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Philippines is one of five countries that produce half of world’s plastic waste based on

UN report. data from the 2015 study plastic “Plastic waste inputs from land into the

ocean” shows that the Philippines wastes 6,237,653kg (6875.84 tons) of plastic per day,

of which 81% is mismanaged. There are advantages and disadvantages of plastic but the

disadvantages are more than advantages. So there is need to recycle the plastic, to reuse

and to decrease the use of plastic. This machine is used for shredding and extruding

plastic to make waste management easier. The proponents will make this project model

for recycling of plastic wastage in schools, homes, industries etc. in which the plastic

waste is large in quantity. Currently, available machines used to recycle this waste are

costly. The intention behind this project is to process the plastic waste as cheap as

possible. Moreover, benefits of this machine are the reduction of labor work which

results in cost reduction. The machine will be built by following the conventional process

of constructing a plastic shredder and extruder while being integrated through a double

ended shaft AC motor.

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College of Engineering 2018-19


Background of the Study

Plastics have become an essential part of our day to day life since their

introduction over hundred years ago. It is one of the most commonly used materials in the

world today. They come in five major categories; the Polyethylene terephthalate (PET),

the High density polyethylene (HDPE), the Polyvinylchloride (PVC), the Polypropylene

(PP) and the Low density polyethylene (LDPE). The huge quantities of these plastic

categories currently being marketed will ultimately find their way to the waste dump sites.

This is creating waste products problems due to its high amount of waste generated, non-

biodegradability and the fastest depletion of natural resources regarding its short life

cycle, therefore increased amount of material utilized in its production, and waste

generated. Plastic recycling or reprocessing is usually referred to as the process by which

plastic waste material that would otherwise become solid waste are collected, separated,

processed and returned to use.( Ayo et al., Int J Waste Resour 2017)

Precious Plastic is an open-source project that was started in 2013 by Dutch

designer Dave Hakkens. The idea was to make a series of machines that were to decrease

the problem of plastic waste throughout the world by reshaping it into new products on a

local basis. Hakkens suggested that people all over the world could build their own

production line. Thus, this inspired the proponents to make a version. To make them

easier to build using basic materials that are easily available cheaper.

The machine that will be constructed and developed in this study is based on this

open source project.

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College of Engineering 2018-19
Plastic shredder is a machine that reduces used plastic bottles to smaller flake

sizes to enhance its portability, easiness and readiness for use into another new product.

The fundamental design principle of this machine was got from the ancient tradition

method of using scissors to cut materials into reduced form and scratching used by

rabbits when digging or tearing. These two traditional methods were applied in the design

of the machine by fabricating cutting blades to cut the waste plastic while some of cutting

blades have sharp curved edges to draw-in the plastic into the cutting blades teeth. The

waste plastic shredder comprises of four major components, namely; the feeding unit, the

shredding unit, the power unit and the machine frame. The machine will be driven by

double ended shaft AC motor which then will be integrated with an extruder. Plastic

extruder executes extrusion process in which raw plastic is melted and formed into a

continuous profile. The process starts by feeding plastic materials from a hopper into the

barrel of the extruder. The material is gradually melted by the mechanical energy

generated by turning screws and by heaters arranged along the barrel.

Statement of the Problem

Generally, this study aims to develop a functional prototype of single motored

plastic shredder with integrated extruder at minimum costing and innovative version

development. Specifically, it aims to answer the following:

1.1 What will be the design process of the prototype?

1.2 Is it possible to make modular parts of the machine?

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1.3 What development can be made to improve the performance output quality,

assembly and/or user-friendliness of the machine?

1.4 How to minimize the building cost?

Objective of the Study

Hakkens (2013) was clear in his instructions that the Precious Plastic machines

are not perfect and so is under ongoing development by the community. Consequently,

problems were expected to arise during construction and testing since variations in

dimensions and tolerance will depend on the precision of the material, supplier and

manufacturing methods. The actual setup would have to be modified to fit whatever

power supply unit (PSU) that was finally used. To summarize, the main objectives of the

project were to:

a. Build a functional shredding machine with integrated extruder for plastics

waste management and product development.

b. Make an easily detachable modular PSU that can be used for other future


c. Redevelop the machine by modifying its design in terms of size, orientation and

materials used to improve performance, output quality, assembly and/or user-

friendliness, after testing of the machine.

d. If possible, rebuild the machine with the new improvements mentioned in

section c.

