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Submitted By: Pearl Evangelista

Submitted To: Sir Albert Cuenco

Grade 10- Blessed Marie Rivier

The Moral Order of the Environment
My Story

Greenpeace is an independent global campaigning organization that acts to protect and conserve
the environment and to promote peace. It has offices in over 41 countries and with an
international coordinating body in the Netherlands. Greenpeace uses direct action, lobbying, and
research to achieve its goals. The global organization does not accept funding from governments,
corporations or political parties. It only relies on more than 2.8 million individuals supporters
and foundation grants. The founders of the organization were motivated by their vision of a
green and peaceful world in 1971. This team is composed of Bob Hunter, David McTaggart, Jim
Bohlen, Paul Cote, Dorothy and Irving Stowe. They believed that even few individuals could
make a difference. Their mission was to “bear witness” to the USA’s underground nuclear
testing at Amchitka, Alaska. In the late 1970’s, the different regional Greenpeace groups formed
Greenpeace International to oversee the goals and operations of the regional organizations
globally which includes Greenpeace Philippines. At present, Greenpeace is very popular and
successful because of its direct actions and it has been described as the most visible
environmental organization in the world. Greenpeace has raised environmental issues to public
knowledge, influenced both the private and the public sector, thus truly responding to the
command by God to be responsible stewards of God’s creation.


We are created in the image and likeness of God. And one characteristic attached to us is the
nature of having loving concern for the rest of creation. It is a great task that we have to fulfil
since God has given us the capacity to do it, to be caretakers. Stewardship is the task given by
God to humans to be responsible for the world and that they should take care of it by all means.
The essence of stewardship is managing everything God brings into our life in a manner that
honors and praises God. It is our responsibility to maintain and use wisely the gifts that God has
bestowed on us. God wishes human beings to be his collaborators in the work of creation,
redemption, and sanctification. In addition, this also involves our sharing of the resources of
treasure, time, and talent. Sharing these resources provides on opportunity for us to manifest the
real value of our nature as the highest creation of God.
God’s Story

Imagine someone who, before going abroad, summoned his servants to entrust his property to
them. He gave five talents of silver to one servant, two talents to another servant, and one talent
to a third, to each according to his ability; and he went away. After a long time, the master of
those servants returned and asked for a reckoning. The one who had received five talents came
with another five talents saying: ‘Lord, you entrusted me with five talents, but see, I have gained
five more. ‘The master answered, Well done, good and faithful servant, since you have been
faithful in a few things, I will entrust you in charge of many things. Come and share the joy of
your master.’ Therefore, take the talent from him, and give it to the one who has ten. For all
those who have, more will be given, and they will have an abundance; but from those who are
unproductive, even what they have will be taken from them. As for that useless servant, throw
him out into outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’

We Believe


The compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church states that the living experience of
the divine presence in history is the foundation of the faith of the people of God. This relationship
with the world is a constitutive part of the human identity. For its part, this rapport with nature
brings us to intimacy with God. The world is the garden that God has given us to keep and till. In
fact, because of Human sinfulness, the whole world groans in pain, longing for purification so as
to attain its destiny. Thus, the fate of the world is intimately linked with human redemption.


The human person was made by God as the apex of his creation. The Second Vatican
Council affirmed that the human person surpasses the material universe due to the gift of reason.
Today, especially with the help of Science and technology, humanity has extended mystery over
nearly the whole of nature and continues to do so. People have labored to improve the
circumstances of their lives through a monumental amount of individual and collective effort.
We must never forget that all our efforts at human progress must be based on God’s saving

Unfortunately, human beings thought that the dominion over creation given them by God
is absolute and unconditional. Thus , the crisis is the rapport between humanity and the
environment has merged. People manipulate nature through technology. It is not true that if
something can be done, it should be done. What may be technologically possible may be totally
immoral. Christian culture has always recognized the creatures that surround us as gifts of God
that are to be nurtured and safeguarded with a deep sense of gratitude.



Care for the environment represents a challenge for all of humanity. It is a common
and universal duty in view of the common good. Special importance for the ecosystem is
biodiversity. Responsibility for the environment is the common heritage of humankind. We have
inherited from past generations. There should also be laws to protect ecosystems by preventing
the risk of accidents. The compendium of the social doctrine of the church teaches that programs
of economic development must carefully consider the need to respect the integrity and the cycles
of nature because natural resources are limited and some are not renewable. As responsible
members of the human community, we should also take into careful consideration the
relationship of indigenous peoples to their lands and resources.


In these recent years, questions were raised with regard to the use of new forms of
biotechnology in the areas of agriculture, animal farming, medicine, and environmental
protection. The Christian vision of creation is positive about the acceptability of human
intervention in nature. Nature is not a sacred or divine reality that man must leave alone. Rather,
it is a gift offered by the creator to the human community. But human interventions that damage
living beings or the natural environment deserve condemnation.


The goods of the earth must be shared equitably, in accordance with justice and
charity. The present environmental crisis affects those who are poorest in a particular way.
We must consider in a very special way a gift of God that is essential for human survival- water.
All have the right to clean and potable water. In fact, access to water has become a determinant
of human dignity. Without water, life is threatened. Therefore, the right to safe drinking water is
a universal and inalienable right.


The serious ecological problems confronting us call for an effective change of
mentality leading to the adoption of new lifestyles. The compendium of the social doctrine of the
church asserts that there is a need to break off with the logic of mere consumption. We must
promote forms of agricultural and industrial production that respect the order of creation and
satisfy the basic needs of all. The attitude that must characterize the human lifestyle in relation to
creation are basically gratitude and appreciation. In fact, the world reveals the mystery of God
who created it and who continues to sustain it. If the relationship with God is set aside, nature is
stripped of its profound meaning.


My reflection for this lesson is all about the importance of taking good care of our environment.
How we give value to our surroundings. Our environment is one of the greatest examples we
have of God's power. Environment is only the sole factor for existence of life on this earth.
Human beings are the product of the environment. It is the environment that helps us for our
survival, growth, development, reproduction and health. No creature's existence is possible
without the balance of the natural elements. Thus, there must be a healthy environment for our
sound living. The healthier the environment the happier the living beings including humans. To
preserve the environment and conserve nature, we can take few steps at our individual level. Just
like reducing consumption and recycling, we reduce the costs and environmental burden of
waste. The earth and all life on it are part of God’s creation. We are called to respect this gift.
We are responsible for taking care of the world we live in and for sharing all the wonders and
resources the earth gives us. As a Christian, I am concerned about the environment for many
reasons. At the center of my concern lies my belief that we are shunning a responsibility God
gave to us, turning away from his challenge, and misusing a precious gift from him. We are not
being stewards of the earth; we are being exploiters of the earth. Another reason I am concerned
about the environment from a Christian standpoint is that the human greed that is destroying
God's creation is damaging the lives of others, both now and in the future. As a Christian, I have
a responsibility to care about what happens to all people, not just myself and those that I know.
That means that I also have a responsibility to ensure that the world is a place that can sustain all
of God's children. The way that many of us live right now, myself included, is not a way of life
that measures up to this responsibility. Lastly, we should never forget that our Environment is
the key existence of life on the earth.

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