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E-연계 최종점검 (윤장환의 영어)

Q2. 연결어 추론
01 (영어 1강)
Throughout the 20th century, science was seen
as the solution to the problems of land degradation
and pollution resulting from agricultural and
industrial activities. (A) , there is now an
Q1. 빈칸 추론 increasing focus on funding for science being
linked to providing practical solutions to
The most popular travel book ─ The Travels of environmental problems. This creates a dilemma,
Sir John Mandeville ─ appeared in about 1356 for while excellent science can be conducted,
and immediately became astonishingly popular. science alone will not create widespread change,
This was the only travel book that Leonardo da mainly because the channels to use this
Vinci possessed, and Christopher Columbus information and create change are poorly
consulted it as he took his voyages. Scholars doubt developed. In order to create changes in behavior
whether there even was anyone named Mandeville, and beliefs of the general public, broader and more
or whether the author of this account ever traveled effective communication of the new scientific
further than his local library. His work is fanciful insights being gained is required. Even where the
and entertaining and preserved many global solutions to environmental problems are clear,
management, political, and ultimately public
misconceptions from the ancient world. When real
support are needed to implement the (usually)
travelers came back from abroad, if their
expensive solutions. (B) , utilizing our
experiences did not match those of the fictional
current research effectively will require new tools
Mandeville, they did not trust their own eyes.
to facilitate effective communication, not only to
Thus, global misunderstandings __________
scientists, but also to managers, governments, and
throughout the Middle Ages in spite of a good deal ultimately, the general public.
of global interaction.
(A) (B)
① As a result --- Therefore
① declined ② withdrew
② Nevertheless --- For example
③ prevailed ④ contracted
③ For example --- In contrast
⑤ disappeared
④ As a result --- However
⑤ Nevertheless --- Furthermore

1 연계 적중 핵심정리 1 연계 적중 핵심정리

¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어 16쪽 2번 ¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어 19쪽 8번

¥ 주제: ¥ 주제:

¥ Signal: ¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리 ¥ 핵심정리

Q3. 빈칸 추론 Q4. 빈칸 추론
The dominant paradigms in academic computer There's a greater than 50 percent chance that
science do not help technical professionals when you look through your window, what you see
comprehend the social complexities of is a landscape of concrete, asphalt, and cars. More
computerization, since they focus on computability, than half the world's population lives in cities, and
rather than usability. For example, the ACM Task the proportion is increasing. As we move further
Force on the Core of Computer Science claims that into the twenty-first century, urbanization will
all the analyses of computer science are gradually draw to a close after two centuries that
mathematical. I find this view much too transformed the human population from an
narrow-minded to be helpful, and in fact it does agricultural society scattered over the surface of the
not withstand much scrutiny. The lines of inquiry earth to the highly compressed life of the city. The
where it might hold are those where mathematics growth of urban living is a great _____________
can provide all the necessary analysis. But there of our age. New technologies offer companies and
are whole subfields of computer science, such as individuals an unheard-of degree of locational
artificial intelligence, computer- human interaction, freedom and mobility. We are increasingly able to
social impacts studies, and parts of software, where see, hear, and sense one another, even when we
mathematics cannot provide all the necessary are thousands of kilometers apart. More than ever
analysis. The ________ provide a complementary people choose to live in close quarters with each
theoretical base for studies of computing that other, as if there were no other possibility to
examine or make assumptions about human communicate.
① duty
*ACM 세계 최초의 컴퓨터 분야 연합 학술 단체
② benefit
**scrutiny 철저한 검토, 정밀 조사
③ harmony
① basic sciences
④ development
② social sciences
⑤ inconsistency
③ nuclear medicine
④ computer sciences
⑤ information technologies

1 연계 적중 핵심정리
1 연계 적중 핵심정리
¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어 30쪽 5번
¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어 22쪽 2번
¥ 주제:
¥ 주제:
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¥ Signal:
¥ 핵심정리
¥ 핵심정리

E-연계 최종점검 (윤장환의 영어)

Q5. 무관한 문장 고르기

Crowdsourcing is the technique by
thousands or even millions of people help to solve
problems that would be difficult or impossible to
02 (영어 2강)
solve any other way. ① It has been used for all
kinds of things, including wildlife and bird counts, Q1. 무관한 문장 고르기
providing usage examples and quotes to the editors
Sometimes new technology ─ even that
of the Oxford English Dictionary, and helping to
encouraged by law ─ brings with it new risks and
translate ancient scripts. ② The U.S. military and
we are forced to face the unthought-of
law enforcement have taken an interest in it
consequences of a seemingly good idea. ① In
because it potentially increases the amount of data
recent years, the increased use of crops like corn
they get by turning a large number of civilians into
in the manufacture of biofuels intended to ease our
team members in information gathering. ③
dependence on foreign oil decreased the food
Crowdsourcing is just one example of organizing
supply and caused prices to rise. ② To avoid this
our social networks to utilize the energy,
problem, nonfood crops have increasingly been
knowledge, and physical presence of many
proposed for making second-generation green fuels.
individuals for the benefit of all. ④ Compared with
③ But biologists have warned that certain reeds
group-centered online community services, social
and wild grasses known to naturalists as “invasive
network services are individual-centered. ⑤ In a
species” and to gardeners as “weeds” would have a
sense, it represents another form of externalizing
high likelihood of taking over nearby fields,
the human brain, a way of linking the activities,
presenting serious threats to the ecology and
perceptions, and cognitions of a large number of
economy of a region. ④ Furthermore, Brazil has
brains to a joint activity for the collective good.
seen much success over the years in its program to
use biofuels derived from sugarcane. ⑤ Investors in
the fast-growing worldwide biofuels industry
naturally reject such horrible scenarios, but the risk
1 연계 적중 핵심정리 is a real one.

¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어 30쪽 6번

1 연계 적중 핵심정리
¥ 주제:
¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어 39쪽 4번
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¥ 핵심정리
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¥ 핵심정리

Q2. 연결어 추론 Q3. 문장 삽입
The emergence of a primitive hunting technology
At first, this difference appears to be
involving simple tools was the first great
generational, but it is not solely that.
technological advance. This was followed by
agricultural developments that led to plant
Growing up as "technology natives" has
cultivation, which had far-reaching social
profoundly affected what young people expect from
consequences, since now food could be stored and
life and how they relate to it. ( ① ) The intensity
refilled. (A) , population size was no longer
and extent of exposure to technology has had a
partially controlled by the lack of food resources.
major impact on how people perceive work as well
Because hunting and gathering societies required
as when, where, and how it can be done. ( ② ) It
physical mobility, it was inefficient to have large
permits a round-the-clock connection to others, but
numbers of children to take along in the search
especially to work. ( ③ ) As such, this
for food. As a result of the agricultural revolution,
round-the-clock connectivity removes the traditional
however, agriculturists, living in settled
restrictions of office hours and location. ( ④ )
communities, found additional children beneficial in
Technology encourages networks and a lack of
helping with chores. (B) , some members of
boundaries that makes operating in hierarchies
agricultural societies were now free to engage in
problematic and challenges traditional ways of
pursuits other than food gathering, resulting in a
doing and managing work. ( ⑤ ) It is the
more elaborate social structure with a division of
difference between those who view technology as a
labor that allowed for occupational specialization.
tool or a toy and those who see it as the way they
interact with the world ― an extension of them or,
(A) (B)
as it has been said, their oxygen.
① As a result --- Furthermore
② Nevertheless --- For example
③ For example --- In contrast
④ As a result --- In contrast
⑤ Nevertheless --- Furthermore 1 연계 적중 핵심정리

¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어 41쪽 7번

1 연계 적중 핵심정리
¥ 주제:

¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어 40쪽 6번 ¥ Signal:

¥ 주제: ¥ 핵심정리

¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리

E-연계 최종점검 (윤장환의 영어)

Q4. 빈칸 추론 Q5. 어법
Be very careful when writing material based A brief experiment filmed by Soviet director Lev
upon someone else's work, since copyright law Kuleshov demonstrates a film editing effect. It was
prohibits you from copying someone else's work a scene (A) [consisting / consisted] of five shots,
without their permission. If you bring a property each taken separately in a different location. When
to a studio or a producer and it's based on a (B) [assembling / assembled] in a particular
book, play, or someone's life story, our advice is sequence, they created a unity of space that had
. It complicates matters, but it's no existence in reality. The film showed a boy
much better to take care of rights issues up front. approaching a girl, their meeting, the boy pointing
If you can't deliver clean rights to your work, to a building in the distance, the two starting off
you'll risk undermining yourself and the people toward the building, and finally both climbing up
you're trying to do business with. More than one flights of steps together. The first three shots were
production has been killed by a studio's legal photographed in different sections of Moscow. The
department because the writer of the adaptation fourth was a picture of the White House taken
didn't secure the necessary rights. Once a project is from an old American movie. The fifth shot was
ready for production, it can become very difficult photographed at the steps of a church in
and expensive to clear these problems up. Leningrad. When the shots were joined, places
which in actuality are thousands of miles apart
① to tell them
were brought together and made (C) [looking / to
② to give it up
look] as though they were concentrated in a small
③ to conceal it
area that could be covered in a few paces by the
④ to ignore them
⑤ to sell it to them actors.
(A) (B) (C)
① consisted ---- assembling ---- to look
② consisted ---- assembled ---- to look
1 연계 적중 핵심정리 ③ consisting ---- assembled ---- to look
④ consisting ---- assembled ---- looking
⑤ consisting ---- assembling ---- looking
¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어 70쪽 2번

¥ 주제:
1 연계 적중 핵심정리
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¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어 71쪽 3번
¥ 핵심정리
¥ 주제:

¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리

Q2. 문단 요약
03 (영어 3강)
Today we often find ourselves disappointed by
the moral character of leaders. As humans, leaders
are subject to the same flaws and weaknesses as
everyone else. Yet we want our leaders to
Q1. 어법 transcend them and live up to higher moral
standards. Some people turn longingly to the past
The changing nature of holidays was reflected in
the social groups taking holidays, and in the and wonder where all the leaders and heroes have
distances ① which people were prepared to travel gone. But when you think about it, ordinary people
to holiday destinations. One of the major demand did not know as much about the personal behavior
changes ② was the increased availability of leisure of their leaders in the past as we do today. It is
for a wider group in society. Rising real incomes, difficult to have heroes in the information age
paid holidays and growing tendency to demand where every aspect, good or bad, of a leader’s life
foreign holidays, or a combination of these, were can be, and often is, made public. Ironically, the
important and continuing factors ③ stimulating increase in information that we have about leaders
international tourism demand. These factors were has also increased our concern about their ethics.
not simply economic determinants but also social. We have demystified our leaders and we’re not
As the world recovered from the Second World
sure we like it.
War there was growing evidence to indicate ④

what people were spending more time on leisure
activities and on travel. These tendencies were The more we become aware of (A) our
reflected in the protection that many people gave leaders have, the more we long for (B) leaders.
to holiday expenditures, these expenditures ⑤ being
(A) (B)
the last thing to give up in the face of income
① command ---- former
changes. ② defects ---- unethical
③ beneficence ---- favorable
④ shortcomings ---- moral
1 연계 적중 핵심정리 ⑤ demerits ---- young

¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어 75쪽 12번

1 연계 적중 핵심정리
¥ 주제:
¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어 74쪽 10번
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¥ 핵심정리
¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리

E-연계 최종점검 (윤장환의 영어)

Q3. 순서 Q4. 빈칸 추론
Cultural messages shape many communication There is a reason why certain schemas are more
behaviors, and listening is no exception. In available to us. If certain examples of
particular, listening behavior appears to be affected categorizations are easier to remember, schemas
by how people in a given culture think about the consistent with those examples are more likely to
importance of time. be called up and used. Suppose you were asked
(A) People in such cultures typically place a high whether there are more words in the English
value on efficiency, and they expect others to do language that begin with the letter r or if there
the same. They value direct, straightforward are more words in which the third letter is an r.
communication, and listeners become impatient Most people find it much easier to think of
with speakers who don't "get to the point."
examples of words that begin with r, and thus, the
(B) In individualistic cultures, people often think of ease of producing examples makes it seem as if
time as a resource. Americans, for instance, there are more words that begin with r. These
commonly say that "time is money," and they words are more easily available to us, and thus,
think of time as a commodity that can be saved, they cause us to overestimate their frequency of .
spent, and wasted.
(C) In contrast, collectivistic cultures such as Korea ① be more available in helping others
emphasize social harmony over efficiency. As ② memorize English words more easily
part of their listening behavior, people in these ③ overestimate their frequency of occurrence
cultures often pay close attention to nonverbal ④ focus on words that begins with other letters
behaviors and contextual cues to determine the ⑤ make it a rule to sort words in various orders

meaning of a speaker's message.

① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C)

③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A) 1 연계 적중 핵심정리

1 연계 적중 핵심정리 ¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어 82쪽 2번

¥ 주제:
¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어 78쪽 1번
¥ Signal:
¥ 주제:
¥ 핵심정리
¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리

Q5. 빈칸 추론
A portion of the power of maps comes from
expressed knowledge
from the
04 (영어 4강)
viewpoint of the elite. The production of maps ―
certainly the useful ones ― demands, and seems Q1. 삽입
always to have demanded, considerable amounts of
capital in the form of training, time, field and The new policies encouraged residents to tear

archival research, materials, and even health and out trees and bushes and replace them with

lives. Few have been the merchants and leaders rocks, sand, and other nonliving landscape.

either able to afford such an investment or Tucson is a city in the desert. Its population has
possessed of the imagination to understand its grown rapidly over the last twenty years, putting
value. The information to be found on the most stress on one vital resource: water. ( ① ) For the
useful maps produced throughout history has been, last decade a strong water conservation ethic has
consequently, privileged, restricted, and thus tied to developed, and city leaders took some extraordinary
social and political power. steps to encourage conservation when they created

① their long association with power landscaping policies. ( ② ) A quick review of water
② the fact that they are practical forms use indicated landscaping consumed too much
③ what represent space with a small-scale space water, accounting for over half the total water used
④ their ability to bring thins into relationship by the city. ( ③ ) This helped reinforce the
with others so-called xeriscape philosophy (landscaping that uses
⑤ the method drawn in a unavoidably distorted little water). ( ④ ) The policies were expressed as
landscape ordinances. ( ⑤ ) Additional encourage-
ment included recommendations via public service
announcements and consumer publications.
1 연계 적중 핵심정리 *xeriscape 내건성 조경 **ordinance 조례, 법령

¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어 83쪽 4번 1 연계 적중 핵심정리

¥ 주제:
¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어 88쪽 1번

¥ Signal:
¥ 주제:

¥ 핵심정리
¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리

E-연계 최종점검 (윤장환의 영어)

Q2. 연결어 추론 Q3. 삽입

By the time you start your literature review, you
On the other hand, many Americans from the
will probably have decided upon the main theme
Midwest do not understand Londoners, and vice
for your investigation, and also upon the key
versa, but they are supposed to be using the
research objectives. To some extent, (A) ,
same English language.
the essential task has been predetermined. You
may have selected a research topic or theme Obviously, when two forms of speech are so
around which a great deal of research has been different that it is completely impossible to
previously conducted. If that is the case, it should establish communication, as is the case with
not be difficult to find writing and research to English and Chinese, for example, they are
review. In fact, the main difficulty may be in regarded as different languages by everyone. ( ① )
selecting what you want to include, and what you Further, people who understand each other are
wish to exclude. (B) , if you have selected a usually regarded as speaking the same language,
fairly uncommon subject on which little has been and those who speak the same language are
written, then it may be difficult to find sufficient supposed to understand each other. ( ② ) But
material to review. You may have to consider here, there are many exceptions. ( ③ ) For
including a discussion of material which only exists example, Swedes and Norwegians usually
on the periphery of the subject chosen. understand each other without difficulty. ( ④ ) But
Swedish and Norwegian are regarded as different
(A) (B)
languages. ( ⑤ ) This is why it is necessary to rely
① therefore --- Furthermore
② therefore --- However on the speakers themselves in dubious cases.
③ similarly --- As a result
④ on the other hand --- However
⑤ on the other hand --- Furthermore
1 연계 적중 핵심정리

1 연계 적중 핵심정리 ¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어 89쪽 4번

¥ 주제:
¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어 88쪽 2번
¥ Signal:
¥ 주제:
¥ 핵심정리
¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리

Q4. 빈칸 추론 Q5. 빈칸
To a large degree our fears are projections of Recorded music and radio suffered through a
our own minds. Let's say, for example, you're love-hate relationship. On the one hand, they
sitting on a park bench on a warm spring day competed against one another for the
reading a book. You're relaxed and content until entertainment time and dollar of the American
someone sits down next to you and distracts you. public. Early radio broadcasts were most likely to
At that point you might begin to wonder who he be live performances. This, however, was an
is, why he's chosen to sit there, whether he has expensive pursuit and, as the availability and
some hidden motive. Suddenly, for no reason at quality of recorded music improved, recorded
all, you're afraid of this poor guy who's just trying music became more (A) . This occasionally
to enjoy the day the same way you were until he led to legal disputes. Record companies objected to
got there. This is what happens with most panic radio stations playing their discs on the air, which
attacks. If you were afraid of riding in an elevator, they clearly labeled "not licensed for radio
you'd begin to anticipate what might happen once broadcast." On the other hand, it was free publicity
you got into the elevator ― I'm going to be for their new songs, so the protests were often
trapped in there for hours, and no one's going to faint, as negotiations between the record companies
get me out ― and on and on until you're paralyzed and radio stations regarding the payment of rights
by a fear that is ___________________. fees would ultimately show. The industry would
learn to see radio as a strong (B) eventually
① a creation of your own imagination
going so far as to pay radio stations to play their
② a leading cause of lifestyle diseases
③ a great resistance to immune system music.
④ a by-product of your productive efforts (A) (B)
⑤ one of the main problems caused by stress ① popular ---- rival
② valuable ---- companion
③ popular ---- companion
④ valuable ---- rival
1 연계 적중 핵심정리 ⑤ portable ---- risk

¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어 90쪽 6번

1 연계 적중 핵심정리
¥ 주제:

¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어 95쪽 4번

¥ Signal:

¥ 주제:
¥ 핵심정리

¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리

E-연계 최종점검 (윤장환의 영어)

Q2. 순서
05 (영어 5강)
Imagine that after studying word pairs such as
red/blood and food/radish, you are given red as
a cue and recall that blood went with it.

Q1. 빈칸 추론 (A) But there is a cost to suppressing retrieval of

unwanted items such as radish: they are less
You might think that most people know why it’s
accessible for future recall, even to a cue (food)
cold in the winter and warm in the summer, but
that would seem to have nothing to do with
you’d be surprised. In 1987, filmmakers interviewed
a group of twenty-three graduating Harvard seniors
(B) When practicing red/blood, it is necessary to
and professors. Twenty-one of the twenty-three
suppress retrieval of recently encountered "red
gave the wrong answer. Most offered up the
things" other than blood, so that your mind is
explanation that the Earth is closer to the Sun in
not littered with irrelevancies that could
the summer (it is a little closer in January). The
interfere with the recall of the word you seek.
producers of the film suggested that these
(C) This act of recall strengthens your memory of
misconceptions point to significant flaws in the
the two words appearing together, so that next
way science is taught. The problem is perhaps not
time you are given red, it will be easier for you
only a problem in our educational system, but it
to recall blood. Remarkably, however, recalling
may also be that because people are oblivious to
that blood went with red will also make it more
the Sun’s position and path in the sky, it has difficult later to recall radish when given food!
_______________________. If it is presented
*radish 적환무
as a separate fact, there is no reason to link the
passage of the Sun to the seasons. ① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C)
③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
① remained an intriguing hypothesis ⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
② been hidden from modern science
③ ceased to have meaning in their lives
1 연계 적중 핵심정리
④ offered a body of scientific knowledge
⑤ been selected against in science books
¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어 103쪽 4번

1 연계 적중 핵심정리
¥ 주제:

¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어 97쪽 7번 ¥ Signal:

¥ 주제: ¥ 핵심정리

¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리

Q3. 어법 Q4. 무관한 문장 고르기
The explanation for the general public’s poor The discovery of viruses as a unique life form
understanding of how science functions (A) [is / came about in 1892. Dmitri Iwanowski, a Russian
are] astonishingly simple. The point of the matter scientist, accidentally revealed that viruses were
is that at all levels science teaching and textbooks responsible for a common tobacco disease. He
emphasize the factual recall of science content to determined this by filtering the diseased tissues in
the near total exclusion of the knowledge- an attempt to collect the organism causing the
generation process of science. Science teachers tobacco disease. Iwanowski was amazed when he
rarely have opportunities to learn how science discovered that the disease organism was smaller
functions in their own studies and, not than any known cell. ① Other scientists carried out
surprisingly, fail to emphasize that aspect of similar studies on other diseases and called the
science to their students. Lakin and Wellington disease organisms “unfilterable infectious agents.”
reported that teachers in their study, (B) [having / ② This filtration method distinguished viruses from
being] never reflected on issues relating to the bacterial, fungal, and protistan diseases, which did
nature of science, tended to undervalue such ideas not pass through filters. ③ There are approximately
in their teaching. Furthermore, educators who 1.5 million different species of fungi on Earth, but
would like to incorporate something of the pageant only about 300 of those are known to cause fungal
of science in their science lesson must consult the diseases. ④ These unfilterable agents were renamed
same textbooks that frequently misrepresent or in 1915. ⑤ Scientists generally used the term Twort
even omit discussion of the way (C) [which / in particles for viruses causing agricultural animal
which] science knowledge is produced. disease, named after English scientist Frederick
*pageant 변화무쌍하고 흥미로운 것 William Twort, who isolated viruses from cattle.
(A) (B) (C) *protistan 원생생물의
① is ---- having ---- in which
② is ---- being ---- in which
③ is ---- having ---- which
④ are ---- having ---- in which 1 연계 적중 핵심정리
⑤ are ---- being ---- which

¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어 168쪽 1번

1 연계 적중 핵심정리 ¥ 주제:

¥ Signal:
¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어 148쪽 2번

¥ 핵심정리
¥ 주제:

¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리

E-연계 최종점검 (윤장환의 영어)

Q5. 빈칸 추론
The idea of a “Natural
“occurrence” is not as familiar or acceptable for
Americans as it is for the Chinese and many other
happening” or
06 (영어독해연습 1강)
non-Westerners. Events do not just occur or
Q1. 빈칸 추론
happen naturally; they require a cause or an agent
which caused them to be done. Americans are not Humans have never been alone on the Earth.
Their lives — culture, technology, and art — have
satisfied with statements of occurrence until they
been immeasurably enriched because they learned
have determined ________________. “Where
to watch, listen to, and imitate the other animals
there’s smoke, there’s fire” means that each effect that shared the land and sea with them. So the
or event has a causative agent. The English ancient Greek philosopher Democritus thought. He
language reflects this quality of American (and speculated that people learned to weave from
English) thinking. For example, in English one spiders, and how to sing from songbirds, swans,
cannot refer to a natural occurrence of rain and nightingales. They got the inspiration to build
houses of clay from watching swallows at work on
without a subject. Unlike Romance languages that
their nests. “In the most important concerns,” he
allow the statement, “Is raining,” the English
wrote, “ .” A recent author,
speaker must invent a dummy subject to say, “It is Steven Lonsdale, argued in a book filled with
raining.” The it in this English statement fills the examples from every part of the world that dance
subject position, normally associated with the agent owes its origin and elaboration to human imitation
of a verb. of the varied movements of mammals, reptiles,
fish, birds, etc. The idea of the impacts of other
forms of life on humans can be followed even
① who is responsible
further. Our species, from earliest times down
② what is going to happen
through history, gained more from the others than
③ when it must be completed
a few crafts. Interaction with countless kinds of
④ which way of thinking is right
animals and plants largely created the shapes of
⑤ where they should place the subject
human bodies and minds, gave direction to
cultures, and in an important sense made us what
we are.
1 연계 적중 핵심정리 ① we do what the animals don’t
② we are pupils of the animals
¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어 200쪽 22번 ③ we are superior to the animals
④ we are different from the animals
⑤ we humans have exploited the animals
¥ 주제:

