Outline: Indonesian Accreditation Board For Engineering Education (IABEE)

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 About IABEE
 International Engineering Alliance (IEA) &
Indonesian Accreditation Board for International Agreements
Engineering Education (IABEE)  OBE as A Platform for International Level Accreditation
International-level Accreditation for
 IABEE Accreditation & Criteria
Engineering and Computing Programs in Indonesia  Program Eligibility
 Accreditation Procedure & Online Evaluation System
 IABEE Services and Supports
Awareness Seminar Wilayah Jakarta dan Sekitarnya  Towards IABEE Accreditation
di Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi Wilayah III
Jakarta, 14 Februari 2019
1 2

 An accreditation agency for engineering and computing higher
education programs
 IABEE is not a LAM-PS. IABEE accreditation is voluntary, unlike
the mandatory accreditation by LAM-PS
About IABEE  Accreditation is a means to improve quality of higher education
and accountability to the society by implementing OBE
 Currently in the process of applying for the provisional status of
the Washington Accord (WA) in 2019
 WA is a multilateral agreement between the institutions
responsible for engineering higher education accreditation that
works together to help the mobility of engineering practitioners


IABEE … IABEE Organization Structure

 WA requires that the accreditation body must be

independent of the government (NGO)
 Therefore, IABEE is established as an autonomous
department within the Institution of Engineers Indonesia
 IABEE was initiated by DGHE with the support from JICA
 Declared in November 19, 2015; inaugurated in March 13,

5 6

IABEE Executive Committee

• Prof. Misri Gozan, professor in chemical engineering at UI, Chair of Executive
• Prof. Muhammad Romli, professor in agroindustrial engineering at IPB, Chair of
International Affairs Committee
• Prof. Satryo Soemantri Brodjonegoro, emeritus professor in mechanical engineering at
ITB, former Chair of Executive committee
• Prof. Sudjarwadi, emeritus professor in civil engineering at UGM, Chair of Criteria
IEA & International Agreements
• Prof. Tresna P. Soemardi, professor in mechanical/biomechanical, product innovation,
design, prototyping and development at UI
• Prof. Siti Hartati, professor in computer science at UGM
• Dr. Heru Dewanto, President of PII
• Ir. Faizal Safa, Executive Director of PII
• Ir. Tjipto Kusumo, PII Chair of CPD, Chair of Finance Committee
• Dr. Arief Syaichu Rohman, ITB, Chair of Evaluation and Accreditation Committee
• Berlian Kushari, UII, Secretary General


International Engineering Alliance (IEA) and WA

IEA is an umbrella organization for 7 international “How do we build mutual
understanding among
agreements which establish and enforce amongst
nations about the quality of
their members internationally-benchmarked engineers who enter the
standards for engineering education and what is globally connected
termed “entry level” competence to practice workplace?”
George Peterson, WA Secretariat
Educational Accords Competence Agreements
Washington Accord: agreement IPEA: standard competencies
Engineer between bodies responsible for for professional engineer
accrediting engineering degree APEC Agreement: standard
programs competencies for PE within
APEC Economies
Sidney Accord: engineering IETA: standard competencies
technology academic programs for engineering technologist
Technicians Dublin Accord: educational base for AIET: standard competencies
engineering technicians for engineering technicians

IEA Graduate Attributes Education: First Step To Professional

• Graduate attributes form a set of 1. Engineering Knowledge

2. Problem Analysis
individually assessable outcomes that are
3. Design/development of
the components indicative of the Solutions “The education
graduate's potential to acquire
competence to practice at the appropriate
4. Investigation
5. Modern Tool Usage
stage is followed
level 6. The Engineer and by a period of
• Graduate attributes are clear, succinct Society
statements of the expected capability, 7. Environment and supervised training
qualified if necessary by a range indication 8. Ethics while gaining
appropriate to the type of program
• The IEA Graduate Attributes are intended
9. Individual and Team
experience in
to assist Signatories and Provisional 10. Communication engineering
Members to develop outcomes-based 11. Project Management
accreditation criteria for use by their and Finance practice”
12. Life-long Learning
respective jurisdictions



