A) Greater nuclear charge
(B) Larger atomic radius L
(C) Larger number ofvalence electrons
(D) Increased screening bY inner E+
electrons N


2 3 4,5 6 7 8 9 l0
Number of electrons lost

Element P is MOST likelY

(A) chlorine
(B) magnesium
(C) neon
(D) sodium

Item 3 refers to the following mass spectrum of chlorine gas'




30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 7s E0


35Cl* ion, which of the following ions repres#tthe peaks at Q and T

3. If the peak at P represents the

(A) 37Cl* and (3?Cl- 37Cl)+

(B) 37Cl* and (tt cl- 35 cl)*
(C) 37Cl* and (3scl- 3scl)+

(D) 37Cl* and (35C1- 37Cl)+


Item 4 refers to the following sketch which 6. The bond angles in the PH, molecule are
shows the variation of the boiling points of the same as that of NClr. Its shape would
the hydrides of Group V. BEST be described as

(A) bipyramidal
(B) pyramidal
(c) tetrahedral
c (D) trigonal

7. Which of the following statements is true

NHg PHg AsH3 SbH3 of5 dm3ofhydrogen and 5 dm3 ofoxygen
Hydrides at 0 oC and l0l kPa?

4. Ammonia has the highest boiling point (A) They react to produce 5 dm3 of
because water.
(B) They react completely with each
(A) the N-H bond is the shortest and other.
strongest (c) They possess the same amount of
(B) there are more van der Waals forces kinetic energy.
between NH, molecules (D) They contain the same number of
(c) there is hydrogen bonding between molecules.
NH, molecules
(D) the eletronegativity of nitrogen is
much higher than that of the other The following equation represents the
elements in the group reaction of magnesium with hydrochloric

J. Which of the following features describes Mg + 2H. -.+ Mg2* * H,

potassium bromide?
The molar volume of a gas at rtp is 24 dm3.
(A) A network of covalentlv bonded
atoms The volume of gas produced at rtp when
(el Asubstancewhich boilsat59 oC and 1.2 g of Mg reacts with hydrochloric acid is
decomposes at high temperatures
(c) A solid with a very high molar (A) L2 dml
enthalpy of vaporization which (B) 2.4 dm3
does rrot conduct electriciw when (C) 12.0 dm3
in a liquid state (D) 24.0 dm3
(D) A non-conducting solid which melts
to form a liquid that conducts
electricity 9. The simplest formula for a compound that
contains 50% S and 50o/o O by mass is

(A) .
(B) So,
(c) S,o
(D) SrOo


n?l l?nln/aADtr ?nl/

10. When 86 g of the ionic salt, CaSOo.xHrO, 12. In which of the following chemical
is heated so that all of its water of reactions is sulfur reduced?
crystallization is driven off and 68.0 g
- of
Caso. remain, the value of x is (A) S + Oz
- SOz

(A) 1 (B) 2SO, + Or* 2SO,

(B) 2
(C) 3 (C) SO, + HrO
- H2So4
(D) 4 * +
1D) 2HrSoo+ cu cuSoo a Soz 2Hzo

11. Deviations from ideal gas behaviour

generally occur under conditions of 13. Which of the following gases is MOST
likely to behave like an ideal gas?
(A) low pressure and low temperature
(B) low pressure and high temperature (A) Ammonia
(C) high pressure and low temperature (B) Helium
(D) high pressure and high temperature (C) Methane
(D) Oxygen

14. The standard enthalpy changes for two reactions are as follows:

2Fe(s) Or(C)
- FerOr(s), AH* = -822 kJ mol-'

I -- CO(B), AII* :

C(s) + O"(g) -110 kJ mol-'


What is the standard enthalpy change, in kJ, for the reaction

Fe,O, (s)+ 3C(s) -+ 2Fe(s) + 3CO(g) ?

(A) -e32
(B) -7r2
(c) 4e2
(D) +492


GO ON TO TFItr NItr\'T D^^tr

15. Which of the following starements may be 18. In which of the following reactions would
true about the kinetic theory of an ideal gas? Ko have units of atm-2?