¥ Signal: 1 연계 적중 핵심정리

¥ 핵심정리
¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 16쪽 11번

¥ 주제:

¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리

Q2. 삽입 Q3. 어휘
Everyone accepts that things are seriously wrong
Ironically, at the same time, artists were
with the global food system, but there is no
entering art schools in increasingly large numbers
consensus about how or why it is wrong, or how it
to be trained in the conventions of the art world.
might be ‘fixed.’ Conceptualization of the problem
Today most of us believe that artistic creativity and its associated policy recommendations are, in
is spontaneous, not overly planned or organized, fact, diametrically ① opposed. At one extreme of
and that artists reject tradition and convention. We the spectrum are those who advocate more
like to think of our artists as strong individualists, industrial food production and urge us to ②
working in isolation, not influenced by the embrace new technologies emerging from corporate
prevailing ideas taught in art schools or by stuffy research laboratories. This vision ③ praises the
white-haired museum curators. ( ① ) But like so technological revolution that has transformed
much about our contemporary creativity myths, agricultural production since the end of the Second
this idea only emerged in the 19th century. ( ② ) World War and argues that the revolution should
In the second half of the 20th century, the idea be further diffused, extended and intensified. At
that the artist is a person who rejects convention the other extreme are those who argue that the
took an even stronger hold on the popular nature of contemporary food production is the
consciousness. ( ③ ) In the United States today, a cause of the current crisis, and that its promotion
greater proportion of artists have the MFA degree will simply ④ settle the problems we face now and
than at any other time in history. ( ④ ) Yet few of in the future. This vision calls for a fundamental
us are aware of the growing influence of formal rethinking of global food provisioning, and argues
schooling in fine art. ( ⑤ ) In general, when the for ⑤ changes at every stage of the food
facts clash with our creativity myths, the facts are commodity chain.

1 연계 적중 핵심정리 1 연계 적중 핵심정리

¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 21쪽 4번 ¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 22쪽 5번

¥ 주제: ¥ 주제:

¥ Signal: ¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리 ¥ 핵심정리

E-연계 최종점검 (윤장환의 영어)

Q4. 삽입 Q5. 순서

Also, male chimpanzees cannot gather in a There was an important shift taking place in
constitutional assembly to abolish the office of the history of creativity. It was the emergence of
alpha male and declare that from here on out all a new movement which viewed creativity as a
chimpanzees are to be treated as equals. ‘technique’ that could be learned, just like you
could learn to touch-type or ride a horse.
 The behaviour of social animals may be
influenced by environmental factors and individual (A) This has been reinforced by studies suggesting
peculiarities. Nevertheless, in a given environment, that to become an expert, whether a creative
animals of the same species will tend to behave in one like a concert violinist or novelist, or in an
area such as sport, you need to put in around
a similar way. ( ① ) Significant changes in social
10,000 hours of practice — the equivalent of
behaviour cannot occur, in general, without genetic
three hours a day, every day, for ten years.
mutations. (②) For example, common
chimpanzees have a genetic tendency to live in (B) It was a potentially liberating and democratizing
idea implying that each of us has a creative
hierarchical groups headed by an alpha male. ( ③ )
potential waiting to be realized, and that
Members of a closely related chimpanzee species,
originality and invention are not primarily innate
bonobos, usually live in more egalitarian groups
gifts from God, or the result of a favorable
dominated by female alliances. (④) Female
genetic inheritance.
common chimpanzees cannot take lessons from
(C) Rather, creativity stems from a grounding of
their bonobo relatives and stage a feminist
appropriate technique and hard work, a view
revolution. (⑤) Such dramatic changes in
supported by recent research showing that 80
behaviour would occur only if something changed
percent of creativity is acquired through
in the chimpanzees’ DNA.
education or training.

① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C)

1 연계 적중 핵심정리 ③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)

¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 27쪽 10번

1 연계 적중 핵심정리
¥ 주제:
¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 34쪽 5번
¥ Signal:
¥ 주제:
¥ 핵심정리
¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리

Q2. 순서
07 (영어독해연습 2강)
Much social comparison research has stressed
how people compare themselves to others on
objective characteristics that invite evaluation.
Q1. 어휘 추론
(A) For example, if you’re on a plane that suddenly
Hunting is sometimes used as a wildlife
begins to rock and lurch rather wildly before
management tool. In the absence of predators,
settling down, you may well compare your
populations of deer and other prey species
reactions with those of nearby passengers.
sometimes exceed the ability of the habitat to
(B) Your purpose in so doing might be less a
support them, and in unchecked numbers they (A)
desire to evaluate your own response of fear
[retain / threaten] the health of the ecosystem or
than to experience a sense of belonging and
human safety. Hunters reduce the number of
comfort with others who are sharing the
animals so that the survivors have enough food
and shelter to lead healthy lives. For example,
(C) Typically, such comparisons result in contrast
limits have been (B) [reinforced / removed] for
effects, whereby one sees one’s own attributes as
hunting some species of geese, which have become
different from or distinctive relative to others.
so numerous that they are destroying the Arctic
But people often compare their feelings or
and subarctic breeding grounds of many species.
reactions with those of others in situations that
Professional hunters are sometimes hired to control may yield a sense of bonding.
animals in populated areas, such as bears in parks.
Modern American hunters (C) [support / prevent] ① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C)
conservation efforts to protect their sport by ③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
buying land to set aside or by lobbying ⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
governments for game-animal protection.
(A) (B) (C)
① retain ---- reinforced ---- prevent
1 연계 적중 핵심정리
② retain ---- reinforced ---- support
③ threaten ---- reinforced ---- prevent
④ threaten ---- removed ---- support ¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 42쪽 1번
⑤ threaten ---- removed ---- prevent
¥ 주제:

¥ Signal:
1 연계 적중 핵심정리
¥ 핵심정리

¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 39쪽 10번

¥ 주제:

¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리

E-연계 최종점검 (윤장환의 영어)

Q3. 어휘 추론 Q4. 어휘 추론
Groups ① underestimate the time it will take for In 1832, after his death in a duel at the age of
projects to be completed ─ a bias that Sanna et 20, the French mathematician Galois was found to
al. (2005) refer to as the group planning fallacy. have left a body of mathematical writings that
Noteworthy examples of this fallacy include the were examined and pronounced to be (A) [valueless
Sydney Opera House (10 years late), Boston’s / valuable] despite the fact that he had frantically
Central Artery/Tunnel project (8 years late), and worked on them almost to his final moments. The
Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner, which was 2 years late. mathematical propositions were novel, certainly,
Sanna and colleagues’ research indicates that ② but were judged to have no basis in mathematical
spatial framing influences the group planning knowledge and to lead nowhere. It was only after
fallacy. In one study, students had to estimate the passage of several years during which
when they would complete a semester-long group mathematics advanced enough for the relevance
project. The researchers varied how far away the and effectiveness of Galois’s work to become
deadline seemed with a clever (and subtle) ③ apparent that their creativity was (B) [neglected /
manipulation: Students were informed that “you recognized]. Other creative scientists such as
still have 12 weeks remaining” or that “you only Galileo have also suffered extreme social (C)
have 12 weeks remaining.” The group planning [approval / disapproval] because they introduced
fallacy was ④ reduced in the latter condition. what was in effect a new paradigm whose
Groups in the little-time-remaining condition were relevance and effectiveness were beyond the ability
more ⑤ accurate in their estimates of when they of a particular age to appreciate. In Galileo’s case
would complete the project. this was the now commonplace idea that the earth
revolves around the sun.
(A) (B) (C)
① valueless --- recognized --- approval
1 연계 적중 핵심정리 ② valuable --- recognized --- disapproval
③ valuable --- neglected --- approval
④ valueless --- recognized --- disapproval
¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 43쪽 2번 ⑤ valuable --- neglected --- disapproval
¥ 주제:

¥ Signal: 1 연계 적중 핵심정리
¥ 핵심정리
¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 48쪽 7번

¥ 주제:

¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리

Q5. 어법
as much
part of
subculture ① as rosin bags and chewing tobacco.
peculiar 08 (영어독해연습 3강)
They fear the jinx, wear lucky socks, and place
Q1. 어휘 추론
faith in the power of “rally caps.” But superstitions
are not unique to athletes. Many people — most of Black uniforms are viewed more negatively by
people than light-colored uniforms, in a variety of
us, in fact — hold beliefs that are irrational. For
situations, thus implying that the public may
example, it is widely thought that the position of
respond better to firefighters in lighter turnout gear.
the stars at the time and place of one’s birth ② Further, our findings show that many firefighters
helps determine one’s health, physical had concerns specific to black gear. Given these
characteristics, personality, and future destiny. factors, the popularity of black turnout gear by
Although evidence does not support the validity of some firefighters is somewhat (A) [plausible /
astrology, millions of people throughout the world puzzling] . The reason may lie in the psychological
profile of the men and women who become
believe in ③ it. Furthermore, many people carry
firefighters. U.S. firefighters tend to be (B)
good-luck charms or engage in simple acts, such as
[conservative / progressive], and reluctant to change
knocking on wood or crossing fingers, ④ that they traditional gear. For example, recent developments
hope will prevent bad fortune and bring on good. in European firefighter uniforms and helmets that
In our scientifically advanced society, this behavior are more form-fitted and have functional advantages
seems paradoxical. Our understanding of the are generally (C) [accepted / rejected] by U.S.
natural world tells us that these signs and gestures firefighters. This can be due to two different factors:
the desire to maintain their traditional image, and
cannot possibly affect the events ⑤ which they are
the fact that they feel comfortable in the uniform
directed, yet superstition is extremely common, if
they currently wear ─ they know and trust its
not universal. functions and limitations. Changing to a new
uniform, which must protect you from
life-threatening conditions, is not as simple as
1 연계 적중 핵심정리 deciding on a new dress fashion.
(A) (B) (C)
① plausible --- conservative --- accepted
¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 52쪽 11번
② plausible --- progressive --- accepted
¥ 주제: ③ puzzling --- conservative --- rejected
④ puzzling --- progressive --- rejected
¥ Signal:
⑤ puzzling --- conservative --- accepted
¥ 핵심정리

1 연계 적중 핵심정리

¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 57쪽 4번

¥ 주제:

¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리

E-연계 최종점검 (윤장환의 영어)

Q2. 문단 요약 Q3. 어법
When we discuss knowledge, we often focus on A critical insight of modern biology is that our
theoretical ‘knowledge of the head’ and overlook family history extends to all other living things.
practical ‘knowledge of the hand’. Indeed, there Unlocking this relationship means comparing
seems to be something of a prejudice against the different species with one another in a very precise
latter. For example, the abstract knowledge of the way. An order to life is revealed in the features
scientist is generally held in higher esteem than creatures have: closely related ones share more
the practical knowledge of the car mechanic or the features with each other than (A) [are / do] those
craftsman. This prejudice may derive from the more distantly related. A cow shares more organs
widespread assumption that our capacity for reason and genes with people than it does with a fly:
is what distinguishes us from the rest of the hair, warm-bloodedness, and mammary glands are
animal kingdom. However, it could be argued that shared by mammals and absent in insects. Until
our ability to manipulate things is just as unique, somebody finds a hairy fly with breasts, we would
and that the hand with its opposable thumb is as consider flies (B) [distantly / distant] relatives to
good a symbol of human intelligence as the head cows and people. Add a fish to this comparison,
with its bulging cranium. There is a sense in which and we discover that fish are more closely related
know-how is prior to, and more fundamental than, to cows and people than they are to flies. The
know-that. reason is that fish, like people, have backbones,
 skulls, and appendages, all of (C) [them / which]
are lacking in flies. We can follow this logic to add
We need skills, such as ability to (A) species after species and find the family tree that
objects, before we can acquire any kind of
relates people, fish, and flies to the millions of
(B) . other species on the planet.
(A) (B) (A) (B) (C)
① classify …… knowledge ① are --- distantly --- them
② manipulate …… leadership ② are --- distant --- them
③ modify …… language ③ are --- distantly --- which
④ manipulate …… knowledge ④ do --- distant --- which
⑤ classify …… leadership ⑤ do --- distantly --- which