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e. Minimize building cost by using cheaper materials and building a smaller


Significance of the Study

This study will be significant to a number of group of people especially schools,

homes and industries. Its main significance is for recycling of plastic materials and

developing a low cost machine use in recycling and extruding moreover, the reduction of

labor work which results in cost reduction.


To the Schools. This machine will aid in the school campaigns in promoting

healthy and greener environment through, shredding and extruding plastic

materials that later can be used as raw materials in developing projects and other

stuffs that are beneficial to the school and to the students.

Homes. This machine will help them recycle in macro level.

To the Industries. The machine will make recycling of plastics in the industries

cheaper through, reduction of labor work which results in cost reduction

To the Future Researchers. Knowledge gained from this study will aid in the

realization of other related studies.

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College of Engineering 2018-19
Scope and Delimitation

2.1 Scope

The project ranged from the complete building and testing of the plastic shredder

and extruder. It will be provided by the open source community and the proponent’s idea

to the development of a new design of shredder and extruder by integrating the 2 systems

through the application of a double ended shaft AC motor. Ultimately, the goal was to

build a physical and functioning version of the new design. No deeper analysis was made

of the throughput of the machine in any of its versions other than a cursory examination if

the desired functionality is fulfilled. To keep the costs to a minimum, the building of the

machine will be done in the school workshop at Eastern Visayas State University- main

campus, Tacloban city.

2.2 Delimitation

The costs will not be accurately calculated as a considerable part of the machining

will be carried out by the availability of the materials furthermore, labor will not be

included. This will be done in between other work which made it difficult to assess the

time spent on this project and the corresponding costs. Besides, the majority of the costs

will be that of the PSU and as such is highly dependent on what is available and varies

greatly. The project will not comprise any type of manual for the machine or protocols

regarding safety in operating or handling the machine. It is up to any user of the machine

to use it responsibly and exercise caution on personal safety and integrity of the machine.

No specific type of plastic will be utilized during the prototype testing. As long as

the machine will be able to shred the material, it will be considered as qualified subject of

the machine. The project duration is from August 2018 to May 2019.

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College of Engineering 2018-19


With the advancement of technology and industrialization, comes up with the

surge of environmental concerns uprising. One of this is plastic pollution which take over

400 years to decompose thus, creating too much environmental impact. This inspired the

proponents to develop a machine that can help in plastic recycling.

Literature Review of the Machines

2.1 Crushing/Shredding of Machine:

The large particles of plastic need to be broken down into small pieces to reduce

storage and transportation space requirement. Such broken down HDPE, PP, and LDPE

plastics can be sold as raw material for plastic production without any further processing.

On the other hand, it can be re-extruded to produce pellets for plastic manufacturing. For

other reason, crushing can also be done to reduce the storage space requirement and easy

transportation for further processing. A crusher should be used for this purpose and the

resultant broken pieces of plastics should be the flake size or less. It is important to

prevent mixing of plastic types to maintain the quality and value of the plastic. Mixed

crushed plastics can be used only for low value and low quality products such as junction

boxes used in electrical work or plastic lumbers. The shredder should comprise of a

rotating set of blades, feeding hopper, and motor. The size of the feeder depends on the

maximum size of plastic that needs to be crushed. (Abdulkarim Jaff, 2016)

2.2 Extruder Machine

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College of Engineering 2018-19
The basic operation of the extrusion process begins with the entering of the

feeding material over the feed hopper. Very often the filling of the extruder barrel from

the hopper is done by gravity forces but sometimes it is supported by vertical orientated

conveying screws. The extrusion material falls hereby into the gap between the extrusion

screw and the barrel and is thereby bounded by the positive and negative flank of the

screw also called “screw channel”. The extrusion screw is thereby rotation inside of the

stationary barrel. Friction forces between the extrusion material and the barrel or

respectively the screw surface are responsible for the transport of the solid state. During

the movement of the plastic material through the barrel it is heated up by frictional heat

and the barrel heaters. If the temperature of the material reaches melting point a melting

film is formed on the barrel surface. The border where one material state changes

depends on polymer properties, machine geometry and operating conditions. When the

solid material moves further into the die direction the amount of plastic material is

reduced because of the melting process. When all solid material is molten the so-called