L Attractive forces are strong between (A) Nr(e) + rHr(s) t==i zNH,(e)
IL Average kinetic energy of the
(B) SOr(e) + Or(B);:::izSO,(e)
molecules is proportional to the
absolute temperature.
III. Volume of molecules is negligible (C) 2cHClFr(g)a-" C,Fo(g; + 2HCl(g)
compared to that ofthe container.
(D) CH4G) + H,Q(g);=: CO(g) + 3H,(g)
(A) Ill only
(B) I and III only
(C) II and III only
(D) I,ll and III 19. Which of the following statements about
dynamic equilibrium is NOT true?

16. The activation energy of a reaction (A) The forward reaction proceeds
at the same rate as the reverse
(A) is unaffected by a catalyst reaction.
(B) is an energy barrier to the reaction (B) The concentrations of the reactants
(C) is affected by temperatures and products are constant
(D) reduces the speed of the reactant throughout the course ofthe
molecules reaction.
(C) Dynamic equilibrium can only be
achieved in a sYstem where no
Item 17 refers to the table which shows materials are added or
the rate results for the reaction A + B + C (D) There is no aPParent change
but both forward and reverse
IAI IBI Rate of reaction reactions continue to take Place
Experiment (moldm'3) (moldm'3 s'r;
(mol dm-r) at equal rates.

I 0.10 0.10 0.0032

2 0. r0 0.20 0.0032 20. The value of K. for the equilibrium shown

J 0.20 0.20 0.0064 below is 860 at25oC.

L7 . What is the OVERALLorder ofthe reaction? What is the value of K" at 25 'C for the
following equi libri um?
(A) Zero
(B) First
L nr<e) * lr(g) ff Hl(g)
Second +
(D) Third
(A) 2e
(B) zts
(c) 430
(D) 1720


n? r I ?n l n-l. LDQ 'rAr A
24. In pure ethanol, C2H'OH, the following
2L. In the Haber Process, equilibrium can existwith ammontum lons'

Nr(g) + lHr(e) ;-+2NH3(g), *NHr+c,HsoH2*

NHo*+ c2H5oH -
AH = -90 kJ mol-r,
Which of the combinations below describes
the MAXIMUM Yield of ammonia is the functions of NH,* and C2H'OH
obtained at according to the Brdnsted-Lowry theory?

(A) high tempeiature and low pressure NfI4* c2HsOH

(B) high temperature and high pressure
iCi low temperature and high pressure' (A) Acid Base

(D) low temperature and low pressure (B) Base Acid

(C) Conjugate acid Base

ioi Acid conjugate base

Compounds R Q and R form an equili-

brium as shown below.
?< Which ofthe following pairs of substances
2P(aq) + Q(aq)"* 2R(aq) would make a good buffer?

The units for the equilibrium constant'

(A) HCI(aq) and NaCl(aq)
are (B) HCI(aq) and NHoCI(aq)
(C) NHr(ae) and NHoC(aq) -
(A) mol dm-3
iol NHI(aq) and NaNo,(ag)
(B) dm3 mol-r
(C) mol2 dm{
(D) dm6 mol-2
The solubility product of BaSOo at
25 is oC

i x 10-'o moli dm*. The number of moles of

BaSOo that will dissolve in I dm3
of water
23. The pH of a 0.03 moldma HCI solution is to form a saturated solution is

(A) 0.s2 (A) I x 10-'o

(B) 1.52 ,
(B) 2 x 10-'o
(c) 3.00 (C) 1 x lOa
(D) 3.s1 (D) 2 x l0-5

71 The expression for the solubility product'

k,o, of lead iodide is

(A) [nu'.] [zr']

(B) [ro'.] [t ]*
(c) -LPb-.1-

(D) rLPb"J
^,t2 rr-]2

t 6A tF a lrrt'F
-7 -

28. Precipitation of a sparingly soluble salt Item 30 refers to the following diagram of
occurs on addition of a common ion ONLy an electrochemical cell.
if the ionic product is
(A) less than K,o
(B) greater than K_-
(Ci Jqualto K,o

(D) equalto (K,)2

29. What is the potential for a cell with the

following reaction?
30. Which of the following situations does
Zn(s) + Brr(ag) Znz*(aq) + 2Br{aq)
- NOT occur in the cell shown above?
(A) [+1.07 + (- 0.76)] v (A) No current flows when the salt
(B) [-r.07 + (- 0.76)] v bridge is removed.
(c) [-r.07 - (- 0.76)] v (B) Magnesium ions migrate into the
(D) [+1.07 - (- 0.76)] v salt bridge.
(c) Electrons flow through the wire
from the zinc to the magnesium
(D) The reaction at the magnesium
electrode is

31. Which element burns in oxygen to form an

amphoteric oxide?