1 연계 적중 핵심정리 1 연계 적중 핵심정리

¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 62쪽 9번 ¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 74쪽 9번

¥ 주제: ¥ 주제:

¥ Signal: ¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리 ¥ 핵심정리

Q4. 어법 Q5. 빈칸 추론
Public performance of music in non-Western The most devastating attack on biodiversity
cultures ① occurs in a freer, more relaxed comes from deforestation. For most of human
environment. In Africa, it is not uncommon to see history, dense forests, which happen to nurture the
a group of accomplished musicians ② surrounded world’s highest rates of biodiversity, carpeted the
by people who join in by singing, clapping, playing landscape of Central and South America. One
rattles, and dancing along. In Indian Hindustani reason for the proliferation of rich forestland in
music, tradition dictates that the audience ③ these regions was the fact that pre-Columbian
supply the tala (beat and meter) by quietly American Indians _____________. Although they
clapping. Interaction between the performers and burned forests to clear some areas for planting and
community is an important part of the hunting, they had no need to clear land
music-making process. Prior to the nineteenth systematically for pasture or to cultivate grain to
century, concerts in the West ④ were similar to feed cattle. With the post-Columbian proliferation
this freer, more interactive experience. Not until of livestock, however, this situation changed
the Romantic era, when composers made musical dramatically. Today the rainforest is eroded at the
compositions admired “works of art” and rate of 11 acres a minute in order to grow
composers themselves became “geniuses,” ⑤ had soybeans for cattle feed.
the audience required to sit in respectful, *proliferation 확산, 증식
meditative silence. ① lived on grains
② led a social life
③ lacked livestock
④ raised wild animals
1 연계 적중 핵심정리 ⑤ destroyed their farmlands

¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 79쪽 2번

¥ 주제: 1 연계 적중 핵심정리
¥ Signal:
¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 91쪽 2번
¥ 핵심정리

¥ 주제:

¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리

E-연계 최종점검 (윤장환의 영어)

Q2. 순서
09 (영어독해연습 4강)
Medieval armies just lived off the land,
which is a polite way of saying that they stole
food from the towns in their path or else they
Q1. 빈칸 추론 went hungry.

We have seen only cases in which human

(A) But after the Prussians defeated them a few
intelligence is equal to or greater than animal
times they began to recognize the advantages of
intelligence. Perhaps the wild mind is altogether planning (as in having the right quantities of
inferior to the human mind. Clearly, humans are men, weapons, and food in the same place at
vastly superior to all earthly animals in their the same time), and eventually they all began to
ability to learn and use language. However, if we copy the Prussian methods.
accept this view we have jumped to the wrong (B) Modern armies have elaborate staffs that
conclusion. Animals do have unique abilities not calculate how many provisions will be needed
shared by humans. Perhaps the most convincing each day and where, as well as how to get them
case is dolphins’ talent for acquiring and there. Some of these innovations were pioneered
processing acoustic information. This skill is highly by Prussia, a small country in northern Europe
adaptive and is a type of intelligence according to that was surrounded by bigger, more powerful
any reasonable general definition. Furthermore, not neighbors.
only can unaided humans not match dolphins’ (C) Prussia needed to find some advantages to
ability, but also the best human-designed make it competitive. The traditionalists in other
transducers, computers, and software cannot match armies scoffed when Prussian officers began
their ability. Only by adopting radically speciesist spending their days doing paperwork.
definitions of intelligence could we deny that *scoff 비웃다
__________________. ① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C)
③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
① this ability is a type of intelligence ⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
② these animals live longer than humans
③ other animals can make their own tools
④ humans do what other animals cannot do
⑤ no other animal is more intelligent than humans 1 연계 적중 핵심정리

1 연계 적중 핵심정리 ¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 104쪽 3번

¥ 주제:

¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 103쪽 2번 ¥ Signal:

¥ 주제: ¥ 핵심정리

¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리

Q3. 어휘 추론 Q4. 빈칸 추론
A major economic motivation of balanced Approximately 7,000 residents live in
reciprocity is to exchange surplus goods and Copenhagen’s city center. On an ordinary weekday
services for those that are in short supply. evening in the winter season a person walking
Shortfalls and surpluses can result from different through the city can enjoy the lights from about
levels of technology, environmental variations, or 7,000 windows. ___________________ plays a
different production capacities. But whatever the key role in the feeling of safety. It is common
cause, balanced reciprocity enables both parties in practice for city planners to mix functions and
the exchange to ① maximize their consumption. housing as a crime prevention strategy and thus
The Indians of Oaxaca, Mexico, exemplify ② increase the feeling of safety along the most
balanced reciprocity in the exchange of both goods important streets used by pedestrians and
and services. According to social custom, a man is bicyclists. The strategy works well in Copenhagen,
expected to ③ sponsor at least one festival where the city center has buildings between five
celebrating a major saint’s day. Such an event, and six stories high, and there is good visual
involving elaborate food, beverages, and contact between residences and street space. The
entertainment, almost always is beyond the strategy does not work as well in Sydney. Although
capacity of a man to provide by himself. the Australian metropolis has 15,000 people living
Consequently, the man seeks the help of his in its heart, the residences are generally from 10
relatives, friends, and neighbors, thereby to 50 stories above street level, and no one who
mortgaging his future ④ shortages. Those who help lives high up can see what is happening down on
out expect to be ⑤ repaid in equivalent amounts the Street.
when they sponsor a similar festival.
*reciprocity 상호 이익, 상호성 ① The number of police stations
**mortgage 저당 잡히다 ② The accessibility to water resource
③ The density of population in the city
④ The availability of social infrastructure
⑤ The proximity to housing and residents
1 연계 적중 핵심정리
1 연계 적중 핵심정리
¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 109쪽 9번

¥ 주제: ¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 110쪽 10번

¥ Signal: ¥ 주제:

¥ 핵심정리 ¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리

E-연계 최종점검 (윤장환의 영어)

Q5. 어법
Early humans wondered at what they saw when
① viewing the heavens and nature around them.
Their observations of both the space and the time
10 (영어독해연습 5강)
② in which they lived were limited geographically
Q1. 어휘 추론
and intellectually. But they did observe that there
were patterns and sequences for certain events, Both psychologists and linguists can be

such as night and day, floods and drought, classified as social scientists, so in one way their

earthquakes and volcanoes, and so forth. approach has long been ① similar. All social

Regardless of their fears or wishes, these events scientists work by forming and testing hypotheses.

occurred with regularity for no apparent reason, so For example, a psychologist or a linguist might

it was quite reasonable to believe ③ what some hypothesize that the speech of someone who is

unknown superpower, god, or spirit was suffering from a progressive disease of the nervous

responsible for these natural phenomena. It is also system will ② disintegrate in a certain order,

only natural to try to invent explanations for perhaps suggesting that the constructions the

unexplained or nonunderstandable events. The patient learned most recently will be the first to

Greeks, Romans, and people from other earlier disappear. This hypothesis will then be tested

civilizations believed in a great many gods, all of against data collected from the speech of someone

④ whom exerted or controlled the power of the who is brain-damaged. This is where psychologist

good or bad events that occurred in their lives. and linguists sometimes ③ agree. Psychologists test

Many of these ancient myths were incorporated their hypotheses mainly by means of carefully

into modern religions and ⑤ have become part of controlled experiments. Linguists, on the other

written and observed doctrines. hand, test their hypotheses mainly by checking
them against ④ spontaneous utterances. They feel
that the rigidity of experimental situations
sometimes ⑤ falsifies the results.
1 연계 적중 핵심정리 *disintegrate 해체되다

¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 115쪽 2번 1 연계 적중 핵심정리

¥ 주제:

¥ Signal: ¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 133쪽 9번

¥ 핵심정리 ¥ 주제:

¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리

Q2. 순서 Q3. 빈칸 추론

Processing speed isn’t a one-dimensional "Always something new out of Africa," exclaimed
concept. It’s not just about how fast we see, or a Roman emperor 2,000 years ago, and so it is
how fast we write, or how fast we can process today. In the rainforest of the northeastern Congo,
what we’ve heard. It’s really a combination of all workers paid a pittance for their labors are digging
of those factors. from the ground coltan, a raw material used in the
manufacture of mobile phones. From uranium in
(A) In that case, her problems with auditory
the atomic age to oil in the fossil-fuel era, Africa
processing speed may get in the way of her
has always had what it takes – for the rest of the
athletic skills when she is required to put into
world. But concern for Africa's well-being should
practice the coach’s directions quickly.
not focus on the relentless acquisition of its
(B) However, it is rare to be slow at all of the commodities. Africa's problems and the world's
above. For example, a child with a language- concerns coincide because the world is functionally
based learning disability may be quite slow to shrinking, and when one of the neighborhoods of
interpret spoken language, but she might be very the "global village" suffers more than any other
quick on the soccer field because she has quicker from a combination of maladies, the remedy
visual processing abilities. benefits all. So assisting in the recovery of Africa
is not mere altruism; it is a matter of _________
(C) In fact, processing speed deficits can be for the rest of the world.
observed in visual processing, verbal processing,
*pittance 아주 적은 돈 **malady 심각한 문제
and motor speed. Problems in one or more of
these areas can manifest in problems with
academic fluency and general difficulties. ① lawsuit
② self-interest
③ environment
① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C)
④ general experience
③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
⑤ international conflict
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)

1 연계 적중 핵심정리
1 연계 적중 핵심정리
¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 152쪽 3번

¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 135쪽 11번 ¥ 주제:

¥ 주제: ¥ Signal:

¥ Signal: ¥ 핵심정리

¥ 핵심정리

E-연계 최종점검 (윤장환의 영어)

Q4. 빈칸 추론 Q5. 삽입
We’ve all heard the sentiment, “It’s the thought
But collectively their message is clear and the
that counts.” Not sure. There’s a huge difference
western world has seen an unprecedented
between thinking about buying flowers for a
revival of interest in herbalism and useful
wedding anniversary and actually buying the
plants in the last two decades.
flowers. The thought of attending a child’s piano
recital or soccer game isn’t the same as sitting Herbs are being embraced on a scale
there in the front row and cheering them on. A unmatched for two centuries ㅡ not only in
grieving window doesn’t experience your love cosmetics, foods and teas, but in domestic
theory, only your loving presence and comforting products, alternative medicines, even veterinary
words. The hungry person at a homeless shelter remedies. ( ① ) Just what proportion of the
can’t quite sink his teeth into your good original plant ingredients find their way into
intentions like he can some meat loaf and some of these products may be open to question.
mashed potatoes. We don’t act without thought, ( ② ) The advertising world in particular has not
but thoughts alone don’t “do” anything. We do been slow to play on worries about the increasing
not express genuine love until we take specific quantities of man-made chemicals in the
actions. The road to hell is truly paved with good environment. ( ③ ) So, the images and virtues
intentions . associated with herbs have often been merged into
a vague green wholesomeness that may have little
to do with a specific plant or product. ( ④ )
① to make a fortune quickly
Even their images are everywhere ㅡ on fabrics,
② that never transform into action
furniture, and street decorations. ( ⑤ ) So as
③ which you have never thought of
fossil fuels and the chemicals that depend on
④ with which you lead a healthy life
⑤ from interactions with selfish people them run out, it may not be fanciful to see the
chemical Age replaced by the Age of plants.
*unprecedented 유례없는 **herbalism 약초 이용

1 연계 적중 핵심정리
1 연계 적중 핵심정리

¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 153쪽 4번

¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 154쪽 5번
¥ 주제:

¥ Signal: ¥ 주제:

¥ 핵심정리
¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리

Q2. 어법
11 (영어독해연습 6강)
Gus wasn’t related to us by blood but in a
strange way he was family. He’d fought beside my
father in the Second World War, an experience,
my father argued, ① that made them closer than
Q1. 어휘 추론
brothers, They stayed in touch and ② whenever
Whereas touch, sight, and hearing are mediated Dad updated us on his old friend it was usually
by the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain
to report another in a long list of missteps. Then
responsible for reasoning and intellect, the
one day just after we’d moved to New Bremen,
olfactory nerves pass impulses (A) [directly /
Gus had shown up at our doorstep, out of work
indirectly] to the limbic system, the prefrontal
and with everything he owned ③ stuffed in a pack
part of the brain where emotions are formed and
in the sidecar of his motorcycle. My father had
memories are stored. Animals that depend upon
their sense of smell for survival have (B) [rarely taken him in, given him a place to live, found
/ highly] developed limbic systems. The limbic him work, and Gus had been with us ever since.
system is the primitive part of the human brain My brother Jake and I liked him immensely.
that remains from the period of evolutionary Maybe it was because he talked to us as if we
history when, like the animals, we too depended ④ weren’t just kids. Or because on occasion he
on our sense of smell for survival. The close got himself into trouble ⑤ which my father would
relationship between the olfactory nerves and the predictably rescue him, which made him seem
brain's limbic system explains why aromas can more like an errant older brother than an adult.
produce such startling, powerful responses that *misstep 실수
may (C) [constitute / resist] logic. Such responses **errant 잘못 행동하는
are usually immediate and sudden, springing from
the depths of the human psyche.
*cerebral cortex 대뇌 피질 **olfactory 후각의
***limbic system (대뇌의) 변연계 1 연계 적중 핵심정리
(A) (B) (C)
① directly --- highly --- resist ¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 162쪽 13번
② directly --- rarely --- resist
③ directly --- highly --- constitute ¥ 주제:
④ indirectly --- rarely --- constitute ¥ Signal:
⑤ indirectly --- highly --- constitute
¥ 핵심정리

1 연계 적중 핵심정리

¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 155쪽 6번

¥ 주제:

¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리

E-연계 최종점검 (윤장환의 영어)

Q3. 빈칸 추론 Q4. 어휘 추론
There are some very successful scientists who In contrast to a criminal case, where the burden
claim that they make no attempt, before starting a of proof lies with the prosecution and defendants
problem, to . They are considered innocent until proven guilty, civil
argue that too great a familiarity with the methods cases can be decided on a “preponderance of
used by others destroys their freshness of evidence.” This makes civil cases considerably ①
approach. There is, indeed, something to be said easier to win than criminal cases when evidence is
for this argument. However, usually those who put ambiguous. A number of mitigating factors also are
it forward are better acquainted with their subjects taken into account in determining guilt and
than they admit. Furthermore, the risk of making assigning penalties in civil cases. Guilt or innocence
ridiculous mistakes, already described by others, is is based on whether the defendant could
so great that few are willing to take this course. reasonably have ② anticipated and avoided the
Consequently, it is almost always necessary to offense. A “good faith effort” to comply or solve
undertake some sort of study of the literature of a the problem can be a factor. The ③ compliance
subject before entering the planning stage. It history is important. Is this a first-time offender or
should not be carried too far, or it will go on a habitual repeater? Finally, is there evidence of
forever and serve as a complete bar to action, but economic ④ benefit to the defendant? That is, did
is should be adequate. the violator gain personally from the action? If so,
it is more likely that ⑤ unwilling intent was
① exclude past literatures involved.
② plan what to do in the next step *preponderance 우세
③ ignore achievements from predecessors **mitigating factor 정상 참작 요인
④ anticipate the results of the experiment
⑤ search for what has previously been done

1 연계 적중 핵심정리

1 연계 적중 핵심정리 ¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 180쪽 5번

¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 178쪽 3번 ¥ 주제:

¥ 주제:
¥ Signal:
¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리 ¥ 핵심정리

Q5. 삽입
This numbers business can seem like an
added chore. 12 (영어독해연습 7강)
A bottle or bag of fertilizer, whether synthetic or
organic, usually displays a set of three numbers Q1. 빈칸 추론
that look something like this: 6-6-4. ( ① ) These Procedural memory is the type of memory that
three numbers are called the NPK ratio and refer allows you to remember how to tie your shoelaces
to the relative proportions of three main nutrients or play a guitar without (A) thinking about
in fertilizers: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium these activities. After many sessions of practice,
(in that order). ( ② ) Plants require a host of trace your fingers fly through the procedures on
minerals and secondary nutrients beyond these, but autopilot, expertly performing well-tuned actions
these are the three biggies. ( ③ ) However, in a very specific manner. Becoming truly expert
understanding the numbers on the bag will help at an activity such as playing the piano appears
you choose the right fertilizer mix for the job. ( ④ ) to take on the order of 10,000 hours of practice.
As an example, leafy plants prefer nitrogen-rich That would mean 10 years of practicing more
fertilizers for growing healthy and green, so choose than 2 hours a day! After all of that practice,
a mix that shows the first number listed (nitrogen) your fingers move automatically as you think, just
as the highest. ( ⑤ ) A balanced fertilizer has an as when you’re typing or texting on a cell phone.
equal proportion of all three nutrients and can be Procedural memories are also (B) , so that
used as a general all-purpose fertilizer. No sweat. skills you learned as a child are still “in there”
*phosphorus 인 **potassium 칼륨 waiting to be used again. As they say, “Once
learned, you never forget how to ride a bicycle.”

1 연계 적중 핵심정리 (A) (B)

① consciously ---- temporary
② subconsciously ---- temporary
¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 181쪽 6번 ③ consciously ---- durable
④ subconsciously ---- durable
⑤ unconsciously ---- constant
¥ 주제:

¥ Signal:
1 연계 적중 핵심정리
¥ 핵심정리

¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 187쪽 12번

¥ 주제:

¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리

E-연계 최종점검 (윤장환의 영어)

Q2. 문단 요약 Q3. 순서
A mnemonic device that uses imagery is known
Even though virtually all children around the
as ‘the method of place. Let’s say that you have
world may engage in prevalent types of play,
to present a speech about healthy eating habits in
parental involvement in play differs across
one of your classes and that your speech consists
of seven main ideas. You simply imagine yourself cultures.

taking a very familiar walk. As you pass the first

(A) Parents do not practice direct teaching through
familiar landmark on that walk, you develop an
play, rather they assist and direct children in
image that somehow connects that familiar
group play with their siblings or peers. In
landmark to the first point in your speech. For
contrast, other cultures view parental
example, the image of a tree with a nest of baby
participation in play as an important
birds could help you remember that you have to
developmental activity.
begin providing healthy foods when children are
(B) In some cultures, especially in hunting-and-
young. You continue in this manner until you
gathering and agricultural village ones, play is
have developed an image connecting each point in
regarded as mainly an amusing child activity.
your speech to a landmark. Then, When it’s time
Children tend to find play partners among their
to present the speech, you simply imagine that
peers rather than among adult caregivers (e.g.,
you’re taking that familiar walk.
Mayan and the native peoples of the Americas).

(C) In these cultures (e.g., North America), parents
When you use A mnemonic device, you form
are the first and main play partners of children
an (A) between something you want to
during the first years of life. This is often due to
remember and a particular (B) on a
the widespread belief that children learn through
familiar walk.
play, and that play helps to develop cognitive,
(A) (B)
social, motor, and affective skills.
① association ---- creature
② imagery ---- shape
③ balance ---- shape ① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C)
④ association ---- location ③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
⑤ balance ---- location ⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)

1 연계 적중 핵심정리 1 연계 적중 핵심정리

¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 194쪽 19번 ¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 196쪽 21번

¥ 주제: ¥ 주제:

¥ Signal: ¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리 ¥ 핵심정리

Q4. 빈칸 추론 Q5. 순서
A good way to understand the story invention
An individual’s perception of risk is culturally
process is to observe it firsthand. Unfortunately,
determined. The view taken by the community in
when people create a new story, we have difficulty
which the person lives, and the experience that
knowing exactly how they found the various pieces
the individual has of the hazard itself, are
of the story they are telling. We cannot easily
know what has been invented out of thin air and
what has been adapted from prior experiences or
(A) So, for example, people moving from rural
other stories. We can reasonably assume, however,
areas to live in urban slums on the margins of
that with respect to stories.
large cities may be more vulnerable to landslides
Every story we tell has to have its basis in
because they are not aware of the threats that
something that we have already experienced. Of such slopes pose.
course, the better we are at telling stories, the
better we are giving them the appearance of being (B) The cultural environment is important because
it provides the overall setting within which the
complete fiction. This can mean that even we as
risk is interpreted. For example, a person living
tellers see the story as fictional, not realizing the
in a very strong religious community may be
adaptation process that we ourselves have used.
more likely to view the hazard as an
Even stories that are pure fantasy are adaptations
unmanageable ‘act of God.’
of more realistic stories where certain constraints
of the real world are relaxed. (C) Past experience is also important because
people with personal knowledge of previous
① adaptation lacks originality hazard events tend to have more accurate views
② experience leads us nowhere regarding the probability of future occurrences.
③ true creation can hardly exist
④ there are no identical themes ① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C)
⑤ we cannot experience the process ③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)

1 연계 적중 핵심정리

1 연계 적중 핵심정리
¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 206쪽 5번

¥ 주제: ¥ 연계: 수능특강 영어독해연습 212쪽 11번

¥ Signal: ¥ 주제:

¥ 핵심정리 ¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리

E-연계 최종점검 (윤장환의 영어)

Q2. 빈칸 추론
13 (영어 1강)
We see the effects of lack of knowledge on
creative performance every day, when people come
up with ideas that are original for them but that
nevertheless have been thought of before. A
Q1. 어법 strikingly pitiful case of this phenomenon is that of
The impacts of tourism on the environment are the Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan,
① evident to scientists, but not all residents considered one of the most brilliant mathematical
attribute environmental damage to tourism. thinkers ever. Because of his lack of contact with
Residents commonly have positive views on the the outside world, he unknowingly spent much of
economic and some sociocultural influences of his lifetime independently “rediscovering” much of
tourism on quality of life, but their reactions to what was already known in Western mathematics.
environmental impacts ② are mixed. Some Had he first gained of his field,
residents feel tourism provides more parks and he could have avoided this amazing yet useless
recreation areas, improves the quality of the roads career and instead turned his considerable talents
and public facilities, and ③ does not contribute to to advancing, not rehashing, the mathematical
ecological decline. Many do not blame tourism for knowledge base.
traffic problems, overcrowded outdoor recreation, or *rehash 그대로 반복하다

the disturbance of peace and tranquility of parks.