Substantial Substantial Equivalence

Equivalence and WA & the Washington Accord
• Basis of agreement of the
Washington Accord (WA):
means that two programs, substantially equivalent P1 P1
while not meeting a single set Training accreditation systems leading to P5 P2
and recognition of substantial P4 IABEE P2 JABEE

of criteria, are both acceptable equivalent of programs in satisfying

Experience P3
P4 P3
as preparing their respective academic requirements for the
graduates to enter formative practice of engineering at
professional level P1
the WA P1
development toward P6 P2
registration. Signatory A Signatory B • Graduates of accredited programs in XYZ ABET

Accredited Substantial Accredited any signatory country are recognized P3 P2 P5 P3

Program Equivalence Program by the other signatory countries as P4
having met the academic
requirements for entry to the
practice of engineering

XYZ = accrediting bodies (ABET, JABEE, IABEE, etc.), P = study program

WA Membership
Process ABET (USA)
Engineers Canada
Accreditation Bodies
6 Founding Members
Provisional Status Signatory
ECUK (UK) HKIE (Hong Kong) No system at that time 1995

to be a EA (Australia),
EngIRE (Ireland)
ECSA (South Africa)
JABEE (Japan)
IES (Singapore)
IPENZ (New Zealand)

Professional BEM (Malaysia)

ASIIN (Germany)
ABEEK (RP Korea)
2003 but was removed in 2013


Engineer: IEET (Chinese Taipei)

AEER (Russia)
NBA (India)
IESL (Sri Lanka) 2007 2014
MUDEK (Turkey) 2010 2011
PEC (Pakistan) 2010 2017
COE (Thailand) Submitted in 2010 but was differed
IEB (Bangladesh) 2011
CAST (PR China) 2013 2016
PTC (The Philippines) 2013

Japan Case ICACIT (Peru)

CFIA (Costa Rica)

CACEI (Mexico) 2016

ACREDITA CI (Chile) 2018
(Under Preparation)
Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Myanmar, the Netherland



The Seoul Accord IABEE Preparation for WA Membership

• Computing and IT related fields are classified as a different category of
profession from engineering.
• The Seoul Accord was established in 2008 as a multi-lateral agreement Evaluators WA Provisional
trained Status
among agencies responsible for accreditation or recognition of tertiary- WA
level computing and IT-related qualifications. Rules and Accredit
• ABEEK (Korea), ABET (USA), JABEE (Japan), Australian Computer Society, Procedures for Study
British Computer Society and Canadian Information Processing Society are Evaluation
On-line Programs
Accreditation (at least 25)
the founding members. The first 3 are signatories of the WA and the last 3 established
are computer societies. established
• The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) and the Institution of Accreditation Criteria
Engineering Education Taiwan (IEET), which are both signatories of WA established
joined the Seoul Accord latter. Engineers Ireland, Institute of IT Professional
New Zealand and The Philippine Information and Computing Accreditation 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2021
Board are provisional members.

17 18

Outcome-Based Education (OBE)

• An educational philosophy/model where the teaching
and learning approaches are based on a set of
OBE as A Platform for "expected outcomes" that have been previously set.
International Level Accreditation • "Outcomes" are a set of values or attributes about
what must be achieved/mastered by students after
completing a certain level of learning.
• Educational system platform for international level


Why OBE? OBE Approach

• The need for quality and accountable education,
because the funds come from the community
• Accountability is indicated by the quality of graduates vision, mission
and knowledge for the welfare of society
• The community must know the performance of the Program Educational Objectives
university; accreditation provides objective information
• In global competition, mutual recognition plays an
Graduate Outcomes
important role in increasing competitiveness
• OBE provides a mechanism for objective international Course-1 Course-2 Course-n
recognition Outcomes Outcomes Outcomes

Focus on learning outcomes Engineering Program Accreditation

Deliver forward-design backward curriculum
Constructive alignment
Expanded learning opportunities