(A) Aluminium
(B) Magnesium
(C) Sodium
(D) Sulfur


n?l l?nln/cAptr ?014

Items 32-33 refer to the following properties of four oxides, A, B, C and D.

Name of Oxide (A) (B) (c) (D)

State at 25 "C Solid Solid Liquid Gas

Bonding and structure in Ionic lattice Giant covalent Covalent molecular Covalent molecular

oH of mixture with water l0

Match each oxide below with an option, A, B, C or D, above. Each option may be used once, more
than once or not at all.

a) Oxide of silicon

?? Oxide of sulfur

34. Silicon carbide has a structure similar to 35. Which of the following statements about
that of diamond. What are the advantages oxides of the elements in Period 3, sodiurn
of using silicon carbide ceramics to chlorine, is NOT true?
compared with steel?
(A) Across the Period, the oxides
I. Silicon carbide is less likely to change from basic to amPhoteric
deform under comPression' to acidic character'
II. Silicon carbide has a higher melting (B) The oxides react with water to form
alkaline solutions.
III. Silicon carbide is more resistant to (C) The oxidation number of the
oxidation. element in the oxide increases
across the Period.
(A) I and II onlY (D) The structure ofthe oxides changes
(B) I and III onlY from giant ionic to simPle
(C) II and III onlY covalent molecules.
(D) I, II and lll
36. Which of the following properties belong to
Group II elements of the periodic table?

(A) High melting points and low

densities n
(B) Low melting points and PQor
electrical conductivities
(c) Low densities and poor electrical
(D) High melting points and high
electrical conductivities

-9 -

37. Which of the following chlorides of 40. Cu(ll) sulfate gives

Group IV elements is the BEST electrical
conductor? (a) a deep blue solution with excess
(A) PbCt4
(b) a yellow-green solution with excess
(B) SiCl4 concentrated HCl.

(C) GeClo Which of the following deductions can be

made from these observations?
(D) CCr4
I. The comPlex ion [CuQ'lHr)o]2* is
formed in (a).
38. Based on its position in Group VII of the
periodic tabte, astatine, at room II. [Cu$lHr)oJ2* has a higher stability
and pressure, is MOST likely a constant than [Cu(HrO)u]t*'

(A) solid ' III. [CuCloJ'?- has a lower stability

(B) liquid constant than ICu(HrO)u]'*.
(C) brown gas
(D) colourless gas (A) I and II onlY
(B) I and III onlY
(C) II and III onlY
39. When agNOr(ad is added to fluoride ions (D) I, II and III
followed by NH.(aq), the result is

(A) yellow silver fluoride Item 41 refers to the following information'

(B) no precipitate
(C) white silver fluoride Element Melting Point Density
(D) cream-colouredammoniumfluoride ec) (g cm-t)
i 7.86
(A) 1538
(B) 660 2.70
(c) 328 11.34
(D) l 490 1.54

4L. Which of the elements, A, B, C or D, is

MOST likely a transition element?


na 1 l in 1n/,-i A 1 i{

42. The equation for the reaction between 44. Which of the following elements gives a

chlorine and cold dilute aqu€ous sodium green flaf'ne when heated?
hydroxide is as follows:
(A) Magnesium
Cl"(g) + 2NaOH(a9) * NaCl(aq) + (B) Calcium
NaCIO(aq) + H.O(l) (C) Sodium
(D) Copper
This reaction can BEST be described as an
example of
Item 45 refers to the following information.
(A) decomposition
(B) displacement
(C) disproportionation
(D) dissociation

43. Which ofthe following transition elements
has an unpaired electron in an s-orbital? White precipitate White precipitate
soluble in excess insoluble in excess
(A) Chromium
(B) Manganese 45. Which of the following reagents does NOT
(C) Nickel aid in the identification of X2*?
(D) Titanium
(A) Aqueous KI
(B) Dilute HCI
(c) Dilute HNo3
(D) Dilute H,SO4



o|t12olO/CAPE 2014

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