① a public support
Alternatively, some residents express concern ④
② a social approval
which tourists overcrowd the local fishing, hunting,
③ a scientific insight
and other recreation areas or may cause traffic and
④ a broad perspective
pedestrian congestion. Some studies suggest that ⑤ an inborn creativity
variations in residents’ feelings about tourism’s
relationship to environmental damage are related to
the type of tourism, the extent ⑤ to which
residents feel the natural environment needs to be
1 연계 적중 핵심정리
protected, and the distance residents live from the
tourist attractions.
✽tranquility 고요함 ¥ 연계: 수능완성 유형편 18쪽 2번

¥ 주제:
1 연계 적중 핵심정리
¥ Signal:
¥ 연계: 수능완성 유형편 15쪽 4번
¥ 핵심정리
¥ 주제:

¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리

Q3. 삽입 Q4. 순서

The “laws of thought” depend not only upon Since history represents a body of information,
the properties of those brain cells but also on people frequently try to look at it as a science
how they are connected. and to propose scientific explanations for
historical events and developments.
Many scientists look on chemistry and physics as
ideal models of what psychology should be like.
(A) But in the actual historical situation there are
After all, the atoms in the brain are subject to the
so many complex and variable factors, so much
same all-inclusive physical laws that govern every
of the unpredictable human element, that it is
other form of matter. ( ① ) Then can we also
impossible to use the ordinary scientific notion of
explain what our brains actually do entirely in
terms of those same basic principles? ( ② ) The
(B) There are no identical situations, only parallels;
answer is no, simply because even if we
there are no laws, only tendencies; there is no
understood how each of our billions of brain cells
inevitability, only likelihood. There are always
work separately, this would not tell us how the
opportunities and alternatives for purposeful
brain works as an agency. (③) And these human action, just as there are always conditions
connections are established not by the basic, limiting what people can accomplish by their
“general” laws of physics, but by the particular action.
arrangements of the millions of bits of information
(C) History would indeed be easy to understand if
in our inherited genes. ( ④ ) To be sure, “general” all events could be accounted for on the basis of
laws apply to everything. ( ⑤ ) But, for that very a set of simple laws like Newton’s laws in
reason, they can rarely explain anything in physics. Of course, natural laws do come into
particular. play—people are physically subject to the law of
gravitation and biologically subject to the law of

1 연계 적중 핵심정리 ① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C)

③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
¥ 연계: 수능완성 유형편 19쪽 4번

¥ 주제:
1 연계 적중 핵심정리

¥ Signal: ¥ 연계: 수능완성 유형편 23쪽 4번

¥ 핵심정리 ¥ 주제:

¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리

E-연계 최종점검 (윤장환의 영어)

Q5. 요약
To explore the effects of mood on communication,
researchers asked either happy or sad participants
to accept or reject the videotaped statements of
14 (영어 2강)
targets who were questioned after a staged theft,
and were either guilty, or not guilty. The targets Q1. 순서
were instructed to either steal or leave in place a
movie pass in an empty room, unobserved by There are times when we may need or want to

anyone, and then deny taking the movie ticket. So be less than clear in our communication. Being

some targets were lying and some were telling the ambiguous can have two main benefits. First,

truth when denying the theft. Those in a positive ambiguity can help people with diverse sets of

mood were more likely to accept denials as opinions collaborate with each other.

truthful. Sad participants made significantly more

(A) If there is ambiguity about what beliefs or
guilty judgements, and were significantly better at
values are important, people may assume they
correctly detecting deceptive (guilty) targets.
share the same beliefs and values and be willing

to work together.
(A) affect improved the (B) distinction (B) For example, sometimes teachers may be
of truths from lies in the observed interviews. ambiguous in their instructions about how to
complete a particular assignment to encourage
(A) (B) students to be creative in the way they
① Positive ---- legal accomplish the task.
② Negative ---- legal
(C) When communication is clear, the differences
③ Positive ---- essential
between people become more distinct and may
④ Neutral ---- accurate
lead to excessive conflict. Second, ambiguous
⑤ Negative ---- accurate
communication can boost creativity.

① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C)

1 연계 적중 핵심정리 ③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)

¥ 연계: 수능완성 유형편 27쪽 4번

¥ 주제: 1 연계 적중 핵심정리

¥ Signal:
¥ 연계: 수능완성 유형편 30쪽 1번

¥ 핵심정리
¥ 주제:

¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리

Q2. 빈칸 추론 Q3. 순서
The creativity that children possess needs to be
It is only possible to fully understand a social
cultivated throughout their development. Research
welfare system by comparing it with other
suggests that overstructuring the child’s
systems and by assessing a system’s place in the
environment may actually limit creative and
worldwide network. Such study may expose
academic development. This is a central problem
widely accepted truisms as mere opinions.
with much of science instruction. The exercises or
activities are devised to eliminate different options
(A) The argument sounds less convincing when
and to focus on predetermined results. The
compared to the policy and business practices of
answers are structured to fit the course
America’s competitors in Western Europe. Almost
assessments, and the wonder of science is lost
all countries there offer leave with pay not only
along with cognitive intrigue. We define cognitive to new parents but also to employees with ill
intrigue as the wonder that stimulates and family members.
intrinsically motivates an individual to voluntarily
(B) Politicians and corporate leaders in the United
engage in an activity. The loss of cognitive intrigue States, for example, have resisted the idea of
may be initiated by the sole use of play items with paid parental leave. Their claims have been that
predetermined conclusions and reinforced by rote to grant such leave would diminish American
instruction in school. This is exemplified by toys, business competitiveness in the world economy.
games, and lessons that are an end in and of (C) Thus the comparative view shows that to claim
themselves and require little of the individual other that such a policy is impossible is clearly invalid;
than . more accurately, it can be asserted that parental
*predetermine 미리 정하다 **rote 암기 leave is not a policy priority in the United
① to find his play partners *truism 뻔한 사실
② to restore his environment
③ to motivate cognitive intrigue
① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C)
④ to structure a plan for games
③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
⑤ to master the planned objective
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)

1 연계 적중 핵심정리
1 연계 적중 핵심정리

¥ 연계: 수능완성 유형편 30쪽 2번

¥ 연계: 수능완성 유형편 31쪽 3번
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¥ 핵심정리

E-연계 최종점검 (윤장환의 영어)

Q4. 삽입 Q5. 지칭어

In court we have seen many expert witnesses
This was such a severe restriction that it
who have an impressive list of degrees and the
became common for the athlete who drew the
highest IQs who use a simple vocabulary and
inside lane for the final (by being the slowest
adopt obviously simplistic ways to express ① their
qualifier on times) to scratch from the final in
ideas. They echo the way they know the average
indoor championships.
juror speaks and thinks and purposely attempt to
Have you ever wondered whether it’s best to relate to ② them at that level. And ③ the jurors
have an inside or an outside lane in track races know it. The jurors realize that the expert has
like the 200 m where you have to sprint around purposefully avoided the use of technical terms ④
the bend? ( ① ) Athletes have strong preferences. they won’t understand in order to communicate
( ② ) Tall runners find it harder to negotiate the with them more effectively. ⑤ They appreciate the
tighter curve of the inside lane than that of the expert’s efforts, and view her as sensitive and
gentle outer lanes. ( ③ ) The situation is even more humble. The expert’s image as intelligent and
extreme when sprinters race indoors where the competent is not diminished in the process either.
track is only 200 m around, so the bends are far If anything, it’s enhanced by demonstrating that
tighter and the lanes are reduced in width from she has the good judgment to know how to modify
1.22 m to 1 m. ( ④ ) This was because there was her presentation to make it meaningful to her
so little chance of winning from the inside and a audience.
considerable risk of injury. ( ⑤ ) As a result, this
event has largely disappeared from the indoor
championship roster.
*scratch (경기 참가 등을) 포기하다 1 연계 적중 핵심정리
**roster (운동 경기) 목록

¥ 연계: 수능완성 유형편 55쪽 3번

1 연계 적중 핵심정리
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¥ 연계: 수능완성 유형편 31쪽 4번 ¥ Signal:

¥ 주제: ¥ 핵심정리

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¥ 핵심정리

Q2. 순서
15 (영어 3강)
pull effect
destination can
reinforcement of pro-tourism policies that make a
destination more accessible.
Q1. 빈칸 추론
Pain is not always helpful in letting you know (A) However, because such campaigns depend on
the of the problem. Sometimes pain is widespread social engineering, and because their
felt in one part of the body, but it is actually effects can be counteracted by random acts of
violence, positive outcomes cannot be guaranteed.
caused by an injury or illness in another part of
the body. This is referred pain. For example, the (B) Furthermore, it is the behaviour of some
pain associated with a heart attack may be felt in tourists, and the structure and development of
the left arm, even though the heart is in the chest. tourism itself, that often generate negative
attitudes within the host community. This implies
An ulcer or other irritation of the stomach may be
that major structural changes to tourism itself,
perceived as pain in the shoulder. This is because
rather than awareness campaigns, may be
during fetal development the nerves that attach to
required to foster a welcoming attitude.
different organs come out of the spinal cord at
(C) Governments, for example, can and often do
levels close to where those organs are located in
employ awareness campaigns among the resident
the fetus. However, when the organs migrate to
population to promote a welcoming attitude
new positions as the fetus grows, the attachments
towards visitors in order to foster a positive
that lead from the spinal cord stay in the same
market image.
place. As a result, we feel pain as if the affected
*pro-tourism 친관광산업
organs are still located where they were at early
stages of embryonic development. ① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C)
*fetus 태아 **spinal cord 척수 ③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
***embryonic 배아의 ⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
① result ② cause
③ severity ④ symptom
⑤ location
1 연계 적중 핵심정리

1 연계 적중 핵심정리 ¥ 연계: 수능완성 유형편 58쪽 1번

¥ 주제:
¥ 연계: 수능완성 유형편 56쪽 Let’s check it out

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¥ 핵심정리
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¥ 핵심정리

E-연계 최종점검 (윤장환의 영어)

Q3. 순서 Q4. 삽입
In her book We Don’t Play With Guns Here,
In such intercultural circumstances, social
early-years researcher Penny Holland argues that
actors attempt interactive exchanges with a
for younger children play fighting, gun play and
hindrance, the lack of common understanding.
rough-and-tumble play are neither primitive
displays of animal aggression nor mindless
Normally, humans are effective at conveying
imitations of yesterday’s TV.
ideas to each other and responding fittingly. ( ① )
(A) What is more, researchers have known for years This is due to many factors: the richness of the
that most children quickly become skilled at language they share, the common understanding of
reading the body language of play fighting — how the world works, and an implicit
unlike adults, who can find it difficult to understanding of everyday situations. ( ② ) When
distinguish between play and the real thing. humans interact within cultures, they enjoy a
(B) For instance, they give children invaluable higher degree, or capability, to use implicit
experience in reading facial expressions and body situational information (context) to increase the
language, and they enable children to learn about level of comprehension. ( ③ ) However, this ability
their position and status in their peer group. to interact becomes complicated when humans
(C) Rather, they are outward signs of a interact across cultures. (④) Consequently,
sophisticated and largely unconscious learning individuals from differing cultures, trying to
process. According to psychologists, these forms interact, are unable to use context as an expedient
of play allow children to perfect some important channel to comprehension. ( ⑤ ) By increasing each
social skills in a context where real harm is not personʼs understanding of the otherʼs cultural
part of the game. context (language, norms, rules, etc.), in other
*rough-and-tumble 거친 words increasing their access to context, we
increase the richness of communication interaction
① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C) and enable mutual success.
③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
*expedient 임시방편적인
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)

1 연계 적중 핵심정리 1 연계 적중 핵심정리

¥ 연계: 수능완성 유형편 58쪽 2번 ¥ 연계: 수능완성 유형편 59쪽 3번

¥ 주제: ¥ 주제:

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¥ 핵심정리 ¥ 핵심정리

Q5. 삽입
A person must be totally out of work to collect
unemployment insurance; benefits may not be
16 (영어 4강)
collected if a person is working part-time.