• Compulsory • Voluntary
• Input-based evaluation • Outcome-based
• One size fits all criteria • Field specific criteria
• Ranking system • No ranking
4 • National level • International level

prinsip • Continual


Concept of OBE Accreditation

Designed learning outcomes

to be achieved

Actual knowledge and

P4 abilities of the graduates IABEE Accreditation & Criteria

Required level by the society



IABEE Accreditation Principles Importance of IABEE Accreditation

 Voluntary, internally driven (program attitude towards
quality); and therefore accreditation is not the purpose,  For students and graduates
rather a means for improvement Gain education basics that meet global standards, in line
with science and technology development, support career
 Accreditation is based on Learning Outcomes, which is self- and professional success, and wider employment
determined by the program according to the vision, opportunities
identity and uniqueness, resources, and user needs; and  For programs and education institutions
therefore accreditation is not to rank nor to compare By voluntary nature, programs demonstrate a commitment
among programs to provide quality education and global recognition.
 International equivalency (IEA graduate attributes)  For industry, government and stakeholders
 Third-party evaluation (independent, autonomous, NGO) Opportunity to provide feedback on employment needs,
facilitate professional mobility, more accountable to the
 Accountable to society (outcome-based, answering the community.
need of stakeholders)

27 28


IABEE Accreditation Criteria IABEE Accreditation Criteria

To be accredited, a program shall meet • Common Criteria
– Adoption of Outcome-based Education (OBE) approach
 Accreditation Criteria • Orientation of the Graduate Outcomes
Central role of the Criteria in
• Learning Implementation: Curriculum, Faculty, Student, Academic
• Common Criteria Atmosphere, Facility, Institutional Support
• Assessment of the expected Learning Outcomes
IABEE Accreditation:
 As the reference for Study
– Implementation of P-D-C-A cycle: Continual Improvement
• Criteria Guide based on Learning Outcomes Evaluation
Program to conduct self-
• Discipline Criteria (13/19 Chapters of • Criteria Guide  As the reference for IABEE
evaluators to review SP
– Explanation of the Common Criteria
PII) • Discipline Criteria
 As the basis for IABEE to
• Category Criteria (S1, S2 and S3) – Take into account specific needs for different engineering and
computing fields
award accreditation status

 Rule and Procedure of Evaluation and – Related mostly to curriculum content and faculty member


IABEE Common Criteria IEA Graduate Attributes vs

IABEE Learning Outcomes Criteria (a)–(j)
• Continual improvements based on IEA GA IABEE Criterion
LOs evaluation (4.1)
• Documents, records, and 1 Engineering Knowledge 1.3 a
improvements are maintained (4.2)
2 Problem Analysis 1.3 d
3 Design/development of solutions 1.3 b
Graduates Professional Profile 4 Investigation 1.3 c
Students &
teaching-learning 5 Modern Tool Usage 1.3 e
Process • Learning Outcomes are
• Envisaged APP is 6 The Engineer and Society 1.3 i
established based on the
defined (1.1.) and
High school envisaged APP, General
• Curriculum (2.1) Criteria requirements
informed to all 7 Environment and Sustainability 1.3 b
graduates faculty, students,
• Faculty (2.2) (1.3.1 and 1.3.2), and
• Students & and general public 8 Ethics 1.3 i
Discipline Criteria (1.3.3.)
academic (1.2.)
• Performance indicators, 9 Individual and Team work 1.3 h
• Entry atmosphere (2.3) assessment plan and
requirements • Facility (2.4) method are defined for 10 Communication 1.3 f
(2.3) are • Institutionla each LO (1.3.3.)
defined & responsibility (2.5) • LOs attainment is
11 Project Management and Finance 1.3 g
announced measured (3.1.) and 12 Life long learning 1.3 j
assured for the graduates
(3.2.) 32


IABEE Discipline Criteria

for Engineering IABEE Discipline Criteria
 Chemical, biochemical, biomolecular and similarly named eng. programs
for Computing
 Environmental eng. and similarly named eng. programs
 Ocean eng. and similarly named eng. programs
 Computer science / informatics and similarly named
 Agricultural and/or biosystem eng.
 Civil eng. and similarly named eng. programs programs
 Electrical, computer, communications, telecommunication eng. and similarly  Information systems and similarly named programs
named eng. programs  Information technology and similarly named programs
 Engineering physics and similarly named eng. programs
 Software engineering and similarly named programs
 Geodetic, geomatics eng.
 Industrial eng. and similarly named eng. programs
 Computer systems and similarly named programs
 Materials, metallurgical eng. and similarly named eng. programs
 Mechanical eng.
 Nuclear eng. and similarly named eng. programs

Discipline Criteria

Program Eligibility



Accreditation Types Is Your Program Eligible to Apply?