“plasticating zone” is over and the melt conveying zone begins where the liquid plastic is

finally pumped to the die hole. During the flow through the die channel the plastic

material adopts the shape of the die. After leaving the die channel the material keeps

more or less the shape of the cross section of the die. The pressure needed to force the

liquid plastic material to flow through the channel is also called the die head pressure and

depends on the shape of the die, the temperature of the molten plastic, the flow rate

through the die channel and the rheological properties of the plastic melt. (Proschek,


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Plastic Overview

According to Hassan 2016, plastics are made up of long chain molecules called

polymers. Various types of polymers can be made from hydrocarbons derived from coal,

natural gas, oil and organic oils which are transformed into materials with desirable

properties. Waste is now a global problem, and one that must be addressed in order to

solve the world's resource and energy challenges. Plastics are made from limited

resources such as petroleum, and huge advances are being made in the development of

technologies to recycle plastic waste among other resources. Mechanical recycling

methods to make plastic products and feedstock recycling methods that use plastic as a

raw material in the chemical industry have been widely adopted, and awareness has also

grown recently of the importance of thermal recycling as a means of using plastics as an

energy source to conserve petroleum resources.

Conceptual Framework

In this study, the overall concept is to develop a functional machine prototype of a

plastic shredder with integrated extruder powered by a double ended shaft AC motor.

The process starts with the feeding of plastic materials to the shredder. The accumulated

shredded pieces will then be introduced to the extruder for the extrusion process where it

will be melted through the application of heat (Figure 1.0).

Figure 1.0: Study Flow of Mechanism

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Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined in accordance with its usage in the study.

Extruder- a machine that uses heat and compression to melt the plastic.

Extrusion- is a process to create objects of a fixed cross sectional profile.

Integrated- With various parts or aspects linked or coordinated

Plastic- a synthetic material made from a wide range of organic polymers that can

be molded into shape while soft and then set into rigid or slightly elastic form.

Power System Unit- component that provides electricity to the system.

Shredder- a machine use for shredding materials

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This chapter will cover the detailed explanation of methodology that is being used

by the proponents to make this project complete and working well. The method that will

be used in this study is based on the relevance and needs of the research to achieve the


Research Design

This research will be using four major steps to implement and to answer the

objective of the study. Starting from conceptualization and design development, drawing

and autocad design, fabrication and assembly and testing (Fig. 1.3). All methods that will

be used is for acquiring and analyzing the output.

Research Design Flow Diagram Figure 3.0

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Conceptualization and Design Development

Initial design and planning is being drafted in this section, considering the drafted

scope of the project and the design features required. The establish idea is being finalized

and developed to achieve the desired results.


The arising need of plastic recycling due to its rampant negative impact to

the environment propelled the proponents’ idea in developing a machine that can

help in recycling. Through open project sources such as precious plastic, the

design was conceptualized and developed.

Figure 3.1 shows the generated idea of the proponents.

Figure 3.1 Concept and Design

Drawing and AutoCAD Design

The proponents established idea and design are being defined through drawing

and visual presentation for easy manual purposes (Figure 3.2).

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Figure 3.2 Pre-prototyping Design

Fabrication and Assembly

Based on the design, parts and components needed are being manufactured /

fabricated in preparation to build the prototype. After which, when the parts are

completed. The machine will be assembled.

Control and Modification

This allows the proponent to minimize the effect of all the variables except the

independent variables. The control group receiving no intervention, will be used as a

baseline to compare groups and assess the effect of that intervention. Modification is

being applied when some variable can be improved or change.