It should be noted that there has been a change

Q1. 어법
in the way employers have responded to Looking back, scientists have uncovered a
recessionary periods over time. ( ① ) In the late mountain of evidence ① that Mayan leaders were
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, layoffs aware for many centuries of their uncertain
were not commonly used. ( ② ) Instead, employers dependence on rainfall. Water shortages were not
resorted to devices such as work sharing and only ② understood but also recorded and planned
reducing wages in an effort to keep as many people for. The Mayans enforced conservation during low
employed as possible. ( ③ ) These practices changed rainfall years, tightly ③ regulating the types of
after the passage of the Social Security Act (that is, crops grown, the use of public water, and food
unemployment insurance) in 1935. (④) As a rationing. During the first half of their
result, employers stopped using work sharing and three-thousand-year reign, the Mayans continued
similar arrangements and moved toward using ④ to build larger underground artificial lakes and
layoffs. ( ⑤ ) For example, layoffs were not very containers to store rainwater for drought months.
common during the major recessions of 1893, 1921, As impressive as their elaborately decorated temples
or 1929 but were very common in the early 1960s, ⑤ did, their efficient systems for collecting and
1970s, and 1980s. warehousing water were masterpieces in design and
*recessionary 불황의 **layoff 일시 해고 engineering.
*rationing 배급

1 연계 적중 핵심정리 1 연계 적중 핵심정리

¥ 연계: 수능완성 유형편 59쪽 4번 ¥ 연계: 수능완성 유형편 66쪽 1번

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¥ 핵심정리
¥ 핵심정리

E-연계 최종점검 (윤장환의 영어)

Q2. 어휘 추론 Q3. 순서
Research on social development and the Internet Easter Island was a typical Polynesian society
indicates that, rather than leading children into in terms of its language, artifacts and main social
social isolation and deprivation, the Internet can institutions. Yet, with its writing and impressive
provide a ① positive environment for social statues, Easter Island seems to have exceeded the
development. Children continue their face-to-face level of cultural development typical for
relationships when ② separated, possibly in much Polynesian islands of its size.
the same way as they would on a telephone.
(A) It therefore grew strong at the same time that
Indeed, Internet technologies provide children with
continental countries were dissipating their
③ more opportunities for social interaction than are
energy and resources in ultimately pointless
possible with a telephone; children can
communicate at the same time with a large number
(B) Similarly, it has been argued that Britain’s
of peers on a large number of topics through
success during the eighteenth and nineteenth
e-mail, chat, and instant messaging. Children who
centuries stemmed from its island location. It
feel socially isolated in a face-to-face setting, are
was neither forced to defend itself by land nor
depressed, and/or lack self-confidence are able to
tempted to seek extension of its boundaries.
communicate in a socially ④ insecure environment
(C) This may be connected to its extreme isolation,
on the Internet rather than keeping their concerns
three thousand miles from the nearest inhabited
to themselves. Furthermore, children are able to
land, freeing it from the endemic fighting that
“try out” different personal identities, discuss
characterized most Polynesian island groups.
personal concerns, and obtain personally relevant
*endemic 고질적인 **dissipate 낭비하다
information without ⑤ embarrassment.
*deprivation 박탈(감)
① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C)
③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
1 연계 적중 핵심정리

¥ 연계: 수능완성 유형편 67쪽 4번

1 연계 적중 핵심정리
¥ 주제:

¥ Signal: ¥ 연계: 수능완성 유형편 78쪽 2번

¥ 핵심정리 ¥ 주제:

¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리

Q4. 연결어 Q5. 어법
Most European conceptions of art would separate The pleasure of eating should be an extensive
music from dance and both music and dance from pleasure, not ① that of the mere gourmet. People
the social situations that produced them. Most who know the garden in which their vegetables
traditional African conceptions, (A) , couple have grown and ② know that the garden is healthy
music with one or more other art forms, including will remember the beauty of the growing plants.
dance. And most Africans experience music as part Such a memory involves ③ itself with the food and
of a multidimensional social event that may take is one of the pleasures of eating. The knowledge of
place in a village square, a town plaza, a courtyard, the good health of the garden relieves and frees
a dance plaza, a marketplace, a street corner where and comforts the eater. The same goes for eating
groups normally meet for singing and dancing, or a meat. The thought of the good pasture and of the
sacred place selected for a particular rite. Invariably calf contentedly grazing ④ flavor the steak. Some, I
audience members participate verbally and through know, will think it bloodthirsty or worse to eat a
physical movement. Indeed, societal values fellow creature you have known all its life. On the
encourage this kind of participation because it contrary, I think it means you eat with
allows members of the community to interact understanding and with gratitude. A significant part
socially in musical situations. (B) , expressing of the pleasure of eating is one’s accurate
the beat through motor response heightens one’s consciousness of the lives and the world ⑤ from
enjoyment of the music and makes one feel more which food comes.
involved in the musical event. *gourmet 미식가
(A) (B)
① on the other hand ---- Moreover
② similarly ---- In addition
③ on the other hand ---- Nevertheless 1 연계 적중 핵심정리
④ similarly ---- Therefore
⑤ however ---- For example

¥ 연계: 수능완성 실전편 94쪽 19번

¥ 주제:

1 연계 적중 핵심정리 ¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리
¥ 연계: 수능완성 유형편 79쪽 4번

¥ 주제:

¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리

E-연계 최종점검 (윤장환의 영어)

Q2. 요약
17 (영어 5강)
Researchers at nine Virginia hospitals tested the
benefit of more doctor visits and more frequent
telephone follow-up for patients released from the
hospital. They studied patients with chronic
Q1. 요약 problems: heart failure, diabetes, or emphysema.
Unexpectedly, patients who got closer follow-up
The loss of linguistic diversity is of great concern
were more likely to be sent into hospital again and
to linguists. Losing a language causes an erosion of
spent more days in the hospital than patients who
cultural and environmental knowledge about local
just got their usual care. There were no differences
plant and animal life because “information about
in quality of life between the groups. Nonetheless,
local ecosystems is so complicatedly woven into
those with closer follow-up were more satisfied
these languages that it cannot be replaced simply
with their care. This suggested that the added
through translation”. Abandoning native or what
attention and care made patients happier but not
are often called heritage languages causes a loss of
culture and identity, and is symptomatic of the loss
of cultural diversity. Many native languages are 

oral, which means losing their vocabularies is a

Paradoxically, some studies suggest that patients
form of cultural poverty; communities are deprived
may be more (A) when more is done, even
of their history, artistic expression (e.g., songs,
if what is done doesn’t (B) their health.
poems), cultural and environmental knowledge, and
(A) (B)
human experience.
① depressed ---- damage
 ② satisfied ---- improve
Speech communities, and indeed the world, ③ grateful ---- harm
(A) the unique identity and worldview ④ embarrassed ---- help
attached to a language when it (B) . ⑤ confused ---- ruin

(A) (B)
① form ---- returns
② lose ---- evolves
③ change ---- perishes 1 연계 적중 핵심정리
④ lose ---- perishes
⑤ change ---- evolves
¥ 연계: 수능완성 실전편 101쪽 33번

1 연계 적중 핵심정리
¥ 주제:

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¥ 연계: 수능완성 실전편 96쪽 23번

¥ 핵심정리
¥ 주제:

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¥ 핵심정리

Q3. 삽입 Q4. 빈칸 추론
One reason consumers form continuing
These digital data are converted back into an
relationships with companies is their desire
electrical waveform using a digital-to-analog
. Through relationships, they can
converter (DAC).
simplify information gathering and the entire
The device that transforms an analog waveform, buying process as well as decrease the risk of
such as speech, into a digital form consisting of a dissatisfaction. They find comfort in brands that
sequence of numbers is called an analog-to-digital have become familiar through their ongoing
converter (ADC). ( ① ) Once in digital form, the relationships with companies. Such relationships
digital samples can be processed, stored, or may lead to more efficient decision making by
transmitted using digital technology. ( ② ) In the customers and higher levels of customer
digital audio case, the acoustic signal is converted satisfaction. A key benefit to consumers in
to an electrical analog waveform by a microphone. long-term buyer-seller relationships is the perceived
( ③ ) This analog signal is applied to an ADC that positive value they receive. Relationships add value
produces a sequence of numbers in binary (0/1) because of increased opportunities for frequent
form. (④) These data representing audio customers to save money through discounts,
information are stored in a computer memory on rebates, and similar offers; via special recognition
your MP3 player or smartphone. (⑤) This from the relationship programs; and through
electrical signal is fed into an amplifier that drives convenience in shopping.
a speaker that reproduces the original acoustic *rebate 리베이트(대금의 일부를 돌려주는 것)
*acoustic 음향의 **binary 2진법의 ① to get bargains
② to reduce choices
③ to please themselves
④ to extend social boundary
⑤ to be financially recognized
1 연계 적중 핵심정리
1 연계 적중 핵심정리
¥ 연계: 수능완성 실전편 102쪽 36번

¥ 주제: ¥ 연계: 수능완성 실전편 104쪽 39번

¥ Signal: ¥ 주제:

¥ 핵심정리 ¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리

E-연계 최종점검 (윤장환의 영어)

Q5. 요약
Because of the way we treat information, not only
do we occasionally accept inaccurate information,
we actually need it. Making mistakes can be an
18 (영어 6강)
important part of news reporting. While news media
should aim to produce truthful information, it is as Q1. 삽입
important that they get the information out quickly.
Accurate information too late is of little value in Also, there are biological limits to how muscular
news terms. For example, a journalist covering a one can become.
train crash is told by the police chief that there are
In contrast to those who wish to lose weight,
60 people dead, but the ambulance chief says 58,
some—almost always men—want to gain weight.
while the hospital says the number is 59. What
Although not unhealthy, they perceive themselves to
should the journalist report? That a number of
be less attractive and masculine and desire to gain
people were killed, or should he or she choose one
several pounds of muscle. ( ① ) Interestingly, men
of the numbers and try to confirm which is right
who want to gain weight imagine that women prefer
later on? Of course it might be weeks before the
men who are much more muscular than these men
final death toll was determined. Most consumers, I
perceive themselves to be. ( ② ) However, women
suspect, would prefer to know the approximate
generally prefer men with ordinary body sizes
number rather than wonder what range ‘a number
without added muscle. (③) One can try to
of deaths’ came into.
maximize one’s potential for muscularity, however,

by engaging in strength training and consuming

Although it is necessary for the media to report healthy foods to support that activity. ( ④ ) Special

with (A) , sometimes (B) is more diets of “superfoods” and supplements in and of

important. themselves will not produce increased muscularity,

advertising claims notwithstanding. ( ⑤ ) And drugs
(A) (B)
that are claimed to bring about weight (muscle) gain
① accuracy ---- simplicity
are either worthless or dangerous.
② confidence ---- ambiguity
③ accuracy ---- promptness
④ confidence ---- simplicity
⑤ ease ---- promptness 1 연계 적중 핵심정리

¥ 연계: 수능완성 실전편 113쪽 23번

1 연계 적중 핵심정리
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¥ 연계: 수능완성 실전편 112쪽 21번
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¥ 핵심정리
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¥ 핵심정리

Q2. 빈칸 추론 Q3. 어휘 추론
Peter Gollwitzer and colleague Veronika If a producer of chemical dyes is stopped from
Brandstatter found that action triggers are quite polluting a river, the costs of producing his dyes
effective in motivating action. In one study, they might ① increase. He might then have to charge
tracked college students who had the option to higher prices, and the prices of dyed products
earn extra credit in a class by writing a paper might also ② rise. Even so, the overall economy
about how they spent Christmas Eve. But there was might well ③ benefit. If the dye producer’s
a catch: To earn the credit, they had to submit the pollution imposes cleanup costs of $20 million each
paper by December 26. Most students had good year on downstream cities but the cost to the dye
intentions of writing the paper, but only 33 percent producer of using alternative ways to dispose of his
of them got around to writing and submitting it. waste is only $2 million per year, there will be an
Other students in the study were required to set $18 million yearly ④ gain overall if the dye
action triggers— to note, in advance, exactly when producer is prohibited from polluting the river. The
and where they intended to write the report (for dye producer will no doubt complain that
example, “I’ll write this report in my dad’s office environmental regulation is expensive because it
on Christmas morning before everyone gets up”). A costs him $2 million a year, but this accounting
whopping 75 percent of those students wrote the ⑤ involves the $20 million benefit the regulation
report. That’s a pretty astonishing result for such a can bring to others.
small .