General Accreditation Provisional Accreditation
 General Accreditation, intended for programs that (1) The associated Program Operating Institution (POI) (1) The associated Program Operating Institution has
has obtained National Accreditation for Institution obtained National Accreditation for Institution status
have implemented outcome-based education system status with a minimum rank of “B”. with a minimum rank of „B‟.
and at the time of the evaluation process has (2) The Program has obtained National Accreditation
status ranked “A”.
(2) The Program has obtained National Accreditation
status at least ranked “B”.
produced graduates with the system (3) The Program is a bachelor-level program in an
engineering or computing discipline with a curricular
(3) The Program is a bachelor-level program in an
engineering or computing discipline with a curricular
 A-accredited program; min B-accredited study period of four years, and with a total course-
load of a minimum of 144 credit units.
study period of four years, and with a total credit of a
minimum of 144 credit units.
institution (4) The Program is at least in the 4 th year of continuous
Outcome-Based Education (OBE) implementation.
(4) The Program has implemented Outcome-Based
Education (OBE) at least for one year before
 Provisional Accreditation, intended for programs (5) The OBE shall include assessment and evaluation
of the Learning Outcomes of the students. (5)
applying for the evaluation.
The Program has established and publicized the
that have implemented outcome-based education (6) By the time of the on-site visit evaluation, the
Program has produced at least one graduate under
Autonomous Professional Profile statement
formulated as its educational objectives.
system and at least the first year students have its OBE system. (6) The Program has established and publicized its
(7) The Program has established and publicized the Learning Outcomes as the basis for developing its
completed learning with the system. Autonomous Professional Profile statement curriculum and learning methods
formulated as its educational objectives.
 Min B-accredited program and institution (8) The Program has established and publicized its
Learning Outcomes as the basis for developing its
curriculum and learning methods.

37 38

Accreditation Procedure
Application/ Eligibility Desk/Initial
Profile & SER
Registration Check Review

Accreditation Procedure & Evaluation Team

Online Evaluation System Evaluator Program

Final Report Response Visit

Discipline EAC Accreditation

Harmonization Harmonization Council



Evaluation Team Online Evaluation System

 Consists of 3 evaluators, typically
• 2 academics
• 1 industry/practitioner
• (optional) observers: evaluator-in-
training, interested parties
 Evaluator competence
 Ethics (evaluator code of conduct)
 Conflict of interest

41 42

Online Self-Evaluation Report Evaluation for General Accreditation

• Your program will be judged against each
of these 12 criteria
• Four possible judgments for each
criterion: (A)cceptable, (C)oncern,
(W)eakness, or (D)eficiency
• Your program will be accredited if there
is no “D”
• 5-year accreditation (full) will be granted
if your program receives “A” or “C”
• 2-year accreditation (interim) will be
granted if your program has “W”
(improvement report and evaluation



General Accreditation Decision Evaluation for Provisional Accreditation

• A program applying for PA will be
 Accredited for a 5-year period evaluated to measure its potentials
 Accredited for a 2-year period, followed by of meeting the Accreditation
interim evaluation without site visit Criteria within a foreseeable future
(2-4 years).
 Accredited for a 2-year period, followed by • Potential programs will be granted
interim evaluation with site visits a “Provisionally Accredited” status
 Not accredited • Non-potential programs will be
given a “Not Accredited” status

45 46

IABEE Services
Training/seminar Topics Schedule
IABEE Awareness About IABEE, Surabaya: 12/2
Seminar introduction to OBE, Palembang: 14/2
IABEE Accreditation Jakarta: 14/2
IABEE Services and Supports criteria and system

IABEE Evaluator on-line module, Juli – Agustus 2019

Training face-to-face
training, observer
(evaluator in


Outcome-based Education Training (1) Outcome-based Education Training (2)

Training Materi Jadwal
Training Topics Schedule 1. Pengantar Pendidikan berbasis
In-house Training
konsep, dan prinsip OBE, sistem 4 jam, tempat: menyeseuaikan
Reguler Training (4 hari) Capaian Pembelajaran (Outcome-
based Education) untuk pimpinan PT.
pengelolaan dan penjaminan mutu
lokasi PT