This area will be taking measures to check the quality, performance and reliability

of the research output. It will reveal the strength, capabilities and weakness of the


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System Flowchart

Figure 3.3 System Flow chart

The system flow chart in figure 3.3 shows how the machine will work. Given the

integration of the motor which will provide the driving force and electricity to power the

system. Plastics will be collected, cleaned and or sorted before feeding to the hopper of

the shredder to execute the shredding. Amount of shredded plastic which then will be

feed to the extruder is controlled and the extrusion process will start. Conventional

electric fan unit will be utilized to fasten the cooling of the extruded material.

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Data Collection

Data collection is a stage in any area of study. At this point, the proponents will

plan the project resource and requirements, literature study and schedule to get more

information that are beneficial.

All the data will be collected from open source projects, journals, text books and

research papers gathered from the library and the internet.

Research Instruments

The machine prototype will be built with 3 major sections. The shredder, the

double ended shaft AC motor and the extruder.

3.1 Shredder.

The major techniques that will be employed in construction of the designed

machine include machining operation on lathe machine, drilling operations on drilling

machine, boring operation on lathe machine, keyway cutting on slotting machine, flame

cutting using oxyacetylene gas welding machines, grinding for good finishing, electric

welding using arc welding machine. Basically, these constructional techniques were

broken down into four sub-heading namely; cutting operation, machining operation,

welding operation and assembly; and finishing operation. Major parts of the shredder that

is crucial in the shredding process includes:

Hopper- it will serve as the entry point of the plastic that will be shredded.

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Blades- they will be responsible for the cutting of the materials that will be

introduced through the hopper.

Shafting- it will be the handle of the blades. Mechanical force will be channeled

through here to generate motion.

Casing- it will serve as the house and the protection of the machine.

3.2 The MOTOR

The motor will be an AC type with double ended shaft. It will serve as the

interconnection of the two systems. The motor will be responsible for producing

mechanical energy to generate rotation between the shafts. It will be controlled through

installation of a control system. Regarding of its speed and other aspects. Motor

specifications will be considered based on the research needs.

3.3 Extruder

The major techniques that will be employed in construction of the designed

extruder includes machining operation on lathe machine, drilling operations on drilling

machine, boring operation on lathe machine, keyway cutting on slotting machine, flame

cutting using oxyacetylene gas welding machines, grinding for good finishing, electric

welding using arc welding machine. Major parts of the extruder in the extrusion process


Hopper- it will serve as the feeding point of the shredded plastic that will undergo


Screw – it will serve as the transmission system of the liquid to the nozzle.

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Barrel-it will serve as the casing of the screw, heat generating system will be

attached in here.

Heater and Thermocouples- they will generate and provide the heat through the

extrusion process.

Nozzle of the Extruder- its function will be in controlling the dispense ratio of the

extruded materials. It is the exit point.

Control Box- it’s the heart of the machine. It will control the heat and other

factors that are relevant to the operation of the unit.


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Integration of Plastic Shredder and Extruder Machine Using Double Endeed Shaft
AC Motor; A System Design Alteration and Application for MicroWaste

A Project Study Presented to

The Faculty of the College of Engineering
Eastern Visayas State University
Tacloban City

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirement for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering


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College of Engineering 2018-19


Chapter I..........................................................................................................................................2

Background of the Study.....................................................................................................2

Statement of the Problem..................................................................................................4

Objective of the Study...................................................................................................... .4

Significance of the Study.....................................................................................................5

Scope and Delimitation.......................................................................................................6

Chapter II.........................................................................................................................................7

Review of Related Literature and Studies...........................................................................7

Literature Review of the Machines........................................................................8

Plastic Overview.....................................................................................................9

Definition of Terms...........................................................................................................11

Chapter III......................................................................................................................................12


Research Design...................................................................................................12

Conceptualization and Design Development.......................................................13

Conceptualization ..................................................................................13

Drawing and Auto-CAD Design...............................................................14

Fabrication and Assembly....................................................................................14

Control and Modification.....................................................................................15


Data Collection ....................................................................................................16

Research Instruments..........................................................................................16

Side View

Top View

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College of Engineering 2018-19

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