① physical effort
② heartful donation
③ time management 1 연계 적중 핵심정리
④ mental investment
⑤ spacial arrangement
¥ 연계: 수능완성 실전편 135쪽 34번

¥ 주제:
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¥ 연계: 수능완성 실전편 121쪽 40번

¥ 핵심정리

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E-연계 최종점검 (윤장환의 영어)

Q4. 빈칸 추론 Q5. 빈칸 추론
How you prepare your food can have as A first-born who has a younger brother or sister
profound an effect on your state of balance as what over other babies. For the first year
you eat. Instinctively we desire warming soups and or two of his life he enjoys the full attention of his
casseroles in the winter and cooling, raw salads new parents and is treated royally as an only child.
and fruits in the summer. Foods that require He learns how much he is loved without any
longer cooking over higher temperatures help us interruptions or interference. His self-respect
keep warm and maintain balance in cold weather. blossoms, and he rates himself as being “worthy of
The reverse is also true — raw fruits and vegetables love.” But then, before he has the chance to
cleanse away excess fat and keep us cool and become self-important, along comes baby number
refreshed when it’s warm. If you are someone who two and suddenly he finds that almost all of the
tends to feel too hot or too cold, consider what parental attention is now focused on this tiny new
you eat and for insight into how you arrival. He has to come to terms with this, but
might start to achieve greater balance. when he does so, he does not lose his own sense
*casserole 캐서롤(찜냄비 요리) of self-worth. This means that he has a solid
foundation of “self” on which he can now build the
① your weight limiting factors of social sharing. The result is a
② cooking time self-assured personality that is capable of a genuine
③ your environment mixing-in with others.
④ water temperature
⑤ freshness of your food
① obtains double benefit
② easily loses self-esteem
③ receives high preference
④ effectively exerts control
⑤ suffers from disadvantage
1 연계 적중 핵심정리

¥ 연계: 수능완성 실전편 136쪽 35번 1 연계 적중 핵심정리

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¥ 연계: 수능완성 실전편 138쪽 39번
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¥ 핵심정리
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¥ 핵심정리

Q2. 어휘 추론
19 (영어 7강)
The anxiety many spectators experience when
looking at and responding to art is well justified.
Art is typically seen in its final resting place, in
museums and galleries, ① disconnected from its
Q1. 삽입 original context. These passive displays ② conceal
most of the history and processes that have
Restoration of keystone species is, therefore, determined the creation, meaning, and value of the
essential in attaining the original state of the work. The mandatory distance between viewers and
ecosystem. art, rightfully observed by institutions, further
③ diminishes the mystery of art. Labels, statements,
Species that are essential for functional and
and other materials are ④ useful aids. However, the
structural integrity of an ecosystem are termed
information, presented as concluding statements
keystone species. Keystone species typically influence
rather than a starting point for critical inquiry,
processes that lead to the formation of a
leaves many viewers with ⑤ unanswered questions.
community. ( ① ) It is often impossible to point to a
How was the art made? Why is it so expensive?
keystone species within functional ecosystems. ( ② )
Why is it in a museum?
Only after a keystone species disappears is the role
✽mandatory 의무적인
they played revealed. ( ③ ) The loss of a keystone
species usually has a large effect on ecosystem
integrity and can even cause disintegration and
collapse. ( ④ ) At the same time a population of a
keystone species declines, another species can invade 1 연계 적중 핵심정리
the vacant niche and replace the keystone species,
thus changing the ecosystem permanently. ( ⑤ )
Although it is a cost-effective approach in ¥ 연계: 수능완성 실전편 151쪽 31번

restoration, it requires great ecological knowledge.

¥ 주제:

¥ Signal:
1 연계 적중 핵심정리
¥ 핵심정리
¥ 연계: 수능완성 실전편 149쪽 28번

¥ 주제:

¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리

E-연계 최종점검 (윤장환의 영어)

Q3. 순서 Q4. 빈칸 추론
When companies are prevented from
In spite of its importance, creativity has not
discriminating among applicants based on age, they
received much attention from scientists. Until very
will be hiring from a larger pool of workers. By
recently, only a few researchers had studied
ensuring training opportunities and rewarding
productivity without regard to age, public and
(A) Because creativity is not a central topic in any private sector employers will experience a deeper
of these fields, these scholars work without big talent pool of people remaining at the company.
research grants, and without a lot of attention Workplaces will be able to go from institutions that
from the leaders of their fields. are often lacking in terms of mentors, to ones that
have plenty of mentors with expertise. Companies
(B) Even so, their research findings have gradually
will have more long-term expertise to draw on
accumulated, and our knowledge about creativity
when making decisions, when brainstorming new
has now attained a critical mass. Perhaps for the
possibilities, and when making innovations to
first time, we hold in our grasp the potential to
improve performance and efficiency. Deutsche Bank
explain creativity.
and John Deer & Co. are just two examples of
(C) Most psychologists instead study what they
companies that have realized benefits from the
believe are more fundamental mental properties—
mutual learning that occurs in teams .
memory, logical reasoning, and attention. But in
recent years psychologists—along with increasing
① that have flexible working hours
numbers of sociologists, anthropologists, theater ② in which cultural diversity exists
experts, and art critics—have increasingly turned ③ where everyone is equally treated
their attention to creativity. ④ that are intentionally multi-generational
✽critical mass 임계량 ⑤ to which all members dedicate themselves

① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C)

③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B) 1 연계 적중 핵심정리
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)

1 연계 적중 핵심정리 ¥ 연계: 수능완성 실전편 163쪽 21번

¥ 주제:
¥ 연계: 수능완성 실전편 154쪽 37번

¥ Signal:
¥ 주제:

¥ 핵심정리
¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리

Q5. 어휘 추론
Words and actions are ① objective; perspectives,
recollections, and interpretations vary even at the
best of times. Ask witnesses to a crime to recount
20 (영어 8강)
what happened, and you likely will get as many
② variations as there are witnesses. No one sees Q1. 연결어
the entire picture, especially in conflict, where
Nature has selected traits in nonsocial animals
emotions produce tunnel vision. To ③ broaden our
that enable them to obtain food, water, air, and
perspective, we need to encourage the other person
other resources directly from the physical
to share their story. What happened from their
environment without the support of other animals.
perspective? We may ④ uncover information that
For social animals, nature selected for the capacity
helps us make sense of what otherwise seemed
to cooperate. (A) , the brains of wolves differ
irrational or hurtful behavior. As challenging as it
substantially from the brains of chickens. Chickens
may be to entertain the possibility of a ⑤ similar
need brains that facilitate their responses to
perspective on our conflicts, it is even more
changes in their physical environment but not
difficult to muster the self-control to hear another’s
brains for adjusting to changes in their fellow
story without correcting or disputing it.
chickens. (B) , their capacity for survival is
✽muster 모으다 not dependent on the cooperation of other
chickens. Wolves, on the other hand, hunt in packs
with established social hierarchies—the strongest
wolf is at the top of the social hierarchy. Thus, the

1 연계 적중 핵심정리 survival of wolves is enhanced by life in the social

context of the pack.
(A) (B)
¥ 연계: 수능완성 실전편 166쪽 28번 ① However --- In addition
② However --- That is
¥ 주제: ③ For example --- Rather
④ As a consequence --- That is
¥ Signal: ⑤ As a consequence --- Rather

¥ 핵심정리
1 연계 적중 핵심정리

¥ 연계: 수능완성 실전편 169쪽 33번

¥ 주제:

¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리

E-연계 최종점검 (윤장환의 영어)

Q2. 순서 Q3. 어법

A good life requires a healthy habitat in which When people face real adversity — disease,
to live, but the evidence shows that a relatively unemployment, or the disabilities of age —
high focus on extrinsic compared to intrinsic affection from a pet takes on new meaning. A pet’s
values is associated with holding attitudes and continuing affection becomes crucially important for
behaving in ways that contribute to those enduring hardship because it reassures them
environmental degradation. ① that their core essence has not been damaged.
Thus pets are important in the treatment of
(A) Those adults high in extrinsic values also act in depressed or chronically ill patients. In addition,
greedier, more ecologically destructive, and less pets are used to ② great advantage with the
sustainable ways when they play forest- institutionalized aged. In such institutions it is
management simulation games in the laboratory, difficult for the staff ③ to retain optimism when all
compared to their more intrinsically oriented the patients are deteriorating. Children who visit
counterparts. cannot help but remember what their parents or
(B) For example, the priority placed on materialistic grandparents once were and ④ were depressed by
(extrinsic) values by U.S. and U.K. adolescents is their incapacities. Animals, however, have no
associated with engaging less frequently in expectations about mental capacity. They do not
ecologically friendly behaviors such as buying worship youth. They have no memories about what
second hand, recycling, riding a bicycle, reusing the aged once were and greet them as if they
paper, and so on. ⑤ were children. An old man holding a puppy can

(C) Also, findings from one study of 400 North relive a childhood moment with complete accuracy.

American adults showed that those who cared more His joy and the animalʼs response are the same.

about extrinsic relative to intrinsic values used

more of Earth’s limited resources to meet their
housing, food, and transportation lifestyle choices.

1 연계 적중 핵심정리
① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C)
③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A) ¥ 연계: 수능완성 실전편 170쪽 35번

1 연계 적중 핵심정리 ¥ 주제:

¥ Signal:
¥ 연계: 수능완성 실전편 169쪽 34번
¥ 핵심정리
¥ 주제:

¥ Signal:

¥ 핵심정리

Q4. 순서 Q5. 순서

For economic reasons, many consumers in their

One of the ethical problems associated with
20s and 30s have been delaying their
technology concerns questions of distributive
independence or becoming boomerangers,
justice and social equality.
meaning they move back in with their parents

(A) However, in other cases, we may feel that such after college or after being on their own.

restricted access to some technologies gives

(A) This trend toward “doubled-up households” isnʼt
certain individuals or groups unfair advantages
confined to the United States: In Australia, for
over others, and we seek to extend access to
instance, a growing number of adult children
everyone in the society.
arenʼt leaving home until their mid-20s or later.
(B) New technologies generally benefit or advantage
(B) For example, in California, more than 30 percent
certain groups or members of society over
of children aged 18 and over now live with their
others—namely, those who have mastery over or
parents, a significant increase over the percentage
access to the technology first. In many cases, we
that lived with their parents in 2000.
think that because such advantages are earned
(C) Boomerangers marry and settle down later and
through hard work or special knowledge they are
have more discretionary income to spend on
therefore deserved.
entertainment because their parents pay for
(C) Public libraries, for instance, were built to ensure
essentials. Compared with peers who live
that everyone could obtain access to books and
independently, boomerangers are more likely to
learning. Today, we are putting computers and
buy items like a new car or the latest electronics.
Internet connections into public schools for the
*discretionary 자유재량의, 임의의
same reason. Questions of social justice and
equality of opportunity thus can be occasioned by
technological innovation. ① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C)
③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C)
③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
1 연계 적중 핵심정리
1 연계 적중 핵심정리
¥ 연계: 수능완성 실전편 172쪽 39번

¥ 연계: 수능완성 실전편 170쪽 36번 ¥ 주제:

¥ 주제: ¥ Signal:

¥ Signal: ¥ 핵심정리

¥ 핵심정리

E-연계 최종점검 (윤장환의 영어)

01강 Q1. ③ Q2. ① Q3. ② Q4. ⑤ Q5. ④
02강 Q1. ④ Q2. ① Q3. ⑤ Q4. ① Q5. ③
03강 Q1. ④ Q2. ④ Q3. ② Q4. ③ Q5. ①
04강 Q1. ③ Q2. ② Q3. ⑤ Q4. ① Q5. ③
05강 Q1. ③ Q2. ⑤ Q3. ① Q4. ③ Q5. ①
06강 Q1. ② Q2. ③ Q3. ④ Q4. ⑤ Q5. ③
07강 Q1. ④ Q2. ④ Q3. ② Q4. ④ Q5. ⑤
08강 Q1. ③ Q2. ④ Q3. ④ Q4. ⑤ Q5. ③
09강 Q1. ① Q2. ③ Q3. ④ Q4. ⑤ Q5. ③
10강 Q1. ③ Q2. ⑤ Q3. ② Q4. ② Q5. ④
11강 Q1. ① Q2. ⑤ Q3. ⑤ Q4. ⑤ Q5. ③
12강 Q1. ③ Q2. ④ Q3. ② Q4. ③ Q5. ③
13강 Q1. ④ Q2. ④ Q3. ③ Q4. ④ Q5. ⑤
14강 Q1. ① Q2. ⑤ Q3. ② Q4. ④ Q5. ①
15강 Q1. ⑤ Q2. ④ Q3. ⑤ Q4. ④ Q5. ④
16강 Q1. ⑤ Q2. ④ Q3. ⑤ Q4. ① Q5. ④
17강 Q1. ④ Q2. ② Q3. ⑤ Q4. ② Q5. ③
18강 Q1. ③ Q2. ④ Q3. ⑤ Q4. ③ Q5. ①
19강 Q1. ⑤ Q2. ③ Q3. ④ Q4. ④ Q5. ⑤
20강 Q1. ④ Q2. ③ Q3. ④ Q4. ② Q5. ②


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