PRIORITIES (Program OBE, learning Jakarta Yogya Surabaya 2. Pengantar Pendidikan berbasis Konsep OBE, Capaian pembelajaran, 1.5 hari, tempat: menyeseuaikan
Capaian Pembelajaran untuk redesain kurikulum dan asesmen. lokasi PT
for Redesigning and outcomes, curriculum 5 to 8/3 26/2 to 23 to pimpinan program, penjaminan mutu
Implementing design, teaching and 6 to 9/8 1/3 26/6 dan dosen
3. Desain Kurikulum berbasis Capaian tujuan pendidikan, capaian 2 hari, tempat: menyesuaikan lokasi
Outcomes-based learning, assessment 12 to 30/7 to Pembelajaran (Outcome- pembelajaran, redesain kurikulum PT
Curriculum, Teaching- methods, change 15/11 2/8 based Curriculum)
4. Desain Pembelajaran dalam OBE konsep dan implementasi 2 hari, tempat: menyesuaikan lokasi
Learning-Assessment management, and 5 to (Outcome-based Teaching-Learning) pembelajaran aktif dalam sistem OBE PT

and Evaluating outcome-based quality 8/11 5. Desain Asesmen dalam OBE konsep dan metoda asesmen capaian 2 hari, tempat: menyesuaikan lokasi
Systematically) assurance system. (Outcome-based Assessment) pembelajaran (tingkat MK dan PT
Program studi)
6. Capstone Course/Design definisi, tujuan dan konsep serta 2 hari, tempat: menyesuaikan lokasi
contoh capstone course, sesuai PT
program studi

Candidate Evaluator Training

Application Module

Performance Face-to-Face Performance Towards IABEE Accreditation

Evaluation Training Evaluation

Assignment as Performance
Observer Evaluation



Possible strategy for preparing your program Step no. Activity Evaluation Type*) Period or Completion Deadline
1 PR & POIR registration EGA, EPA, IE 1-15 April
towards IABEE accreditation (fast option) 2
PR & POIR registration verification
Application for Program evaluation
1-15 April
1-15 April
4 Program eligibility verification EGA & EPA 1-15 April
5 Evaluation scheduling EGA, EPA, IE 20 April
1st graduate of OBE 6 Notice of evaluation kickoff & invoicing EGA, EPA, IE 21 April
system expected 7 EAC Discipline assignment EGA, EPA, IE 15-20 April
PA granted 8 Evaluation Team members selection EGA, EPA, IE 15-20 April
Learn IABEE (optional)
Apply Provisional 9 Evaluation Team Chair assignment EGA Only 15-20 April
Common & Accreditation to Accreditation 10 Approval of evaluation observers EGA Only 15-20 April
Discipline Criteria, Implement OBE IABEE (optional) 11 Evaluation Team acceptance EGA, EPA, IE 8 May
RPEA + PDCA status granted
Apply General 12 Final Evaluation Team confirmation EGA, EPA, IE 8 May
General review of Recruit new Continue 13 Completed SER submission EGA, EPA, IE 30 June
Accreditation to
your curriculum & students OBE+PDCA 14 Full payment reception EGA, EPA, IE 1 May
education system for 3rd year 15 Program First Evaluation EGA, EPA, IE 31 July
Continue Submit Self
OBE+PDCA 16 Program Second Evaluation EGA only 15 August
OBE+PDCA design Measure & Evaluation Report 17 Program First Response EGA, EPA, IE 15 September
Staff conditioning assess PLOs for 2nd year Desk evaluation by 18 Program Third Evaluation EGA Only 30 September
development IABEE 19 On-Site Visit Planning EGA, EPA, IE-V 7 October
20 On-Site Visit EGA, EPA, IE-V 7 November
Onsite visit
21 Exit Meeting EGA, EPA, IE-V 7 November
22 Program First Evaluation EGA, IE-V 7-14 November
23 Program Second Response EGA, IE-V 14 November
24 Program Second Evaluation EGA, IE-V 28 November
25 Program Final Response EGA, IE 28 December
26 Program Final Report EGA, EPA, IE 15 January
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
27 EAC Discipline Harmonization EGA, IE 31 January
28 EAC Plenary Meeting EGA, EPA, IE 1 February
Assumption: your program has just 29 Accreditation Decision EGA, EPA, IE 15 March
considered to adopt OBE in 2019 53 30 Accreditation Announcement EGA, EPA, IE 31 March

IABEE Website

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